Because it conflicts with their preconceived notions, which scares them.
2007-06-26 14:26:26
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I believe that the term you are looking for is "Cognitive Dissonance". Simply put, that's when a person believes in "A", and evidence that refutes "A" (we'll call that evidence "B") is presented to that person. The person then has three choices: 1) Accept B in it's entirety. 2) Reject B in it's entirety. 3) Blend A & B together, which causes a new belief, "C".
That process is caused cognitive dissonance. Why does it exist? Some people theorize that it is because people's beliefs become hard wired into their brain (through neuro pathways), so it is a physical feature. Others believe that it is due to the ego, and some people's inability to admit they were wrong.
To answer your question - why some people doubt evolution - it is because it is squarly against their beliefs, and thus, either they are incapable of changing their minds, or are afraid of being wrong and admitting such.
2007-06-26 21:26:45
answer #2
answered by Big Super 6
People would rather believe in the myths that make them feel good than actually do some research into evolution and creationism. Nearly all biological scientists and most educated people around the world know that evolution occurred ("how" is still debated). The rest of the world laughs at us for having this "controversy." It's really quite silly.
"Big Super" has the best answer tho.
2007-06-26 21:31:06
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You put it well I think.
Evolution is only a theory, hence the name. The main difference is that unlike creationism, which begins and ends with an imaginary invisible creature, evolution is based on evidence, and peer based review of that evidence.
It is not a final, set in stone thing, and no one has ever said it is. It is a scientific theory as such it will change and develop as new evidence in discovered and new testing and measuring methods are invented.
It is the best theory we have to describe in detail how life emerged and developed.
That is the essence of science, to always question, search and never take anything on face value, or because your momma tells you its true.
2007-06-26 21:25:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Mostly because creationism has all the answers, sorry, I meant it has answers for everything. People truly feel that God/Jesus/whatever actually has some impact in their lives, and they see this as their proof that the rest of the answers coincide with the feelings in their head.
Evolution has holes, and parts that need further explanation, but it's pretty obvious to anyone with two sticks to rub together that it's the truth.
You'll notice more and more religious folk turning to what I call "crealutionists" where they believe God used evolution to create us. This of course contradicts the literal translation of Genesis, and should just be seen as weakening to the truth that the Bible isn't worth the leather binding.
2007-06-26 21:22:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Becuase Christianity, which supports Creationism, is a religion based on believing without seeing, or proof for that matter. I think that in reality, a mix of creationism and evolution happened.
2007-06-26 21:19:22
answer #6
answered by bananaphone108 2
the idea of intelligent design can be only structured around intelligence, so i will use simple math.
the ribonucleaic acid or RNA is a complex molecule consisting of 300 seperate protien molecules all aligned in a perfect repeating pattern. RNA is the building block for DNA the building block of life. to figure out how these could align themselves in random happenstance we must use the method of probability. aka 1x1, that x2, that # x3, that #x4... 300 times and then we have the probability of a single rna molecule forming in space and time that is if these protiens can conglomerate in an oxegyn enriched environment. (mind you oxygen destroys protien.) the math that is only after a third of the ingredients is astronomical, you have one chance out of100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (or a one with 140 zeros behind it)chance of one single rna molecule randomly forming. now mind you you would need tons of this stuff in realative closeness being touched with just enough electricity to fuse and form life , you do the math.
2007-06-26 21:40:41
answer #7
answered by crazy8s123 2
You question is a little askew.....Just notice what TYPES of people who doubt evolution..... those with little education, brainwashed as children, low IQ, poor, etc. Notice how badly the belivers spell on this site... (we are not talking typos here, we are talking basic inability to write sentences....) Even a poor but bright educated person will dump the fairy tales when presented with reason.
Have you ever met a really smart fundamentalist christian? Have you ever met a poorly educated stupid atheist?
2007-06-26 21:23:54
answer #8
answered by April 6
Indoctrination and brainwashing.
If you look at the methods then you soon understand why cults and religions are so successful
Changing Minds is a very good site on persuasive techniques
Oh, my goodness, look at all the misquotes somebody is using to prove their point. Taking quotes out of context and manufacturing others is simply dishonest.
2007-06-26 21:22:22
answer #9
answered by ? 5
Faith is powerful to a lot of people. If you are brought up believing something, it is hard to change that way of thought regardless of the evidence. I know a girl that doesn't believe in dinosaurs because her church leader told her it is a conspiracy. Facts and evidence take second chair to faith for many. It isn't their fault. They just believe in what they believe. You have to appreciate their conviction to their beliefs.
2007-06-26 21:33:01
answer #10
answered by stevenhendon 4
Okay, you are telling me that we evolved from where? Where could we have had any type of genius that each person has their own set of fingerprints, our own DNA. Now think about it. How in the World could anyone or thing would have the greatness to have our bodies with veins, all flowing from a muscle we call a heart, a brain that responds to everything? Where could we have evolved from with such definite that proves we were individually created
2007-06-26 21:26:21
answer #11
answered by Putta Rat 2