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24 answers

At the time of Satan’s act in causing Eve and then Adam to rebel against God, God said to the serpent (actually speaking to Satan, since a mere beast could not understand the issues involved): “Dust is what you will eat all the days of your life. And I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel.” (Genesis 3:14, 15) Here God made it known that Satan, cast outside God’s holy organization, would have no life-sustaining hope but would ‘eat dust,’ as it were, until he died. The “seed” eventually was to bruise him in the head, which would signify a death wound. When Christ was on earth, the demons identified him as the One who was to hurl them into the “abyss,” evidently a condition of restraint that in the parallel account is spoken of as “torment.”—Matthew 8:29; Luke 8:30, 31.

In the book of Revelation, we find described the last days of Satan and his end. Revelation reports that at the time of Christ’s taking Kingdom power, Satan is hurled down out of heaven to the earth, no longer having access to the heavens, as he did in the days of Job and for centuries thereafter. (Revelation 12:7-12) After this defeat Satan has only a “short period of time,” during which he makes war with “the remaining ones of [the woman’s] seed, who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus.” In his efforts to devour the remaining ones of the woman’s seed, he is called “the dragon,” a swallower or crusher. (Revelation 12:16, 17; compare Jeremiah 51:34, where Jeremiah speaks for Jerusalem and Judah, saying: “Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon . . . has swallowed me down like a big snake [or “a dragon”) In the earlier description of his fight against the woman and his efforts to devour her man child, he is pictured as “a great fiery-colored dragon.”—Revelation 12:3.

Revelation’s 20th chapter describes Satan’s being bound and abyssed for a thousand years, at the hands of a great angel—doubtless Jesus Christ, who has the key of the abyss and who is the “seed” to bruise Satan’s head.

Satan’s final effort culminates in permanent defeat. The prophecy says that he is to be let loose for “a little while” as soon as Christ’s Thousand Year Reign is ended and that he will lead rebellious persons in another attack upon God’s sovereignty; but he is hurled (along with his demons) into the lake of fire and sulfur, everlasting destruction.—Revelation 20:1-3, 7-10; Matthew 25:41.

What is meant by ‘handing a person over to Satan for destruction of the flesh’?

In instructing the congregation at Corinth as to the action to take toward a member of the congregation who had wickedly been committing incest with the wife of his father, the apostle Paul wrote: “Hand such a man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh.” (1Corinthians 5:5) This was a command to expel the man from the congregation, cutting off all fellowship with him. (1Corinthians 5:13) Turning him over to Satan would put him out of the congregation and into the world over which Satan is the god and ruler. Like “a little leaven” in “the whole lump” of dough, this man was “the flesh,” or fleshly element inside the congregation; and by removing this incestuous man, the spiritually minded congregation would destroy “the flesh” from the midst of it. (1Corinthians 5:6, 7) Similarly, Paul handed Hymenaeus and Alexander over to Satan, because they had thrust aside faith and a good conscience and had experienced shipwreck concerning their faith.—1Timothy 1:20.

Later, the incestuous man in Corinth apparently repented from his wrongdoing and cleaned up, prompting the apostle Paul to recommend his being received back into the congregation. In exhorting them to forgiveness, he gave as one of the reasons, “that we may not be overreached by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his designs.” (2Corinthians 2:11) In the first instance, Satan had brought the congregation into a bad condition in which they had to be reproved by the apostle, for they were too lenient, in fact, were letting the wicked man carry on his practice without regard for the reproach it brought, being “puffed up” in allowing it. (1Corinthians 5:2) But on the other hand, if they now swung to the other extreme and refused forgiveness to the repentant one, Satan would be overreaching them in another direction, namely, that he could take advantage of their becoming hard and unforgiving. Through God’s Word, Christians are enlightened to realize Satan’s existence, his power, his designs and purposes, and his manner of operation, so that they can fight this spiritual foe with the spiritual weapons God provides.—Ephesians 6:13-17.

Definitely Satan was cast out of the heavens with his demons in 1914 Jehovah God, and he and them (satan and demons) are down here in earth with us...this is why things are so bad, but at Armageddon those that chose godly standards will receive life with no futhre pain and suffering and death will be removed from mankind. Satan and his demons will be locked away for 1000 years, then a final small test, then they and anyone who failed the small test will be destroyed completely, forever.

Satan didn't cast Jehovah or Jesus or the myriads of angels out of heaven, he and his demons were cast out. Who has more power?

Lastly, remember this:
2 Peter 3: 8 - 10

"However, let this one fact not be escaping YOUR notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. Yet Jehovah’s day will come as a thief..."

2007-06-29 04:30:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Satan is not the opposite of God. Satan is a creation of God. He was created as an angel and decided he was more powerful than God. He and some followers then rebelled against God and were cast out of paradise. He is not as powerful as God. He is under limitations (see the book of Job).

2007-06-29 11:22:20 · answer #2 · answered by Seeking answers in Him 3 · 2 0

Satan is in opposition, not the "opposite" so to speak.
Nor does Satan have equal power to God, never did never will.

2007-06-29 11:52:54 · answer #3 · answered by thankyou "iana" 6 · 1 0

Satan is of the creation of God. Therefor he only has the power which God wills to give him. And if God so willed, he could squish him like a bug. Satan was created as a test for Mankind, to see whether we would follow what God commands, or choose to go astray by listening to Satan.

2007-06-29 11:22:23 · answer #4 · answered by Red Dragon 2007 {Free Palestine} 4 · 1 0

Satan is powerful, just not as powerful as God. Satan (Lucifer) started off as an important angel in Heaven, but then tried to recruit other angels to become more powerful than God and to beat Him. Well, nobody is more powerful than God, so God kicked him out of heaven where he roamed earth and promoted evil. Since God gave us free will, we are able to fall under Satan's traps, but that does not mean that God can't save us from them. So no, Satan is not as powerful as God

2007-06-29 11:21:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

First off Satan is not as powerful as God. No one is nor will they ever be. And Satan will only have the power he has now until God comes back in X amount of time.

2007-06-29 11:20:55 · answer #6 · answered by Brooke 2 · 2 1

Satan was a powerful angel that God cast out. If God cast him out, God must be more powerful. ALthough Satan has certainly shown himself to still have power. Just look around you at what we are doing to ourselves and each other.

2007-06-29 11:21:04 · answer #7 · answered by randy 7 · 1 0

Well................................ Satan is a fallen disobedient angle, and stands for ever things that is evil and he wants to destroy your soul. He's trying to get as much people into hell so he won't be alone when his is chained down for thousands of years. God stands for everything that is pure, righteous and holy he wants every soul to be saved and have everlasting life, not in the lake of fire, burning for all eternity and having bugs eating at you flesh non stop, but he wants you in heaven rejoicing and giving him praise, honor and worshiping with the angles. God had the power to do all things and Satan can only do what God allows him to do. So no they are not the same in power just in good and evil.

2007-06-29 11:25:22 · answer #8 · answered by Singingmama 2 · 1 0

Satan is just another created being just like any other angel. That makes him nowhere near as powerful as God is.

2007-06-29 11:30:37 · answer #9 · answered by Deof Movestofca 7 · 1 0

Satan is powerful, he gets to alot of people everyday, but God is the Most powerful...Satan wants all of the peole who beleive and worship god and he will do anything to get them.

2007-06-29 11:28:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

He's not the opposite of God. In the Christian theology, he is an angel, Lucifer, who has opposed God, tempted Jesus, etc., and will eventually be cast out of heaven in a war as John wrote about in the Book of Revelation. He will make mischief on Earth for a while, and then be bound up for 1,000 years, after which he will be set free for a short time until judgment day. On judgment day he is cast into the Lake of Fire and faces the second death, the spiritual death, faced by those who are not in the Book of Life.

2007-06-29 11:28:20 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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