2007-06-30 19:52:40
answer #1
answered by beano™ 6
I am sincerely sorry about the loss of your brother.
I have never called Christians as a group arrogant or delusional, although I might agree that they are deluded (your word), now that you bring it up.
Just because you believe something, doesn't necessarily make it so. Son of Sam claimed that a dog told him to kill people - was he right?
And if god made your brother's friend pull over to save your mother any grief, why the heck didn't he care enough to save your brother in the first place? The conclusion that you (and many other Christians) make is nonsense when you think of it. Are we to assume that anyone killed due to fire, murder, accident, flood, whatever was not worthy to be saved? Somehow - you were worthy but your brother wasn't?
Remember a couple of weeks ago, that little girl who was found in the woods after being missing for a couple of days with her grandfather. The girl's father said it was the lord and all his praying that saved her. Did nobody pray for the old man? Of course they did, but he didn't make it just the same.
If you are going to give god credit for every good thing that happens in the world, how can you just let it slide when things don't go right? Either he's watching and making things happen or he isn't. You can't have it both ways.
2007-06-27 07:50:34
answer #2
answered by blooz 4
I'm not even going to read all that but here goes...
While in Africa there are thousands of children starving to death every day. People pray for them all the time and yet they are still staving to death. Here in America a woman prays to get over the flu and YOUR GOD performs his miracles on them. Which, of course had nothing to do with man's intervention.
Another funny thing is the fact that Christian's get divorced at exactly the same rates as everyone else.
You know those fortune telling 8 ball toys? Even those are correct sometimes. Now if you only changed what it said to yes, shortly, or be patient it would also answer your prayers.
Look you either get it or you don't.
2007-06-27 07:44:53
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Arrogance and delusion are hardly the province of atheists alone. Clearly, some Christians are extremely arrogant and delusional.
And your story means nothing. You just got lucky. My grandparents were Christians who believed in God. The were viciously and brutally murdered by a young mentally ill boy. Some "God" that allows that kind of thing to happen.
And if you're a Christian and want to continue believing, whatever you do don't look up the "Council of Nicea, 325 A.D., where it was finally decided that Jesus actually was a "God" after all. Before that Jesus was NEVER considered a "God" - only a prophet to be honored, but not worshipped as a deity.
2007-06-27 07:44:04
answer #4
answered by Paul Hxyz 7
This is why you are referred to as delusional. You witness something and ASSUME it is your god that is responsible.
I had a similar experience where I demanded to be let out of a car with a drunk driver. The driver later crashed. No, no god told me to do that, just common sense. Even drunk, some people still have enough of it to recognize they are not fit to drive. How arrogant of you to ASSUME your praying had anything to do with it!
2007-06-27 07:41:18
answer #5
answered by Brent Y 6
I'm glad that you can find solace in your faith that god was in the car, as well as in your life. I am sorry about your brother.
But really- who pulled the car over? Just because you prayed, at the time that your brother's friend pulled over, does not mean god was responsible. Correlation does not mean causation. Could it have been luck or chance?
As an atheist, I cannot see it your way. If you believe in god, you will find a way to see him in everything you do, everything that happens, though it doesn't mean he is or ever was really there.
2007-06-27 07:42:25
answer #6
answered by Lisa 3
Your emotions ran high when you were scared of death. That's normal. It's what we'd expect in a world with no gods.
And yes, near death experiences are hallucinations. People's brains tell them what they want to hear.
I tend to dream things at night, but I don't go around saying that those dreams are real. Why, then, should I believe something other people saw while unconscious?
2007-06-27 07:44:29
answer #7
answered by Minh 6
I have witnessed God do more miracles and blessing then I could ever explain.If a lost person (really seeking God) wanted me and other Christians to pray for them they too could see God work in their life.
Romans 10
2007-06-30 18:48:09
answer #8
answered by robert p 7
All I'm saying is that there are many, many religions out there, and the followers of all of them would make the exact same claims as you. But if you dismiss all of those accounts, how can you expect me to automatically accept yours?
You think there aren't any Muslims out there who have had near-death experiences "proving" Islam? You think there aren't any Muslims out there who would say they're 100% sure that Allah has performed miracles for them and answered their prayers? You think there aren't any Hindus who are completely sure Hinduism is the correct path? You think there aren't any New Age Spiritualists who would say they have their own personal, indisputable evidence?
You're calling us arrogant, but like I said in my last post, if I showed you an NDE account from a Muslim who met Allah (and many of these accounts exist), you obviously wouldn't accept it. If I showed you an account from a Muslim who prayed to Allah and allegedly got exactly what he wanted, you obviously wouldn't accept it. If you can't accept either of those, why is it so hard to believe that we can't accept your accounts either?
2007-06-27 07:42:50
answer #9
answered by . 7
Your brother's friend realized that he was intoxicated but was sober enough to stop the car. How can your imagination associate God with that? Isn't that like reaching for the moon to justify your superstitions ?
Why would God kill your brother and save you? Was he looking for some excitement the day he killed your brother? Is God a bigot who preferred you over your brother?
Yes I agree that you are having delusions.
2007-06-27 07:44:25
answer #10
answered by shericomes 3
I call them second rate thinkers and poor biblical interpreters. The fact is, if science followed their line of thinking, we would have never discovered microbes, molecules or atoms (after all, why try to detect what you can't see...). It is a sure sign of mental laziness to not stick the course and get answers when the going gets tough on a passage that *appears* to contradict another, or *appears* to have been borrowed from another religion. Their philosophy is actually presently interfering with the progress of science. Go figure.
2007-06-27 07:42:44
answer #11
answered by Anonymous