He shouldn't, if we came from Him.
2007-06-29 04:10:35
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Lol. Why do most people attack the Christian God when debating the existance of God? What if God was the Tao from Taoism? :O. You can't just disprove it with your "WHOMGZ TEH BIBLE IS CONTRADICTING!!!!!" Honestly, there are a lot more dipictions of God(s) than the monothiestic one.
Why does anything exist? Why does anything happen? Just because chances might be 1 in 999999999 trillion, doesn't mean that 1 will not be chosen :P
2007-06-29 04:16:06
answer #2
answered by lufiabuu 4
God has ALWAYS existed. He created the concept of time for us, along with everything else in this universe and beyond. He exists for reasons we do not know, but some things we just can't comprehend. He's always existed, because that's the way His plan was, and He will never cease to exist. God is forever, He is everything.
2007-06-29 04:14:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
God exists in the mind's of those who want him/her to exist. It does not necessarily mean though that he/she does exist though. He/She exists to give people some sort of balance in their lives, some sort of happiness that they need to make it through their lives. A lot of people ponder "Why are we here?" and looking to an almighty power sometimes seems like the best explanation. (:
2007-06-29 04:12:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
God exists as the creator of the universe, the creator of all the was, is and will be. God is the fianl judge for all mankind. We can prove that God exists how else would we be here?
2007-06-29 04:13:17
answer #5
answered by redhawk1991 2
According to the bible he has always existed so there is no reason why, he just does. Everything in our universe had a cause, but there must have been one thing that wasn't caused (therefore it is eternal) that caused our existence. Christians/ Jews and Muslims believe that God is that eternal cause while Atheist/ Naturalist believe that energy and matter are the eternal cause.
2007-06-29 04:15:39
answer #6
answered by wiley16350 3
Because if God didn't exist then man kind and anything/everything else wouldn't exist.
2007-06-29 04:11:15
answer #7
answered by Brooke 2
God doesn't exist. The idea of God exists because men exist.
When men developed primitive societies, they began to observe themselves and observe nature. They began a process of anthropomorphism, which is for the laymen out there, the act of placing human attributes on things that are not human.
Humans naturally think the world revolves around them, this is why they view themselves superior to other animals, and this is why they developed the concept of the soul and afterlife, to make themselves superior to nature.
They also needed a method to justify their superiority. So of course, the Christian god made them "in his image" and the Christian god contains all the aspects that human society values: Love, Intelligence, Wisdom.
The god of the llamas would be a giant llama. The god of the tigers would be a giant tiger.
Similarly, the god of the humans is a human.
2007-06-29 04:10:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I didn't know that one did. I thought logic had proved over and over again that nothing exists outside the natural world...silly me for not allowing fanatics to brain wash me.
2007-06-29 04:12:59
answer #9
answered by God: The Failed Hypothesis 3
God "exists" to give people morals and to make people "politically correct" because that's what the government wants
2007-06-29 04:11:53
answer #10
answered by KBoj14 2
We as people who use very little of our brain! People where not ment to know everything but to me he exist for us. For if it where not for him would we be here? Just a thought hope it helped=)
2007-06-29 04:18:17
answer #11
answered by alisa d 2