Abe---you and every home owner faced the rise in insurance. Keep the policy you have and review the terms with the agent. Sit in the office and talk and you have a note pad. You may have coverages that are no longer for sale. Don't be too hastey to buy a new policy from a brand name company. Be thankful that you own a policy. You been around awhile the insurance companies get richer and you pay more for less coverages. You have one consulation that you are not buying the 10 year home on the current market---that is a relief.
You seem angry cause the rate went up---check with your agent about additional coverages---now is a good time to review the policy. The last thing you need is to pay a bunch of money to reair your home when it gets damaged. That you thought was covered by insurance. Or the house was insured for $100,000 when you bought and moved in and the current inflation places a value on you home of $225,000. Insurance went up and so did the expense of repairing your 1/4 million house. Stop talking to your buddies --- get the poop from the people that own your policy.
2007-06-23 02:35:48
answer #1
answered by Gerald 6
There isn't "low rate" homeowners insurance. Different companies have different rates - not all companies write insurance in all states.
In every state except California, your credit score also heavily determines your rates. Obviously, your claims history does, too, but ALSO, there's a TON of information an agent needs to give you a quote, besides your credit information and claims history.
You're going to need to contact some local agents. One local independent agent can get you quotes for about 5-6 different companies, so that would save you some time.
Keep in mind, things have changed since you first bought insurance. When you first got it, credit scoring wasnt' used. If you've since added a certain breed dog or trampoline to your house, you might not find anyone else willing to TAKE you. A new company WILL inspect your house - so it had best be in good repair. You'll need to list any updates you've done in the past 10 years - if the wiring, furnace, roof, or plumbing is more than 20 years old, you'll likely be subject to a SURCHARGE.
And if your house is now more than 75 years old, you're going to have a harder time finding someone to write it.
Lastly, the value of your house (insurance value, that is, cost to fix it) is likely MORE than the currently insured value, so expect THAT amount to go up as well.
2007-06-23 03:20:31
answer #2
answered by Anonymous 7