I will.
2007-06-27 15:42:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No I will not.
Christians identify Messiah with Jesus and define him as God incarnated as a man, and believe he died for the sins of humanity as a blood sacrifice. This means that one has to accept the idea that one person's death can atone for another person's sins. However, this is opposed to what the Bible says in Deuteronomy 24:26, "Every man shall be put to death for his own sin," which is also expressed in Exodus 32:30-35, and Ezekiel 18. The Christian idea of the messiah also assumes that God wants, and will accept, a human sacrifice. After all, it was either Jesus-the-god who died on the cross, or Jesus-the-human. Jews believe that God cannot die, and so all that Christians are left with in the death of Jesus on the cross, is a human sacrifice. However, in Deuteronomy 12:30-31, God calls human sacrifice an abomination, and something He hates: "for every abomination to the Eternal, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods." All human beings are sons or daughters, and any sacrifice to God of any human being would be something that God would hate. The Christian idea of the messiah consists of ideas that are UnBiblical.
Also, it is the hallmark of pagan, idolatrous faiths, to confuse God with human beings, either that God becomes human, or that humans become God. In Biblical history, one sees this confusion with Pharaoh, and with Haman (boo, hiss!), as well as with Antiochus, the Assyrian King against whom the Maccabbees rebelled. Furthermore, as one example, in Hosea 11:9 God tell us, "For I am God and not a man."
2007-06-28 00:15:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
FG, I simply have received a gift, and I would think that thanks are in order rather than authorizing the package. Jesus purchased me, I did not purchase him. Jesus saved me, I do not save myself through a formula that tells him what to do. I believe that grace precedes faith, it does not follow it. Acceptance implies a telemarketing God who does your bidding when you place your order. I've even seen a skit played out in my church that way, and I couldn't disagree more. It is God who foreknew me, predestined me, called me, save me, and is still in the process of sanctifying me for his kingdom.
2007-06-28 00:06:24
answer #3
answered by ccrider 7
Do you think you will ever accept Mohammad,Zeus, or Ra. Bottom line is people have different beliefs and it's better to agree to disagree than . And likewise on the lost part.
2007-06-27 22:45:23
answer #4
answered by Armand Steel 3
I think this whole formula of 'accept Jesus as your personal savior so you will get right with God' is bogus. Jesus certainly never said anything about it. Did Jesus ever say to any of his disciples, "After I die, accept me as your personal Lord and Savior and then you will be saved?" No. When asked what the most important commandment was did Jesus say, "Accept me!"? No. He said we should love God with all our heart and all our minds. And if we do that (I'm paraphrasing here) then the 2nd commandment will follow: we will love our neighbor as ourselves. And there is all the law and the prophets, wrapped up in a tidy package.
He didn't go on to say, "Oh, but wait. I'm going to be crucified in a while. After that I will rise from the dead, even though all of the accounts of this happening will conflict with one another. I will then rise bodily into heaven, up there somewhere in the sky. Once I've done all that, pray to accept me in your heart as your personal Lord and Savior. Make sure you say 'just' and 'really' a lot, like 'Lord, I just really want to just thank you for the sacrifice that you made. I really appreciate all you've done for me. Lord, I just really want to pray for everyone who hasn't accepted you. I pray that they just really learn to know You...' Like that. And then, once you've prayed that prayer, you have to join a church that looks upon anyone who isn't a member as a heathen. It's a good idea to single out gay people as a target. Blame them for pretty much everything that happens. And you have to rise up in arms against abortionists. (Peter, are you getting all of this? Good. Because a lot of people are going to think that I made you the first Pope...) Let's see... other things... oh yeah: grow really big hair and cry on TV a lot. Have telethons and raise millions of dollars to continue My work, which will be, mostly, running more programs of people with very big hair crying. And some of the hair will be purple.
"And then you will get into heaven.
"Oh, that Lord's Prayer thing I taught you all a few weeks ago? In a few hundred years, add this: "... for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever and ever." That will really help seal this 'Jesus is the one way' thing. Other than that, you can pretty much ignore the things I said, like taking the plank out of your eye so you can see the splinter in your brother's eye. Because, come on, let's face it: once you accept Me as your Personal Savior, it's like you know the mind of God! You can tell anyone what to do, especially people who haven't accepted Me as their savior. That's going to be a lot of fun for you.
"Oh, one more thing. Never make any kind of ironic joke about Me. Because I won't tolerate it! I don't have ANY sense of humor! If anyone makes any kind of remark about how things are going to go in the next 2,000 years, you must start a war, an inquisition, a crusade. Or just report him to Yahoo Answers. But a war is better. I love blood.
Has anyone seen our waitress? I'm starving!"
2007-06-27 22:56:13
answer #5
answered by pasdeberet 4
Do you think you will EVER accept that we are not lost. We simply follow different paths then you, that doesn't make them wrong.
In all honesty if the life that someone is living leads them to peace and fulfillment, does it really matter how they got there?
2007-06-27 22:46:01
answer #6
answered by Vintage Glamour 6
actually, i have accepted the fact that a historical jesus may not have existed at all. there is literally no hard evidence whatsoever to prove that he lived, just some stories written about him well after his supposed death. pretty flimsy anecdotal evidence at that...would never hold up in a court of law that's for sure...
2007-06-27 22:46:14
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I am not lost. Pray for me if you wish, but nothing's going to change.
2007-06-27 22:44:43
answer #8
answered by take me to your leader 3
Anything is possible but I would say it is highly unlikely.
About the same odds as you ever accepting Allah or Krishna.
2007-06-27 22:45:41
answer #9
answered by Alan 7
what do you mean by accepting Jesus? Accept him as our savior and lord? or how else?
2007-06-27 22:55:17
answer #10
answered by bball91300 2
Been there, done that, bought the tee-shirt but then I grew out of the tee-shirt when I stopped believing in make believe creatures and places.
2007-06-27 22:44:13
answer #11
answered by ChrZay 3