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and it also says that a man that has cheated needs to stay with the women for if he divorce's her it is adding more of a sin what do you think about this?

2007-06-28 08:53:23 · 25 answers · asked by Val 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

In Matt19 Jesus distinguishes between valid or real marriages and invalid or sham marriages which can be annulled( declared invalid). Jesus is strong in His condemation of divorce and remarriage when there is a real marriage-and even adultery does not end the marriage.

2007-06-28 08:58:52 · answer #1 · answered by James O 7 · 1 0

Where in the Bible that says that a man who has cheated has to stay with his wife? I don't think that I ever saw that.

I thought that Jesus said that divorce was permissible on grounds of adultery (Matthew 5:32 & 19:9; 1 Corinthians 7:12-16).

2007-06-28 16:12:02 · answer #2 · answered by Randy G 7 · 0 0

Back in the OT/NT days, a woman without a man to "take care of" her was a woman with nothing.... a beggar. If I remember correctly, women could not own property, hence if she ditched her husband and was not able to go back to her father's or a brother's house, she was SOL.

In today's society, I firmly believe that when a man cheats on his wife, it's a form of abuse... abusing her feelings. In addition, infidelity makes a liar of the cheat.... Ok, so that came out sounding pretty redundant, sorry. Most weddings I've seen include some kind of vow, promise or agreement to remain faithful to each other.... and cheating is clearly a violation of that promise.

There are times when divorce is necessary for the safety and sanity of those involved... abuse, infidelity, or dishonesty.

Of course, if the offended party is willing to forgive and the offending party is willing to go to counseling and change behavior, then I would accept an agreement to remain. At the same time I also understand that those who are guilty of these kinds of offenses rarely change their ways.

If he's cheating on you, beating you, or lying to you, call him on the carpet and tell him that you deserve better. "Shape up or ship out!"

God loves His daughters as much as He loves His sons. You deserve better!

2007-06-28 16:06:21 · answer #3 · answered by Next Up 4 · 0 0

Well this is also the book that says if a man rapes a woman and is caught in the act, he must pay the father 50 shekels of silver and marry her, and he can never divorce her (If I recall they'll both be killed if he tries to leave).

So the poor raped woman is forced to marry her attacker!

Of course if the man rapes her and isn't caught, it's more of a no harm no foul thing.

Yes, the bible writers were horrible people.

2007-06-28 16:00:18 · answer #4 · answered by Mike K 5 · 1 1

Yes, there are Biblical reasons when a spouse can divorce the other; adultery or life threatening abuse.

A person is not Scripturally obligated to divorce an adulterous though repentant marriage partner, however. The Christian husband or wife may extend mercy in such a case, even as Hosea seems to have taken back his adulterous wife Gomer and as Jehovah extended mercy to repentant Israel that had been guilty of spiritual adultery.—Hosea 3.

It is clear that Jesus Christ’s statement pointed to a return to the high standard for marriage originally set by Jehovah God, and it showed that those who would become Jesus’ disciples would have to adhere to that high standard. Though the concessions provided by the Mosaic Law were still in effect, those who would be true disciples of Jesus, doing the will of his Father and ‘doing’ or putting into effect the sayings of Jesus (Matthew 7:21-29), would no longer avail themselves of such concessions to exercise “hardheartedness” toward their marriage mates. (Matthew 19:8) As genuine disciples, they would not violate the original divine principles governing marriage by divorcing their mates on any grounds other than the one Jesus specified, namely “fornication”.

A single person who commits fornication with a prostitute makes himself “one body” with that person. Similarly, the adulterer makes himself “one body,” not with his legal wife, but with the immoral person with whom he has sexual relations. The adulterer thus sins not only against his own personal flesh but also against his legal wife who until then has been “one flesh” with him. (1Corinthians 6:16-18) For that reason adultery provides a true basis for breaking the marital bond in accord with divine principles, and where such ground exists, a divorce obtained brings about the formal and final dissolution of the legal marriage union, freeing the innocent partner to remarry with honor.—Hebrews 13:4.

LUKE 16:18 says “Everyone that divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he that marries a woman divorced from a husband commits adultery.” Taken alone, these verses seem to forbid all divorce by Christ’s followers, or at least to indicate that a divorced individual would not be entitled to remarry except after the death of the divorced marriage partner. However, Jesus’ words as recorded by Mark and Luke must be understood in the light of the more complete statement recorded by Matthew. He includes the phrase “except on the ground of fornication” (Matthew 19:9; see also Matthew 5:32), showing that what Mark and Luke wrote in quoting Jesus on divorce applies if the ground for procuring the divorce is anything other than “fornication” (porn) committed by the unfaithful marriage partner.

Divorce and Abuse

Divorce rates have soared all over the world. And to be sure, some divorces are inevitable or necessary. The Bible does not categorically forbid divorce, as many assume. Its standards are fair and reasonable, allowing divorce on the grounds of adultery (Matthew 19:9); its principles also allow for marital separation under certain extreme circumstances, such as physical abuse. (See Matthew 5:32; 1 Corinthians 7:10, 11.)

2007-06-28 16:13:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Don't ask me. according to the teachings of the Catholic Church...I am going to hell. I went to Pre Cana classes before my first marriage, and my fiance told the priest he was going to have kids with me. He had no intention of doing so. After 5 years I divorced him, but did not get an annulment. I could have, as he lied to the preist. But that costs major money. So I remarried, while "spiritually" still married to my ex-. I guess I am committing adultery daily.

The way I see it, God knows who I am, and he knows my marriage was over. He knows I had no intention of sinning, and forgives me.

2007-06-28 15:59:51 · answer #6 · answered by nottashygirl 6 · 1 0

If things are that horrible in your marriage and you don't see how it can be repaired, then by all means divorce the guy! So many women out there should have left their abusive husband but didn't. Now they're rotting in the ground somewhere. If you need to leave him, then please do!

2007-06-28 16:22:32 · answer #7 · answered by cassandra_sd 3 · 1 0

.....and people used to get married, just saying "I marry you". Look at it according to the time in history. There were no divorce laws in those times, now we do. At least, the bible doesn't says that your husband can hit you for whatever he wants, like other religions.....:-)

2007-06-28 16:02:30 · answer #8 · answered by Millie 7 · 0 0

First of all, you are quoting from the Old testament. We live in the New testament by the blood of Jesus Christ. There are many things that can be interpreted differently between these two areas of the bible. My suggestion to you is to pray about this. Instead of asking Answers, you should be asking God to help you with this decision.

2007-06-28 16:00:33 · answer #9 · answered by dawn2391 2 · 1 1

I think whoever has marital problems should solve them.
The man obviously doesn't have a very good relationship with God, so I guess he better get one.

My parents would have divorced years ago if they hadn't turned to God.

2007-06-28 16:10:32 · answer #10 · answered by Petina 5 · 0 0

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