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6 answers

The Difference Between Republicans & Democrats Is Night And Day

(5/17/2005) The difference between the Republican Party and Democratic Party is night and day. The Republican Party believes the federal government should be small and ruled by the wealthy elite. The type of government they are advocating is not a democracy but it is a plutocracy, and the methods they are using to achieve their goals are fascist. The Democratic Party believe the federal government should be big and ruled by elected representatives. The type of government they desire is the type our constitution gives us, a Republic, and the methods they are using to achieve their goals are conservative. Neither party has been representing the interest of liberals and that is a shame because liberals ideals promote freedom, human rights, worker's rights, a clean environment, and greater economic opportunities for all Americans. However, there is almost no difference between Republican and Democratic voters except their perceptions about where the two parties stand on issues like abortion, gun control, taxes, state's rights, prayer in school, military spending, deficits, and Social Security, and their perceptions are often wrong.

The difference between the two parties is no longer between conservative and liberal, but it is between moderate and extremist. The Democrats in Congress have become fiscal conservatives and social moderates, and have completely abandon their liberal roots. These facts became obvious during the Clinton administration. Whereas, the Republicans in Congress have become fiscal morons and social hypocrites, and have completely abandon their conservative roots. These facts became obvious during the Nixon, Reagan, Bush I, and now Bush II administrations.

The current extremist ideology of the Republican Party is corrupt and immoral, and is based on lies, greed, and paranoia. Their ideology believes in helping the rich and screwing the middle class and the poor. Their ideology is bankrupting our government, wasting our soldiers, concentrating our countries wealthy, damaging our environment, and undermining our democracy. They lie to the American people about their legislation and then they try to pass the blame when the bad results of their legislation becomes a major news event. They even give their legislation names that are deliberately deceptive, like their latest budget document called "The Deficit Reduction Act" that actually increases the total federal debt by over $3 trillion dollars during the next 5 years. They are baiting voter with a conservative ideology and Christian values, but then they switch to a fascist ideology and immoral sociopathic values when it comes to legislation. Their fascist ideology is threatening our freedoms, economic opportunities, government's assets, and democracy, and it's dragging the Democratic Party down with it.

To help you understand the differences between the two parties consider this analogy. A small town has two high school football teams. One team, "The Reds", is located in a more affluent part of town with a higher property tax base allowing its football team to have nicer equipment, a nicer stadium, more coaches, etc. The other team, "The Blues", is located in a poorer part of town and they have less resources to give to their team. But both teams have the same number of students to draw from, the same level of parent and student support, and the same desire to win. However, the Red team has a head coach who will do anything to win including paying bribes, spying, forging fake birth certificates, passing students who are really failing, drugging players, and teaching his team how to play dirty to gain an advantage. The Blue team, on the other hand, has a coach who believes education comes first and sports second, and that winning is only great if you play fairly and honestly. He teaches his players that doing the right thing, working hard, and playing by the rules is where the greatest rewards in life come from. Well, as you might expect the Reds constantly and consistently beats the Blues. However, because the Red team plays dirty the players on the Blue team become angry and by half-time fights are breaking out all over the field. As a result of the Red team's dirty play, and the way the Blue team reacts, both teams end up operating on a much lower level of sportsmanship. In other words, the bad team drags the good team down to its level.

I believe that the Republican Party is the dirty playing red team and their foul play is dragging the fair-minded Democratic Party down with it. The Republican Party will lie, cheat, steal, and kill to get what they want, and this behavior has the Democratic Party playing constant defense. The result is that a lot of awful Republican legislation gets passed that is harmful to the vast majority of the American people. The Democrats are usually only able temper the greed of the Republican's backwards legislation with frivolous amendments and expose' speeches.

President Bush, his administration officials, and the Republicans in Congress are not the only people to blame for their fraudulent victories. The people who fund and advise the Republican Party are at the root of the Party's greedy, corrupt, and immorality legislation. And the big media corporations that fail to expose their sinister legislation and corrupt methods are also responsible and should be held accountable.

Therefore, if the American people want to remain self-governors in a free society where there are lots of opportunities to move up the economic ladder, and where most people live in the middle class they need to wake up to the reality that the GOP has been taken over by a small number of mega rich fascist criminals who are robbing their government and undermining their democracy. They need to know that these few evil people have taken over our government with the help of their corrupt puppet whores in the Republican Party.

If we want to take back our government we need to fight back at their low level of sportsmanship, and that means fighting fire with fire. If we fail to hold these treasonous fascist criminals accountable we will continue to see our government robbed, our democracy undermined, our Social Security retirement assets looted, our soldiers used as expendable pawns, and the American people pushed down into the lower class.

Thomas Jefferson said "The tree of liberty must me refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants". Chairman Mao said "Democracy is achieved through the barrel of a gun". Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy said "If we do not attack organized crime with weapons and techniques as effective as their own, they will destroy us.", and here we are 37 years later watching helplessly as these fascist organized criminals steal elections, rob our government, and undermine our democracy.

It is time to fight back, or to learn how to live on your knees. It is up to you!

2007-06-21 22:17:14 · answer #1 · answered by leila 2 · 0 0

The Democrats favor government solutions to problems (for instance Michael Moore's solution to the health care problem is to have government health care, the solution to the AIDS epidemic is government funded research, etc.) while Republicans favor market solutions (for example, they oppose minimum wages, labor unions, and government control of businesses.

Watch the debate to see how different the parties really are.

2007-06-21 16:24:46 · answer #2 · answered by ncrawler1 2 · 0 0

I will try to give an unbiased opinion.

Democrats basically want a big governemnt. They want the government to interact in many of the things in their lives.

Republicans want a smaller government, and want less governemnt interference.

Obviously, there are many other issues in the parties, such as gay rights, abortion, global warming, the war in Iraq, and many other things.

2007-06-21 16:10:11 · answer #3 · answered by Rachel 3 · 1 0

Only the name.

2007-06-21 16:49:50 · answer #4 · answered by Mysterio 6 · 0 0

Recently, it's gray area which becomes fuzzier every day.

2007-06-21 16:15:16 · answer #5 · answered by LeAnne 7 · 0 0

dems are smarter and better educated!

2007-06-21 16:09:10 · answer #6 · answered by boricua_lilly 3 · 1 1

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