cooking and receipes?
I can't stand her, she has had everything handed to her, and acts the dumba** spoilt brat.
she comes over as arrogant, and frankly pretty stupid, I don't really understand why she's famous tho,
she doesn't actually do anything herself, she just has alot of money cause mummy and daddy own a big famous line of hotels...
2007-06-29 02:31:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I don't know her to say I hate her or like her but I am sick and tired of seeing her plastered all over tv, net and magazines.
She hasn't even done anything othe than a couple little movies which she suc ked in.
I just get tired of hearing about her all the time, yes she is extremely rich, wow, who gives a crap.
well, apparantly a lot of people do.
I woul love to open a magazine, turn the tv on and NOT see her face. She's not even really that pretty.
2007-06-29 02:31:46
answer #2
answered by CAM 5
HATE HER!!! If any of us tried to pull the crap that she has, we'd be in the slammer for life......She's a spoiled brat!!! So she has money and is an "heiress" to the Hilton Hotel fortune fame............SHE didn't make the money, just spends it.......Maybe she'll do us all a big favor and find a big bottle of sleeping pills and a bottle of vodka..........'Nuff Said........
2007-06-29 08:52:26
answer #3
answered by ? 7
I dont care i'm fed up with the media high lighting a bembo like she's a princess
2007-06-29 10:49:44
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
All the talk about Paris is becoming irritating.
2007-06-29 02:49:40
answer #5
answered by miss bean 3
I don't care either way all I know is she is to skinny and I wonder how this is a food and drink question. She doesn't look like she eats although we know she drinks and drives.
2007-06-29 02:32:04
answer #6
answered by upallniteowl 5
She's boring. Way too boring to talk about in a cooking thread.
2007-06-29 03:01:48
answer #7
answered by Clare 7
shes taking up space and oxygen that a person who actually contributes to society could use, shes usless stupid and a waste of time and effort
2007-06-29 02:43:39
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
She looks beautiful --- like a DOLL....
But I do not really care.
I cannot hate her --- I do not love her...
Sorry! Honest : Aaron.
2007-06-29 02:41:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i like pris hiltion because she is ver nice and giving yes she has done bad things but nobodys pefcet u probaly did drugs or did drunk driving. when u were young or if u r now u like to party right i luv paris to death shes so kool thts y i like pairs
2007-06-29 02:30:25
answer #10
answered by Sami 1