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We moved into our neighhood about 3 moths ago, since we have been in this house my husband has treated my neightbor horrible just because he didn't like their dogs. Well Friday my sons was out side playing when they fell into the pool. They are 3 yrs so they do not know how to swim. My husband looked out the window just in time to see both of my neighbors dogs ( they are Newfoundlands) jumping our fence. They had heard our sons fall into the water and rescued them. If it hadn't been for those animals, both of my kids would have been dead right now. We have been afraid of these huge dogs since we have lived here and now they saved my kids. What would be the best way to apologize to these neighbors that we have treated so badly?

2007-06-24 00:06:53 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

from what my husband said pulled both kids to safety and showed no fear and both dogs stayed right their with the kids until the police took them home. my neighbors were not home.

2007-06-24 00:17:57 · update #1

26 answers

Maybe tell them why you were so mean and tell them you are sorry, maybe invites them over. But children must be supervised at all time around a pool.

2007-06-24 00:09:39 · answer #1 · answered by sue h 2 · 0 0

that bring tears to my eyes!!! How lucky you are. This is a good lesson about not judging, which is something we all need to learn a bit!

Why don;t you let the local papers know so they can do an article - you can publicly thank them that way. I know here in Australia the RSPCA gives out bravery and other awards to animals who have done great acts. maybe contact your local shelter or similar to the RSPCA wherever you live and enquire.

You owe your kids lives to these dogs - doesn;t mean you have to keep repaying them forever though... A sincere thankyou, a dinner, a gift for the dogs would be great. And you may even be able to make new friends with these people - who knows maybe they may become life long friends!!!

I'm so happy there was a haoppy ending to this - dogs really are wonderful intuitive animals - it's some owners that give them a bad name ..

2007-06-24 07:34:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well dogs are a mans best friend, not to mention the fact that newfoundlanders are very intelligent, kind, loving dogs. I would just jump into it head first and walk over and thank the neighbors for the actions of the dogs and also apologise straight out for your conviction on the animals before you even know them. I have more respect for dogs then I do for most people and this is one of the reasons why. Now you have new light shine on the issue that should totally change your perspective of dogs. maybe even consider getting one for your child. Like I said "Dogs are a mans best friend" They will prove it to you if you give them the respect they deserve.

2007-06-24 07:20:26 · answer #3 · answered by cj 4 · 0 0

Wow! I have dogs and I sure hope my neighbors don't hate me like that.
First and foremost, you need to get you pool fenced and your kids supervised when they are in it. You neighbor appears to have more sense than you.
Second, this was a really BIG thing his dogs did, and deserves your heartfelt gratitude and apologize for such pettiness. You need to go over there with the whole family and apologies for being such bad neighbors and explain why you were so silly. Once that is done, I think you need to have their family over for an afternoon, with the dogs, so you can all really get to know each other and you can stop judging based on things you don't know about people or dogs.
I live in a neighborhood where everyone knows each other and talks to each other daily-and this is a 30 home subdivision. There is nothing worse than someone who hides in the house and thinks bad things about their neighbors without cause or first hand knowledge.

2007-06-24 08:13:46 · answer #4 · answered by anne b 7 · 0 0

Invite them and the dogs over for a barbecued steak dinner. Cook something of the neighbor's choice for the dogs. Give the neighbors two gift certificates for the dogs. One for each of them for a local pet store such as Petsmart or Petco.

With your neighbor's permission, notify the local press and send an article in to Reader's Digest and to a couple of dog magazines about what these dogs did. Perhaps other people will realize that dogs have wonderful qualities and are not to be hated just because they are dogs.

2007-06-24 07:22:57 · answer #5 · answered by don n 6 · 0 0

Give there dogs a gift card to a pet store like pet co, so they can get there fav.treat tell your Nab you are really sorry and hope they can forgive you after all there dogs did they saved your kids... See thats why i wish us people loved like animals do they can teach us all a few things.. Make sure you tell them you were just afraid of the dogs cus your not used to big ol fer babies that are so big.. like i said there dog have forgave you they saved your kids thats a great story you should tell your local Tv news station only cus I'm a photo journalist , that would make a great story... I hope you will write me and let me know how things go. I love animals. i have a sheltie he is my baby.. Take care hope you and the nab. grow close and end up great friends.

I just found this about that type of dog. Quote
Newfoundland - These dogs are intelligent, courageous and generous with outstanding temperaments. They are loving, patient and playful with children and are born babysitter ..
Now you know why they saved your kids.. Thats cool

2007-06-24 07:17:08 · answer #6 · answered by ynot_chas 3 · 1 0

I think it would be a nice gesture to bring the neighbors some baked goods, a thank you and an apology. Besides the neighbors, maybe bring over something for the pups, like a bone or a toy, as a reward for them!

That's an awesome story. It truly shows just how in touch animals are with people and their surroundings. I'm so happy your boys are OK!

2007-06-24 09:37:52 · answer #7 · answered by Bella 4 · 0 0

PAM has a better point than it may first sound- AKC has an award for dogs doing an outstanding community service- ACE award. Nominating the dogs would be a grand idea (but check with the nieighbor first just in case they don't want the publicity).
Now the DOGS would rather have the toys & treats.....
maybe stick the ready to mail application in the basket of treats.

PS you might want to safeguard the pool better too ....

2007-06-24 09:29:53 · answer #8 · answered by ragapple 7 · 0 0

You do realize that your kids being saved by your neighbors dog is a huge blessing from god right.

Anyways you could go over to your neighbors along with your husband and kids, and bring them a basket with fruit in it and also some dog treats and toys for their dogs. Give them a sincere apology.

2007-06-24 07:17:54 · answer #9 · answered by Shaqo_Wyn 3 · 0 0

I think you should be apologizing and thanking the Dog instead but a gift basket for your neighbors and some doggy treats or toys for the dog wouldn't hurt :) Best wishes...

2007-06-24 07:11:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Terrific!!! What an awesome story. I hope you smacked your husband for a) letting your children (child? not sure how many were involved) unattended, and b) for being rude to your neighbors. How about getting the dogs a treat. A couple of groovy toys, and how about notifying the newspapers, SPCA and who ever else might actually give the dogs awards for their heroism.

2007-06-24 10:30:06 · answer #11 · answered by Mary p 3 · 1 0

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