they are people too, they are more like you then you think
see you are violent and by nature you can fight
pimps are smoothe and by nature can woo women and get them to do whatever they want
you use your fighting to vent your anger and cage fight
they use their smootheness to get enough money to buy food.
but if a pimp starts shiit wit you, go to town on him, just dont go attacking pimps for no reasons.
2007-06-27 13:38:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Ahhh Grasshopper; I bow before the superior abilities of "specialaccess" who is obviously a Grand Master of the Fortune Cookie style of martial Arts. It has obviously taken years of difficult training to be able to string together unrelated, alliterative words into sentences which have essentially no meaning whatsoever.
So, the difference between you and this pimp is what? He uses drugs and violence to "control other people" and you only use violence? Seems to me you are more like him than you would like to think.
2007-07-01 03:53:02
answer #2
answered by Wiz 7
Man, you trying to go Batman on fools huh? While going around and beating up a pimp might feel good, but it can lead to a world of trouble. You can get sued for assault/battery, have vigilante charges brought upon you by the police and possibly get hurt by retaliation. Why do you think Batman wears a mask?
If you really want to help her, do what you can to get her out of that lifestyle. That'd be the best way.
2007-06-27 15:09:42
answer #3
answered by Noel 3
Be careful, most pimps walk the streets heavy. Another issue is that a lot of pimps pay up to a 'Family" and if you do beat the snot out of one before he can go for his heat, you will be messing with someone who can call in reinforcements to get payback. Better leave it alone.
2007-06-29 03:18:43
answer #4
answered by Stosh Polaski 2
For some, the struggle to overcome their base tendencies and evolve themselves in terms of awakened beings is perpetual.
The martial arts in all its forms are amongst other things, disciplines for the tempering of the human spirit and will, through right thought - right action, expand ourself beyond our shameful and shameless limitations.
Most everybody you will ever meet can derive physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual evolvement through the uptake, study and practice of the martial arts.
Next time you find yourself in similar scintillating social company and circumstance and your impulses rise, pause long enough to consider how the/those other person/persons might benefit if they opportune themselves of the martial arts just as you do.
Their potential is as unlimited as your own - however just as we sow, we reap. It would be such a disgrace on your part to do nothing and twice the disgrace to not do the right thing.
2007-06-28 11:52:22
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Beat the pimp, distract him with a piece of tin foil, then do a roundhouse kick to the face. Once he is down do a dragon stomp on his back.
2007-06-27 14:06:20
answer #6
answered by Marmeladov 3
trying to be a vigilante? you can get in trouble for that.
FoxyBrown's pimp ex-boyfriend got his hoes to beat her up for breaking up with him =X
2007-06-27 23:11:16
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
no u could have it doesn't make u a bad person u were just doing what u thought was good
2007-06-27 13:12:52
answer #8
answered by kim714rule 2
I personally have no problem with "Street Justice" but it is against the law to assault and batter someone.
2007-06-27 12:57:02
answer #9
answered by Gardenfoot 4
It is illegal to assault anyone, and you might be getting set up for a law suit.
2007-06-27 12:56:57
answer #10
answered by Beau R 7