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omg when i had to go to the library yesterday these little kids were screaming and making allthese noise and there mother. just said shh. wtf? and yes she was there mother and she did nothing.

2007-06-23 05:00:04 · 18 answers · asked by myboo257 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

18 answers

fear of being seen as harsh or cruel thats y they let their kids run around like brats but if they were home it would be a red butt fot them kids

2007-06-23 05:02:42 · answer #1 · answered by stacystacy12345 2 · 4 1

most parents (that i know any ways) get embarrased about their childrens behavior and take the "i'm a good parent" route in public in order to not make more of a scene. i'm sure they are much more strict at home. but on the other hand there are just some parents who don't give a **** and don't even know how to control their kids. there are some horrible parents who treat their kids like pets, no wonder the kids don't listen. sometimes a "shhh" will work though if the kids respect the parent enough (they have to be a good parent though)

2007-06-23 05:03:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Lots of reasons. Some don't control them at home either (which means society gets to deal with them later ... ugh). Some do but are scared to discipline firmly in public because of people questioning them on their every action. Some don't want to disturb others by disciplining loudly but somehow don't seem to realize (or care) that their kids are bothering other people when they aren't being disciplined.

If it were me, I might have said something to the kids myself (if they were close enough to my kids that I could say it to all of them at once and not seem like I was singling anyone out), or if I didn't feel comfortable with that, I would have gone to the librarian and asked them to say something. I'm kind of surprised someone that works at the library didn't say something on their own.

2007-06-23 05:12:24 · answer #3 · answered by jayzee 3 · 1 0

Most people think discipline in public will get them thrown in jail. Because the way the laws are sit up you really cant. I tell my kids they wont get to do something they are looking forward to doing or I take stuff away. If I was in a library and my kids were actting out I would hurry and check out and take my kids home.

2007-06-23 05:04:23 · answer #4 · answered by Megan Michelle 4 · 0 0

I'm a teacher, and I see that ALL the time! I can't stand it when parents give their children complete freedom. I think a lot of it happens because many parents don't really know how to discipline their children. They might bribe them with candy, promises of going to McDonald's, or toys, but that never works. Parents, especially young parents, need to realize that punishment needs to come from them consistently.
I really don't understand why they let their kids go crazy in public, how embarrassing! I guess they don't care what others think of them. Don't even get me STARTED on Wal-Mart.

Good question.

2007-06-23 05:04:13 · answer #5 · answered by I really hate my job... 4 · 2 0

Sometimes, when parents don't know how to deal with a situation, they ignore because they don't care, don't know what to do, or, most of the time, they are just plain tired. It's really irritating (especially in a library) but it's something that just happens. It's called poor parenting skills.

2007-06-23 05:04:58 · answer #6 · answered by *~*RaChAel*~* 5 · 0 0

I know what you mean. This attitude extends everywhere with many parents. It's comprised of the "They're kids, how can I keep a tight rein on them" to "They're kids, they should be allowed to enjoy themselves".

To me it is always an excuse. That the kids then believe they are free to do as they please regardless of others then extends to everything that they do in life. This is at the root of them showing no respect for anyone and believing others should cater to them.

2007-06-23 05:07:38 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

She was just ignoring them, and everyone they were annoying. I agree that it's an annoyance. The librarian should have stepped in. That's probably a mother who would have jumped all over anyone who tried to discipline her kids, even if they needed it.

2007-06-23 05:03:08 · answer #8 · answered by LadyG 4 · 0 0

As a mother, i can tell you that what you'd like to do in public and what people allow are two different things. I'd love to start smacking mine if they got out of line in public but some stupid old lady would probably tell me to stop. As for you, you sound like some one without kids. I wish you 12 children. And may they all be boys.

2007-06-23 05:05:57 · answer #9 · answered by noitall 4 · 0 2

I think the problem starts beacause they don't discipline them at home. You can't expect them to behave in public when they run around like animals at home!

2007-06-23 05:10:25 · answer #10 · answered by Proud Mommy 5 · 1 0

Look harder. Most parents do control the children. You not notice them because it does not annoy you. It just that the uncontrolled minority of kids is so obvious.

2007-06-23 05:08:45 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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