I hope it was for something good and not something lame like unpaid parking tickets or an overdue library book.
2007-06-28 12:00:01
answer #1
answered by Patrick the Carpathian, CaFO 7
I have been to jail and the only time I started to pray was after I was locked up. Isn't funny how we don't ask for His assistance until it is the last resort?
I think you didn't pray because like the rest of us, it is hard to give God our problems. We always think that we can fix it, and that prayer is a waste of time that could be used more wisely.
We don't give it to God unless we practice giving it to God. Try practicing with some little things and then when the big things come up, it will "occur" to you.
Praise God you are not locked up today and pray for tomorrow.
Have a blessed day!
2007-06-28 18:46:28
answer #2
answered by Wendy E 1
I wouldn't want to know why anyway because that is your business and things just happen. It doesn't make you a bad person. As far as not praying, sometimes we just get so caught up in the moment that we forget who can help us. Since you didn't go to jail you definitely should be praying now!
2007-06-28 18:40:20
answer #3
answered by lcplyr7 5
Sorry made up deities really have no sway to save you if you're arrested, charged and proven to be guilty of a crime. I don't mean sound to sound arrogant but I'm just stating facts.
2007-06-28 18:41:38
answer #4
answered by TVX 3
I heard you were doing methanphetamines with a chihuahua. When the cops pulled you over the chihuahua copped out and blamed you when we all know he was the dealer.
2007-06-28 18:39:32
answer #5
answered by meissen97 6
you were probably just worrying about being in jail more than you were thinking about The Father of ALL!
2007-06-28 18:39:03
answer #6
answered by Go Mike 4
Were you transporting narcotics across state lines? ;0)
You didn't pray because you don't believe there is anyone to pray to, right?
2007-06-28 18:39:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I'm not sure if people should be congratulating you on your escape of jail....I mean, you obviously did something against the law...
2007-06-28 18:39:43
answer #8
answered by CBlackfire 5
He moves in mysterious ways.
2007-06-28 18:39:31
answer #9
answered by fatherf.lotski 5
hindsight is always 20/20
2007-06-28 18:42:56
answer #10
answered by Anonymous