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Would that make you close in on yourself and not want to be around them, or would it make you feel like running as far away as possible?

Keep in mind this quote

A Bother or Sister Offended Is Harder To Be Won Than a Strong City

What do you think your innermost feelings would be
Setting aside
Through all things I am more than a conquer through Christ who loves us and gave himself for us

I know that, and I am aware I can rise above it
It still hurts

Please give me your true feelings Christian or not

2007-06-23 13:45:55 · 12 answers · asked by Gifted 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

I wouldn't stay around someone like that for two minutes. That's not love. I'm worth more than that, and I would know there was someone else out there for me who would treat me with real love.

Real love is when neither person would ever do anything to harm the other - they'd rather die than hurt the other person, especially on purpose. That's real love, it includes respect, caring, compassion, and wanting to do whatever you can for the other person to make them happy and feel good.

Anything less, and it's NOT LOVE, and I refuse to be anywhere around it. Life's too short to have brain damage like that, and whatever we allow in our lives WE ALLOW it.

2007-06-23 13:54:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am so sorry this is happening to you. I had to grow up that way and would not have made it through without God being there for me. It is not God's fault that those around us choose to be self focused and selfish. Probably drinks too much huh. Probably has a poor self image and in order to feel better has to have a target, which of course is you. It is the weak man that feels the need to control or have affairs to feel manly. How sad for them huh. Prayer and getting help for yourself. They absolutely will not get better until you take a stand. Scriptures tell us to not let the sun go down on our wrath so we are to settle things day by day. If he is dangerous then you must get to safety. Sometimes if feels safer to live with what you know than to get out a face something new. Only you know the answers. Jesus is our example and He wept and He also became angry at injustice and disobedience. If it is someone you are witnessing to and they yell, then tell them you respect their space and thoughts but, you will not be disrespected. And so it goes... Mmm

2007-06-23 20:58:25 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

I am a Christian but, I don't have to be a stepped on Christian.
There is only so much a person can take, and I know God wants me to forgive, but that doesn't mean that a person has the right to abuse your relationship, and just keep on hurting you. Some people are just never happy unless they see you in pain. That's really sad, but true. Try to get away from that person, and ask God for his help in the situation. Don't forget to pray.
God Bless You

P.S. I hope, I was of (at least) some help.

2007-06-23 23:00:26 · answer #3 · answered by Brilliant 1forHIM 5 · 0 0

Don't be unyoked with unbelievers. If at all possible, Flee! Pray for them that they will turn their life around. Some people have prayed for this and it has taken 50 years.The person had passed before the prayers were answered. If you can't flee pray that the lord will strengthen you. Don't hate because it will consume you. I did this for a while with my dad. I was later taken from that enviroment, and I let go of that hate. Sometimes, he still get on my nerves,but in those times I pray that the lord strengthen me and he does. It's hard to escape family when you're in the same state.

2007-06-24 00:37:04 · answer #4 · answered by Denise79 2 · 0 0

For real, I'd feel as though I'd married the wrong person.
Horrible. I would be looking for an end to the grief, naturally.
If it were someone I could avoid, I would.
First, I would talk directly with, not to or at, that person and try to find out what the difficulty really is.
I would then have to look at myself to see if whatever they said had any validity.

2007-06-23 21:39:27 · answer #5 · answered by Jed 7 · 0 0

Stop caring and grow a thicker skin. An asshole is born every second. Not trying to sound mean, bro, just reality. People have their niches, and if you don't assimilate, you are attacked. That is herd menatlity, human behavior, applicable to about 98% of the population.

2007-06-23 20:50:55 · answer #6 · answered by eau de pissalms n 1 · 0 0

I would ask this person why are you saying these things to me and other questions. Or constantly negate the insult by saying ; NO I am not stupid, NO I am not ugly and so on . I would also find the sayings in the bible that say : that god loves me.

2007-06-25 09:37:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We all should have boundries and when somebody crosses that boundry we ought to let them know !!! God has put such great value on you, don't be degraded by anothrer human being !!! Speak up !!!!

2007-06-23 20:59:17 · answer #8 · answered by rapturefuture 7 · 0 0

I would stay away from them. God is not in the business of making people feel bad about themselves. He is in the business of making people fell good about themselves. Religion is in charge of making people fell that they are worthless.

2007-06-23 20:51:30 · answer #9 · answered by pickle 2 · 0 0

Stay away from this person. They will do their best to destroy you. You owe them nothing. Been there, done that. Stop trying to be a martyr

2007-06-23 20:52:25 · answer #10 · answered by expertless 5 · 0 0

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