i agree. i think that the church and especially some (not all) christians use the bible to back up their own prejudices against homosexuality, when in reality you can use the bible to back up virtually any prejudice that you might have.
i have never understood why some chrisitians focus upon homosexuality being a sin while they just seem to ignore other sins such as the ones mentioned above.
what particularly annoys me is people who use the passage from leviticus "a man shall not lie with a man as he does with a woman" (18:22) and " if a man has sexual relations with another man then they shall both be put to death (20:13), as if you look at other things leviticus says you can see clearly how some christians pick and choose which passages to follow, as in the book of Leviticus such things as having a shave or eating shellfish and rabbits and pork, or wearing clothes made of two materials, or cutting the corners of a field being spoken against being spoken against, and giving down guidelines for such things as circumcision, sacrifices and slavery, yet most christians seem to ignore these passages and focus upon the passages that support their discriminatory prejudices against homosexuality.
and yet the issue of christians being against homosexuality seems to be particularly prevalent in todays media in issues such as gay marriage and the right for gay christians to adopt, and it makes me wonder why some chrisitians seem to focus upon homosexuality as being the worst sin, when in reality the passages referring to it in the bible are few and far between anyhow, especially if you look at the translations in their original concept.
forgive me if i seem to be being overly critical on christianity in general, as i am not, it just angers me when i see people using their "proof" in the bible to back up their own prejudices against homosexuality as if the bible gives them the right to be and the moral foundation to be discriminatory against homosexuals
2007-06-27 10:13:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Though you've made a good point, you've still not justified homosexuality. Here's how I see it; homosexuality is, indeed, a sin. I can see no way around it in the Scriptures, they are very plain. However, it's just that; a sin. Homosexuality shouldn't be treated as a special sin, because it's not.
The reason it's received so much media attention is because the topic of whether it's a sin has become such a hot topic. The Bible says that you should not elect someone living in blatant sin to a church office; it doesn't say to persecute them. The difference between being openly homosexual and, say, being obese (assuming it's the result of sinful gluttony), is that it is a sin which the sinner is not sorry for. Someone with an unrepentant heart is not fit to lead God's children. You're right on the point that if someone were living in another form of blatant, unrepentant sin, he should be treated no differently than someone living in blatant homosexuality. He shouldn't be allowed a church office or position of Christian leadership. Anything elese is hypocrisy.
2007-06-27 10:09:51
answer #2
answered by C_Bass 2
It is not for us to decide where Mr. Falwell ends up eternally, that's God's business.
I don't know which church you attend, but at our church ALL subjects (even porn) are addressed.
As for homosexuality, have you ever heard of Sodom and Gomorrah, which were destroyed by God because they were so full of sin and evil? If you read the account in Scripture, homosexuality is about the only sin addressed although I'm sure there was much more.
Also, in the New Testament in I Corinthians 6 9-10 it is condemned specifically.
In the church I attend, homosexuals are permitted, however, they may not be "practicing" the lifestyle. (Love the sinner, hate the sin).
To be a hypocrite is to say one thing and do another. It's not limited to those who have a faith or beliefs.
On the other hand, only those who have a faith or belief in something can be a hypocrite.
2007-06-27 10:16:24
answer #3
answered by Debra d 3
I understand where your coming from, and I agree...many people are hypocritical. People don't want to be Christians because they think Christians act the best and always claim to do the right thing. The problem is that people assume ALL Christians are this way, and that is not true, though it is true for many. Everyone (Christian and non Chrisitan) is at a different point in their spiritual journey.
However, with that said, I still believe and always will believe that homosexuality is a sin. That doesn't mean its the worst sin, or any worse than other sins, but it is still sin. Hope that helps! :)
2007-06-27 10:03:17
answer #4
answered by Joshua R 2
Didn't we just answer these questions last week???
Obesity and fat does not always equal gluttony. Look up the word gluttony.
Concerning divorce, Matthew is quite specific on the subject.
Matthew 19:9 - "Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery."
If you die in any sin, you will not make it to heaven. If you ask for forgiveness and turn away from your sins, you have the hope of salvation.
If you are fat, even if it is due to gluttony, you can ask for forgiveness and still go to heaven.
Fuzzy logic will still not justify the sin of homosexuality.
2007-06-27 10:07:00
answer #5
answered by TG 4
"What is the reasoning for the recent push of homosexuality to dominate culture?" Not so recent but you wouldn't know that, huh? On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS: Article 2 "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty." "Many homosexuals claim that Christians use fear tactics to push their religion." Christianity is a FEAR based religion; if it was not then the concept of hell would be unnecessary. "It seems like such a slippery slope." EVERY right has the potential of a slippery slope into somewhere ... It's why I am ANTI-theist because whilst ever we give permission to 'the moderates' to believe in their invisible space chappie nonsense we are in fact giving permission to the zealots to go all sociopathic. We need to do a lot more pointing and laughing at ANYONE who mentions their belief in invisible space chappies. They are delusional. They can NOT claim they are not AS delusional AS suicide bombers. Delusional is similar to pregnant in that you are or you aren't. ~
2016-05-17 17:07:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
So, because the other things are swept under the rug...homosexuality is ok? Doesn't work that way. I agree that the hypocrisy is there...but that doesn't mean that homosexuality isn't spoken of as an abomination in the Scriptures.
This is must my POV...so take it as such. The other things you listed...you don't know that persons reasons for the bankruptcy, the obesity, the divorce...but anyway you slice it...homosexuality is wrong...to be more precise...any sexual relationships outside the bonds of marriage between a man and woman is wrong...that includes sex before marriage, homosexuality, adultery, bestiality, etc. God created sex for marriage between a man and woman. That much is clear. The rest are less cut and dry.
2007-06-27 10:06:36
answer #7
answered by LDS~Tenshi~ 5
No person is perfect, which is why God sent Jesus to die for our sins. Did you know Jerry Falwell personally? How do you know what his eating habits were, his personal diet choices. Just because someone is saved doesn't mean they won't have struggles in life or issues they have to deal with, it just means they have admitted they're not perfect and need a saviour. No sin is greater than another, bankruptcy, homosexuality, divorce, etc, etc., they are all sin to the Lord. This is why we need Jesus.
2007-06-27 10:05:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Very good points.
I would even say that those who aren't living Kosher lives, as stipulated in the OT are not following the bible.
For those who will invariably say that those are OT rules and don't apply, but that Homosexuality was addressed in the NT.
You should look up 1 Timothy 2:11-15, and ask yourselves whether you follow this anti female docrine as set forth in the NT, if not, you should probably lay of the Gays.
2007-06-27 10:01:37
answer #9
answered by ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker 7
It's always easier for some people to point out the lifestyle differences of others, if it makes them feel more comfortable about things in their own lives that bother them. For example, the Baptist Standard (link provided below) admits now that the divorce rate amongst fundamentalists is higher than average (which is something most fundies don't wish to admit). Where is the supposed standard about the sanctity of marriage if adultery and divorce are taking over?
2007-06-27 10:02:57
answer #10
answered by SB 7
Rock on!!! Great question... I see it all the time Man twisting EVERYTHING so he can gain some lame pride!!!
oh well if i were still christian i would say we all are going to hell!
as a fact a close friend of mine said humans are making it easier and easier for us to get into heaven my friends says it's harder then one may think!
over all i think faith is what keeps you a live in good spirts so haveing some sort of faith is good!
i just can't beleive we have so many choices!
2007-06-27 10:01:56
answer #11
answered by Anonymous