Thank you.. my point exactly... not to mention that we are to worship in spirit and truth... and our spirit calls Him "Abba"....
They are so unacquainted with our Father, that they call Him by His first name!! He wants to be called Abba! He wants us to be filled with the Spirit of God which IS the Spirit of Christ! (Romans 8)
Jeremiah 3:19 " ....Thou shalt call me, My father; and shalt not turn away from me."
Yes, His name is Jehovah, Yahweh YHWH (Psalms 83:18), but it does NOT say to CALL Him by that name.
He wants to be called Father, Abba, by His children that have His Holy Spirit. (Romans 8)
JWs don't believe they even HAVE the Holy Spirit unless they are the 144k... so God only has 144k children?
Romans 8:19 ".....Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."
1 John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
2007-06-23 11:26:49
answer #1
answered by ~♥Anna♥~ 5
Ps.83:18 reads"That people may know that you,whose name is Jehovah,you alone are the Most High over all the earth".Many translations leave out the name Jehovah,replacing it with such titles as "Lord" or "Eternal".So what belongs in this verse?A title or the name Jehovah?
This verse speaks about a name.In the original Hebrew in which much of the Bible was written,a unique personal name appears here.It is spelled YHWH in Hebrew letters.In English,the common renderning of that name is "Jehovah".Does that name occur in only one Bible verse?NO.It appears in the original text of the Hebrew Scriptures nearly 7000 times!.
How important is God's name?Consider the model prayer that Jesus Christ gave.It begins this way:"Our Father in the heavens,let your name be sanctified,"(Mat.6:9).
Later,Jesus prayed to God:"Father,glorify your name."Clearly God's name is of the utmost importance.
There seem to be two main reasons why God's name has been taken out of most translations of the Bible and replaced with titles.Firstly,many claim that the name should not be used because the original way to pronounce it is unknown today.Ancient Hebrew was written without vowels.Therefore,noone today can say for sure exactly how people of Bible times pronounced YHWH.But should this prevent usfrom using God's name?In Bible times, the name Jesus may have been pronounced Yeshua or possibly Yehoshua - no one can say for certain.Yet,people the world over today use different forms of the name Jesus,pronouncing it in the way that is common in their language.They do not hesitate to use the name just because they do not know its firs century pronunciation.
The second reason involves the Jews long standing tradition that God's name should never be pronounced.This belief is evidently based on a misapplication of a Bible law found at Exodus 20:7
Does the Bible forbid the respectful use of his name?Not at all.The writers of the Hebrew Bible were all faithful men who lived by the Law that God gave to the ancient Israelites.Yet,they made frequent use of God's name.For instance, they included it in many psalms that were sung out loud by crowds of worshipers.Jehovah God even instructed his worshipers to call upon his name,and faithful ones obeyed.(Joel 2:32;Acts2:21).
Hence, true Christians today do not hesitate to use God's name respectfully,as Jesus surely did - John 17:26
2007-06-26 05:26:32
answer #2
answered by lillie 6
Paul’s reference to “God the Father” does not mean that the true God’s name is “Father,” for the designation “father” applies as well to every human male parent and describes men in other relationships. (Ro 4:11, 16; 1Co 4:15)
The Messiah is given the title “Eternal Father.” (Isa 9:6) Jesus called Satan the “father” of certain murderous opposers. (Joh 8:44) The term was also applied to gods of the nations, the Greek god Zeus being represented as the great father god in Homeric poetry. That “God the Father” has a name, one that is distinct from his Son’s name, is shown in numerous texts. (Mt 28:19; Re 3:12; 14:1)
Paul knew the personal name of God, Jehovah, as found in the creation account in Genesis, from which Paul quoted in his writings. That name, Jehovah, distinguishes “God the Father” (compare Isa 64:8), thereby blocking any attempt at merging or blending his identity and person with that of any other to whom the title “god” or “father” may be applied.
2007-06-23 16:33:07
answer #3
answered by keiichi 6
Jehovah's Witnesses do not do as this so-called "question" suggests. The name "Jehovah" was not invented by Jehovah's Witnesses, and Jehovah's Witnesses do not pretend that this well-known English translation of the Tetragrammaton is the only pronunciation or spelling that is acceptable to Almighty God.
Regarding the matter of "respect" or "disrespect", it would seem remarkably odd to suggest that ignoring the plainly stated direction of one's king or father would be more respectful than obeying his (or, "His") plainly stated direction.
(Deuteronomy 18:7) [God's priest] must also minister in the name of Jehovah his God
(1 Kings 18:24) And you must call upon the name of your god, and I, for my part, shall call upon the name of Jehovah
(2 Kings 17:35-39) Jehovah concluded a covenant with them and commanded them, saying: “You must not fear other gods... Jehovah, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt with great power and a stretched-out arm, is the One whom you should fear ...You must not fear other gods. But it is Jehovah your God that you should fear
(Isaiah 24:14-15) In the superiority of Jehovah they will certainly cry out shrilly from the sea. That is why in the region of light they must glorify Jehovah, in the islands of the sea the name of Jehovah
(Jeremiah 3:17) The throne of Jehovah; and to her all the nations must be brought together to the name of Jehovah...and they will no more walk after the stubbornness of their bad heart.
(Joel 2:32) Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will get away safe
(John 17:25-26) [Jesus prayed] Righteous Father, the world has, indeed, not come to know you... And I have made your name known to them and will make it known
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2007-06-25 05:19:25
answer #4
answered by achtung_heiss 7
there's a scripture that says "everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved"
the original name of God was lost because people did feel disrespectful using it saying that it was too sacred.
but we believe what the bible teaches, it teaches us to use God's name. so we do.
YHWH is God's name with out vowels, but we don't know what those vowels are.
2007-06-24 14:00:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You gave many examples where it would be rude to use first names in important people, but that's just it, they are only humans. Jehovah is god and must be respected by using his first name. He even told Moses to use his name in Exodus 3:14-15:
14 At this God said to Moses: “I SHALL PROVE TO BE WHAT I SHALL PROVE TO BE.” And he added: “This is what you are to say to the sons of Israel, ‘I SHALL PROVE TO BE has sent me to YOU.’” 15 Then God said once more to Moses:
“This is what you are to say to the sons of Israel, ‘Jehovah the God of YOUR forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, has sent me to YOU.’ This is my name to time indefinite, and this is the memorial of me to generation after generation.
I know what you're going to say, "Well, that's the J.W.s bible." Well, I've also seen the name of Jehovah in other bibles that aren't from J.W.s and they too contain the name Jehovah.
2007-06-25 06:14:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
One answerer unwittingly made a huge point by saying she called her Mom by her first name from an early age, and would get her own children to do the same. The reason? Because it puts them "on equal terms".
Wow! Are the JWs wanting to be "on equal terms" with the Almighty? I know they will respond with a vehement "No!" They don't use 'Jehovah' thinking that; they honestly believe the Bible gives them the green light to do it. Yet there's abundant proof that they have wrongly inserted 'Jehovah' into the Bible where it ought not to appear. But that's another question.
Another answerer correctly warned of the danger of trying to get pally with God - as if we could be chums, on first-name terms. Not so long ago people would never have dared used someone's first name unless that person gave them express permission. Today everybody does it all the time. Yet the answerer who asked if we'd dare call Queen Elizabeth II of Britain "Liz" hit the nail on the head. When in the presence of royalty, a certain decorum is required. In the Bible passages where visions of heaven are described, how often do heaven's inhabitants speak to God as "Jehovah"? The NWT dares to suggest it sometimes is. Not so.
But the most important point is that God's name is all about his honor. It's about respect for the Person of God, not saying 'God' as a swear-word, or vainly; it's about reverence in speech whenever we speak, or write God. In the Lord's Prayer, to "hallow" God's name is to lift up the Person of God on high, in word, deed, worship and thought. Jehovah is but one of many biblical names for God, and all of those names mean something - they all depict a particular aspect of God. They all have to be put together to get something of a grasp of the enormity of God. So, JWs need to go a lot deeper than simply verbalising one of those names. Nor should they think they have a monopoly on that holy name! The word 'Jehovah' is in many hymns and Psalms, and is frequently used in many churches, and they have yet to face up to the astonishing fact that the Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Jesus Christ of the New.
2007-06-25 05:09:45
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Personally, I would think that if you really wanted an honest answer to your question from JWs, then you would ask JWs themselves. I do.
Anyway, I wasn't going to answer until I saw theBerean's disrespect again by calling other people (regardless of their religion) "uneducated idiots" & "disrespectful" Does that reflect a humble attitude? Those who follow Jesus example wouldn't name-call & downgrade anyone like that. In fact, psychologists will tell you that anyone who resorts to this kind of behaviour is lacking in self esteem & usually finds their own point of view lacking in authority. It reminds me of the school bully with his/her limited knowledge & so resorting to putting people down in order to elevate him/herself.
Would Jesus display this self-elevating attitude?
And am I the only one who finds certain ones who paste their own best answer & comments just a bit arrogant & unoriginal?
Sometimes I wonder if this is the twilight zone
Oh theBerean,
Resorting to lying now are you? Never mind, it's just another tactic of the "school bully" syndrome that you display quite regularly. Mind you, I'd rather be called a JW than be classed as an arrogant condescending know-all (if the cap fits)
Who made you God to call other Christians namby pamby? You seriously think your way of communicating on here is the same as Jesus was with the pharisees? You have such an elevated view of yourself you really can't see that there's anything wrong with your attitude can you? And you seriously think you're going to heaven? Sorry to inform you but humility is a requirement for heaven.
I feel very sorry for you.
FYI berean, I wish I was a JW to use the scriptures to prove you wrong, as their outstanding knowledge of the scriptures far outweighs your limited understanding.
Maybe that's why they display a godly attitude whereas you can't? I dunno. Or maybe you had a bad childhood? At any rate, this nastiness has come from somewhere.
Why don't you have a bible discussion with them next time they call (if you can manage to get down of that high horse of yours) & maybe you'd learn some manners as well as humility.
And maybe you can get rid of this inner hostility you seem to have against anyone who disagrees with you. (JW or not)
Yes, I've had a brief look at your previous answers too (as mundane & repetitive as they were)
Seriously, counselling is available for anyone who has anger management issues. I'm sure you would benefit rather than attacking people or their beliefs. Anyone who lets go of anger & self-elevation can only be better off in the long run. Life's too short to be carrying negative baggage around with you.
Live & let live that's what I say :)
btw - I take your accusation as a compliment (thank you)
2007-06-24 07:30:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
John R
Anna said it PERFECTLY. (Best Answer for that one)
She shows how God WANTS us to call Him Father.
Linedancer proves how he would rather follow some uneducated idiots in Brooklyn rather than do what GOD wants.
That shows where his loyalties lie.
Even when God says He wants to be called something, Linedancer displays his disrespect toward God Himself.
Oh, and by the way "Oh Disrespectful One", to "Sanctify" means to "Set apart & Make Holy". NOT trivilize it by using it like He is the "buddy next door".
To call God "Abba", (which means "daddy"), is to acknowledge the close and personal relationship that He has with ALL of His children who have the Spirit.(As Anna so correctly points out)
But of course only 144,000 supposedly have the spirit.
Gee, and I thought God was no respecter of persons.
The day any of my children call me by MY first name is the day we have a "little" talking to. I am their FATHER. Not their buddy.
Oh, and Keiichi; The "Eternal Father of Isaiah 9:6 actually means, "Father of Eternity". (Which Jesus IS, as He is the Creator)
And another thing Keiichi; Neither Paul nor any other New Testament writer EVER used the name Jehovah. Your ignorance of Biblical Manuscripts and History is something you should be ashamed of. I challange you to produce any kind of historical record showing ANYBODY did. You cant. The Empty Suits in Brooklyn cant either.
So, thank you John R for the Question. And thank you Anna for the EXCELLENT bible lesson. I dont think I've seen scholars put it any better. (And I've been around a very long time. lol)
To Keiichi: As usual, your misinformation is astounding.
1) Your explanation of Isaiah 9:6 is just ridiculous. You need a good commentary.
2) "Wisdom" in the Book of Proverbs is NOT a messianic passage. You are READING into the text. (a typical JW mistake) "Wisdom" is in the feminine gender. There are NO FEMALE Messiahs. (uh duh)
3) You are mistaken when you say that the Jews stopped using the name Jehovah due to "superstition" because of the Commandment. The fact is; Neither the Jews, nor anyone else, EVER used the name Jehovah. Or Yahweh for that matter. It was simply NOT spoken out of respect. Not out of "superstition".
Question: Do you know ANYTHING about Judaism (ancient or modern) OR about the Historical Record?
I only ask, because in looking back at your answers, you are ALWAYS making inaccuarate Historical Statments. That just a MINIMAL amount of checking would prevent. Or is it that you simply dont care?
2007-06-24 00:38:31
answer #9
answered by theBerean 5
Gods answer to Moses was'''I am the great I AM" Calling yourself his people because you choose to use Jehovah as a name is silly....You should stand out by what the History of your founders, and the teachings of your leaders portray...Look close enough at the organization that every Jehovah's Witness follows and things fall apart very quickly....
Why else would they discourage ....Higher education......Looking into the writings of other faiths...and most of all researching the past Watchtower Bible and Tract society for what it is.....The biggest false prophet in history...
Diet rootbeer....The bible does not say that everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved....your re-written Bible says that ....and it is not accepted as a true biblical document by any religious organization except your own.....
They have the bible turned around and always have a different meaning for the scriptures. Remember they are a cult and even authored their own BIBLE! First of all the name Jehovah was coined by a catholic monk by the name of Raymundus Martini in the12th century and didn't find it's way into the bible until the 15 th century. A JW told me they put that name back into the bible, how can you put something back that was never there? It's in error! what about the failed prophesies of 1914? The world didn't end as prophesied...
2007-06-24 05:50:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
When Jesus taught "The Lord's Prayer" he FIRST said " Our Father in the Heavens, Let your Name be sanctified".
In that context then, the Father's Name, Yahweh God, is the MOST important request that we make when we repeat that prayer to our Holy YHWH God.
Whether we say Hallowed be thy Name or let Your Name be sanctified, we are still asking that our Great Creator's NAME be made known and this IS what God wants otherwise Jesus would not have taught us that prayer.
2007-06-23 11:31:39
answer #11
answered by avaddohn-Apollyon 4