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Are they telling you that Jesus died to save you from your sins and the true steps to accept this free gift of salvation that Jesus taught us.. about being born again in water and in spirit?


Are they really sharing the news that the people can join the one true religion and live forever on paradise earth by following the Watchtower...where they discourage being born in the spirit since that is reserved for the 144k with heavenly hope which were finished in 1935?

(please note that the second option is not in the Gospel)

2007-06-25 09:57:04 · 20 answers · asked by ~♥Anna♥~ 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Sklemetti said no one follows the Watchtower...it's just a magazine.

I meant the Watchtower Society. The Governing Body. The organization. Bethel. The people who write the magazine.

Well the magazine says "come to Jehovah's organization for salvation" (Watchtower, 15 November 1981, p. 21)

But the BIBLE says to come to Jesus for salvation....

2007-06-25 13:55:57 · update #1

May C... oh honey... if you have the CD there are definitely some articles you should read in their entirety .... email me and I will give them to you...

2007-06-25 20:18:43 · update #2

20 answers

--Are they telling you that Jesus died to save you from your sins
>> actually, they do say this...

--and the true steps to accept this free gift of salvation that Jesus taught us.. about being born again in water and in spirit?
>> well not really... they say this happens to some but not all, using a numerology unique to them...


--Are they really sharing the news that the people can join the one true religion and live forever on paradise earth by following the Watchtower...
>> Ummm, yes.

--where they discourage being born in the spirit since that is reserved for the 144k with heavenly hope which were finished in 1935?
>> pretty much... seems a few "replacements" had to be allowed for after 1935, when more had the born again experience than they had accounted for... but mostly that's it. If you weren't one of the "anointed," whatever you thought you were going through was your imagination and you were reasoned with to set it aside.

--(please note that the second option is not in the Gospel)
>> agreed

2007-06-25 13:05:11 · answer #1 · answered by Suzanne 5 · 5 7

With a word or two changed, You could ask that question about all evangelical Christians, couldn't you?

[Are they preaching truth, or] "Are they really sharing the news that the people can join the one true religion and live forever in paradise [Heaven] by following [their religion]?"

Aren't all Christians convinced, and preaching accordingly, that theirs is the one and only true religion, and that you have to believe the way they do or you will go to Hell, suffer eternal damnation, and be cast into the lake of fire forever? Isn't that what the Bible tells them to do?

Jehovah's Witnesses are just doing the same thing that James Dobson, Joel Osteen, Pat Robertson, and Jimmy Swaggart are doing. They all come into your home, by TV or the front door, and tell you that you can have a wonderful life if only you will follow their beliefs. And it helps to send them money so they can tell others, too. At least Jehovah's Witnesses are not trying to gain political power or to have the law and even the Constitution changed to force their beliefs on everyone, as many evangelicals are.

Oh, and I am sure that they would beg to differ with your last statement, that only your beliefs are Biblical, but theirs are not. I'll bet we could find a lot of Christians (Catholics, Mormons, JW's, and more) who would say that your beliefs are not scriptural too. Judge not lest... well, you know...

** ADDED: The answerer who calls herself ^7^ (just above my answer) demonstrates the danger of religious fundamentalist extremism, whether Christian, Muslim, or any religion. In the name of a Loving God, she spews hatred and condemnation, saying "JW are a sect; a cult; a branch that is wicked..." and "[Their] doctrine is screwed up and wrong; leading MANY to fall by the wayside. The JW have really mangled the TRUE WORD OF GOD." Pretty harsh and hateful words.

The next logical step beyond this kind of hatred is to persecute those who believe differently than we do, and lock them up or execute them so they can no longer be "wicked" and preach their "mangled" version of God's word. Much like was done during the Spanish Inquisition, the Taliban, and the Puritan's witch trials. This is a perfect example of what I talked about in my last paragraph, and graphically demonstrates the danger of religious fanaticism.

2007-06-25 17:17:21 · answer #2 · answered by Don P 5 · 6 2

theberean, is this what the Jesus you are calling God taught you how to speak? how to treat others? U.I.B??? You are the one who seems uneducated...encouraging us to call the JWs, U.I.B.? How old are you? 8???

and for you to practically end your comment with "HALLELUJAH! Come Lord Jesus..." HUH? they need to teach you some manners in church!

I must say, most of you that answered this question with harsh words towards the Witnesses need to take a look at yourselves.

and yes, to answer you, Anna, Jehovah's Witness do preach to me about the earthly hope and the heavenly hope.

"Unselfishly they have used their time and resources to instruct others about God’s marvelous purpose for this earth. As a result of all this hard work, upwards of five million persons throughout the world expressed interest in God’s new order and his provision FOR SALVATION THROUGH JESUS CHRIST..." Watchtower, Nov 15, 1981 pg 20.

Anna, you left out that part of the article. I am not (yet) a Jehovah's Witness but yes, I do have their Watchtower CD Rom as part of my "search for the truth."

2007-06-26 02:08:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

If you have the "extensive experience" that you claim to have with Witnesses, you should already know that we proclaim the "good news of the Kingdom" that Jesus himself also shared while on the Earth.

It is the same message outlined in what is referred to as the Lord's Prayer: that God's will be completed upon this Earth, and that His righteous name be glorified.

The Good News is just that- news that this present system with all of it's sin and sorrow is not permanent, that there is true hope for the future, that ALL THIS IS POSSIBLE BECAUSE OF THE RANSOM SACRIFICE OF JESUS CHRIST.

And if EVERYONE is going to heaven, as you claim, then why all the scriptures regarding the Earth? That the meek will inherit it, the righteous will reside upon it, God will bring to ruin those ruining the Earth, the Earth will stand to times indefinite, the Great Crowd of Revelation, etc. etc.???

Seems like a lot of scriptures focus on an Earth that no one is going to live on, wouldn't you say?

It's sad that many will listen to the refuse that spews from you without checking to see if your information is accurate.

2007-06-25 17:08:11 · answer #4 · answered by danni_d21 4 · 8 4

When JWs share the good news, Anna does not listen.

AS to being born again, that is not anyone's choice but God's.

No one follows the Watchtower since it is a magazine. People don't follow magazines.

That magazine does not discourage being born again since it is not up to the individual or the congregation, it is up to God.

As to the heavenly hope being concluded in 1935, we never taught that. We believed that in 1931 the general calling ended (and still do) but the specific calling never stopped.

1935 was only when it was discerned who the great crowd was.

So, Anna, when JWs share the good news with you, you ought to listen as you are doing poorly on here.

2007-06-25 17:33:20 · answer #5 · answered by sklemetti 3 · 9 4

It's not their news it's God's good news of his kingdom that's in heaven and the same will be done on earth. The good news of the kingdom is that God's kingdom will replace the govenments and kingdoms you now see and God's kingdom will be perfect unlike how kingdom's and governments are like now on the earth. God made this world for us to live forever in a paradise Adam and Eve messed it up. But God never changed his mind for his plan for the earth to be a paradise.

2007-06-25 18:06:59 · answer #6 · answered by bronxbaby30 3 · 7 5

By the way Anna according to the bible in Isaiah 55:4 Jesus was Jehovah´s witness "Look! As a witness to the national groups I have given him, as a leader and commander to the national groups.
5 Look! A nation that you do not know you will call, and those of a nation who have not known you will run even to you, for the sake of Jehovah your God, and for the Holy One of Israel, because he will have beautified you.

WHAT a terrible disaster struck mankind early in human history! An angel rebelled against the authority of the very One who had created him. This rebel enticed the first woman, Eve, to eat the forbidden fruit. Referring to her and her husband, Adam, the angel said: “You positively will not die. For God knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad.” (Genesis 2:16, 17; 3:1-5) The rebellious angel came to be called Devil and Satan.—Revelation 12:9.

Did Eve pay attention to Satan’s words? The Bible tells us: “The woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was something to be longed for to the eyes, yes, the tree was desirable to look upon. So she began taking of its fruit and eating it. Afterward she gave some also to her husband when with her and he began eating it.” (Genesis 3:6) Yes, the first couple, Adam and Eve, joined Satan in his rebellion. As a consequence, they lost Paradise for themselves and for their descendants. Children who were to be born perfect with eternal life ahead of them would instead inherit sin and death.—Romans 5:12.

How did Jehovah God, the Sovereign Ruler of the universe, respond? He purposed to make provision for the forgiveness of sins. (Romans 5:8) Jehovah God has also established a governmental arrangement to manage the crisis. This arrangement is called “the kingdom of God.” (Luke 21:31) Set up as a subsidiary to God’s universal rulership, this Kingdom has a specific purpose.

What is the purpose of God’s Kingdom? What are some of its aspects, and how do they compare with human rulership? When was the Kingdom to begin ruling? These questions will be discussed in the following article.

Next article:

JESUS CHRIST taught his followers: “You must pray, then, this way: ‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.’” (Matthew 6:9, 10) This prayer, known to many as the Our Father, or the Lord’s Prayer, explains the purpose of God’s Kingdom.

By means of the Kingdom, God’s name will be sanctified. It will be cleared of all the dishonor that has been heaped upon it as a result of the rebellion of Satan and man. This is vital. The happiness of all intelligent creatures depends on their holding God’s name sacred and willingly accepting his right to rule.—Revelation 4:11.

2007-06-25 17:01:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 11 4

Anna, I looked in vain at the JW answers to see if anyone actually answered your question.

1) Moises goes on a rant and not once even addresses your question. Moises, do you not know how to read?

2) Danni goes on a rant about the "kingdom". Uh Danni, here is a clue: The "Gospel of the Kingdom" is NOT "living on a Paradise on Earth". She asks the question, what are all of those verses about the "Kingdom of Earth" doing in the Bible.

Well sheesh Danni, If you would read the book of Revelation and numerous other passages, you would see that ALL born again believers (thats ALL Christians) are going to "rule and reign with Christ for a Thousand Years".
If you would stop blindly following the U.I.B.* you would KNOW that.

The "Gospel" is DEFINED in 1Cor 15: 1-5 "that Christ died for our sins, according to the scripture, and was buried and raised for our sins according to the scripture".


And according to Jesus in John Chapter 3, a person MUST be Born Again.

Doesnt John 3:3 & 5 say:

V3) " I tell you the truth, the one hundred and forty-four thousand must be born again."

V5) "...I say unto thee, unless the one hundred and forty-four thousand be born of water and the Spirit, they cannot enter the kingdom of God."

OOPS, I'm sorry. I seem to have gotten that wrong.

So, the Jehovahs witnesses BIGGEST problem is, is that they do not know what the Gospel is. And since they do not believe in the Bodily Resurrection of the Lord, (and that is part of the Gospel), they have no chance of EVER living in the future Coming Kingdom on Earth. That Kingdom is to be personally ruled by Jesus the King from Jerusalem. With the Church (the complete Body of Christ) ruling and reigning with Him....... HALLELUJUH,...COME LORD JESUS !!!

*U.I.B.= Uneducated Idiots in Brooklyn (That is my new designation for the W.B.T.C.) Please feel free to use it. In fact I URGE all to start using it.


2007-06-25 19:28:54 · answer #8 · answered by theBerean 5 · 5 9

Watchtower apostate Gospel of gobbledygook

Hello,the "Kingdom message" aka Gospel of the Watchtower is that Jesus had his second coming (enthronement in heavenly power) in the year 1914

This is a false Millerite Adventist teaching and everything connected with it ergo the 1918 'sealing of the remnant'(Watchtower corporate leadership) is bogus too.

Gal 1:8 "whoever preaches a DIFFERENT VERSION of the Gospel let him be accursed"

The Watchtower ADMITS and has so stated and published their apostate Gospel of gobbledygook in hundreds of millions of pieces of literature that their Gospel IS different,in fact in this they differ from all the other Churches by their own proclamation.

The reason the Watchtower came into existence was to "herald Christ Kingdom in 1914".

Now that you have been exposed as an apostate cult,you want all those who took loyalty oaths to the 1914 kingdom (generations) to 'just forgatta bout it' and you now say that JW's are just good ole boys who go all out for a generic and noble sounding "God's Kingdom".

1914 was world war one that's all

Learn more about exposing this false Gospel http://www.freeminds.org

2007-06-25 17:47:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 10

all of the above! and it does speak of only 144,000 going to heaven rev 14:1-5

2007-06-25 17:01:47 · answer #10 · answered by nevrasleep 2 · 10 3

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