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just as heterosexuals are not all promiscuous or prostitutes although some definitely are...it's quite unreasonable to say that being gay only means lots of sex with lots of guys and drugs and booze and promiscuity and disease and that you are going to hell... no, that is so wrong. There is no one gay lifestyle... there are as many lifestyles as there are gay people ...as there are people having lives.

2007-06-26 06:26:42 · 18 answers · asked by CHEESUS GROYST 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

st_louis_cardsfan: My heart bleeds for your discomfort.

2007-06-26 06:36:24 · update #1

WalterEgo: I think that is a separate matter and I'm not sure I know the answer, I'm convinced that if you ask that question of the R&S community yourself you will get a response however.

2007-06-26 06:39:26 · update #2

tuberoot, I can't help but think you are missing out on a real loving and physically rewarding relationship...you are faking it ... top marks for being a fraud pal!

2007-06-26 06:44:03 · update #3

Ray Eston Smith Jr: You are quite right to ask that and I don't have an answer, I think it's another issue entirely is all, it's not an especially gay issue is what I want to say here, promiscuity may have many benefits perhaps you'd like to expound upon this?

2007-06-26 06:49:07 · update #4

18 answers

That's not the issue-they shouldn't be lumped together unless you are listing all sin. The fact that they are both sins are what they have in common. The Bible speaks against both promiscuity and homosexuality. New and old testaments.

I'll spare you the old; you've heard it.

Romans 1:24Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what
is against nature. 27Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was
due. 32who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.

1 Cor 6:9Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[1] nor sodomites, 10nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
Footnotes1. 6:9 That is, catamites

2007-06-26 06:30:20 · answer #1 · answered by tcdrtw 4 · 2 4

The Biblical Responce:

Yes, they are two different things...however, both are spoken against by the Bible...and when you engage in one, the other is more likely to occur as well. Just like doing one wrong thing leads to another, or doing one right thing leads to another.

Lust is considered adultery according to the Bible (in fact, according to Jesus). Would that not be considered promiscuity then? In order to know you are gay, would you not have had to lust in the first place? In that sense, it would be very hard to be gay without being promiscuous in your heart as Jesus warns againt.

Truth is, we've likely all lusted at some point (whether towards the same or opposite sex)...and the Bible says if you only break one law, it is like you've broken them all. There will be a day of judgment and we will stand before God, the perfect Judge...we will be guilty. A payment is required...either life in Hell, or Jesus' death on the cross (which can be accessed by repentance and trust in Christ Jesus alone).

2007-06-26 13:46:24 · answer #2 · answered by mrs_r_wilkins 2 · 1 2

It's not even fair to state that the "church is against promiscuity" --- because quite frankly, some of them haven't a clue of what they're preaching! (It's certainly not the Bible)

(to answer your question:) Promiscuity applies to all sexual orientation types.

Also, the bible shuns upon homosexuality. It is not condoned lifestyle (whether one thinks it's chosen, or not --- There's always a choice! Even if a person is homosexual, the sin is actually in the act of having homosexual relationships & lusting after others of the same sex...)

The bible also shuns "fornication" --- which is sexual relations outside of marriage. This includes pre-marital sex, adultery (sex to someone other than your spouse/extra marital affairs), and homosexuality (because again, 'homosexual marriage' isn't what God had intended with "marriage"~the bible clearly defines marriage as between a man and a woman.)

**I believe my last statement answers your question to the point**

God bless

2007-06-26 13:38:44 · answer #3 · answered by redglory 5 · 0 3

It sounds like, in this question, you're being just as judgmental and biased as the church is. Why is gayness "right", but promiscuity and prostitution are "wrong"? Other people's sex lives are none of your business and none of the church's business.

If churches restrict their moralizing to their own members, I will have no problem with their warped views on sexuality.

2007-06-26 13:43:17 · answer #4 · answered by Ray Eston Smith Jr 6 · 1 3

They absolutley are two different things.
I think too many Christians now days spend their time putting down homosexuals.

I am a Christian and I do believe that as per Leviticus that God does not approve of men being with men and women being with women. But I also believe he doesnt approve of MANY things.

No sin is any worse than another and we were all born sinners. Unless we confess our sins, change our ways and accept him as our savior we will not go to heaven.

I know the bible says let he without sin cast the first stone. Which none of us are without sin so people should stop being so judgemental. We are called to be witnesses not judges or jurors.


just for the record - as far as I believe - there are only two sins that will keep you from the kingdom of heaven
1) suicide (because you are unable to ask for forgiveness once you are dead)
2) denouncing God (Jesus) because obviously you have to believe to go to heaven

2007-06-26 13:34:17 · answer #5 · answered by GAgirl 4 · 1 3

There is no one "straight" lifestyle. Hetero folks like allot of different stuff sexually , don't they. Even among pedophiles, some attack little girls, some attack little boys. Some people are attracted to violence during sex, some to bondage, some to cross dressing. ALL of our sex sin is condemned by the bible. Christians and homosexuals just have more conflict right now due to the homosexual political agenda. For a man to have an adulterous relationship with a woman is no more pleasing to God than for him to have a homosexual relationship. I see each of those things as being equally wrong.

2007-06-26 13:37:32 · answer #6 · answered by Graham 5 · 1 4

This is the Christian Perspective:

1.) Sex outside of marriage is a sin.
2.) We don't acknowledge gay marriage
3.) Hence gay sex is a sin.

This is sorta of simplified, but that's pretty much it.

2007-06-26 13:32:02 · answer #7 · answered by The Brian 4 · 4 2

A lot of us Christians are LGBT. The "church" can do what it wants. But there is a part of the "Church" that does not want that kind of thing to get between those who want to come to Christ. If God doesn't want someone to be a homosexual, He will change them. He cvhanged me, and what I had to do is trust Him. I am in love with a woman now. The more you trust God with, the more He responds in love to you. It's the way He always was.

2007-06-26 13:38:44 · answer #8 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 1 4

Exactly. It's simply an assumption, albeit a wrong one, that "all gays are promiscuous". A "lifestyle" is something you choose, like Goths, punks, overworked/underpaid, etc. being LGBT is not a choice.


2007-06-26 13:31:19 · answer #9 · answered by vinslave 7 · 4 3

The church is not known for using facts when judging others

2007-06-26 13:32:12 · answer #10 · answered by GayAtheist 4 · 4 3

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