Simple; the bible is not god's word. It was created by Paul not Jesus.
Muhammad was appointed a prophet at the age of forty. Prior to this he had lived his life as a trustworthy, truthful, just, kind person in his Quraish tribe. Never steal, lie or hurt people physically or emotionally. He was even given the name 'Al-Amin' which mean the truthful or trusted one.
He could never write or read till his death.
Therefore he could not have known with intricate details of all the prophets before him. It was revelaed to him through the Quran by the way of angel Gabriel. Thru this he knew that Jesus was given the book "Injeel"(not the bible by Paul). He and all muslims are obligated to belief in this book, but none was preserved. God has promised to preserve the "al-Quran' through the verse "Nay this is a Glorious Qur'an, (21) (Inscribed) in a Tablet Preserved! (22) -(Quran 85: 21,22.
"People of the book" refer to those who believe in "Injeel-Jesus", "the original Taurah- Moses", " Zabur -David" and other books and scriptures given to prophets before him. The Quran encompass all these books and supersedes any commandments given before this.
In the Quran 3:84 Say: "We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma`il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the Prophets, from their Lord; we make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will (in Islam)." (84)
As already mentioned above, muslims do not believe in the bible as god's word. You are referring to the bible and your understanding of the atonement to what have been taught to you. If there was atonement of sins thru Jesus, it would have been revealed to Muhammad by God. In this case there was none.
In furtherence to the above muslims do not believe that Jesus was crucified as the following verse in the Quran dicatates:
Quran 4:157 That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah";― but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.― (157)
You are so confident that Muhammad refers to the bible. Please show us the proof. In which verse of the Quran or Hadith that states so. Your own Christian scholars are disputing the truthfulness of the bible and you expect Muslims to believe it. There are no Islamic Scholars that have ever disputed the truth of the Quran.
You are not interested to finding the truth thereby
2007-06-25 15:43:38
answer #1
answered by halo 3
Mohammed, pbuh, was a monotheist, not a Jew or a Christian, but a believer in one God. There were a small number of monotheists in Makkah at the time, including also Khadija, who become the wife of the Prophet. I don't know that any uncorrupted written scripture has been preserved to this day from so long ago. Can you answer what written scripture did Abraham, pbuh, follow? What do you mean about a book which refers to prophets but does not teach atonement? Muslims are taught to sincerely repent for their sins, but are taught that Allah does not prefer blood sacrifices. Sincere repentance comes from within and manifests itself in a change of behavior. "People of the Book" refers to the people who follow the Torah and the Evangel. There is only one God.
2016-05-20 03:38:17
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Whatever. I dont mind that as long as whatever that he preached is all good for humanity, as with other prophets like Jesus, Moses. But before u shout ur head off about all these terrorism, I have to say that for all I know, it goes against the Islamic teaching. But some muslims do claim that they r doing the right thing. (sigh) I dont know, for me it is the job for the muslims to live up to whatever that they claim they r. But honestly speaking, I do see otherwise.
2007-06-25 16:13:09
answer #3
answered by araizex 2
Surely, the case of Jesus with Allah is like the case of Adam. He created him out of dust, then he said to him, "Be', and he was.
Holy Quran
First of all, it contradicts the saying of St. John referred to earlier. Secondly, it destroys all the edifice built so far, because nobody - right from Adam to the Last Day - would enter the sanctuary of safety and deliverance except a very small group, that is, those who believe in Christ and the Holy Ghost; and not even all the Christians but only a certain group among all those widely differing denominations - all other denominations would be thrown into eternal perdition. I wish I knew what would happen to the honored prophets (who came) before Christ, and to the believers of their ummah! What would be the status of their mission, of the books they brought and of the wisdom they taught? Was it true? Or just a lie? The Gospels verify the Torah and its mission, and there is no mention at all of the Ghost and the atonement in the Torah. Does the Gospel verify a true book? Or does it verify a pack of lies?
Let us look at the story of atonement. What is atonement or ransom? A man - or a thing related to him - is involved in some crimes or sin, as a result of which he faces the possibilities of harm or destruction of life or valuable property; and therefore he offers something less important in order to save his life or the more valuable property. A man taken prisoner redeems himself with offer of some money; crimes are redeemed with money paid as fine. The thing given for this purpose is called ransom, fine or redemption. Atonement, in short, is a deal, which transfers the right of the claimant from the person so redeemed to the thing given in ransom or redemption - and thus the redeemed one is saved from captivity or from the evil consequences of the crime he had committed.
This description shows that atonement and redemption is simply unimaginable in the matters related to Allah. The Divine Authority - unlike human authority, which is merely an abstracted idea, a subjective consideration - is the real authority, which cannot be changed or transferred. Things, in their species and with their effects, actions and reactions, have been created by Allah and continue to exist because of Him. It is a reality, a fact; and reality and fact cannot change into non-reality, non-fact. Such a proposition cannot be imagined - let alone its ever coming into being. Allah's ownership, authority and rights are not like those of us human beings. We are bound with social norms and laws. Our social rights, authority and ownership are merely subjective considerations, abstracted ideas based on our imaginations; their status and worth is in our own hands; we may establish a right today and abolish it tomorrow - as our interest and outlook change concerning our life and livelihood. For details see Commentaries of the verses 1: 4 (the Master of the Day of Judgment)*, and 3:26 (Say:'O Allah, Master of the Kingdom...')*****.
Allah has specifically refuted the idea of atonement in the following verse: So today ransom shall not be accepted from you nor from those who disbelieved; your abode is the fire (57:15). And as explained earlier, the same is the import of the words of the Messiah quoted by Allah in the Qur'an: And when Allah will say: "O 'Isa son of Maryam! did you say to men, 'Take me and my mother for two gods besides Allah' ", he will say: "Glory be to Thee, it did not befit me that I should say what I had no right to (say); ... I did not say to them save that what Thou didst enjoin me with: 'That worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord', and I was a witness of them so long as I was among them, but when Thou didst take me (away) completely, Thou wert the watcher over them, and Thou art witness of all things. If Thou shouldst chastise them, then surely they are The servants; and if Thou shouldst forgive them, then surely Thou art the Mighty, the Wise" (5:116-118). His words: "and I was a witness of them so long as I was among them. . . ", have the following import: 'I had nothing to do with them except what Thou hadst entrusted me to do, that is, conveying Thy message to them and being a witness over them - as long as I was among them; whether Thou shouldst chastise them or shouldst forgive them, entirely depends on Thy discretion; I have nothing to do with it. I do not have any authority on Thy will, with which I could save them from Thy chastisement or sentence them to punishment.'
It clearly refutes the idea of ransom and atonement. Had there been any ransoming or redeeming, it would have been wrong for him to wash his hands of the fate of his ummah, telling Allah that it was His (Allah's) discretion whether to punish them or forgive them, and that he ('Isa - a. s.) had nothing to do with it.
Of similar connotation are the following verses:
And be on your guard against the Day when one soul shall not avail another in the least, neither shall intercession on its behalf be accepted, nor shall any compensation be taken from it, nor shall they be helped (2:48).
... before the day comes in which there is no bargaining, neither any friendship nor intercession . . . (2: 254).
The day on which you will turn back retreating; there shall be no savior for you from Allah . . . (40:33).
Obviously, the "compensation" (in the first verse), the "bargaining" (of the second) and the "savior" (of the third) all apply to the idea of atonement and redemption; the verses in refuting these things refute the belief of atonement.
Of course, the Qur'an accepts the Messiah as one of the intercessors - but not as an atonement. We have explained about "Intercession" under the verse 2:48 (And be on your guard against the day when one soul shall not avail another . . . ) ******. We have explained there that intercession shows the nearness of the intercessor and his good standing with the master, without there being any transfer of authority from the master to the intercessors; without affecting in any way the ownership or power of the master; without nullifying or abrogating the, master's commandment which the sinner had disobeyed; and without negating the system of recompense, reward and punishment. Intercession is but a sort of prayer and request by the intercessor that the master - in this case, the Lord - should manage the affairs of His creature with mercy. The intercessor accepts the Master's right to punish the sinner (because he had sinned and the law of recompense makes him liable to punishment), but asks the Master to exercise His power of forgiveness - because He has the right to forgive as He has the right to punish.
The intercessor thus requests the Master to exercise His right of pardon and forgiveness, when the sinner has become liable for punishment, without in any way affecting the Master's ownership or authority. But atonement is something else; it is a deal, a bargain, which transfers the Master's authority from the sinner to the ransom given in his place, and removes the sinner from the Master's power as soon as the Master accepts the ransom in his place.
That the Messiah is an intercessor is proved by the following verse: And those whom they call upon besides Him have no authority for intercession, but he who bears witness of the truth and they know (43: 86). It clearly says that the people excepted would have the authority to intercede. 'Isa (a.s.) is among those whom they call besides Allah. But he has the authority of intercession because he is included in the exception: Allah confirms in the Qur'an that He had taught him ('Isa) the Book and the Wisdom, and that he ('Isa) shall be among the witnesses on the Day of Judgment. Allah says: And He will teach him the Book and the Wisdom (3:48), and (quotes him as saying: and I was a witness of them so long as I was among them (5:117). He also says-. and on the Day of' Resurrection he shall be a witness against them (4:159).
All these verses read together prove that 'Isa (a.s.) is one of the intercessors. We have described it in detail under the following verse - ..And be on your guard against the day when one soul shall not a ail another in the least ... (2:48).
2007-06-25 15:50:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous