2007-06-22 02:53:56
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I know this a Metaphor, for our Present Immigration Problem.
It is very revealing how people answer very honestly, when they assume you were really referring to an actual situation.
The Neighbor is Mexico, and they are Demanding that we
Help support their Women and Children. We Should listen
to some of these answers, the more America gives the more
Mexico will demand. This will eventually, lead to Armed Revolt
when the American People, get fed up with supporting the mooching Neighbor.
2007-06-22 16:47:34
answer #2
answered by Dr Doom 4
For all that think this is really happening ; IT`S A HYPOTHETICAL question pertaining to today`s free-loading welfare state that exist ?? This sounds like the Preface in the book " It Takes A Village " ? You could call Social Service's on your neighbor , and see how the liberals handle it ? Also; you could call the police and have him arrested for extortion or blackmail ? Or you could do what he wishes IF he will pay your house payment and take your place at your job for at least 2 days a week so you can spend the time with his wife ? Or ; you can vote for Fred Thompson and the welfare system come`s to a halt !!
2007-06-22 08:44:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There's still a big difference between helping a neighbor. And being taken advantage of.
Examples from Mexico because they are the only ones demanding from Bush
Build the Superhighway through your country, and we will add jobs. But only using our drivers, and our big rigs that are even unsafe on Mexico's roads.
Allow all our illegals there in your country a path to citizenship/amnesty, and this will help your economy grow even more stronger. Of course you will provide us here in Mexico with grants to also assist us, and our economy here.
We will help you in your country to secure the borders. However we in Mexico get to control who comes, and who goes.
Isn't anyone else tired of being taken advantage of?
Nice Cyclops. You get a star.
2007-06-22 19:07:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Wow Cyclops. This sounds just like what the US Politicians are doing with all of the illegals at the expense of the taxpayers. What a great analogy!
You could never be cold and heartless because you have given to people everywhere through your tax dollars already. You give through Federal programs to try to help the starving and needy people of the world. The United States has reached out around the world and has always been one of the most generous countries in the world because we have people who sincerely care about their fellow man around the world.
But then along comes the illegals who take away our abilities to provide funds to these people who need our help. They break our laws, falsify documents to avoid taxes that can't be paid because they are here "undocumented!", they rape our women, children and Federal reserve that is dwindling to help the people in other countries. They bring with them crime and hatred, drug lords and assault weapons. They steal our jobs, education, health benefits and retirement funds. They abuse our nation by disrespecting our flag and our language. And then they march on our streets and make Demands of the US taxpayers to give them more and more. They are greedy and will never be satisfied until they bleed us dry. They are not welcome in the USA!
Maybe we should stop supporting the wife and kids - I mean the illegals and crooked politicians. We should deport them together and take back the country we love.
2007-06-22 05:18:25
answer #5
answered by Naturescent 4
Help in the best way you know how. If you truly are alright with helping them, go for it. As I'm sure you're well aware that it may bring more begging in the future.
If you don't want to, you're not cold hearted. As you have the right to walk away, he has the right to get not only a better job, but one that has a day care center.
This neighbor needs to demand better for himself and not expect a handout from the nice guy next door.
2007-06-22 05:52:50
answer #6
answered by ceadmilefailte1982 4
Tell you neighbor to stay in his own yard, tell him to support his wife and kids like a real man would without being told.
You are not cold and heartless, you must help you own family first. His kids can stay in his yard and he can feed them, your children should not go without. If he has more kids, they must stay in his yard. He can demand all he wants, but he is only your neighbor and what is yours is yours.
PS. You should build a strong fence between you and 'your neighbor'.
Star for you, cyclops. Good one.
2007-06-22 06:11:32
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
well unless they are your kids, tell him to go pound sand and if he persists call the police, file a complaint and/or have a restraining order put against him.
Makes you seem cold and heartless????? you are not helping them by giving them money, you are giving them the easy way out and they will continue until you run out of money or they find someone else with more money. you have no responsibility to take on someone else's kids, and if they seem to think that way then I would set him straight or you are looking at a long unhappy number of years and a financial strain on you and your own family.
If you want to help them... tell them NO!
my two cents... up to you whether or not you want to take any advice and if you don't then you shouldn't ask the question if you aren't going to listen to the answers
2007-06-22 04:37:53
answer #8
answered by June 28/10, its a boy! 4
Cyclops, you let loose with another one that seems to confuse many people. This is exactly the way I feel about immigration and many other issues in our country.
We are continuing to expand upon a pattern of subsidizing almost everyone in this country in some manner.
People in almost every walk of life expect, yes even demand, that other people subsidize DECISIONS they make.
If you want to bring a foreigner in to work for your company, you demand that the taxpayers give them schooling, medical and welfare.
If you build a development you demand that the people who have lived there for years build the schools for YOUR development.
If you decide to have a child you demand that you pay LESS in taxes instead of more so that that burden can be shifted to others.
If you smoke or never exercise you demand that others health care costs go up too.
To me so many of these things are about personal decisions and personal responsibility.
2007-06-22 03:39:53
answer #9
answered by youarewrongbobisright 5
If you continue supporting someone and allow them to depend on you,they will only come to expect and demand more and more. Only a prideless,worthless,heartless,cold person would take advantage of such kindness and expect another to support them and their family.
2007-06-22 09:36:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I assume this is a metaphor for our current socialistic welfare program. You needn't feel heartless or cold. "Give a man a fish and he'll eat today, teach a man to fish and he'll eat forever." That was the American way untill 60 years or so ago our nation elected a true-blue socialist into the White House(FDR) and he pushed through congrees communist program after communist program. Then proceeded to give away half of the world to live under leftist despots. We have only had one true conservative in the White House since(RR). Lets put one more in "RUN FRED RUN"!!!!
2007-06-22 02:56:26
answer #11
answered by matt p 1