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what in the H3ll is with all of the duamn friendly fire im hearing about in the military. its already bad enough the duamn insergeants are killing the shuit out of us, but we killing ourselves. c'mon battle buddies we gotta get it togther. I mean i had some straight aissholes in basic training but i would never shoot them, maybe beat the living shuit out of them.

How do you tell a soldiers family, "o a soldier in his platoon shot him or her".


2007-06-28 14:20:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anthony H 1 in Politics & Government Military

3 answers

Actually - the US military has the lowest percentage of fratricidal engagements of any nation's armed services.

And a soldier in Iraq has a higher chance of surviving his tour than a college student has of surviving four years in a university.

In reality the insurgents suck. Every day they commit an atrocity against Iraqi civilians and you cheer them on.

Please quit pretending to care about the troops - it is obvious that you regard them as nothing more than props for your political opinions.

2007-06-28 15:06:07 · answer #1 · answered by MikeGolf 7 · 1 0

FF is a problem, yes, but it is one we have dealt with from the beginning. In Iraq, we have had the fewest FF hits than any other major conflict. The sad thing is, of the 3500 troops that died in Iraq, more than 40% died from accidents and FF.

A bad statistic.

2007-06-28 21:27:33 · answer #2 · answered by Q-burt 5 · 2 1

why has everyone started calling it friendly fire, coz it ain't friendly whether its the enemy or your mucker.

Blue on Blue is more in line.

2007-06-28 22:05:42 · answer #3 · answered by andyjh_uk 6 · 0 1

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