misscarriages & death is a part of life. God does not cause death, nature does, but God also feels the pain we as mothers go through. Sometimes people want ot blame God & if so they need to read or RE-read James 1:12-13 NIV:
12:Blessed is the man who preserves under trial,because when he has stood the test,he wil recieve the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him 13:When tempted,no one should say, "God is tempting me."For God cannot be tempted by evil, not does he tempt anyone"
So what does this have to do with misscarriages or still births? Am I saying it is evil for babies to die? NO Not at all, what i am saying is do not take the grieving of a loved lost one whom has passed on ,& blame God! We will be reunited at the ressurection with our lost babies & loved ones. Anyone saying "God has taken this child home because he needs them..."is not tellnig the truth because noone but Jesus christ has descended or asscended into heaven(human wise)& it'll be done at the resusrection. I feel the pani I misscarried once & now blessed with 3 children,but God doesnot give us more then we can handle.
2007-06-25 16:52:59
answer #1
answered by Whitney 2
When one becomes intelligent they begin to question why is a baby born blind or sick or in a poor family and another healthy and in a rich family. There is no sin in the spiritual kingdom. We fall here after just the thought of envying Gods position. So that means one has lived a life before this one to get good or bad situations. As far as original sin if that where true then God would also be fare and give us all the same karma) So The reason why most Christians don't understand all of this is because King Constantine added and omitted and misconstrued so many things in the bible (that's a fact) and The original bibles he had burned which was easy to do back then because only the higher ups in the church and government had copies and women couldn't read. The original followers of Jesus had to go into hiding because they where being killed by Roman empire and Church. They took a copy with them and kept it hidden. It is now available in English with historical documentation of its authenticity. Jesus originally taught karma, reincarnation, and no one goes to hell eternally. One must understand karma and reincarnation to understand the unlimited mercy and love of God. You sound like a sincere seeker of Truth don't stop seeking it until you are satisfied. Google gospelofthenazirenes.com For the actual New Testament.
2007-06-25 17:08:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Adam and Eve lived like children. Children very young say 3to 7 they dont care about dressing or anything which adults call hygenic or decent.
The moment they had the Appel of knowledge they transformed themselves to adults.
God makes to walk on the path of pain to realize the temporaryness of the world. He teaches us the world seem to be place of pleasure but its perishing and we ourselves will perish and any attachment to perishbles will lead us to misery.
We may do great things inlife. There are great knigs who raised empires but what happened in time they were destroyed too.
Though we see many humans die each day still we think of living a life of an immortal. Then when any death surprises we are feeling miserable.
Whats is the solution? Well we should not take anything for granted. Treat all relations as gift of God. Develop an attitude of being detached attached. Example like a house who takes care of the house, and the children and everything as if her own. But if she is told she is fired she is ready to give up and get to another job and remember her true family.
So should we must also treat all earthly body realions and remember our only permenant relation as God.
2007-06-25 20:29:24
answer #3
answered by M.L.M 4
im first going to address your concerns about adam and eve. they had sex before the devil appeared. God created sex. to them their nakedness was normal. they didn't "know" any different. but what the devil did was make them ashamed of their nakedness. nothing more. Genesis 2:22-25 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib [j] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
23 The man said,
"This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called 'woman, [k] '
for she was taken out of man."
24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
25 The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.
Job is an excellent book of the Bible to read when a traumatic experience happens to you. Job suffered every imaginable pain possible, at the hand of Satan, but he still remained true to God. The pain was a test of Job's faith. Since Job passed the test, the quality of his life was multiplied tenfold from his life before his trials. I think Job will answer some of your questions about why God allows pain to happen to people.
God does want us to procreate. Why wouldn't he? God created humans to love him, so why wouldn't he want more love? Man is created to multiply and fill the earth (Genesis 1:28). Man and wife are to become as one flesh (Genesis 2:24).
God puts different children in the care of different women for very different purposes. Sometimes the healthier women are better off financially or whatever and are able to properly support a disabled child wheres if a drug user getting a disabled child, that kid would almost have no chance whatsoever. A "normal" kid with a drug abusing mother might have a chance because they have at least average intelligence and won't be as relient on their mothers for as long, allowing them to sometimes escape their situations. Sometimes it works out for the best, sometimes it doesn't, but God has a purpose for it all.
tiny testimony - My sister was diagnosed with severe gastro-intestonal diseases about the time she was in the second grade. My mother had so many doctors collaborating together to try to figure out how to help my sister in a way that was a win-win situation. The medication the doctors prescribed worked but with severe side effects. But through a rather expensive diet change, my mother,on her own, was able to put my sister on the fast track to a healthy lifestyle through her own research and energies. Our family is extremely blessed to be financially stable and able to handle the medical and food expenses that my sister had and still requires. Had she been in another family, who knows, she might still be suffering from her diseases.
2007-06-25 17:01:48
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well who decides what is Gods will and what isnt? And isnt gods will not always what our will is? Hello, im talking about destiny here. Anyway, back to god. First of all, um, the bible isnt the only book of god, you know. Gods voice is in every day, in every death, in a whispered kiss between light and dark. So, you think the devil invented sex and god created death? Ha! birth and death are one and the same!
2007-06-25 16:58:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes,I feel you,but how do you think our Heavenly Father feels when people die without Jesus in their heart.Its eternal death and God will not be able to do anything for them anymore.
These babies have no fault and since they knew no evil,they automatically go be with God forever,isnt that better than to expose them of the hardship here on earth?!
satan is a deceiver,liar,and murderer! The reson satan intervened with Adam and Eve was far more than just the nakedness.It was the disobedience they would do against God!!Gods plan for us is always great for us,but the devil always tries to seperate us from God. That is why He sent His only begotten son that we may choose to accept Him as Lord and Savior and we woul not perrish but have everlastin life.The kingdom God has prepared for us is that of NO suffering or pains! This world today has no guarantees,you can pass away from one moment to the next!
That is why we should be prepared at all times so we can go to Heaven and see all our loved ones( In your case,your babies you never got to enjoy here) and MOST OF ALL GOD!! satan knows what he is doing and he is making you believe what you are saying! Dont allow him to steal your joy and hope of your kids to come! It is satan who stole your joy and happiness those kids would have brought you! Just continue to trust in God and you will see that He will bring you the happiness all in due time.
Please dont give up on God,it would be by far the worst mistake of your life.
God Bless
U know I sometimes doubted God for things that have happened in my life that gave me grief but I know that God really does know what He does and why He does it.After all He does know best.
2007-06-25 17:01:56
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Your gunna get all kinds of answers asking a question like that in such a worldly forum...but...
Gen 1:27-28
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."(NIV)
He wants us to procreate. Why He took your child. Don't know. Why did He take my brother...don't know. But in the book of Job it shows that God allows Satan to do certain things up too a point. And in 1Corinthians we are told that God doesn't allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. If Satan could do anything we would fall away, but God puts a restriction on him(satan) so we might overcome.
Job, after all was taken from him (including family) still glorified God and received 10 times what he had because of his faith that God knew best and His master plan far surpasses our tiny minded one. It hurst to lose family, but we are strengthened, and blessed when we still put our trust in God. The pain you go through and strength you receive may help someone else in your shoes later...just as I am trying to help you now after losing my brother in a stupid car accident.
God is not a puppet master, he lets life happen, and life isnt fair, he doesnt busy his hands pulling the strings, because He is keeping them free to catch us when we fall. Take comfort in the palm of His mighty hand and when he stands you back up, walk with a renewed strength. My prayers are with you. God bless
2007-06-25 17:01:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
He gave us free will. We went and screwed up the perfect life. In came sin. Sin is what brought death. God doesn't want to see anyone die, but it happens because we are human, death is a part of life. I think God did intend for us to procreate, if for nothing else than to glorify him with the best gift of all, new life.
2007-06-25 16:46:33
answer #8
answered by carneyman35 2
It is hard to understand God's will at these very hard times in life. The devil doesn't help with conception. In fact, for those he deceives and get pregnant and then convinces them to abort. Why? Because it is a very insult to God's will. God is in the process of bringing us back to him. To a place where we never will die and never have pain. It would be his will to prepare us for this. He knows everything and sees the end. He see you in the end. He sees you as spiritually growing because of this trial. God doesn't do anything that you cannot handle. It may seem hard and cruel right now for me to say this, but grab on to God right now and accept his will and you will be greatly rewarded for trusting in him in such horrible times.
2007-06-25 16:50:38
answer #9
answered by Peggy Pirate 6
GOD told adam and eve to be fruitful and multiply.. My dear lady, You can trust GOD th lead you.. thete are stories in the BIBLE about women who did not conceive for a long time.They later gave birth to important people. Samson for one, Samuel, and Isaac. I would like to encourage you to read your BIBLE. Start with John, and notice the spiritual language.. JESUS being the WORD, how HE appeared 3 ways and was rejected by most.. just as a start.. and read slow carefully and make notes. buikld your trust in GOD.. and read Proverbs 3:5-6. stay in touch..
2007-06-25 17:13:30
answer #10
answered by spotlite 5