You are one deep thinking kid. No, you are not mentally ill. Maybe I'm mistaken, but it seems to me that on some level you are aware of an aspect of yourself that is not your body, when you refer to yourself as genderless, as someone watching yourself from the outside. Is that genderless one the one who sees through your body's eyes, hears through your body's ears, thinks with your body's brain? Consider that such an experience reveals that you are much more than a piece of meat. No mere animal can experience what you've experienced, think what you've thought. No mere animal can be self-aware like you and question its existence.
I first had similar experiences when I was around 11 or 12 yrs old. I lay on the picnic table in the backyard of my house looking at the sky, the stars, feeling the wind, watching the wisps of clouds rush across the sky and felt a very clear sense of myself not as my body. Is that similar? I've continued to periodically have these kinds of experiences as an adult when I'm in nature, totally focused on the light filtering through the trees, the smell of the earth, the view of being over the clouds, the absolute silence in the mountains, the painful cleanness of the air when I breathe. These moments come and stun me senseless body-wise, but leave me completely alive, there, existent, beyond anything my body could be. Although i may be a little eccentric to some, even to myself, I am totally okay and have wonderful friends and family and a powerfully satisfying life.
2007-06-28 19:35:18
answer #1
answered by jaicee 6
You sound EXACTLY LIKE ME when I was 15! That was 20 yrs ago, but I remember the time very well. I would say search out God in everything. I know that back and forth feeling very well. It is hard for us in the West because we consider Christianity to be synonomous with religion, like it's either that or nothing. Seeing you're such a deep person, I guess you've already figured out that to believe in the Bible you have to forsake your reason to a certain extent. I'm sure that is as unappealing to you as it was to me.
I almost gave up, and yet I couldn't. Then I started to realize that there was another way to approach this problem. Maybe it's not Christianity or nothing. I thought that for a religion to be true, it must 1) not be refuted by scientific fact and 2) it must have some proof attached to it. Emotion is not a reliable enough measure. So I started reading.
I came across a book called The Bible, the Quran, and Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille. It was a comparison of the two books from a scientific perspective. At the time I was an agnostic at best. I was astonished, as was Dr. Bucaille, a French Catholic doctor, that while the Bible has many errors and inconsistencies, the Quran doesn't. Furthermore, he found that there is scientific information in the Quran that wasn't known at that time, and in some cases not until recently.
There is much food for the agnostic in the Quran as I found. So my point is, don't give up. There are answers out there if you look for them. There are objective ways to find God. YOU ARE NOT JUST A PIECE OF MEAT!
Don't give up the journey that you have been given. You will find what you're looking for if you approach this great question with an open, yet objective heart. ---Peace
2007-06-29 03:34:12
answer #2
answered by MBC 4
You will have to find what makes you happy. Surely there are things you enjoy to do right? Making a positive influence on other peoples' lives makes everyone feel good.
Whether there is a God or not, you can find happiness. A lot of people go through depression in their teens, but you will come out of it.
I suggest reading into some psychology to understand a little more about human thoughts, and maybe anthropology to understand where humans came from. It's fascinating stuff.
Sometimes knowing that we are merely "dust in the wind," a bunch of matter and energy that will eventually just decompose, is a very depressing thought. We only live once, so make the most of it. Life is a fascinating thing, and we are the only animal able to really understand our world, and that all living things die. This makes us scared though, so we sometimes explain things through the supernatural to make us feel better. I guess there's nothing wrong with this, but again, find or believe in whatever makes you happy.
2007-06-29 02:31:04
answer #3
answered by khard 6
first of all your there a god.
in the ancient times the intellecuals pondered how all this stuff began.just like you and I think now.they went deeper and deeper and found that all the living and non living things are made up of same basic modern terminology matter or atoms.
these matter exist seperately in the universe.these matter has to be combined in billions of various complex propotions to make all the things we have.our lives,plants,wind,water etc.etc.
ok,what or who decides these exact miriad combinations that gave birth to this universe.
nobody had the answer.they all came to the conclusion that nature did all you can see now,nature has a powerful will to make all these things happen.therefore nature has a concience,a will,and a desire to make things,exist as it is,make changes when needed and continue.
so these intellectuals attributed these unfathomable mystery to an all powerful somebody or was god.
even with all the findings of science put together nobody has ever been able to find out how life was given to this bag of meet.
so finally isn't ir right that we believe in this all powerful force of god.
I cannot answer all your issues.but the second god watchin you for all your actions from sky.
god does not live in the sky.he lives inside you.he has no time to watch over each and every individual.what he did was he created a system.he created certain laws according to which things are governed in the world.
he made the planets to orbit around the sun so that we will have the rains,seasons,flowers,fruits.
he combined two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen to make water so that we will not be thirsty.
he made laws according to how we should conduct our lives.if you read the bible these laws are cant find all of them in one chapter.they are written all have to summarise them.
I can tell you more but I will stop now.
may god bless you and have peace inside you.
2007-06-29 03:13:40
answer #4
answered by ajay 2
Instead of thinking of yourself as a piece of meat, think about this: your body is made up of 100 trillion tiny robots. Each of your cells is a microscopic robot. They are organized into systems that work together so that you can do all the things that you do. Your brain is even more amazing... chemical interactions between billions of neurons create consciousness. So maybe we aren't just pieces of meat afterall?
We're lucky to be alive. Enjoy it while you can. Life is amazing and mysterious... even more amazing and mysterious than anything imagined in our sacred texts.
Sometimes when I'm in a movie theater, I get so engrossed in the movie that I forget all about myself. When the film is over, I feel shocked back into myself. I think I know what you mean when you say you feel amazed that you exist.
I don't know if you're normal. What is normal anyway? But if you feel like you might need more help or someone who you can be totally honest with and who won't judge you or trivialize your confused feelings, try looking for a family counsellor to talk to. Your parents mean well, but they aren't always able to give us the kind of help or advice we need.
2007-06-29 02:45:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Honey.... you are in the right track to discover who you really are and God. Human may appear just meat. But ever consider there is something that drives you like hope/desire? Because inside every human there are spirit and soul. Soul is where your wishes, will and thinking based. Soul is where your hope and faith. When human dies..soul and meat will vanished, but spirit return to God. At the end it will be judge to have eternal live or eternal punishment, depends on your relation with God, this case with Jesus. Not with good deeds, not religion, nor charity either you will enter eternal live, but simply your relation with God, that is Jesus. If you sincerely want to find God, God will allow you to be find. And you'll have joy. not happy. Happy depends on happenings. Joy flow from your heart out and not depends on anything.
As for the brain... it isn't meat. It is merely fat! Yep...fat. Mostly grey some white, depens to it function. With asteroid cells to transfer info from what you see, hear, touch and smell.
2007-06-29 03:00:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The truth of the matter is that no religion has been able to prove that God exists. One day you will probably have children. You will think differently when you are older and won't consider your children or yourself as meat. I think that the one we have in the White House is a vegetable.
2007-06-29 02:36:01
answer #7
answered by liberty11235 6
it's natural to think that. most epecially you are young and seeking for answers..
but first step to happiness is STOP THINKING YOU A PIECE OF MEAT. you had me laughing there. physically we are meats but to compare yourself to a lifeless ham.. no wonder you feel lifeless. because you compare yourself to something lifeless. we are breathing life, right? therefore, we are alive, right? then why not compare yourself to a blooming flower? nurished by rain and sunlight. dear girl, see yourself as a beautiful person because you are created beautifuly...
2007-06-29 02:36:29
answer #8
answered by anette 3
Sounds like you may have a little depression going, sweetie. Depression is caused by many things. Sometimes it's just hormones. Talk to your parents or someone who can help. Don't just let the depression go. There is help for it. I would let any life changing decisions go for now. You have enough problems to deal with and they do take priority. Talk with someone who can help you and I wish you the best. Good luck.
2007-06-29 02:34:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
By just asking yourself the tough questions in life is OK. That's how we learn. Seek the Truth in all things, this will lead you to complete satisfaction.
2007-06-29 02:31:07
answer #10
answered by stpolycarp77 6