God flooded the entire world because man was inherently evil, then he promised to never flood the world again...because man was inherently evil.
Logical thought processes are not his forte.
2007-06-26 06:30:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Why did you have training wheels on your first bicycle? Does that mean that the bicycle was imperfect, or that the designer made a mistake? Or does it simply imply that the rider has some learning to do before he graduates to a new bike?
I thought that the Old Covenant made it clear that the old covenant was just a temporary stop-gap measure that was supposed to last until the Messiah came, who would bring in the perfect covenant -- when we humans were developed enough as a race that we could handle it.
I see from the thumbs down that someone is not looking for an honset answer to this one. No matter; it won't shut me up.
Galatians 3:23-25
"But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, being shut up to the faith which was later to be revealed.
Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith.
But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor."
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation
2007-06-26 06:33:51
answer #2
answered by Randy G 7
God needed to make a New Covenant because the Jews broke the Mosaic Covenant (which was not eternal: it was actually CONDITIONAL upon the Jews' obedience). Accordingly, Jeremiah 3 and the entire book of Hosea states that God considered His "marriage" to the Jews ended due to their spiritual adultery. This necessitated a new covenant at some point in the future, which is described at Jeremiah 31:31-34.
He knew this would happen. However, it's His world, not ours and He can do whatever He wishes.
2007-06-26 07:06:50
answer #3
answered by Suzanne: YPA 7
"Christians: So… why did god need to make a new covenant? "
No. WE needed God to make a New Covenant.
"Did he make mistakes in the old one?"
No. WE made mistakes with the old one.
"Was he short sighted and did not understand humans well enough the first time?"
No. WE were short sighted and did not understand human nature.
"Did he fail to communicate in an effective manner the first time?"
No. WE failed to listen to his 'oracles', which were stated perfectly in the Old Testament, and He showed that we didn't understand them and WE needed His giudance on those things.
"How did god screw up the first covenant?"
No. We did. We were incapable of following it. That knowledge was supposed to chase us to Christ out of shame ( the action of those under repentance) .
2007-06-26 06:34:30
answer #4
answered by Christian Sinner 7
God did not screw up the other Covenants. Human Beings Did. Covenants require both parties to do something to keep the alliance intact. Both parties accept this duty and a ceremony is undertaken to ratify the deal. For our first parents the sign was marriage and the two becoming one flesh was the ceremony. The promise God made was for a Savior. For Noah the sign was the deliverance through the ark of Noah's family and the ceremony was the rainbow. The Promise God made was never to destory the world again by flood so that Noah's Family would repopulate the earth. The next covenant was with Abraham to inherit a territory for his extended family(One Tribe) The sign was circumcision and in this Abraham included all his extended male dependents. He rounded up 317 fighting men overnight to rescue his nephew Lot so his group was already sizeable. Moses received the next Covenant when God promised deliverance from Egypt for the Twelve Tribes of Israel. They were forged into a nation by their experience of
Exodus(going out) through the Reed Sea after the plagues and their identification at Mount Sinai as
God's People. The Sign was the Law especially requiring Sabbath worship. The Next Covenant was with David who made the nation possessing the land into a Kingdom. The heir David would father would build the Temple and this became a permanent sign of David's Reign. The Last Covenant was with Jesus whose Death and Resurrection was the abiding sign as portrayed in the Eucharist.(bread & wine for the forgiveness of sin). This New Covenant made the Kingdom into an International Union for All People. It had been foretold by Jeremiah 33 when the Law of God would be written on the hearts of believers by God's Spirit. In all these Covenants God did what God had promised. Human Beings often failed to keep their part of the bargain. One Flesh marriage became polygamy. Noah's family splintered into the various races. Abraham's Tribe fragmented into Issac/Ishmael and left the land God had given. Moses' Nation disbelieved and wandered for forty years in the wilderness before daring under Joshua to attempt possession of the land. There they fragmented again and were victimized by their neighbors. The people were united under David both North and South and made Jerusalem the capital. David's Kingdom split after the death of Solomon and was eventually overwhelmed by Assyria and Babylon. Jesus' International Union remains to this day as an abiding presence for Jew and Non-Jew of God bringing people into oneness with God in Christ.
Notice the movement: Marriage to Family to Tribe to Nation to Kingdom to International Church. The signs of marriage, home, inheritance, land, worship and temple and capital city have all remained in various ways in the Church. Jeremiah's prophecy noted that the New Law would be written in the heart and all would be taught by God directly. God kept the Word spoken to people across the centuries. Knowing human beings all too well God did all that the covenants committed God to do but did so in an even more wonderful way. This is why the New Covenant is more embracing , more powerful and more lasting than the former ones. Will there be another. Yes in Eternity when God will be all in all.
Revelation shows the fulfillment in the visions which reveal worship in heaven having full effect on earth. The Ending of Estrangement of Humanity from God by Sin, Death, and Disunity all through the Glorified Firstborn from the Dead: the Risen Lord Jesus. The Lamb(passover) still bears the marks of slaughter but stands on the throne with the Father. What WE have is a failure to communicate our trust in the Covenant when we do not live up to what God has done in Christ.
2007-06-26 07:16:09
answer #5
answered by ndorphynbear@sbcglobal.net 2
the coming of the second covenant was in the plans from the very beginning - prophesies to the Messiah and a second covenant start from Genesis 3
humans learned something about God during the first covenant - didn't your mom change the rules as you were growing up and becoming more mature, does that make the first set or rules wrong - no, they were necessary at the time then a new set became necessary
2007-06-26 06:32:28
answer #6
answered by servant FM 5
God didn't screw anything up. There was a plan.
Gal 3:23But before faith came, we were kept under guard by the law, kept for the faith which would afterward be revealed. 24Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.
Hebrews talks about how the old was a shadow of things to come (the new).
There are OT prophecies about the Gentiles being included in redemption, etc that point to the plan for the new covenant.
2007-06-26 06:34:45
answer #7
answered by tcdrtw 4
There is to much to explain to put that all in this one answer. The first covenant was a picture of when Jesus would come. All the feasts and laws and everything. The second is Jesus. Jer.31:31
All was created for Jesus and Through Jesus.
God has a perfect plan, and had it perfected from the start.\
The covenants were pictured with Abraham's sons. of Abraham's son to the Slave was the first covenant (Ishmael), and the Second Covenant, his son of Promise, to Sarah, Isaac.
Jesus freed us from sin.
2007-06-26 06:33:29
answer #8
answered by Adopted 3
In the UK, a covenant offered a legal way of keeping tax out of the taxman's hands.
Maybe the Celestial Revenue Service changed the rules, so a new covenant was required?
2007-06-26 06:33:16
answer #9
answered by Namlevram 5
Little jackie,
GOD Promised the Savior throughout the Old Testament and the Israelites awaited HIS COMING. Many were unaware of HIS presence when HE was here. You evidentally still do not understand that HE died for every one of us. You too may have HIS Saving GRACE if you but read, study, and obey HIS HOLY WORD. Get a Bible and contact me. I will assist you in that study. Have a great week.
Thank you,
GOD has never made a mistake. HE is unable to lie or to be mistaken in anything. YOUR biggest mistake is making fun of your one chance at Heaven.
2007-06-26 06:33:06
answer #10
answered by Eds 7
because the Old Covenant was only supposed to be temporary, preparing for the New. It was like training wheels, learning the basics. then you get the Harley....
2007-06-26 06:30:27
answer #11
answered by Hey, Ray 6