A reprobate mind wants no real knowledge of God (Romans 1:28).
2007-06-26 15:14:11
answer #1
answered by SCOTT 2
KJV term used in two senses: that which fails to meet a test and is thus rejected as unworthy or unacceptable, as impure silver (Jer. 6:30) or persons (2 Cor. 13:5-7; Titus 1:16); and that which is depraved or without morals (Rom. 1:28; 2 Tim. 3:8). NASB and RSV used “reprobate” to mean “one rejected by God” (Ps. 15:4; cp. HCSB, REB, TEV).
—Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Failing to meet the test; disqualified; worthless; corrupted (mind); mind, thought, reason; attitude, intention, purpose; understanding, discernment.
Practical Application
God shows wrath by giving men up to reprobate, depraved minds. The term "reprobate mind" (adokimon noun) means a mind that is rejected, disapproved, degraded, depraved; a mind that cannot stand the test of judgment.
The reason God gives men up to reprobate minds is because men reject God. They know God, but they do not "like to retain God in their knowledge." They...
do not like to approve God.
do not like to recognize God.
do not like to acknowledge God.
They simply do not want God to have anything to do with their lives; therefore, they push Him out of their minds. They ignore and refuse to accept God's presence.
—Practical Word Studies in the New Testament
2007-06-26 22:31:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
3 entries found for reprobate.
To select an entry, click on it.
reprobate[1,transitive verb]reprobate[2,adjective]reprobate[3,noun]
Main Entry: 1rep·ro·bate
Pronunciation: 're-pr&-"bAt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -bat·ed; -bat·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin reprobatus, past participle of reprobare -- more at REPROVE
1 : to condemn strongly as unworthy, unacceptable, or evil
2 : to foreordain to damnation
3 : to refuse to accept : REJECT
synonym see CRITICIZE
- rep·ro·ba·tive /'re-pr&-"bA-tiv/ adjective
- rep·ro·ba·to·ry /-b&-"tor-E/ adjective
2007-06-26 22:16:52
answer #3
answered by robert p 7
the spirit of Blasphemy
my opinion<><
2007-06-27 10:10:00
answer #4
answered by ? 4