The modern name Melinda is a combination of "Mel" with the suffix "-inda".
"Mel" can be derived from names such as Melanie meaning "dark, black" in Greek or from Melissa meaning "honey bee" in Greek. It is also associated with the greek word meli meaning "honey" and with Linda meaning "gentle, soft, tender" in Germanic.
According to The Baby Name Personality Survey by Bruce Lansky and Barry Sinrod (1990), people have good images of the name Melinda: "a perky, open, fun girl; a sweet, shy dreamer; but never a spoiled, self-centered brat"
The word "Melinda" do not find a place in the medical dictionary.
2007-06-23 07:08:11
answer #1
answered by gangadharan nair 7
Roots: mel = sweet, linda = beautiful. I believe it's Latin.
But this is infectious diseases. I think you meant to be in Baby Names?
2007-06-23 05:20:34
answer #2
answered by Gumdrop Girl 7
I don't know.
You might want to move this question out of infectious disease.
2007-06-23 05:57:39
answer #3
answered by Harmony 6