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12 answers

I put no faith in religion. . . .my faith is in God alone. . .not man.

2007-06-26 02:13:41 · answer #1 · answered by sparkles9 6 · 3 1

I take it then that you are opposed to mathematics also? After all, math is nothing but a rigid and enforced indoctrination on how numbers work. It is thousands of years old an so can not possible be true. I mean counting was developed by stone age tribes, so it can have no value today.

And then look at the contradictions within the system. The ancient Greeks insisted that zero did not exist, while the Mayans used it as the base for their whole math system. So which is it? Does it exist or not? Today most people think it exist, but they can't explain or define what happens when you divide a number by it. So which is it? How can something exist that can not be defined?

As far as the creation of math, no one ever discovered it. It is nothing but generation after generation adding their own opinion to the subject. One group trying to explain everything with geometry and trigonometry, while another group is into algebra. Then along comes Newton in the 17th century with calculus and totally redefines all the early math.

So obviously all math is just opinions that can't be trusted. Otherwise it would be completedly definable, have no contradictions, be totally understood by every person who claims to have be a school graduate, no one would ever misuse it to create weapons or commit crimes, no one would ever make a math error or missunderstand a math problem, it would not change or advance over time, nothing could be added to the very earliest teachings about it, and anyone who insist that math facts are "real" and that any answer besides "2+2=4" is wrong is a racist, bigoted, narrow-minded moron who only wants to indoctrine children.

(Yet we think all the same arguements make religion invalid)

2007-06-26 02:35:04 · answer #2 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 0 0

There are copious examples of religious theories that deserve to be derided and by religious people. Gradually these work themselves out for the most part. You put your faith in God and the Resurrection. Beyond those central beliefs, it is the same as in any endeavor involving people. They take a stand and defend it. It is the same in science, the arts, economics and every thing else.

2007-06-26 02:35:33 · answer #3 · answered by Richard F 7 · 0 0

that's religious people's BLIND FAITH: theories that are opinions that CAN'T be trusted...

We just need to Pity religious people !

Here's the simply Solution for religion:

Create a Private, Personal, Direct, Divine Relationship with Our Creator and save Your Soul from religion's and atheist's beliefs and start Your journey back home, to Heaven.

<<<<<<< UnConditional Love is the only answer >>>>>>>

Love and Believe in Our Creator;
Love and Believe in Yourself.

Only with Our Creator's Love and Peace will we be Truly Free!

2007-06-26 02:14:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am Christian. People make the mistake of lumping Christianity in with organized religions. Yes, there are buildings called churches where we congregate, but it's the people that are the "church", not the building. Christianity is a way of life, not an organized religion.

From personal experience, when I made the decision to turn my life over to God and follow Jesus, there was a physical, mental and emotional change that came over me. It's not something that is easy to describe, but it is something you never forget when it happens to you. And it's not something you ever want to let go of.

2007-06-26 02:20:37 · answer #5 · answered by LadyG 4 · 2 0

Why can they not be trusted. I pesonally examined the evidence that was available and decided Christianity fit the world model better than anything else, including sole faith in science.

2007-06-26 02:19:14 · answer #6 · answered by mrglass08 6 · 1 1

Simple because its been tried and tested.
Still here, getting blessed every single day.

There is a god and hes especially perfect
in the game of hide and seek.

2007-06-26 02:38:29 · answer #7 · answered by PENMAN 5 · 0 0

I don't trust opinions. Everyone's got them, so what's the point in trusting someone else's opinion?

2007-06-26 02:16:15 · answer #8 · answered by capitalctu 5 · 0 1

faith and science have nothing in common, and you can't expect everyone to be brilliant. besides, it's in the human basics the wish to believe in a savior

2007-06-26 02:15:53 · answer #9 · answered by larissa 6 · 2 0

Look at the world today. Is there anything you can trust? No, the only thing you can trust is God!

2007-06-26 02:16:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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