Jesus was not the messiah for a number of reasons- amongst which was the fact that he DID NOT DO what the messiah was meant tod do!
1) The dead were not resurrected
2) The Jews did not beome priests to the other nations
3) There is no world peace
4) The temple is not standing
5) There is no temple service
6) There is no parah adumah or its ashes to render us tahor
7) The messiah is from the House of David. your house/tribe is inherited from your father. Your father is your BIOLOGICAL father- there is no adoption in Judaisim to another father- if God is the father of Jesus- then Jesus cannot be from the House of David as God is not frm the House of David.
8) Human sacrifice is completely forbidden in Judaism- remeber God stopping the sacrifice of Isaac? The idea of a human being sacrificed is the opposite of anything from Judaism!
9) You have to atone for yourself! An essential part of the atonement process is being repentant. Someone cannot be repentant for you- you have to do it for yourself. ONly communal sins can be forgiven communally- not individual, private sins!
And no- the messiah does NOT proclaim himself- he will be recognised by his deeds- not by his claims- in other words, through doing the above he will be recognised as the messiah. On top of that- mashiach is a HUMAN being, with HUMAN parents- the idea of an anthropomorphised God going around and impregnating young woman is completely alien to Judaism- though it fits very nicely into the pagan religions of the time which had their heroes being fathered by gods (ala Hercules and his daddy Zeus)
2007-06-28 00:55:58
answer #1
answered by allonyoav 7
The word 'messiah', the original word, meant something like 'General' or 'Leader'.
In the time of Jesus, the Jews were living in a land occupied by the Romans. They believed that God meant for them to have that land, and to have control. They believed a leader would come along to lead them in a battle against the Romans where they would win their independance.
Early Christians, I mean in the time of Jesus and a couple of hundred years after that, believed something different. They believed that Jesus was here to end this world and take believers to the next world. Actually, before the New Testament was canonized, early Christians believed many different things.
But most Jews didn't recognize Jesus because he was just one guy in a robe and sandals, not the powerful general they were expecting.
2007-06-27 19:05:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
bring world peace
build the temple
bring universal knowledge of G-d
eradicate sin, not just the consequences
Jesus didn't bring peace. In fact, he said he didn't come to bring peace, but a sword. Jesus didn't build the temple. It was standing in his day and he actually prophesied its destruction, not its rebuilding. He didn't bring universal knowledge of G-d, hence the need to evangelize people and people still sin against the commandments of G-d and most Christians despise the commandments of G-d. The servant of Isaiah 42 was to make the TORAH honorable, not a disgrace, which it is a disgrace in the eyes of most Christians. So no. Jews aren't expecting a messiah to do what Jesus did. They are expecting scriptures to be fullfilled as written, not clandestinely interpretted. There is more to it than that, but that is the simple version.
2007-06-27 19:07:42
answer #3
answered by shrugger 4
The believe the Messiah will come and fulfill what Jesus has said He will do at his second coming, judge the earth and establish His kingdom with His people and cast down those who oppose Him.
Malachi 4
1 "Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and that day that is coming will set them on fire," says the LORD Almighty. "Not a root or a branch will be left to them. 2 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. 3 Then you will trample down the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I do these things," says the LORD Almighty.
2007-06-27 18:59:42
answer #4
answered by Holy Holly 5
the Jewish messiah will come to liberate the people from their oppressors. (ie, right now, the Muslims. Back in Jesus' day, the Romans.) It is the one prophecy that Christians and Jews differ on: Jews believe in a physical liberation while Christians believe in a spiritual liberation. From what I understand anyways.
2007-06-27 18:59:32
answer #5
answered by mountain_laurel1183 5
You are right the Jews did not & do not believe Jesus was the Messiah they were looking for but he was their Messiah and they rejected him. The Savior of the Jews is the Savior of all men he has already come he will not come again to die on a cross he has already done that. When he comes again it will be to judge all who have rejected him Jew and Gentile alike.
The wages of sin is death is what Scripture teaches and so Jesus came to make the payment. For those who do not believe and therefore reject his payment they will have to pay themselves with their own death for all eternity seperated from God in hell. Jesus offers the gift of eternal life with him for all eternity for those who will turn from their sin and ask him to be their Savior.
2007-06-27 19:08:41
answer #6
answered by Naomi 2
God will awaken them one day and they will cry bitterly for the Christ that was crucified and they will mourn as if for an only child. God promises this in His Word. They are partially blinded until all the Gentiles come in.
2007-06-27 19:00:23
answer #7
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
Sorry hun, Yeshua is the Messiah :)
2007-06-27 18:59:11
answer #8
answered by VA LayD 2