I do believe it. God's chosen spouse is the best.
2007-06-26 02:51:06
answer #1
answered by ivan_the_terrible 4
Absolutely! All my life I had this recurring dream of a man holding me from behind on my parents front porch and all I could get was a glimps of this black hair. That never made any sense because I was always with blonds. I also felt that no matter who I dated that I already knew who I was supposed to be with I was just missing him somehow.
Well, when I was 12 my parents bought a summer house 1 1/2 from home and I met Peter, he was 20. I dated Jimmy as a teenager for 3 yrs (may to may) and Peter dated Jimmy's older sister for the same 3 yrs. My parents sold our place when I was 20 and his sold too. 12 yrs later my parents made me go up for a weekend (I was a single mother) and within 20 minutes this Peter walked into the yard. I lost my breath, I was truly never attracted to him before but this time was different. His parents had retired up there a couple of years before and he was visiting during a vacation.
I saw him, lost my breath, couldn't get away from him for 3 days. I was never so afraid to talk to anyone in my life, I even had trouble looking him in the eye. We changed each others lives.
We are about to celebrate our 4 yr aneversary, we have a 2 1/2 yr old son and my daughter is an amazing big sister (now 16).
We never planned on children and we both feel that getting pregnant despite bc that our son was god's way of making us realize how good we had it and to let our fears take the back seat.
God will guide the right person to you if you let it happen. No matter how we felt I might have ended it with Peter to take a huge job out of state and the baby changed that. I am now a stay at home mom/small business owner and love my life. Oh yeah, Peter has jet black hair staring to salt & pepper. Completly not my type until he was the right guy.
Good luck and practice personal responnsibility and respect yourself and the right guy will come along.
2007-06-26 10:06:34
answer #2
answered by New England Babe 7
I believe that the gods brought us together. We actually knew each other about 15 years ago but lost track of each other. In 2004 we were living in different states, both unattached, and asked the gods to help us find the person we were meant to be with. We re-met in a Yahoo group. What are the chances that, in those 15 years, we would have both become Pagan and then found each other again? We don't believe it was coincidence.
2007-06-26 10:20:31
answer #3
answered by Cheryl E 7
Did god choose my wife for me?
No. It was a mutual decision between a beautiful woman of 19 and this randy, emerging actor at age 18. God was busy just then, looking after the trillions of galaxies in each of which there are a trillion stars.
2007-06-26 10:08:23
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I don't think so. I think God has better things to do than matchmake.
Seriously though, I'm a Christian and I don't believe that. I think it's something we tell ourselves to feel better, or in cases an excuse for inaction. But it also leads to a lot of people sticking out bad or dangerous relationships.
I think that there are numerous people out there who each of us are potentially compatible with and it's the decision and commitment to stick with one the rest of your life that makes him/her your soulmate.
2007-06-26 09:57:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes I do. I just wished I had waited for him. I was married twice before I met the one I am married to now. I wasn't saved and married for wrong reasons. I never knew you could love someone the way I love my husband. We are more than just husband and wife we are friends as well. We love to talk to one another and I am always with him. We hardly ever fight. God truly blessed us.
2007-06-26 10:02:03
answer #6
answered by iwant_u2_wantme2000 6
There's no such thing as destiny and absolutely no eternity. We're all mortal and nothing ever last forever. An easy way to life, shifting all responsibility to God. God this, God that. Give heaven a break and grow up.
2007-06-26 09:57:17
answer #7
answered by Favouritism 1
Heard people live separately in Heaven.
Yet did hear of a 'splitting of soul = twin mate' You plus you = whole.
2007-06-26 09:53:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I believe I chose my husband, but that God blessed our marriage and that's why we're happy.
2007-06-26 09:51:11
answer #9
answered by sassy n 4
Yes. I was too stupid to listen. It took us like 25 years (I think) to finally be together.
2007-06-26 10:06:33
answer #10
answered by Jed 7