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I was raised Catholic from birth, and it was all colorful for a bit but once I reached adulthood I didn't feel enlightened at all. All that once was bright and good, became a big lie. Backed up by the most spiritual person in my family, my grandmother. Maybe it's her prayers that keep me alive, I don't know. I don't see people praying ever. I don't believe the people that surround me actualy believe in anything higher than themselves. But there's something inside me that makes me believe in something bigger than all of us. I have had it with organized religion. I'll respect yours, I'm not here to destroy anyone's belief. My belief was substituted by science and paychecks. I still believe in the Golden Rule. I live trying to make sence of my perception. In the past I used LSD many times. It never handicapped from doing anything someone who wasn't under the influence could do and it never affected my judgment. I believe in my experience I saw things as they really are.

2007-06-23 17:02:58 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

(continued) much like Aldous Huxley wrote on his experience on LSD. I never had halucinations, saw sounds, heard smells or anything like that. I saw individuals as independent lifeforms not linked to eachother in any way or form, other than the indulgences they seeked. In all the experience has made me seek for something I know will not fill my hungry and inquiring self. So I seek enlightenment within what I call "public conciousness". The world. I barely make eye contact when I speak because I'm afraid of what I'll find, mostly denial or rejection. Some I just don't understand why they are still ruled by cavemanish behaviour and questionable anger towards others. Paranoia is total awareness. I'd like to point out that paranoia could be real or made up by our brain. When you feel it, there just might be someone watching. I don't think of it as a disorder, it's a perception. Humans are inquiring and curious people.

2007-06-23 17:03:18 · update #1

I hope we evolve to be a more thinking race. Maybe we could start solving the biggest mystery of all, our existence. It isn't hard to understand. Just like there are ants roaming around my home this time of year there will always be people roaming around looking for an answer. And as small as I just made people to be, there is another very much bigger plain of existence which many of us don't dare touch or talk about. Awareness. Everyone has gone so gung ho for their own motives that we have forgotten sanity and replaced it with omniscience. Calling awareness "the know" making it ureachable for those really in it, to open the door and introduce it to those outside. To see through lies. Most people are very cowardly to talk about this, and would accuse you of being insane, mostly because they're liars and their lives are founded on them. Everyone is included. No one believes in telepathy, religious leaders, politicians are afraid of it, they will shut you down. What would Jesus do?

2007-06-23 17:03:41 · update #2

So fine not all of us (including me) is a well developed telepath. But everyone should know that it is there, and it should be acknowleged whenever it comes up. So this is where you find me looking for enlightenment. In what people call "the know" or universal conciousness. Many times I thought of it as a no win situation. I become skeptical about all. What if what I seek is already here and the problem being is that I don't know it's designation. On this search "where to look" for becomes "who to look for". "When", is everyday and "how" is everyway. Many of us live in love. That's great for those who experience it. I have experienced a few forms of it. Love for myself at this time seems unreachable without the help of another, caring soul. Maybe it is that person I'm looking for. the end seems too far away right now, I'm not that old. Acceptance has to be my friend and my biggest weakness. I'm not one to settle for anything. Maybe this is it. I find it absurd to think that's the case

2007-06-23 17:04:04 · update #3

I just wanted to add that LSD isn't a pleasure drug. It doesn't cause a high and it's not addictive. It is not for the weak minded. I did it when I was too young to understand what it did. It has taken me years to understand what I experienced and what it meant. I don't endorse the use of it. I can cause severe brain damage if missused. It happened because it had to happen.

Why is it we only earn the right to barely see?

2007-06-23 17:04:59 · update #4

I don't use drugs anymore. I havent for over two years and havent touched LSD since the first half of the 90's.

2007-06-24 08:44:24 · update #5

10 answers

Man i thought i was deep..........what planet do you come from again......brother its realy hard to answer the questions you seek without writing a 100 page essay on the subject.its also hard for me not to seem like im imposing my beliefes on you without you thinking im trying to cram somthing down your throat,its just im so passionate about the subject thats all.can i just say that wicker dood is off his rocker.thats just me and i dont want to water down how i feel about wickery.stay away from that stuff mate.sorry if i seem intolerant or non accepting.
i too was raised a catholic and went off the rails at around 15 years of age and moved on to believeding in me.I was God as far i was concerned and i was no. 1 ,theres a lot of spirits out there and if you go looking for enlightenment from them theres a multitude that will accomodate you .i often hear people say,to coin a phrase......
"what ever works for you"
or if i had a dollar for how many people say it doesnt matter what you believe in as long as you dont hurt anyone.theres a scripture in the bible in the book of revelations that says they over came him(the devil)by the testimony of the paople and the blood of the lamb(the blood of jesus christ).i just want to say that im no angel and im a work in progress ,i do and say the wrong things but that should not be used as a tool for non believers and critical athiests to get thier big fat finger out and say AHAAA!!!! im a straight up and in your face kinda guy and i dont go around with a halo on my head and then go home and kick the cat or beat my wife and go to church on sunday and shout out haleluia!!!praise the lord and forget not his tender mercies.heres my testimoniy and i want to make it as short and sweet and to the point as much as possible...........I was the biggest drug dealer in a place called the bra at maroubra beach,they recently made a movie called my brothers keeper by russel crow and some other dude.i grew up surfing with a lot of those guys and i could say a lot about that movie but i cant right now.Any way i had it all,money ,girls,nice cars,ect,ect.i never cared about any one and i was a real asss h*** i beat on women and i beat up on my fair share of guys and i thought of myself as a pretty heavy dude with my guns and knives and stuff,i still think back now how fortunate i was that i never got shot or stabbed myself.one day i looked at myself in the mirror after free basing crack cocain and i saw what looked like to me at the time as a demon......it freaked me out and i remember thinking about that for a while.i went to my mums or as you would say,moms house and in my bedside draw was my old giddions bible from school.I picked it up and started flicking through it and remember those words i read took on a new light for me even though i was not enlightened about it as a child.im the clasic example of the prodical son who once was lost but now im found.they say a leopard never changes its spots....well thats a lie.i have woked hard for my money and have provided for my wife and three children ,and ive got another on the way,ive done this legaly and i no longer wear a mask or look over my shoulder.ive found the truth and im happier than ive ever been.....i still have my bad days but thats part of being human.i believe in destyny and i believe the people we meet and the things that happen in life are predestined geting 10 points from you means squat to me.i genuinly care about you dood and for some reason i feel the lord has his hand on your life.try not to listen to the thousand different voices in this world and be weary of your own reasoning.God has a purpose for you and a plan.he wants to bless you but you need to search for the truth and that truth WILL SET YOU FREE.Im not sure how you mean organised religion but dont get hooked up on it.the enemy of your soul uses religion to cause division and pits different denominations against each other.jesus said you will know them by thier fruit(true believers)dont worry so much about what the rest of the so called(to an extent) christian circles are doing in order to gauge what you think about this christianity deal.
so much for not writing an essay.................

bless ya dude.....

2007-06-24 01:14:22 · answer #1 · answered by V man 3 · 0 0

enlightenment goes hand in hand with religion - the problem is that a lot of religious people are fake and think that progress or new idea means evil...which is completely wrong. Also often they don't really believe they do it as some sort of preventive treatment - or to feel good about themselves ...

2007-06-23 17:26:03 · answer #2 · answered by melek 1 · 1 1

Tune, it sounds like you're in a REAL funk. Have you ever tried some deep meditation somewhere off in the wilds of nature, completely by yourself? No books, no music, just YOU and Nature? Get away from ALL manmade sounds and influences, just you and the natural world and nothing else. Sit there and do nothing at all for 15 minutes and THEN start to think upon YOU and your role within this whole scheme of life. Then contemplate yourself talking with the creator. Just talk and let whatever flows into your mind come and contemplate that. Let Spirit enter you and "speak" to your mind and spirit. let it flow into you as fast as you can take it. Then contemplate on that too. At first the thoughts will seem totally random, that's OK. After a while they WILL begin to form coherent thoughts and ideas. Just flow with that and think on that for a while.

I too was raised as a Catholic and found myself in quite the SAME feeling as you seem to be having now. Catholicism didn't speak to MY spirit either. I almost ended it all at that point and then someone advised me to do what I just suggested to you. It led me to discover Wicca, and Wicca DOES speak to my spirit, it speaks to my mind and it speaks to my sense of well being. You may not find that it leads you to Wicca, but it WILL lead you away from that oppressive sense of unfulfillment with Catholicism. Who knows, you may find that Islam speaks to your spirit, or Judaism, or buddhism, or Hinduism, maybe even you may find that "something" that you failed to find in theCatholic Faith with renewed vigor. You WILL find what you DO need, however. I'll pray to my Goddess for you to find your OWN path and that she give you the strength and abilities to follow that path. Take heart, my friend, and hang in there. Sometimes ALL we can do is our best and that will just have to do.

Brightest Blessings,
Raji the Green Witch

2007-06-23 17:26:15 · answer #3 · answered by Raji the Green Witch 7 · 0 2

Zencrafters total enlightenment in about an hour.

2007-06-23 17:08:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Enlightenment is an impossibility for the religious. One must get rid of religious proclivities, in order to find enlightenment.

2007-06-23 17:08:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

learning...is also enlightenment how far are you willing to go in search of truth what ever truth that you decide is truth...drugs use is nothing new at one time people thought it to be a miracle drug.....you no the effect.... is this your cop-out

2007-06-23 17:22:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I pray that your heart be enlightened with the light of God.

2007-06-23 17:11:25 · answer #7 · answered by itsmike 2 · 2 0

have you ever chanted 'nam-myoho-renge-kyo' while you were smoking pot and doing LSD? enlightenment through sound.

2016-04-25 13:12:21 · answer #8 · answered by nikki1234 7 · 0 0

Enlightenment is for those who can detach from everything - including religion

2007-06-23 17:07:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

enlightenment moved me from catholic to atheist good luck

2007-06-23 17:07:50 · answer #10 · answered by dogpatch USA 7 · 1 3

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