I know Im gonna get flagged for this, but I can explain why God doesnt answer the prayers of amputees....
Since they are missing an arm or leg, they cant properly get on thier knees and clasp their hands together while grovelling to the man in the clouds. So, he ignores them.
Hey - dont get mad at me. Im just passing along what Ive learned on this site....
2007-06-28 10:08:51
answer #1
answered by ? 5
If God healed amputees, that would take away their free will of not having an arm. On a serious note, the only reason that "God" can "cure" cancer is because of the hard work of scientists and doctors. If science ever finds a way for a person to replace a lost limb with a fully-functioning one (and not just a prosthesis), I'm sure that some religious people would claim that would it was God's doing as well.
2016-05-22 00:46:51
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Do you remember what God said when man sinned? Surely we will die. Sin is the root cause. Just because God is not at our beckon call for the purpose of bailing us out of all our troubles doesn't mean he doesn't exist. One great big problem man has is in his mortality and frailty. God is more interested in the spirit - not the body. Now that does not mean God doesn't heal people. I've heard about and have seen a few cases with my own eyes. Not often but they exist. You spout off a few examples that you think God should intervene and change peoples lives. But you're not God. When you have the power to heal then you can heal whoever you please. God is far more aware of our situations and hardships than any of us who look outwardly. When he chooses to heal, he will. But you need to know one thing, our circumstance does not dictate our service or love toward God. I've heard far more examples, some in the Bible itself, where people have gone through a lot of hardship yet still worship, praise and thank God for what he has given them. That to me is extraordinary. Complaining will get you nowhere.
2007-06-28 10:52:02
answer #3
answered by JohnFromNC 7
First of all, who said he won't? And who said the soldiers asked? In order for healing to happen, God's power must be used to heal the person through the power of His Priesthood. Therefore, you would need to have someone present who is authorized to use God's power for such purposes.
Second, although prayer is very powerful, God also gave us the gift of free agency. There are many situations that we may find ourselves in, when we pray for help and help doesn't come. however if we think about it, warnings did come, often many times before the situation occurred, and if we had been prepared or chosen to act differently we could have avoided the situation in the first place.
Thirdly, God promised to answer our prayers under certain criteria -- 1, that we pray in faith, exercising a belief that God can and will answer our prayer, and 2. that the thing we ask for is right -- perfectly in tune with the gospel. Somethings that we may really want, that are good things, do not fit in with God's plan for our salvation, and so the answer is "no."
2007-06-28 10:18:17
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You say in your question that your sure most of these soldiers are deeply religious. Well God has a plan for all of us. Did you ever think that one of these days this person that has a missing limb may come across somebody that is doubting life in general? That they may be ready to give up on life because they simply failed a test or they can’t afford a car to go to the mall. Just imagine the hope this person with the missing limb can give them people ready to give up. If God can take a limb from a person and they can still go through life with God in there heart and blessings coming upon them every day, what they can give to others is a great testimonial to life and Gods love.
9/11 was a terrible thing. It truly shows what evil can do. What was the first thing you did when you heard of this? What do you think was the first thing so many people did when they heard of this? I know I got down on my knees and preyed. How many people got down on there knees and preyed? How many people looked to God for answers? Gods plan is unknown to us as being mere mortal people. But it could have been part of his plan to bring us together. Nothing dose that better than to have a loss. How many family members show up for a family reunion that is in the middle of the week? How many people show up for a funeral of a lost loved one in the middle of the week?
Your Aunt Kaite’s prayer was answered. If she had Jesus in her heart and walked in Gods light, he did heal her. Her prayer was I’m sure not to leave her loved ones, and have them fill the hurt of there loss. Now she walks with Jesus on streets of gold with no Alzheimer’s to keep her bound. Looking down on all of you hoping you join her some day, but can only do this if you have accepted Jesus.
Jesus is unbiased to race, age, if you’re a male or a female. This 8 year old girl is a sad circumstance of the evil that walks among us. For the people that do not walk in faith do unjust things. This little girl probably had a prayer of Jesus to stop the pain and not to go through life with this evil penetrating her heart. This testimonial may have brought the evil person to ask forgiveness in there heart and take Jesus. The people that came to God for answers of this horrible thing came closer to God. Again we do not know Gods plan. It is not for us to know. It is for us to walk through life following as close to him as possible so that we can walk with him when we have come to the end of his plan for us.
John 14 1"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God[a]; trust also in me. 2In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4You know the way to the place where I am going."
2007-06-28 10:49:24
answer #5
answered by Bubba C 1
Well, there's several issues, to relate to, on prayer, and faith.
First of all, is God solves things on his own level, not on man's level. For example, if a man prays for a million dollars, a dream job, a trophy wife, and a mansion, he's bound to be in for disappointment.
Secondly, is the cause and effect factor. Some people do experience miracles. Some, though, wouldn't classify it as a miracle, because in reality, it's science, or it's supernatural. Do you remember the story of the guy who went to Rome, and screamed for God to make an example of him, if he was all powerful? After he heckled, and made a fool of himself, he left. When they asked the priest, why God didn't kill him, the priest smiled, and said, it's quiet in here....God is not meant to be tempted.
Your Aunt Katie, might have wished for a cure to Alzheimer's, but you feel she didn't get it. Who's to say, that it wasn't in his plan for her to be in a better place?
Or for the girl who was attacked by a murderer, She's obviously in a better place, and if justice is served, he will get his own reward, in hell.
In a classic debate, I had with a teacher, was the question, of why bad things happen to good people. The reason, to me, is this. God has his hands in our lives. God can control matters up to a point, but that's when free will comes into play. A lot of things, Man does to himself. For example, is it proper to bash God, if a man goes out, and shoots several in a church?
No, because God didn't order the man to do it....the man acted out his own mentally deranged actions....I'd call it demonic possession, but the APA seems to think that's unfair.
As well, if a tornado rips apart a trailer park, is it God's fault for the tornado? No, man could have left, or could have built in a better location. Same goes for New Orleans. Nobody said, hey, it already happened, we'll be safe here....Guess what? Man's pride, in his own actions, is usually his own worst enemy in life.
As for amputees, if a person does an action, regarding dealing with terrorists, there will be casulties. Man, in his own invention, has tried to improve the replacement technology....but until man learned from his own mistakes, or learns how to get along without shooting at each other, you'll always have medical injuries. Asking God to grow it back, is a bit of a stretch.
2007-06-28 10:19:21
answer #6
answered by steveraven 3
Although I have heard that a lot of people have been healed of many physical things, including feet and arms growing + legs extending...
What's Jesus, answer?
Mat 9:
1 Jesus stepped into a boat, crossed over and came to his own town.
2 Some men brought to him a paralytic, lying on a mat. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.”
3 At this, some of the teachers of the law said to themselves, “This fellow is blaspheming!”
4 Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, “Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts?
5 Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’?
6 But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins....” Then he said to the paralytic, “Get up, take your mat and go home.”
7 And the man got up and went home.
8 When the crowd saw this, they were filled with awe; and they praised God, who had given such authority to men.
*** Jesus is the Only Way.
At the end of the day; (end of our earthly lives) it make no difference as to whether The Lord chose to heal us or as Paul had, 'to leave us with a thorn in our side'.
***What matters is, *Are We Forgiven?***
2007-06-29 01:43:22
answer #7
answered by ? 6
Great question. Many Jews ask the same question. Orphans ask the same question. These are all valid questions. I look forward to hearing the answers from all the bible freaks about the Job story.
2007-06-28 10:10:01
answer #8
answered by Teaholic 3
God is like a all knowing father. If it's not best for the person, then he will not make there prayers come true. A prayer is not a free wish where you can expect God to just magically make things appear. Maybe god needed your AUnt in heaven, and thats why he didnt answer the prayer. God alway sknows what is right and best.
2007-06-28 10:08:15
answer #9
answered by ASKER1213054295 2
I think we are missing the point. God is interested in eternal souls and man looks at the short term. Not to belittle your point, seeing as it is very valid. But life on earth is only an iota of an eternal life we have to spend with God once we die (assuming we believe in him).
I'm not sure why people insist on blaming God for all the world's problems, especially since it was man that screwed it up to begin with.
God could have restored Adam and Eve when they fell in the garden after directly disobeying his command not to each from the tree of good and evil. But he didn't. He gave each of them a will with the power to choose: obey and disobey--they were not puppets on a string. Unfortunately for us, they chose the latter and as a result, the story goes that our world is fallen (this gave the devil the authority to influence the world with evil and perform every evil work: killing, disease, sickness, rape, murder, war, suicide, hate, bitterness, apathy, atheism, etc.).
There are consequences for our actions and even inactions. Fortunately God had a back up plan to send his son JESUS to die on a cross and resurrect on the 3rd day and sits at the right hand of the father so that those who believe can be redeemed back from our fallen state initatied by the Garden incident. We choose eternal life or death by receiving or rejecting God into our hearts.
So long as we live in a fallen world, there will be sickness and disease, broken people, etc. We will never know 'till we get to judgement day why good people die young and bad people die late in life. Why good people suffer and bad people "appear" not to. It's a mystery.
Regardless, it is ultimately the soul that lives forever, not the amputees leg. If an evil person lives a long life and is rich yet dies without saving his soul, he will be eternally tormented. If an amputee has no leg but his soul is saved, he lives forever in heaven with the Father (not condemned).
Is this God's fault or man's choice to choose: heaven or hell?
In the meantime, remember the devil is real and he is the one making a mess.
You speak strongly of this God that seems to be absent (doesn't heal or hear prayers); Yet though you label yourself an aetheist, you believe he exists; so remember, one day you will meet your maker. Why not believe just in case you are wrong. At least you will go to heaven and not burn in hell. What is there to lose except your soul?
And God does heal. But like receiving him into your heart, you have to believe in your heart then confess with your mouth that he is LORD and you will be saved. Healing is the same. Believe (not plead, beg, cry out of fear) have faith in GOD and profess it. You can't wait until you are in a predicament to exercise faith. It's like working out--takes conditioning to believe with your heart and not doubt. Cause "he who doubts should not expect to receive anything from God" (generally speaking) as the scripture says.
Regardless of who gets healed and who doesn't, you will be held accountable to God directly and can't blame anyone for your choices. You can't say "Lord I didn't believe in you because you wouldn't heal a stranger's amputeed leg or save a 911 victim?" You are accountable to God for your choices, not someone elses circumstances. If there is bitterness in your heart for something God did not "do" for you, than ask him to forgive you for harboring such anger toward him. He will free you up to receive his love and to understand His ways.
God Bless You.
2007-06-28 10:48:06
answer #10
answered by Anonymous