This question also applies to those with mental handicaps. Faith in Christ is the requirement for salvation - it's got nothing to do with knowledge, as in the sense of a head-trip, or subscribing to a raft of theological propositions. Faith as that of a little child is what Jesus said God is looking for - a simple trust. Very young children are capable of that. In fact, all children seem to be born with that - until adults ruin it for them. We need have no concern about any age limit or intelligence levels because, as Abraham said to God, "Far be it from you to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Will not the Judge of all the earth do what is right?" And the answer to that question is, "Yes, he will!"
2007-06-25 08:50:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Most of you ignorant people who gave answers should have never responded in the first place. Don't give advice on something you clearly know nothing about. Now, to answer your question, there is no set age in accountability. When a child realizes he or she should be saved and feels the convicting power of Jesus Christ, then they are accountable for their sins. I have a seven year old son who has been saved and baptized since he was five. He prays and feels the spirit just like a christian adult. I feel that if he ever turns away from this and then dies he will go to hell. However my six year old daughter clearly sees church as the place her Papaw works (he's our pastor) and where you go to Sunday school and get prizes. She hasn't experienced God yet, and I don't feel that she is accountable for her salvation yet. And it does not matter how good you live during your life time, people, if you haven't been born again (saved) then you will go to hell. You don't have to believe me, one day you will wake up in the eternal flames of hell and you will know you were fooled here on this earth...
2007-06-25 08:55:13
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
When a child reaches the age of accountability and under- stands the teachings of Christ. There is no set age, more or less. A lot also depends on the mental state. Babies do not go to hell, when they die.
2007-06-25 08:47:42
answer #3
answered by Auburn 5
The age of accountability varies in age.
I read childrens Bible stories before my kids were 1 year old.. When they started talking, they would say, "Jesus" and we would sing kids gospel songs. We said our prayers each night, etc..
A child may be 7 or 13 when they fully understand about salvation.. When they become accountable for their wrongdoings, then they have a choice to either accept Christ or reject him..
It also depends if the childs parents teach them about God from the beginning, those kids will understand at an earlier age...
2007-06-25 08:46:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Good question. That is a hard call but my guess would be that it varies from child to child. I think that it would be when the child is at the age where they can make right and wrong decisions. I don't mean simple decisions like they would make at an early stage, but decisions that children make once they are around 10 or so. When they understand the consequences of their actions.
2007-06-25 08:41:35
answer #5
answered by logan28 4
At the age they are when they can understand that Christ died for thier sins and they must accept him as Savior. This comes at different ages depending on what the Child knows. At whatever age they are when they grasp the need to be saved.
2007-06-25 08:40:34
answer #6
answered by s. grant 4
Though I heard that the Jews believe it is 13, it depends on each person. Everyone is different. Some may be 7 or 8 and some may be 12 or 13 or even older. As far as those with a diminished capacity, God is merciful and I can't see him punishing them.
2007-06-25 10:45:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
my dear sister in Christ you must first understand what happens in death you dont go straight to heaven or hell the scripture says nothing of this sort you are simply dead with no consciousness then when the Lord rules after the 1000 years he will raise up all those who didnt have a chance to accept him in there lifetimes he will be giving them literally a 1st chance to accept Christ or be cast into the lake of fire so threre is no really given age
2007-06-26 04:48:16
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I don't think that there is a set age for children to accept Christ as their personal savior. When the truly understand for themselves just who HE is and are ready to accept him after hearing and being taught about who he his then that is the age. They won't be held accountable because of their age as a child. You have to remember GOD is all knowing and he knows who really knows HIM and who does not. Now adults..........that is a whole different story.
2007-06-25 11:04:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i don't think that there is any set age. i think it's more a matter of the individual and at what age they become "accountable" for there actions. and i don't mean so much them knowing right from wrong, but going against God and doing God's will... i can't really think of a better way to explain it... but it's different with every child. all we can do is guide them down the right path, and they will find where they're supposed to be ;)
2007-06-25 11:39:23
answer #10
answered by Ashli A 3