maybe she doesnt like kissing bt if u r for 4 years and she used to like it then something is to her about it.. maybe she started feeling different about ur relationship .. maybe she needs to do something different with u ... take her out to dinner and spend some time.. if she still doesnt like it then i think u should have a talk with her...
best of luck
2007-06-27 23:56:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Maybe she is not yet ready for the consequences that might happen.I think she wants to avoid temptation because she already know what will gonna happen to both of you if she will let you kiss on a certain place wherein nobody is at home except to both of you...Although you are four years but still its not an assurance that no bad things whill happen so in that scenario you should not question her loyalty and trust because as what I observed guys would get angry if their girlfriend would not want to do what they want.And most of the time they will question girls love and trust to them which is wrong because in that kind of strategy guys would somewhat giving a threat to the girls,so where is the love and understanding if that so?And one more thing is that where is the essence of four years if you don't know how to understand your gf,in that years I know you know him already.Looked there's a saying that "If you truly love the person then you can understand their weaknesses",so if that is one of her weaknesses then you better understand her....That is how true love is....
2007-06-28 00:11:44
answer #2
answered by cro 2
Dont be dishearted!Did she kissed u ever? u didnt mention it!!
May be the girl likes u but does not want to get involved in such a relationship....i mean physical relationship....may be she is too reserved and kiss will after u marry her!! Then its a good sign i think!!!
Owh, one thing....very important....dont get hurt but if there is bad odour in ur mouth or in ur body then she may refuse to kiss u or b close to u!! So if there is anything like this then remove these. Then try to kiss again... :-)
Other thing u can do is be straight forward and ask her y she is doing so?? Tell her "kissing is an expression of love and we should do it....dont u love me?" She is the only one who can give u the right answer of ur question, not we! ok?
Good Luck....
2007-06-28 01:29:32
answer #3
answered by igloo 2
to me, kissing is a part of remaining close. It doesn't even have to be a romantic kiss all the time. If she backs away from that, you might want to re-think the relationship unless you can put up with it forever and that's a long time.
2007-06-27 23:57:27
answer #4
answered by DOT 5
you really need to speak to her and ask he what is wrong? taht isnt normal - i have a feel it wont be good news but you need to know - girls that have been with a guy for that long and dont kiss him is hiding something...... be upfront and honest - just ask - good luck i hope i am wrong....
2007-06-27 23:55:02
answer #5
answered by just_jemma 3
Has this just started happening? If it has, then she is probably contemplating moving on. If she has always been that way, why are you just beginning to worry about it?
2007-06-27 23:56:10
answer #6
answered by PEGGY S 7
Sounds like you may be her toy to show off. Tell her you want more.
2007-06-27 23:54:47
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Maybe you are a lousy kisser.
2007-06-28 00:20:30
answer #8
answered by silent_voices 4
She doesn't like you.
2007-06-27 23:53:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
She doesn't love u then.
2007-06-27 23:54:31
answer #10
answered by Melina 2