If it is a hot day, make yourself a smoothy
1 small vanilla yogurt
and kind of frozen berriez, or fresh
1 1/2 of orange juice
mango if you like
It really good and energy boosting.
2007-06-27 06:56:54
answer #1
answered by lilia 3
OK....I used to have this problem also....you can make yourself a penut butter and jelly sandwich or an ice cream sundae. One of my favorite snacks is a toasted bagel with penut butter, honey and a glass of chocolate milk. You can also make yourself a waffle and chocolate ice cream sandwich. You can surf the net and look for some new easy delicious snacks. (They alwayz have something new and interesting!) Hope it helps! Good LUCK!!!!
2007-06-27 13:04:40
answer #2
answered by xx_Tina_xx 2
Fruit is always a great snack, especially bananas. Also yogurt is a good choice, low fat if you want to watch calories. You can try peanuts, they're high in protein.
2007-06-27 06:51:10
answer #3
answered by TIME's Person of the Year 4
i replaced into on your place final year. i'm very shy besides, so i comprehend the type you experience. My college ended up getting some new childrens, so I made sturdy pals with one among them. She ended up being close with one team of girls so i might dangle out with them besides. intense college for me replaced into fairly frightening previously each little thing, yet i for my area savour it now. the liberty is sizeable besides as how laid back the lecturers are while in comparison with center college. while it is composed of volunteering, look into some golf equipment at your college. it incredibly is a powerful thank you to make pals and get some volunteer hours in.
2017-01-01 08:36:14
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
When i get home i make a quasadilla with cheese and put it in th microwave you just take a tortilla shell and put cheese on it. It's very good and will last you till dinner
2007-06-27 06:48:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Easy-peasy! Slice up a raw apple and dip up wodges of peanutbutter with each slice...totally healthy, and a super combination of crisp tart apple and luscious PB.
2007-06-27 06:47:59
answer #6
answered by constantreader 6
Apple Slices smeared with peanut butter.
Granola bar
any fresh raw veggies you like with ranch dip
a banana
2007-06-27 06:49:56
answer #7
answered by afsgtwife 3
ok, don't judge this when i first tell you, cuz it sounds gross-BUT its not.
I take a flower-tortilla and spread one side with peanut butter, then I slice bite-sized apple chunks and put them in it then roll it up.
its good, filling, and not unhealthy (and easy to make). great for an after-school snack.
2007-06-27 06:49:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I like just a tortilla and some cheddar, nuke, fold over and eat. Actually that's usually my lunch if there's no leftovers in the fridge.
2007-06-27 06:47:40
answer #9
answered by chefgrille 7
a crispy claussen pickle
dinner leftovers wrapped in a soft tortilla shell
bowl of cereal
pre bag salad
2007-06-27 06:50:47
answer #10
answered by katana 3