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2007-06-25 07:17:34
answer #1
answered by YY4Me 7
the virgin birth was prophesied about 600 years before Christ, by Isaiah. I doubt this was a stolen idea.
Dec. 25 was a taken over Pagan holiday. muhahaha
the cross with a circle is not a true Christian symbol.
Dionymus was not a man
I'm sure you believe in co-incidences, right? considering that Jews and Egyptians were forbidden from contact, that anything Egyptian was a stonable offense, that anything Pagan was abhorred, and that Israel had been captive by pagans (which they despised) for 900 years (Egypyt + Babylon) I doubt the Jews would have let pagan culture into their own.
2007-06-25 07:21:23
answer #2
answered by Hey, Ray 6
This is the thing:
It's true that there has been much as to mixing of Christianity with Pagan things, and there is much confusion within Christianity itself as to what the focus is.
But through all of the confusion, there is one fact that I wish to communicate with you. God reveals Himself to some people, and lets them know that He is there, and then He helps some people cut through the nonsense.
Now I am probably a nut to some people for thinking that God would tell me and not most other people, I can't do anything about that. It's okay with me, I'm the one who He chose, not them. For myself and those few others in the world that had this or a similar experience, we can only tell people about it, what else could we do?
As those before us wrote about it; which is the Bible, all we can do is relate the information. Who will understand what we have to say? Answer: The other people in the world whom God wants, He chose them. I haven't any idea how many or who they are until they reveal themselves to me. They ask certain kinds of questions, the same kind of questions that I used to ask before I was saved.
So just letting you know, the reason why those other things you mentioned are not troubling to us is that the crap was already cut through, we don't have to rely on texts and rituals only. We have the revelation of God as a part of our experience. Only those He chooses are going to understand and be capable of cutting through the theories and revisions of history.
2007-06-25 08:10:29
answer #3
answered by Christian Sinner 7
I could not help myself when I saw your comments..
I will not get into the debate with you as far as the miracles that you are talking about..
The cross in which you are talking about is called
Ankh; and this cross Also known as the Key of the Nile, the Looped Tau Cross, and the Ansated Cross. It was an Ancient Egyptian symbol of life. Sometimes given a Latin name if it appears in specifically Christian contexts, such as the crux ansata ("handled cross"). Which is as well as a Christian.A Copt (Coptic: .Remenkīmi , literally: Egyptian Christian) is a native Egyptian Christian.
At one time the other meaning this cross holds is a a modified version of the ankh symbol is used in astrology to
represent the planet Venus, in alchemy to represent the
element copper,and in biology to identify the female sex.
The reception of Christianity immediately preceded its institution, as it was born in Judaism, concerns the Jewish race alone, and is comprised in the teaching and miracles of Christ, His death and resurrection, and the mission of the Holy Spirit.
Remember it is alot of belivers that will quote this verse to explane many diffrent 'religions" in the body of Christ..
1 Corinthians 12: 14-20
14Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. 15If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. 16And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. 17If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
I am happy to see you are searching for answers..My our Lord lead you in your search..
2007-06-25 07:45:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Sure it is real in the sense that it is a dogma that a lot of people believe in. You can't swing a cat without hitting a Christian these days (which annoys both the Christian and the cat -- I wouldn't recommend it). As for the truth of the underlying beliefs, it is based on faith, so it is less important that the parables in the bible actually happened and more important that people learn from the lessons in the scriptures and live a good life.
2007-06-25 07:15:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
christianity and all religions are based on belief. how could there be evidence? so many years have passed since the alleged events of christianity and any existing evidence would have been destroyed other than the word of mouth and the writting by humans who are not trustworthy. if you believe then good for you if you dont then oh well. i believe in Jesus because I CHOOSE to do so. i dont need any evidence because not all things can be proven.
you also must remember that the coming of jesus was talked about way before jesus was even born so many of these other gods may just be a part of his story.
no one knows when jesus was born they celebrate it on dec. 25 not because its his birthday but because thats the day they have established to dedicate to his birth.
supposedly dyonisus was 'twice born" he was in persepones womb and was taken out by zeus. then he was either born from semeles or zeus himself.
2007-06-25 07:36:44
answer #6
answered by ? 3
All religions can find faults in ones that are not theirs, I wish people would just let others have thier own beliefs and faith without trying to discount something just because they don't believe in it. The only way that we will know if God and Christianity exist for sure (other than faith of course), is when we walk through the gates of heaven to meet God but nobody lives to tell about that.
2007-06-25 07:18:45
answer #7
answered by littleone 4
There is similarity in all the religious texts. These were recited and not written.
As for Jesus, he was not born on Dec.25th. The event in the Bible referring to stars and that moment is somewhere near to April. Dec.25th is a feast celebrated by people of Jerusalem even before Jesus came to earth.
Similar miracles are done by many Saints as it is the power of mind and magic is slight of hand.
2007-06-25 07:49:33
answer #8
answered by Moni 4
The Bible is full of Mistakes.
The first mistake was when Eve doubted the Word of God.
The second mistake happened when her husband did too.
And mistake after mistake is still being made because people insist on doubting God’s Word.
The Bible is full of contradictions.
It contradicts pride and prejudice.
It contradicts lust and lawlessness.
It contradicts your sin and mine.
The Bible is filled with failures.
Because it is a record of people who failed many times.
There was Adam, there was Cain , there was David,
And many, many others.
But it is also the record of God’s never-failing love.
God did not write the Bible –
For people who want to play games with words,
For those who like to examine good without doing it,
Or for the man who does not believe because he doesn’t want to.
Modern man has discarded the teachings of the Bible
For the same reasons other men have discarded it throughout history –
Woeful ignorance as to its true meaning and content,
Determined apathy in refusing to consider its claims,
Parroted pseudo-scholarship posing as honest criticism,
And the secret conviction that this book is right and men are wrong.
It is clear that only an ignoramus or prejudiced person would believe it -----
Teaches outmoded, irrational and unreasonable principles,
Is filled with hopeless discrepancies and unacceptable statements,
And could only be the undirected, irrelevant, uninspired and unaided
Work of mere men.
The Bible is after all only just another religious book
For thousands who aren’t honest with themselves and God,
For those who are afraid to accept God’s own challenge to honest examination,
And for those unwilling to look in case it tells them what they are really like inside.
And you cannot understand or trust what the Bible says
Unless you are willing to consider the evidence and face up to the Author.
2007-06-25 09:26:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Human religions like humans evolved as we developed more questions needing easy answers. The religions that tended to meet the needs of leaders & defied attempts to prove them false are the ones that survived. I'd like to propose intelligent design as a theory on some of the World's surviving religions, but see too much evolution in Christianity.
Islam, however was designed to fit the needs of the moment & has not evolved to a significant degree.
2007-06-25 07:26:10
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Satan always had copycats, and will always produce a counterfeit.
Jesus Christ, and Him crucified, had been prophecied centuries before He even came. Right down to the letter, every prophecy of His coming was fulfilled.
This is proof, whether you want to admit it or not.
As for Christians, Jesus IS the way, the TRUTH, and the life.
The Truth IS our authority.
2007-06-25 07:17:42
answer #11
answered by Jed 7