Tonight, I am all about World of Warcraft and half a bottle of some really good merlot.
2007-06-23 06:06:32
answer #1
answered by icarus p 1
Not knowing everything is okay. Making up answers is not. Science is about evidence, testing, verifying, testing again. Theism is about faith - believing without or despite evidence.
Considering how much religion has tried to impede the advancement of science over the centuries, it's amazing that we've come as far as we have. If not for religion, we might have landed on the moon centuries ago. We might now have cures for cancer and other horrible diseases. But, organized religion has fought any new knowledge that goes against their "holy" books. They take advantage of science -- medicine, cars, computers, etc. -- but they don't want science to interfere with their stranglehold over the masses.
If it were left up to some theists, all progress would stop. They'd simply say we have all the answers, so there's no reason to keep looking. Science, on the other hand, knows they don't have all the answers. That's why, when new evidence is found, it's incorporated into what we already know.
To me, faith is intellectually dishonest. To say that I know something exists because I can't prove it doesn't is totally illogical. That argument can be made for anything that doesn't exist: "I can't prove that leprechauns don't exist, therefore they do."
2007-06-23 13:28:14
answer #2
answered by YY4Me 7
Atheists do not believe in the existence of a supernatural higher beings of any sort.
Sure science cannot explain everything, if it did nobody would be interested in it. It is dynamic and changing, without the premise of needing to believe in a creator of anysort.
Physics itself is trying to unravel the time before the Big Bang, but the truth maybe we will never know, perhaps our interpretation of physics are incompatible with those prior to the Big Bang since all that came after is the basis of all modern physics. However there is no harm in trying, with string theory currently the prominent explantion of our universe's origins.
Yes, science agrees that there must have been an origin to the universe, but don't make the mistake of origin=creator, the assumption of a creator prevents the development of other theories which science works upon.
2007-06-23 13:21:12
answer #3
answered by Tsumego 5
If you cannot lever yourself out of this mindset that everything that happens has a "who" behind it, you don't stand a chance of understanding the nature of atheism.
Atheists don't believe in any gods because THERE IS NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER THAT THERE IS OR EVER HAS BEEN A GOD. Non-belief is the starting point. Now if evidence of a god appeared, then we'd believe. But we're not holding our breath.
Think about all the things that have been explained in the past as being "by god". Rainbows were explained as God's gift for destroying 99.999% of all life on the planet in a fit of anger (and I wonder if you think that was a bit of a bad deal for us?). Actually, rainbows are caused by the defraction of white light from the sun through precipitation. One by one, over the centuries, anything that was lazily explained as being done by god has been proved to have a rational explanation.
In fact it proves you wrong. There need NOT have been an ultimate creator who created all these things. The universe has left God with nothing to do. That's what we're about.
2007-06-23 13:23:53
answer #4
answered by Bad Liberal 7
I like this question, and it shows the Difference between the mind sets of an Atheist and a christian.
First off, and Atheist doesn't neccessarily believe in the big bang, nor do they believe in evolution. As far as who created science? thats a really easy question to answer. it was people who created science, Science is the a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged. It's actual truths. as far as things like the big bang go, it's speculations based off of what has been studied in the universe but isn't proven yet. But since everything in the universe is flying away from everything else, it seems like it was all thrown away from the same location. but thats another story.
questions like Who created humans, and how far can science answer questions?and where do we go when we die?are commonly asked to Athiest, BUT The fact that you feel that the atheists don't have the answers to all these questions, discredits their belief is not logical at all, and i'll tell you why with a good question. Why do you have to know everything? How is somone expected to know where the entire universe came from? We are working on it you know. trying to find all this out We've only been around for a few thousand years, it's not sitting in a book somewhere(no pun intended or anything) and it's sure as hell not in the bible. this is going to take years of study and pulling off something insane, like looking back through time to find out the Truth to something that nobody was around for, No religion or human
has the Actual answer to those questions at all. nobody, it's all speculation, nobody was there when it happened nothing was there. It's up to humans now, using facts and knowledge *science* to try to find out how this all came to be. not just throwing it to the wind and saying "oh god did it" and just being stupid for the rest of our lives and ignorant.
and yes, science can answer everything, because science is the study of Facts. if it's True and real, we'll probably be able to explain it, otherwise it's just someone Making things up. Right? how could anybody, Actually Obtain the knowledge if not through study? You can't Get smarter through Hoping, or just believing in something, that doesn't equate intelligence, would it? how would you just Be smarter because of that, it makes no sense you know?
2007-06-23 13:21:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No one can accurately say what happened before the big bang. Did all matter and energy appear out of nothing? Most likely not, most theories say it was just as tightly compact as possible. I know it's hard to imagine a seemingly infinite amount of planets stars and other fun stuff all being the size of a bowling ball, but you can imagine how much pressure that would cause.
Now how did this "bowling ball" get there, well my theory is that the universe is in an infinite cycle of expanding and collapsing. There are some problems with this, most of which is that the universe is actually accelerating. Does this mean it won't slow down and reverse, well it has to slow down as it can only approach the speed of light, but never pass it.
Either way the answer isn't "God did it", or at least I know it wasn't the Bible God.
2007-06-23 13:13:38
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I do not agree with you and where you are trying to take things. Who created your god? If god exist where is the god?, Where are Adam and Eve if they are the first how come no evidence of them where are the graves? How far can the bible go with answering questions without any physical proof? Atheist are individuals that do not believe in god or gods. We are not even a real group or organization. I say that cause I don't even know if Atheist have a meeting place. We don't even have an organized creed, identifying symbol or core. There are no books or instructions on being a good or bad Atheist.(I need to see if there are and if it would be worth reading.) Most of us strive to be us and not lumped into a mass of anything. Most of us share an awe for science but that doesn't say we all do nor does that say that they believe in creationism. In short Atheist is a label that is defined for by a non belief in god or gods. I feel comfortable in remaining an Atheist for the rest of my life and I don't want to be theist ever again. My child, and my nephews are all atheist they may or may not change their views one day but hey, they have lives to do with as they will as long as they don't hurt anyone or themselves.
2007-06-23 13:29:29
answer #7
answered by calmlikeatimebomb 6
My parents created me.
My grandparents created my parents, but in the larger sense of things evolution took about 4 billion years to get my descendants here from amoeba. The amoeba came around because of one of two things: the conditions were right for life to begin OR (my personal favourite) were actually from another planet.
The universe was created by the Big Bang, which took a dense portion of mass in a knot and unkinked it.
Science wasn't so much 'created' as explored, because we'd developed the ability to imagine situations and wanted to explain them rationally.
No one created nothing, but there never was nothing. Vacuums aren't really nothing in the real definition of the word; they're what's left what you remove the pockets of dense matter. They have matter, but the density is so low it may as well be a vacuum.
Its hard to answer questions about events that happened 5 billion years ago because no one was there or around to record information. We can merely observe and make logical answers out of them.
2007-06-23 15:13:58
answer #8
answered by Devolution 5
My mom and dad made me, their parents made them, it goes on likethat for a long while. Before that we were various species of hominid and before that we were primates. It all goes back billions of years to the first simple life forms which came about through the natural process of abiogenesis. The universe was not created. It exists. It has always existed. Time is INFINITE. That means forever in both directions. There was no beginning of time. The universe goes through this cycle of bang and crunch in an infinite loop.
Who created science? Humans. There does not need to be a creator or unmoved mover. Who created god? If its possible to believe that god has always existed, then how hard is it to believe that the universe has always existed. Especially considering how time is infinite.
2007-06-23 13:17:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
We don't have belief in any gods. That's what we're all about. Other than that, there are no inherently common beliefs.
But I will give my own answers to your other questions...
Yes, my mom and dad created me. If you go back far enough, you'll see the process of evolution creating life on Earth. Further back, and you'll see how gravity pulls together gases to make stars. Further back, and you'll see the Big Bang happening. And, no, we can't explain anything before that. Neither can you.
You can make up answers like "God did it", but that doesn't really answer anything. That's just a made up answer. The best answer in this situation is "We don't know". However, we are coming up with some interesting theories and it will be cool to see what evidence comes out to support any.
No, there doesn't have to be an ultimate creator. And, no, I can't explain everything.
Human ignorance does not demonstrate the existence of any gods.
2007-06-23 13:06:37
answer #10
answered by nondescript 7
Athiests basically believe that there is no greater being, power, etc. Athiests usually believe science over theology and faith. My dad's I'm going to do my best to answer your question, but I might not be %100 accurate because I, myself, am not athiest. My dad believes that he was created by the big bang. The big bang was an accident. It's a theory that says life was created by a giant explosion and just the right particles mixed with just the right gases. It's just another theory. But, I never believed that arguement because life is too intricate to be an accident. Athiests can go as far as it takes to defend what they believe[my dad and I have had LONG arguements about this]. It's like any other religion. I don't know what religion you are, but you would go as far as it takes to defend that religion and what you believe in. It's the same thing.
2007-06-23 13:13:19
answer #11
answered by blueJay 5