people have becaome dissillusioned. look around you, religion is the main cause of unrest in this world. if there was no religion, people would not hate so much.
i'm from the uk and no one i know goes to church. my best mates mum still goes and my gran (rip) used to go and thats it.
2007-06-26 23:10:51
answer #1
answered by pfc123darkknight 5
People, on some basic level, are getting just fed up with the lies of false religion. False religion left the Bible long ago for the teachings of men. Ubfortunantly for them, they were not particular which teachings they chose. Most make no logical sense.
I believe people can see it, though they will deny if asked. Most have held on because it is what their families have believed for generations, not out of personal discovery.
The truth, found in the Bible, is entirely logical and should be believed. It stings some, irratates others. For people honestly seeking truth it is like cool mountain water. The heart condition is what matters.
2007-06-27 04:48:36
answer #2
answered by grnlow 7
People are less interested in God because they are more interested in another god....themselves.
The god of self is more satisfying. We can do what we want, make it up as we go, and never have to worry about salvation. As our own god, we can forgive ourselves and pick and choose what is right.
Of course that's a lot of gods...alll with different agendas. But basically, it is that life is good for most of us, and we no longer feel we really need God. We have replaced Him with material things, sex, and self-centered desires. All these things are talked about in the Bible...but then we've done away with hell no worry.
It's extreme pluralism, extended to everyone to respect and accept a "personal" god which is really that individuals own idea of God.
2007-06-26 23:20:40
answer #3
answered by Misty 7
Lack of mentors lack of fathers spiritual fathers and the pple you want to look upto can be disapponting and this is a big mistake cause at the end of the day itll be you and God that matters not the other person so much but theres a lack of seeing the reality of respect of God in their surroundings
2007-06-26 23:09:44
answer #4
answered by ladyluck 6
Where did you get this information from? I read five newspapers daily, books and watch all the news and, have never heard anything to this effect.
When in fact, our church, here in Michigan, was just given the honor of being the most populated and most interesting of Churches in the State. Drawing from this alone, I would assume that all Church's in the U.S. and, the world, would be the same. Unless of course Michigan is the one outstanding?
To what do you draw your figures from?
2007-06-26 23:11:33
answer #5
answered by cowboydoc 7
Diabolical disorientation.
2007-06-27 01:13:22
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Who says so . YOU. or are you hoping. You hate Christian? You want their blood? Why are you against us ? Different Faith? Different Ideology? What is it? Have the balls to speak up . Don't always put it in your mouth. Prove it, and I prove it otherwise ........ So then it is not official. It is only your assumption based on your sight. Have I got to say more?
2007-06-26 23:15:39
answer #7
answered by Kingdomchild07 5
Sorry for sounding rude but what evidence or facts do you have?
It is hard to answer if we do not have information.
God Bless You!
2007-06-26 23:09:02
answer #8
answered by ? 5
I hope so. So long as Christianity isn't replaced by Islam or any equally foul ideology
2007-06-26 23:07:45
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
the book of thomas tells us make not false idols and that we do not need bricks and mortar to prey to god
2007-06-26 23:08:35
answer #10
answered by David T 3