The laws regarding Christianity changed because of Jesus. In the Old Testament, the Jewish people are called to live by covenants with God. The most important being the covenant of Moses with the ten commandments. The problem with that covenant is that we are unable to keep it. As John says in his letter, "If we say we have no sin, we are a liar". Sin broke the covenant and subjected the people of Israel to rituals and punishment. The rituals involved the blood of a lamb who was sacrificed to God as an offering. If sacrificed properly, the sin would be forgiven. They even had a "scapegoat". Once a year they took a goat and put the sins of all the people on that goat. Then they drove it into the desert.
God began to understand that we want to love him and obey him, but that we often failed through our own desires and self-centeredness. So he knew that it was not enough to give rules for living - he needed to change our hearts.
The prophet Jeremiah in the Old Testament predicted that God would send a messiah who would bring a new covenant - a covenant that would result in a changed heart and an inner strength in living by God's way.
When Jesus came (the New Testament) he claimed to be the promised messiah. He did not reject the Old Testament. In fact he strengthened it. As an example, in the Old Testament adultery is a sin punishable by death. Jesus said that the standard was higher - that a man who even thought about a woman in a lustful way had committed adultery. He did not reject the ten commandments, he implied that sin begins in the mind.
The night before his death, he shared a meal with his disciples and said that the wine was his blood and that it was the blood of the new covenant. So he himself became the lamb (thus the title "the Lamb of God") who was sacrificed for the sin of the world. Only unlike the lamb of the Old Testament, his sacrifice is eternal and never needs to be repeated.
Thus, in the New Testament the covenant has changed. We are no longer under the covenant of Moses - we are now under the new covenant of God's love. As part of that covenant God promises to send his spirit to those who believe in him. The Spirit works within the soul to change the very nature of how we live and how we respond to sin and temptation.
The second question is more difficult. The world that God created was perfect in every way. There were no illness, starvation or any other sinful problem. God gave us the freedom to choose to love him and serve him or to reject his way. When Adam and Eve were in the garden, they chose to reject God's love and disobey God.
The Bible says that their sin changed the very nature of creation. Illness and other terrible things became a part of life. Death entered the world and with it decay and disorder.
This can be seen in a small way. When a person drinks and then drives drunk and kills someone, it is not God's will that the person be killed. It is God's will that the person have life and health. However the sin of the person who chooses to drink and drive drunk sets into being the chain of events that leads to that person's death.
There are hints in the Bible that God allows this to happen so that we can see the result of our desire to rule our own life in our own way.
But it will not go on forever. God has promised that there will be a time when evil will be destroyed along with all who reject God's rule. Only God knows when this will happen. At that time, God will restore the perfect nature of creation and death, sin and other problems will exist no more.
This answer is too long for which I apologize, but I hope it helps.
Pastor John
2007-06-26 11:49:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I must try to help you. First of all if you are a christian and your husband is not he is in good standing because of you. I don't have the space to fully answer your question so I recommend your pastor he has the answers. The laws are given in the Old Testament and also in the New Testament. A testament is a 'will' so in the Bible we have the old will which ends the last chapter in the Gospel According to St. John and the new will which starts with the book of Act1:1. Jesus did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill the law and in doing so He gave us a new commandment or law (the old wrapped up in the new). We live in a world like this because of SIN! All of us sin there is non perfect but the Father. This world has been messed up since the fall of Adam prior to that the world was perfect without sickness starvation and etc. You know aids is a new to this world. Even aids came because of sin that humans participate in. If we would abstain aids would be no more after a period of time. As I always say God acts on the good and the bad, the just and the unjust. The wages (pay) for sin is death. Otherwise we would live forever. Your Pastor or a Spirit filled person will be able to add to this to make it clearer to you and your husband. I pray your strength in the Lord. Be blessed.
2007-06-26 12:24:23
answer #2
answered by Al Feel GoodH 2
So U are Un-Equally Yoked? Was this Before Ur Marriage or after? Is this an attempt to "Convert" him or just in the calm course of discussion? Has he ever read the Bible? The reason I ask is rather Important. 1.) If U became a Christian After marriage, then he may be asking questions because of the changes he has seen in U??? If U were a Christian Before marriage, then his Attraction may be that something "Special" he perceived about U. If U knowingly married him & thought U could "Change" him, that was wrong & U may by "Pushing" him (in Love of Course) but the Holy Spirit might not have him under Conviction??? Ok, basics aside, now to the question answers. 2.) First there are no "Laws" about Christianity in Either the O.T. or N.T.!!! With God, Salvation has Always been by Faith Alone, Period! The Jews became a "Chosen People" by the Faith of Abram which was greater than anyone else! So God Rewarded him and sent Christ through his bloodline to the World. At this point, we now have Christ as the Final Atonement for All Sin so that Sin is not an Issue, ONLY Belief (Faith) in Christs' work on the cross showing how much God Loves mankind! Now the "Religious Practices" have changed as We no longer have to continuously make "Animal Sacrifices" to have our Sins removed as Christ has taken care of All Sin past, present & future! We also after Accepting Christ become a part of the Royal Priesthood & Family of God answering Directly & Only to God for our actions. Are the 10 Commandments still to be followed, YES! & if U think that's too hard to do, try following the 2 that Christ gave us!!! Love God with All Ur Being & Ur Neighbor as Urself!!! 3.) Lest ye forget, we were Created Perfect in a Perfect Environment and Our Parents blew it for Us!!! With Sin comes Spiritual & Physical Death! Sin was made manifest after the Fall in the Males Genes by God & only the Male can transmit it. So All are (ONLY at Time of Birth) "Activated" with the "Old Sin Nature" being Born Physically Alive & Spiritually Dead! There is NO Human / Soul Life in the womb as is stated in Genesis 2:7, where God "Breathes" Human / Soul Life into the fetus! We are NOT Creators & God would NEVER entrust Us with making "Souls", the way we like to Kill people!!! So, the next thing we must Realize is that in order to settle the "Angelic Conflict", we were Created & given "Free Will", but our "Perfect Environment" was Removed and Control of this World was given to Satan for a short time!!! So there are Ur Reasons for the "Suffering from Cancer (All Disease), Aids, Starvation, Terrorism and Heinous Crimes " in our World!!! BUT (BIG BUT) God has prepared a place for Christians again in the Perfect environment of Heaven for Eternity!!! So why worry about our short life here compared to Eternity, "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of Heaven and All these things will be add to U!" Mat. 6:33 4.) His & Ur Bible Knowledge should be worked on Together, not to "Prove" someone right or wrong, but rather as something that will bring U both closer to God! I would Suggest that U go to a Bible Supply / Gospel Supply store & find an easy to read version in larger print in say the "New American Standard " version & a "Bible Handbook" such as Halley's that can give U a "Background" of the Scripture in things like "Customs" of the day, "Other Peoples" of the day, "Traditions" of the day etc.. This makes the Scriptures just "Come Alive" & soon U will Both be looking forward to the "Bible Study" time U spend together. God WILL Bless U Both for this! John
2007-06-26 12:35:36
answer #3
answered by moosemose 5
1. Why do the laws regarding Christianity change from the old to the new testament.
The laws didn't change. They were fulfilled by Jesus Christ and totally set aside, in favor of the grace and mercy of Jesus and his Church.
Under the new covenant, we are no longer dependent on keeping the law for our salvation. We are dependent on the grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, which is available to us whenever we need it, through Christ and his Church.
When the Church eventually readopted and readapted the old commandments to the realities of the new covenant, they ceased to have the power they did in days of old, acting instead as guides for proper behavior and aids for the formation of the conscience.
2.Why would someone so perfect let us live in a world were people are suffering from cancer, aids, starvation, terrorism and Hannis crimes.
The world is what we chose to make of it after Adam exercised his God-given free will, threw in with the devil, and transferred dominion over all the earth to Satan, in return for the knowledge of good and evil.
Jesus eventually put an end to Satan's evil dominion, but the effects of man's rebellion persist ... death and corruption being foremost ... and they will until Jesus comes again, wraps everything up, and ushers in a new and perfect age that's not subject to all the bad things that plagued this one.
My Catholic Resource CD provides much more extensive coverage of these and many other theological issues. It's free for the asking. Just send me a postal mailing address via email, and it's yours.
2007-06-26 12:14:17
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I think I understand your situation. Many people find the apparent discrepancies in the Bible to be stumbling blocks to faith in God.
I would suggest that you do not attempt to use Bible text because it is subject to interpretation by you or religious leaders, therefore can not be counted on to be totally accurate.
I think he might find it helpful to just look at our world realistically and then re-ask his questions. It is the fallen man who has brought about cancer, aids, starvation, terrorism and crime. God does not control the lives of people unless they ask Him to take control and guide them. They have the freedom to make their choices and as you can plainly see, those choices are often not in the best interest of anyone.
God is giving mankind the opportunity to turn away from their sinfulness by choosing to follow Him. One day, when the time is right, God will once again purify the world and bring it back to the "Garden of Eden" state....but this time...without allowing Satan to interfere with the perfection.
Now, after I have said all that, let me give you the most important thing you can do. Let yourself be a shining example of what God can do in a person's life. Show what a personal relationship with your creator really means. Seek God first, and he will lead you.
2007-06-26 11:39:37
answer #5
answered by Poohcat1 7
1) There are three types of OT laws: Civil (government), ceremonial (pointing to a Messiah - Jesus), and moral. Of all the OT laws, only about 6% can be applied outside the State of Israel. That fact, along with all the laws that were fulfilled with Jesus' death on the cross, basically eliminates all the civil and ceremonial laws. That leaves us with the moral laws to ponder.
Moral laws applied to pre-Israel, Israel, and post-Israel. The NT confirms that the moral laws are still in effect (homosexuality, adultery, etc.). All of the Ten Commandments were repeated again in the NT except keeping the Sabbath (the principle of one day of rest still applies, just not necessarily on Saturday). The NT also confirmed it isn't just the action that is wrong, but also the "thought" behind a wrong action (Matt. 5:27-28).
Remember, the law can't save you (Gal. 2:21). But we will be judged according to its righteous standard as it applies to us (I Cor. 3:13-15).
2) God governs the course of history so that, in the long run, His glory will be more fully displayed and His people more fully satisfied than would have been the case in any other world. If we look only at the way things are now in the present era of this fallen world, this is not the best-of-all-possible worlds. But if we look at the whole course of history, from creation to redemption to eternity and beyond, and see the entirety of God's plan, it is the best-of-all-possible plans and leads to the best-of-all-possible eternities. And therefore this universe (and the events that happen in it from creation into eternity, taken as a whole) is the best-of-all-possible-worlds.
2007-06-26 12:43:38
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
2. When Adam and Eve fell into sin, the entire creation reaped the wages of sin- death. Sin in the world contributes to all kinds of horrible suffering. However, God gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
1. The Old Testament ceremonial law was fulfilled by Christ. For example, the sacrifices pointed to Christ's final sacrifice. The Old Testament is full of pictures, shadows and types of the coming Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. Once Christ came in the flesh, his presence made the types no longer necessary.
2007-06-26 11:28:34
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
1) The law didn't change, but was fulfilled in Yashua.
The law was given as a 'mirror', so that everyone had the opportunity to see their 'mistakes' (sins). Laws are made for law-breakers after all.
2) When God first created this earth it was beautiful and perfect, but when sin entered in it was no longer so.
Adam & Eve were vegetarians, so no animal had to die. When they sinned, they attempted to cover their nakedness with leaves. At this point in time death entered into this perfect earth, for God Himself slayed an animal and made clothing for them. This was the third death - as even though Adam & Eve were physically alive, their spiiritual death had already taken place.
Since the fateful day when Eve handed Adam the fruit the earth and all that is in it has declined.
Today we have all of the horrors you mentioned - cancer, starvation, teroism, and other hannis crimes as a direct result of sin.
But be of good cheer, for this is temporal. The Lord Yashua, Jesus the Christ is returning for His own. There is a scripture that tells us to be found looking up as our redemption draweth nigh!
2007-06-27 01:46:06
answer #8
answered by Belize Missionary 6
I actually side with your husband on this one, but I'll try to help. Most discrepancies between old and new testament are usually due to the death of Christ and his life being given to save the souls of others. That is why Christians can eat pork, shrimp, etc. But on that note, homosexuality should fall into that boat. It is only a few passages away. Many Christians pick and choose what is right and wrong and don't read the dog gone book they say they worship.
The suffering on the other hand is chalked up to free will and Adam's choice to eat the fruit. By doing that, man was tossed out and we have to deal with the perils that Satan can throw our way.
Hope that helps.
2007-06-26 11:31:52
answer #9
answered by stevenhendon 4
1 In the Old Testament, God was working very hard to tame an extremely wild animal called Man. By the time we get to the New Testament, we are civilized enough to comprehend the concept of 'love'.
2 God is Spirit, not flesh. His interests are spiritual, not fleshly. He uses trials and tribulations to perfect the Spirit within us. It's all a matter of perspective. We will all see that eventually. But it's better to recognize the truth sooner rather than later.
2007-06-26 11:31:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous