ALWAYS USE A CONDOM!! No if's, and's or but's about it!! That is the only safe way to have sex in this scary world of ours!! It isn't just the women you are having sex with either, what about all the people that they have had unprotected sex with and then the people that those people have had unprotected sex with... It's downright scary!! Even the best sex isn't worth dying for, ya know??
Either keep it wrapped or abstain, those are the only options that I know of in order to remain safe and worry - free.
Good luck!! : )
2007-06-26 11:45:52
answer #1
answered by every1's friend 3
1. If you need to ask this question you are still too young to be having sex. 2. Ejaculation isnt required to pass sperm, they are very determined little bastards. 3. I'm no doctor but i would think as long as the condom didnt burst during lovemaking then you should be in the clear. Think twice the next time a horny guy promises you everything will be alright. We are born to lie our way into bed with girls.Believe no-one except your self and your doctor where sex is required. And get on the pill girl :O)
2016-05-21 03:04:30
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Um If you don't want to get someone pregnant then you should quit having sex with strangers. You are 30 and single and will stay single for the rest of your life if you don't. If you are tired of wearing condemns then stop having sex with all of these girls and you won't have to wear one.
2007-06-26 11:41:57
answer #3
answered by !*SoMeOnE_To_CaRe*! 3
Let me just ask ya a question....What the hell did you expect all of us to say to this RIDICULOUS question?? I'm 30 also, and my advice for you, is to stop whoring around, and settle down...You're libel to catch SOMETHING, a condom won't even protect you from herpes and genital careful!!!!! How 'bout masturbating to porn or something?? That way you won't have to worry AT ALL about impregnating some random stranger, and you won't have to worry if you'll catch a disease!
2007-06-26 13:43:00
answer #4
answered by Brookelynn 2
There's nothing you can do. It's either you stay protected and continue your lifestyle with these strangers aka hookers etc. Or you realize it's time to stay in a monogamous
relationship and be with one women and make sure she is clean and have sex with her and her only. Your choice.
2007-06-26 11:42:38
answer #5
answered by Txgirl23 4
C'mon dude, use it or lose it!!!! ( in other words lose your life by gettings AIDS as well as STD's) And remember, condoms do break so simmer down a little and use a vibrator or something!
2007-06-26 11:46:31
answer #6
answered by Capri8 2
Use a different brand. Some kinds are thinner than others. Shop arround until you find a kind you like.
2007-06-26 11:40:58
answer #7
answered by A 5
What should you do??
Honestly, make sure you have a GREAT insurance policy - because when you get aids - you will get some of it paid for.
Best of luck! : )
2007-06-26 11:44:26
answer #8
answered by ★★★ Katharine ♥♥♥♥ 6
For safety's sake, suck it up and keep using the condoms.
2007-06-26 11:40:38
answer #9
answered by Captain S 7
keep using a condom.
2007-06-26 11:44:49
answer #10
answered by Anonymous