Are u aware that you are in "Religion & Spirituality"? I do not have rude intentions, so if the Q came across that way, its not how I meant it in tone! :)
Do you mean "he or she whom "DISCIPLED" you?" If so, then I would say, I have had many disciples who showed me how to better study the Word of GOD by teaching me to study in specific ways. I've had others who taught me how to 'witness my beliefs' to others in ways that do not offend or come across as if I'm trying to "force" my beliefs upon them. I have been taught to preach by one motive alone: To save those whose eyes are blinded by the errors of this life, i.e; the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, excessive WORRY which only chokes out FAITH, etc....
I learned alot from those who discipled me; and I try my best to disciple other new believers in Yeshua. See, this is a HUGE problem among the Christian "Body of Christ",.....the "body" represents the worldwide collective group of all who simply believe that GOD became incarnated in the person of Jesus (Yeshua) in order that HE would offer Himself as a LIVING SACRIFICE for all. FAR TOO MANY CHRISTIANS (esp. "ministries" specifically that of TBN -Trinity Broadcasting Network) WHO are only concerned with keeping a tally of "souls that """THEY""" have saved" since the beginning when they first went on air)...THIS MAKES ME SICK,.,,,,,For the LORD's goal is NOT "JUST" that we come to the saving knowledge and acceptance of Yeshua as our personal LORD and REDEEMER. BUT!!!! After one decides to really turn their life around and follow Christ Jesus; there then begins the work (by the Holy Spirit) known as sanctification. This sounds more complicated than it is! It is simply the outward manifestation that Jesus has changed our inward man (our desires, our sinful ways etc....). But the prerequisites for this are layed out in the WORD of GOD, and alot of people who go to some church alter and "make a decision for Christ" have absolutely NO IDEA what to do as "follow up" to that decision.
For one, when people accept the Lord Jesus into their hearts, "take the wheel" and to trust in HIM at all times that HE is working always to bring us closer to Him by our becoming like HIM"........alot of people do not actually see this MONUMENTALLY IMPORTANT DECISION FOR WHAT IT IS.....and that being: ONE HAS JUST LITERALLY SOLD THEIR SOUL TO GOD. (If that makes any sense). There is what I call a "beautiful burden"~ in that, one who gives their life and their ideas for their life over to Christ, has to keep up his/her end of the deal. And as the scriptures say His commands are not grievous" it is. Four foundations that are absolutely scriptural and MANDATORY are:
1). Read the Word of GOD EVERY DAY....learn from HIM, study and read it PRAYERFULLY....talking with the LORD all along the way. GOD ALWAYS honors the prayer of one who seeks to understand the scripture (only after they have received Christ by FAITH).....He will show you what HE specifically wants you to know at any given time.
2)PRAYER: We MUST pray without ceasing. That means that be it aloud or in thought; we have to have that CONSTANT communion with Christ. In this we have our livelihood; the same follows with ANY relationship.....we cannot have healthy relationships if we do not communicate with each other! The LORD blesses our prayers, and answers them in HIS TIME.
3)WORSHIP: The scriptures declare that "GOD inhabits the praises of His people"....this, to amazing. When we come together, or be it alone....when we sing songs and lift our hands in praise to the ONE who alone is worthy of such devotion....we have the power and grace to overcome alot of struggles.
4) Finding a CHURCH is very important. It cannot be any ol' church; it MUST be ONE that makes the actual WORD OF GOD (kjv), or aka THE SCRIPTURE, as its CENTRAL SOURCE OF SEEKING AND KNOWING GOD. This is GOD's main vessel of relaying HIS commands, His grace, mercy, LOVE.....The fellowship of being with other like-minded believers is just like "mentoring" there are many body parts, so it is with the "Body of Christ"....each member or part, has its own gift and encouragement, or experience to offer to any other member of the church. This too is scriptural; we are not to forsake the assembly of ourselves with other believers.
THESE THINGS are too often NOT shown to new believers; and unfortunately.....many fall away from the truth because of the lack and utter neglect of the church to disciple these.
2007-06-25 12:52:10
answer #1
answered by º§€V€Nº 6
My mentor taught me the incredible relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament, and how 66 books of the Bible are a singular message system from an Author outside of our time domain.
And yes, I have.
2007-06-25 19:04:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I have had sooooooooo many good mentors.
The thing is to just grab what has meaning and usefulness in your own life from them.
Like I could see having a militant lesbian feminist as a mentor and having only 20% of her teachings resound for me.
Anyway, I consider that sort of thing highly personal. I would share it only in person with trusted people.
2007-06-25 18:54:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Hello, Dr. G.
I didn't really have a mentor................. unless you count the books and music I listened to after becoming a Christian.
I loved Corrie Ten Boom and Catherine Marshall....and Keith Greene.
They helped me understand that this was a serious undertaking and that God wanted all of me.
I suppose it influenced me to mentor. God almost always has a younger person in my life........
2007-06-25 18:58:48
answer #4
answered by fanofchan 6
To love all and above all, love God. Yes I have become a mentor because of this person.
2007-06-25 18:53:41
answer #5
answered by Itachi-Sama Luuuuver...!! 2
My mentor taught me to be patient with my children as they grew up, to love them unconditionally, not expect them to be perfect, and let the Lord steer them over the rough spots of life. Her example in raising her own children inspired me. I now mentor my grandkids.
2007-06-25 19:10:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I can't really think of a mentor.
I simply take the good from people I come across and leave the bad.
The Bible is the first and last guide for me. Some of whom inspired me every now and then stray from the Bible. And when they do, I simply focus on the word of God.
2007-06-25 19:30:11
answer #7
answered by Leo 2
Why would you ask, if you believe in the True Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ?
2007-06-26 09:18:14
answer #8
answered by C Sunshine 6
We teach and learn continuously.
2007-06-25 18:52:21
answer #9
answered by Dharma Nature 7
1.Each morning upon rising, and each evening before sleeping, give thanks for the life within you and for all life, for the good things that Wakan Tanka ---Creator has given you and for the opportunity to grow a little more each day. Consider your thoughts and actions of the past day and seek for the courage and strength to be a better person. Seek for the things that will benefit others (everyone).
2.Show Respect. Respect means “To feel or show honor or esteem for someone or something; to consider the well being of, or to treat someone or something with deference or courtesy.” Showing respect is a basic law of life.
o-Treat every person from the tiniest child to the oldest elder with respect at all times.
o-Special respect should be given to Elders, Parents, Teachers, and Community Leaders.
o-No person should be made to feel “put down” by you; avoid hurting other hearts as you would avoid a deadly poison.
o-Touch nothing that belongs to someone else (especially Sacred Objects) without permission, or an understanding between you.
o-Respect the privacy of every person, never intrude on a person’s quiet moment or personal space.
o-Never walk between people that are conversing.
o-Never interrupt people who are conversing.
o-Speak in a soft voice, especially when you are in the presence of Elders, strangers or others to whom special respect is due.
o-Do not speak unless invited to do so at gatherings where Elders are present (except to ask what is expected of you, should you be in doubt).
o-Never speak about others in a negative way, whether they are present or not.
o-Treat the earth and all of her aspects as your mother. Show deep respect for the mineral world, the plant world, and the animal world. Do nothing to pollute our Mother, rise up with wisdom to defend her.
o-Show deep respect for the beliefs and religion of others.
o-Listen with courtesy to what others say, even if you feel that what they are saying is worthless. Listen with your heart.
3.Respect the wisdom of the people in council. Once you give an idea to a council meeting it no longer belongs to you. It belongs to the people. Respect demands that you listen intently to the ideas of others in council and that you do not insist that your idea prevail. Indeed you should freely support the ideas of others if they are true and good, even if those ideas are quite different from the ones you have contributed. The clash of ideas brings forth the Spark of Truth. Once a council has decided something in unity, respect demands that no one speak secretly against what has been decided. If the council has made an error, that error will become apparent to everyone in its own time.
4.Be truthful at all times, and under all conditions.
5.Always treat your guests with honor and consideration. Give of your best food, your best blankets, the best part of your house, and your best service to your guests.
6.The hurt of one is the hurt of all, the honor of one is the honor of all.
7.Receive strangers and outsiders with a loving heart and as members of the human family.
8.All the races and tribes in the world are like the different colored flowers of one meadow. All are beautiful. As children of the Wakan Tanka---Creator they must all be respected.
9.To serve others, to be of some use to family, community, nation, and the world is one of the main purposes for which human beings have been created. Do not fill yourself with your own affairs and forget your most important talks. True happiness comes only to those who dedicate their lives to the service of others.
10.Observe moderation and balance in all things.
11.Know those things that lead to your well-being, and those things that lead to your destruction.
12.Listen to and follow the guidance given to your heart. Expect guidance to come in many forms; in prayer, in dreams, in times of quiet solitude, and in the words and deeds of wise Elders and friends.
2007-06-25 20:11:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous