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Do Muslims even read the actual words of the prophets of God or only their Qu'ran?

2007-06-25 07:11:31 · 9 answers · asked by djmantx 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Who rules..then you must surely agree with the prophet Isaiah who said the Messiah will atone for sin. I supose you thin Muhammad was in agreement wiht these prophets who foretold of the atonement?

2007-06-25 07:29:08 · update #1

zificos..same problem...Moses taught of the tree of life...Abraham said God would provide a lamb, Isaiah said the Messiah would atone for sin... Muhammad agreed with the prophets of God?

2007-06-25 07:30:59 · update #2

lionheart your question is better than mine..I must admit I have no answer.

2007-06-25 07:31:51 · update #3

AM Not sure how you can agree with both the Bible and Qu'ran one teaches the atonement and was says there was no atonement...how do your econcile these two? Muhammad says he agreed with the Bible yet taught that Christ did not atone for sin... how is this agreement?

2007-06-25 07:34:32 · update #4

laizar The Bible did not say the Qu'ran was thwe word of God... The Qu'ran does say the bbile is the word of God...Muslims believe there God is the same God..Why would you not read the word of God? I believe if Jesus had tuaght the Qu'ran was the word of God Chrsitians would definitely read the Qu'ran. Of course they would wonder why they do not agree.

2007-06-25 07:37:19 · update #5

arabmuslim The Bible is intact from before the Qu'ran..How could the Quran agree that it is the word of God and not agree with it? the wordsm of Isaih are dated at 250 BC and Jesus said he would fufill these prophsies...Muhammd did not know these scriptures? He agreed with them? The Qu;ran says it is the word of God and does not teach that it is corrupt...If Allah could not keep his word for 4000 years how could you trust his word now? Even Muhammad believed you were smarter than that..It is the reason he said he agreed with the prophets...yet denied their teachings.

2007-06-25 07:42:18 · update #6

arabmuslim can you answer why anyone would trust the word of a god who could not keep his word for four thaousand years?

2007-06-25 07:44:54 · update #7

Sternchen You are absolutely correct as usual. Muhammad agreed with the book as it was in his day and we can easily see the word of God has not changed and Isaiah and the prophets foretold of the atonement and Jesus agreed wiht these prophets...Why would Muhammad agree with the book and then say Christ was not crucified but that Muhammad did not know God? God would surely have known what the prophets of God had written in his book!

2007-06-25 11:49:58 · update #8

knowing, first Jesus did not change the law he fufilled it. Chrstians do not believe God is three but one God. Your interpretation of the trinity is akin to Muhammad's which means God has not revealed his truth to you either.. The Sabbath is one of the laws which Chrsit did fufill and the Sabbath is explained thrughout the Old Testament as well as the new as the day of the lord and salvationa s we all know that God did not need rest but was for our good not his. Christ did tell you the Sabbath was made for man. chrisitans understand the Sabbath as a day is Saturday and do not change the day nor the meaning of the Sabbath but by faiht have entered inot God's rest and the literal day of the lord is yet to come.Moses did speak of Christ as even Christ himself refered to..Had you believed Moses you would have known me because Moses wrote of me. I could show you of these truths in the true word of God, yet you would call God's word corrupt and follow the lie.

2007-06-25 13:56:46 · update #9

If Islam is the old religion why does it disagree wiht God and the prophets? What about the tree of life that God told Moses of? Is this tree of life in your Qu'ran? Why did Abrham refer to the place he was to sacrifice Issac and Jehova jireh? The lord will provide...because it is here where he said the lord will provide himself a lamb.
What of Isaiah 800 BC fortelling of a Messiah who would atone for sin? Jesus refering to Isaiah 53 as the prophesy he must fufill? did Muhammad agree with these prophets? is the Chrsitian religion the new religion? or did Christ agree with the prophets that were here before him? Was it Christ or Muahammad that disagreed wiht the prophets of God? Jesus is the word of God even called this in your Qu'ran did Chrsit call the word fo God corrupt? of course he did not. he did agree with the prophets of God as Moses said he would and did fufill their prophsies as he said he would.

2007-06-25 14:05:11 · update #10

9 answers

Hi djmantx
Some Jews asked Muhammed:
"Do you not allege that you follow the religion of Abraham and believe in the Torah which we have and testify that it is the truth from God?" He replied, "Certainly, but you have sinned and broken the covenant contained therein and concealed what you were ordered to make plain to men, and I dissociate myself from your sin."

Muhammad, in no uncertain terms affirms the Torah which the Jews had in their possession in Medina!

God would not give revelations that contradict each other. The New Testament and Old Testament, agree with each other. But the Quran contradicts them both. For example, the Quran gets Abraham's father's name wrong. The Quran also gets the people who died in Noah's flood wrong. God is not the author of confusion, therefore He is not the author of the Quran.

The New Testament contains the stories of Jesus identifying Himself as the Son of God, Jesus predicting His crucifixion, death, and resurrection, Jesus calling God "Father". Jesus' teachings are contradicted by Muhammad in the Quran time and time again. Further, the Quran contradicts even the Old Testament stories related to such Biblical figures as Gideon, Saul, David, and Noah.

Why didn't Allah speak up on corruption if these Scriptures were inaccurate of false? These themes are fundamental, why would the Muslims' god fail to address their corruption?

Had such a corruption had actually taken place, wouldn't Allah have revealed it in the Quran? The Quran is full of misquoted biblical stories, myths from pagan, Jewish, and Christian backgrounds, yet Allah has nothing to say about the corruption of His previous word. Was it that Allah didn't know because Muhammad didn't know? Jesus taught that false prophets would come into the world and mislead many.

Muslims today object to the Bible because they know it contradicts the Quran. However, the Quran teaches that the Bible is God's word.
"The Bible being corrupt was first promoted by Ibn Khazem (d. 1064 A.D.) as a means of avoiding the obvious contradictions between the Bible and the Quran.
Most Muslims are ignorant of the Bible, and they don't bother to analyze exactly what their Quran teaches. Instead of addressing exactly what the Quran teaches, they borrow from the work of others who have attacked the Bible's credibility and focus on bible criticisms.
If a Muslim were to truly believe the Quran, he would logically come to the realization that it is a false book because it testified to the truthfulness of contradictory books.
lg *Sternchen*

2007-06-25 09:51:01 · answer #1 · answered by Sternchen 5 · 1 1

Mohammed, pbuh, was a monotheist, not a Jew or a Christian, but a believer in one God. There were a small number of monotheists in Makkah at the time, including also Khadija, who become the wife of the Prophet. I don't know that any uncorrupted written scripture has been preserved to this day from so long ago. Can you answer what written scripture did Abraham, pbuh, follow? What do you mean about a book which refers to prophets but does not teach atonement? Muslims are taught to sincerely repent for their sins, but are taught that Allah does not prefer blood sacrifices. Sincere repentance comes from within and manifests itself in a change of behavior. "People of the Book" refers to the people who follow the Torah and the Evangel. There is only one God.

2016-05-20 00:11:46 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Maybe the question here should be does the Christain version of events fit the rest? the answer is no, Jesus was a pratacing Jew and did not make much changed to the sacred law. christatans believe that GOd is three then why is none of the Prophets claimed this, surely if they where prophets shouldn't they know? Why is it tht the trinty wasnt paret of christan theology until the roman emepore costintine forced it upon the people? Why is that many pagan symbols where adopted into Chrstaintiy, they used to worship on a saturday then changed it to sunday, the day of the sun. The pagan deity called Baal was believed to be born on the 25th, he was the son of the sun.

Also in the persian mythriac religion the son of god was sent to cleanse the world of sin, this what the bible says. Why is that that Jesus didn not change the religion as much as others did yet he has the right to do so.

Its christanity that doesnt agree with Jesus (upon him eace) not the other way round.

As for Islam, and Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him), the Hajj rights are from Abraham (upon him peace), the sacrficie etc, the fasting from David and every Prophet, the charity from every Prophet.

The daily prayers: The first to pray Fajr was Adam upon him peace after he was taken out of heaven into the darkness of the world, in the middle of the night, he was overtaken by extreme fear. When dawn came and the light began to appear, he prayed to Allah ta’ala out of gratitude.

The first one to pray Zuhur was Ibrahim when it was called out, “O’ Ibrahim you vision is true,” this was at the time of Zawaal.

The first one to pray Asr was Yunis when Allah freed him from the belly of the whale and the prayer was in the time of Asr.

The first one to pray Magrib was Isa upon him peace, when Gibril informed him that his nation would call him one of a trinity then he prayed three units and this was after sunset.

The first one to pray Isha was Musa upon him peace when he arrived on a path that left Madiyan, he had four problems and he prayed four units.

The first one to pray Witr was the Messenger of Allah peace and blessings be upon him on the night of accession in the station of Gibril at the lote tree.

Islam is the old religion and Christanity is the new one.

2007-06-25 12:39:38 · answer #3 · answered by Knowing Gnostic 5 · 0 1

Prophet Muhammad(PBUH*) is in agreement with all the other Prophets from Adam to Isa(PBUT*). Muslims believe in the Injeel, Qur'an and Torah but we believe that the Torah and Injeel were changed and altered by man and that the Qur'an is the only intact word of ALLAH(SWT).

2007-06-25 07:33:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Quran is true words of God and Mohammed is the last prophet of him. quran and bible have the same message, if you look deeper. I never differentiate between these books, all are the same in real. the true revealation!

2007-06-25 07:27:19 · answer #5 · answered by - 3 · 0 0

Do you think that most christians read the verses from the Quran and compare them with the bible ?
I think not.
I believe that quran is in accordance with the words of the prophets.
BTW I don't care if you think I'm wrong.

2007-06-25 07:27:19 · answer #6 · answered by Laff -Hugs 4all- 5 · 0 0

Mohamed (pbuh) was in complete agreement with the real word of GOD! we believe in Bible as well as old testament, and Zorah. and yes we do read them.. I have read Quran, bible, and old testament...

2007-06-25 07:16:12 · answer #7 · answered by Love Exists? 6 · 0 0

He sent by God Himself and he accepted all other prophets as well. He didn't deny any of them. And we read both his words(hadiths) and the Qur'an.

2007-06-25 07:16:43 · answer #8 · answered by Zifikos 5 · 0 0

Tell me why any one would believe the words of muhammad?

2007-06-25 07:24:07 · answer #9 · answered by Lionheart ® 7 · 2 2

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