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The Qu'ran does speak differently saying Adam your first prophet sinned and was forgiven.. Muhammad was instructed to pray for forgiveness...Muhammad's pryer in the Hadirths he prayed for forgivenss and it is said he prayed many times a day for forgiveness...I think because Chrsit is perfect and ony God is perfect that Muslims attempt to make all prophets sinless...Christ is perfect only because he is the Son of God and a part of the whole of God and only God is perfect. Christ was perfect for a reason in the Bible he is the Son of God who atoned for sin. Only God could fufill the law only he is righteous and without sin.

2007-06-27 17:51:12 · 9 answers · asked by djmantx 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Faithfull did I say God was dead? Christ paid the penalty of death. God is more than flesh as are we who are created in his image.

2007-06-27 17:57:46 · update #1

Layla doesn't the Qu'ran say Christ was without sin?

2007-06-27 18:12:22 · update #2

Layla if man sins and God overlooks it isn't God no better than the sinful man?

2007-06-27 18:19:06 · update #3

Ruchjat K. the Qu'ran refers ot Christ as faultless from birth...A sinless man. The bible explains why he is without sin..Does the Qu'ran?

2007-06-27 18:26:18 · update #4

Adam original sin is not passed biologicly but sin and death did enter the world because of the sins of Adam.
In this way you can say we inherit sin and death from Adam. the Ida of original sin like the idea of trinity was misunderstood by Muhammad.

2007-06-27 18:38:07 · update #5

Thanks Lawrence, good to see you again, Sin is sin there are no good and bad sins as sin is a transgression against God's righteous law. Any sin would be too much sin if God is rightous and perfect. I agreee that even a small sin would require forgiveness...My point is not the degeee in which a man sins as degrees of sin is a man made idea anyway, consider perfection as we both would agree God is...there is no room for any sin even the least bit of sin. eithe God is perfect or he is near perfect..I believe God is absolute perfection and absolute righteous as all Chrstians do believe, This means God can not agree even with the least and smallest of sin.
The Bible unlike the Qu'ran teaches this is true, God could not overlook sin...god could not pretend something the least bit sinful was Holy and good and it is the reason we believe ALL men are sinners...God does not measure by degree eihter you are perfect or you are not. When the bbile describes God as Righteous

2007-06-28 04:46:47 · update #6

It mant god was perfect and could not be joined in any way to sin not even the least amount not even as forgiving sin...God could not simply overlook the tiniest of sin because he is righteous..If he had he would have compromised his rihgteousness...When we say righteous we mean perfect it leaves NO room for sin or evil. the story of man's creation given to Moses demonstrates God's righteousness when he told Adam the day you eat of that tree you will surely die...any sin is too much sin..God did not overlook sin...The serpent says you will not surely die. This God I speak of is total righteousness he did nto simply forgive Adam as the Qu'ran teaches.
the wages of sin is death. Now If you look at this world you will find this is true all men sin and all men die. Adam is definitely dead so God's words to him were true. If God's word to him were true then man kind was in trouble we all sin and therefore are seperated by sin from a righteous God. God is all knowing so he knew this

2007-06-28 04:56:19 · update #7

Before he created us and had a plan of salvation before creation. What could that plan be? If the wages of sin is death as it surely must be if God is righteous..It could not be to simply overlook sin and join man in his unrighteousness, The true God had a plan to bring man to HIS righteousness.
God's plan was never to join man in sin...but to bring man to HIS righteousness to make man perfect like he is perfect, How? Through the price of sin being paid...If you sin and pay the penalty the the penalty is paid you now are not sinful but made new. God's paln was to be a savior to his people and thsoe who love the truth know god and that he is absloute righteouness and no man is. It is the reason God came to the world in the flesh Jesus Chrsit and it is the reason Christ was perfect and sinless. Chrsit came as a perfect man under law and did overcome temptation and fufilled the law without sin. Why si that important? In Islam it could nto be important that Christ was sinless, In

2007-06-28 05:05:05 · update #8

Christianity it was invalueable, There is only one way to God and it is the way Christ described through him. Chrsit is the only one who could fufill the law...A righteous God. it is the reason Chrsit said had you known the Father you would have known him. It is the reason Christ said he was the only way to the Father, it is the reason that Mioses spoke of not only the tree of knowledge of good and evil which was God's law but also of the tree of life which was Christ. It is the reason Abraham said the lord would provide hmself a lamb. It is the reason Issiah said the Messiah would atone for sin with his blood, It is the reasopn Christ agreed with the prophets of God. It is the Gospel that Muhammad spoke of but did not understand..The good news that man could by faiht be made new through the atnonement God has provided,

2007-06-28 05:11:22 · update #9

James Dean, How could the Hadiths refer to Christ as sinful? The Hadiths are not God's words and are not before Christ. So those who wrote the Hadiths were several hundred years after Christ.'
If they said chrsit was sinful they would have disagreed wiht the Qu'ran what you believe to be the word of Allah, 19:19 says Christ was faultless or holy or sinless.

2007-06-28 05:18:31 · update #10

Lawrence If God is righteous and perfect any sin is too much sin...correct?
Do you believe God can agree with small sins and still be a righteous and perfect God? If so why would Muhammad pray for forgiveness of small sins? does Allah say one neednt be forgiven of stealing a dollar?

2007-06-28 05:22:15 · update #11

James Dean
OK, if you think yourself smart, then explain to us the attributes of God regarding being a trinity, and transforming Himself (according to your mythical belief) to Jesus Christ, will ya?! Is God's power over His creation or is His power over His creation as well as over Himself?? If you're truly a man, try answering this question in front of all the participants. Don't you dare email me personally,hmmm?! Answer this question, and I'm ready to debate with you over the idiotic nonesense you always love to cry out loud.

James Dean your challenge is not for me but for God It is only God that reveals his truth to you.
If I understand your question yo are askig how God can become Jesus?
as if there is anything God could not do?
God is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and theya re ONE God. God created you in this image and he told you so in the first scriptures he gave to man the first book of Moses called Genesis.
God said " let US create man in OUR image,

2007-06-28 05:29:33 · update #12

then God formed man deom the dust (flesh) and he breathe oinro hm life(spirit) and the man became a living soul. One man with many parts/ One God with many parts. we were made in God's image above the animals who are mere flesh and perish wirh their flesh. We like God have an eternal spirit,

2007-06-28 05:32:06 · update #13

lawrence please understand I hear what you are saying that God punishes by degree, It would stand to reason if God punishes by degree then some sins are lesser and more agreeable with God this si not true, If God si perfect then he can not accept that which is less than perfec or God is not perfect, Please try to understand and ask God if what I am saying is not correct. All sin equals death..It is the same as Moses told you when Adam sinned...the serpent teaches God is not righteous and could overlook sin. god himself said all sin is death. the day you eat of that tree even if you touch it you will surely die,

2007-06-28 05:37:39 · update #14

Sterchen thanks for sharing this some of which I knew but I was not aware of Mose's confession...the prophet of the Qu'ran were indeed sinners and did indeed seek forgiveness, Chrsit did not sin in any degree accprding to teh Bbile and the Qu'ran He is perfect as God is perfect. The meaning in the Bible is clear..the maenaing of a perfect man in the Qu'ran is not clear as only god is perfect but in the Qu'ran Allah and Jesus are the only ones without sint hough Muslims teah all prophets are sinlees it is by degree of sin...Christ does not have any degree of sin and the emaning in the Bible is clear but not clear in the Qu'ran.

2007-06-28 06:19:41 · update #15

James Dean Edit: Now I know your actual size regarding this field. Actually, you're too weak. What you've stated regarding God having many parts, giving life to man from His eternal soul, animals not having souls,...etc all that is bluffing. Yeah! You're actually a big bluffer. Perhaps you may try studying theology better. I know a Jewish scholar who may be very convincing for you, Saadia Gaon, a Rabbi from the 9th-10th centuries. After reading his thoughts regarding The Creator, I have been assured that he and many Muslim theologists came from one source; though of course I now understand that the proofs of the Muslims are stronger and that the Koran is far more clearer and has no faults at all.

It seems that you've lost your way in this world and the afterlife. But don't you worry; there is still hope. Ask God to guide you to the correct faith and pray to him dearly and sincerely for that.

2007-06-28 12:20:50 · update #16

James my words in this do not belong to me but God spoke them to Moses your argument is with either or both depending on whether or not you consider Moses a prophet of God.
Did I claim to be a wise man? It is not by my wisdom I know God but through his revelation.

2007-06-28 12:26:05 · update #17

James again your argument is with your creator not with me. whether or not I or you are wise is not the point God reveals his truth and he revealed this truth to Moses and this truth is older than you or me or even Moses.

2007-06-28 21:15:53 · update #18

9 answers

The "sinlessness" of the prophets in Islam implies only a protection from errors of judgment in action and character. It is to be distinguished from the Biblical doctrine which holds that true sinlessness not only means a freedom from wrong doing but an actual state of heart, soul and mind that reflects all the goodness of God's holiness, love and righteousness. Those who have "sinned" are also those who have "fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3.23) an not attained to his righteousness.

The impeccability of Muhammad has a different basis than the sinlessness of Jesus. Muhammad's impeccability is asserted for the purpose of establishing the validity of his revelation. Jesus' sinlessness is the corollary of the affirmation of his divinity and also of the Christian conception of the true nature of man.

After his adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband Uriah, David cried out to God, "Against thee, thee only, have I sinned and done that which is evil in thy sight" (Psalm 51.4).

It is very significant to find that the Qur'an also makes many of the prophets cry out for the forgiveness of their sins. After killing the Egyptian Moses is said to have prayed: "O my Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul! Do Thou then forgive me!" (Surah 28.16). So likewise Abraham said of the Lord of the Worlds that he was the One "who, I hope, will forgive me my faults on the Day of Judgment" (Surah 26.82). Despite these seemingly plain confessions of sin, one Muslim writer says:

It is one thing to commit a mistake and quite a different thing to go against the Divine commandments, and no sensible critic could twist such words into a confession of sin..

The word used for "faults" in Surah 26.82, translated by a Muslim as "mistake", is khati'ati, one of the Qur'anic words for sin (khat'a). In typical Muslim style, he softens its meaning by saying "This word too has a wide significance and covers all unintended actions and mistakes and errors of judgment. Its mention, therefore, in connection with a prophet, does not imply sinfulness" (The Religion of Islam, p. 198). This interpretation is hardly consistent with the usage of the word in the Qur'an for it appears in another passage which reads:

Because of their sins they were drowned (in the flood), and were made to enter the Fire (of Punishment). Surah 71.25

The word for "sins" in this verse is khati'atihin, from the same word used in Surah 26.82. In this case it is said that the people of Noah's time were drowned in the flood and cast into the fire for such sins. The word is therefore here used for sins which were so grave and so serious that they were led to the destruction of those who committed them and their immediate consignment to hell.

2007-06-28 05:51:48 · answer #1 · answered by Sternchen 5 · 1 0

The Koran came to correct many blasphemies in the Bible; among these were the major sins of the prophets, like the stupid story that says that LOT was drunk and had sex with his daughters, that DAVID comitted adultery with Betsheba, etc. This is solid evidence for the corruption of the Bible.

You're wrong, the Koran and Hadiths speak that Jesus erred like other prophets; though these errs were minute, like all of the prophets'.

One narration states that Jesus saw a man stealing. Jesus asked the man: "Are you stealing?" the frightened man answered: "No by God!" and Jesus replied: "You've said the truth [because you swore by God] and I falsify what my eyes have seen."

You see? Not even Jesus was free from errors, but these errors could not be taken as sins, and the same goes with all the prophets of God.

Don't try to prove yourself smart by asking such stupid questions. BTW, what do you mean by God atoning sin with His own blood?? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?? That's blasphemy!

LOL! What do you mean by God is not just flesh??!!!LOL!!!

OK, if you think yourself smart, then explain to us the attributes of God regarding being a trinity, and transforming Himself (according to your mythical belief) to Jesus Christ, will ya?! Is God's power over His creation or is His power over His creation as well as over Himself?? If you're truly a man, try answering this question in front of all the participants. Don't you dare email me personally,hmmm?! Answer this question, and I'm ready to debate with you over the idiotic nonesense you always love to cry out loud.

Edit: Now I know your actual size regarding this field. Actually, you're too weak. What you've stated regarding God having many parts, giving life to man from His eternal soul, animals not having souls,...etc all that is bluffing. Yeah! You're actually a big bluffer. Perhaps you may try studying theology better. I know a Jewish scholar who may be very convincing for you, Saadia Gaon, a Rabbi from the 9th-10th centuries. After reading his thoughts regarding The Creator, I have been assured that he and many Muslim theologists came from one source; though of course I now understand that the proofs of the Muslims are stronger and that the Koran is far more clearer and has no faults at all.

It seems that you've lost your way in this world and the afterlife. But don't you worry; there is still hope. Ask God to guide you to the correct faith and pray to him dearly and sincerely for that.

Good luck.

Edit: djmantx said:

James my words in this do not belong to me but God spoke them to Moses your argument is with either or both depending on whether or not you consider Moses a prophet of God.
Did I claim to be a wise man? It is not by my wisdom I know God but through his revelation.


May GOD bless us all in this life and the afterlife, Ameen!

2007-06-27 23:04:03 · answer #2 · answered by Ash'ari Maturidi 5 · 1 2

One of the doctrine of Christianity is the Original sin.All man sin.
The other doctrine is Jesus was cruciffied and died for our sins.

If that's the case Jesus also sin,because Mary was anormal human being who gave birth to Jesus and carries the original sin.So Jesus also sin.

Jesus cannot be God.There is only one God.How can God got himself crucified.

2007-06-27 18:33:47 · answer #3 · answered by adam a 3 · 0 2

All Humans sin; however, Sins of the prophets are not like our sins...

If you gave half your wealth for charity.. we'd say you're a great man... But if a prophet did so, he feels like he sinned.. as he should have paid all his money.

Sins of the prophets are not like our sins, they Don't steal, lie, Kill each other for positions, murder children and commit adultery...

The old testament didn't explain: how come God didn't find good people to appoint as prophets? This book shows all prophets as Murderers, Bandits, Lusts, and theives.

Genesis 19:32
"Let's get our father to drink wine and then lie with him and preserve our family line through our father." How would you explain that a prophet committed incest?!!

Or be Gory:

"1 Samuel 18:7
As they danced, they sang: "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands."

Or Prophets may kill each other? :

1 Samuel 18:11
and he hurled it, saying to himself, "I'll pin David to the wall." But David eluded him twice."

As david Escapes, Saul No longer gets inspiration, and kills himself, By This he's the First prophet ever to commit suicide :D:D:D!

If anyone committed any of this today, he'll be degraded by the whole society, Imagine if a prophet did this.. is this really logic? Is this the kind of sins prophets do?

Look; see when Allah Disciplined Muhammad saying:

"1 - He frowned and turned away. 2 - Because the blind man came unto him. " (80. `Abasa: He Frowned)

Because Muhammad Frawned when that blind man interrupted his meeting to set a treaty to end war.. Allah Inspired him a whole chapter! Such actions are "Sins of the prophets" which make prayers for forgiveness due.

refraining from saying or doing something good, is a sin for a prophet, look at this prayer:

"For all we ought to have thought, and have not thought; all we ought to have said, and have not said; all we ought to have done, and have not done; I pray thee God for forgiveness. "

Quran explains why Jesus was Sinnless; Allah made him like that as: "And she who was chaste, therefor We breathed into her (something) of Our Spirit and made her and her son a token for (all) peoples. "

EDIT: No My Christian Brother.. A Sin aint like any sin.. Killing a 2 months old baby is not like stealing 1 Dollar.. There are grave sins, and small sins.. Quran made this distinction and this is the core of Justice. If I punished a man who committed incest, Murder, rape, theft, torture, like a man who stole a piece of bread, then this is not fair. Thanks, Good to see you too.

Edit 2: Brother, you're not Listening.. I didn't say that.. I say Sins vary.. and Punishment and forgiveness also vary.. If your God Punished Hitler like anyone who stole a loaf of bread then he's not fair.. After all in the Quran: "God forgives all sins; He is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful".

It's really Illogic that God didn't find on earth any normal man better than Saul who tried to Kill David or Lot who committed incest.. is it a must in your faith? that a prophet must be a former criminal or something?

2007-06-27 20:32:42 · answer #4 · answered by Lawrence of Arabia 6 · 0 3

You are wrong.All prophets were humans.All humans can be tempted by satans.Satans vowed to Allah that along their lives wiil keep trying to tempt humans.Humans who have the weak faith will be easily tempted by satans.All prophets since Adam up to Jesus and Muhammad pbuh as humans could do the wrong deeds.But after they were appointed by Allah as prophets they were protected by Allah to go wrong.Allah had given warnings to prophets who did something wrong
.Prophets in every right time asked forgiveness to Allah and their prayer had been accepted by Allah.So they became sinless.Yes in your holy Bible Jesus stated that he was the son of God but he himself did not tell like that to his followers
.He said only please worship to Allah your God and my God.In the holy Qur'an,God spoke clearly that Jesus was only a prophet and he was not the son of God..All humans are imperfect and have sins.so we should pray everyday to Allah and ask for God's forgiveness...

2007-06-27 18:19:19 · answer #5 · answered by ? 7 · 1 3

every man and woman was born WITHOUT sin

as adults we all will sin to one degree or another

then we will all pray

for God is All Forgiving

2007-06-27 18:07:00 · answer #6 · answered by Layla 6 · 0 2

jesus this an moses that,abraham hit me with a wiffle ball bat

2007-06-27 17:57:15 · answer #7 · answered by NecroDjinn Exmortus 3 · 1 2

Your wrong, God cannot die, and neither can a part of him, theres no reason for a blood sacrifice

2007-06-27 17:54:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4


2007-06-27 17:54:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

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