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Causes of STD

How would you feel if your doctor walked in a told you, you could never have children? Today in the United States an estimated of 900,000 Americans have been diagnosed with a STD. Although AIDS has had the most devastating impact worldwide there are other exposures of STDs such as Gonorrhea, Clymedia, and Herpes. Three of the most important reasons that contribute to STDs is multiple sexual partners, no protection, and lack of education.
STDs is often caused by multiple sexual partners. Having sex with a more than one person will put you in a higher risk of contracting STDs. When you have sex with someone, you are having sex with everyone the person has ever had sex with! If only one of them has an STD, you may become infected, too. The person you choose to have an intimate relationship with has not talked about STDs and what are the causes an STD, then most likely that person is only in to having sex for the heat of the moment. Those individual have a stigma, or a mark of shame attached to them. Often times it is the more the marrier, but in this situation, if you get yourself involve with more people then the rate tends to be higher states. Have you ever heard the saying,"you're playing with fire."
Having no protection can cause you to having an STD because it is considered not taking care of yourself. It is almost like if you happen to recieve a cut on the upper left elbow of your arm and you dont take care of it then the open wound becomes infected. Not having a condom before having sexual activities, means not having sex at all. Condoms perform functions that prevent the exchange of bodily fluids and diseases during sexual intercourse. Some people feel ashamed and embarrassed that they have contracted a disease through sexual activity, so they choose not to visit a doctor.Being careless about your own body and contracting a disease through the females reproductive system is more likely to occur without proper protection. It is a serious problem.

2007-06-21 15:30:10 · 9 answers · asked by punkymunky 2 in Education & Reference Homework Help

9 answers



Editor of Rubber Chemistry and Technology, Dr. C. Michael Roland of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington D.C., spoke about his research on "intrinsic flaws" in latex rubber condoms and surgical gloves (published in Rubber World, June, 1993).

Roland said that what I am about to relate is "common knowledge among good scientists who have no political agenda."

Electron microscopy reveals the HIV virus to be about O.1 microns in size (a micron is a millionth of a metre). It is 60 times smaller than a syphilis bacterium, and 450 times smaller than a single human sperm.

The standard U.S. government leakage test (ASTM) will detect water leakage through holes only as small as 10 to 12 microns (most condoms sold in Canada are made in the U.S.A., but I'll mention the Canadian test below). Roland says in good tests based on these standards, 33% of all condoms tested allowed HIV-sized particles through, and that "spermicidal agents such as nonoxonol-9 may actually ease the passage."

Roland's paper shows electron microscopy photos of natural latex. You can see the natural holes, or intrinsic flaws. The "inherent defects in natural rubber range between 5 and 70 microns."

And it's not as if governments don't know. A study by Dr. R.F. Carey of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control reports that "leakage of HIV-sized particles through latex condoms was detectable for as many as 29 of 89 condoms tested." These were brand new, pre-approved condoms. But Roland
says a closer reading of Carey's data actually yields a 78% HIV-leakage rate, and concludes: "That the CDC would promote condoms based on [this] study...suggests its agenda is concerned with something other than public health and welfare." The federal government's standard tests, he adds,
"cannot detect flaws even 70 times larger than the AIDS virus." Such tests are "blind to leakage volumes less tha one microliter - yet this quantity of fluid from an AIDS-infected individual has been found to contain as many as 100,000 HIV particles."

As one U.S. surgeon memorably put it, "The HIV virus can go through a condom like a bullet through a tennis net."

It's the same story with latex gloves. Gloves from four different
manufacturers revealed "pits as large as 15 microns wide and 30 microns deep." More relevant to HIV transmission, "5 micron-wide channels, penetrating the entire thickness were found in all the gloves." He said the presence of such defects in latex "is well established."

For Canada, the story is the same. A standard Health and Welfare Canada test of condoms manufactured between 1987 and 1990, based on stringent tests of pressure, leakage, and volume (as in the U.S., there is no effort to examine micron-level leakage), reported that an astonishing 40% of the
condoms tested failed at least one of the tests. Tests in 1991 showed an "improved" 28% rate.


The few statistics illustrating the effect of condoms use on HIV transmission in homosexual acts do not give clear cut results.
R.Detels (1989)lxxxix observed a 2.9% drop in seroconversion when condoms were used in homosexual intercourse, in a cohort of 2915 active homosexuals initally HIV sero-negative.

But, in that statistic, the number of partners for each member of the cohort was almost as important a factor as the use or not of a condom.

L.Levin et al. (1995)xc found that most (71%) of the 140 active-duty young men with documented sero-conversion who were identified in various US army installations did use a condom during their homosexual or heterosexual relations.

Results seemed to indicate a paradoxal increased risk of seroconversion proportional to condom use in this series.


May 29, 2004

Potent Carcinogen found in Most Condoms

Recent study has discovered the presence of a very potent carcinogen in most condoms. Small amounts of this chemical are released whenever condoms are used.

Nobody knows whether this is serious yet however it is not likely to be healthy to expose the reproductive organs to cancer-causing substances on a regular basis.

This is a potentially serious issue for much of the world's population that cannot afford or access other forms of birth control. I hope further studies will follow on this soon. Could this be related to the rise in cancer in women, and men as well?
May 29, 2004 in Medicine | Permalink



Anal cancer is at least 20 times more common in homosexual men than in heterosexual men.

"Is Screening for Anal Cancer Warranted in Homosexual Men?"
Sexual Health (09.04) Vol. 1; No. 3: P. 137-140::Jonathan StC. Anderson; Claire Vajdic; Andrew E. Grulich


Condom Talc danger is very serious



Talc is a very fine substance, so fine it can be used as a "dry" lubricant.

Talc is a chemical similar to asbestos, a known cancer causing substance. Talc is found in many "baby and body" powders, feminine powders and many cosmetics. It's alsp used as a lubricant on condoms! While it makes your skin "feel" slippery smooth, talc does so much more.

How does talc keep babies and your private parts so "fresh"? Presumably by clogging the pores that secrete those necessary fluids. Also, those fine little particles manage to get into the system. And being similar to asbestos is not comforting, especially when used on babies and genital areas.

Talc's harmful effect on human tissues has been known for quite some time. Long ago, its dry lubricating properties were used as a glove-donning powder (easy to slide on) for surgical gloves. As early as the 1930's, talc was linked to post-operative granulomatous peritonitis and fibrous adhesions.
-from Candace Sue Kasper, MD and Dr. P. J. Chandler

Talc...(on condoms)...may result in fallopian tube fibrosis with resultant infertility. Question raised by Doctors Kasper and Chandler in Journal of the American Medical Association. (JAMA) 3/15/95
-from Nutrition Health Review, Summer 1995 n73p8(1)

"A possible tie between talcum powder and ovarian cancer, long suspected because of talc's chemical similarity to asbestos, was strongly supported last week when a study found a higher risk of the cancer among women who used feminine deodorant sprays. The study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, found that women who used talcum powder in the genital area had an increased ovarian cancer risk of 60% and women who used feminine deodorant sprays had a 90% increased risk." In 1994, the FDA conducted a scientific workshop on the issue and did not find enough of a casual link to justify even a consumer warning.
-from The University of California, Berkeley Wellness Letter, April 1993 v9n7p1(2)




Delayed contact dermatitis from chemicals in rubber has been recognized since the 1930s.4 But except for rare early reports, clinicians did not appreciate systemic allergic reactions to latex proteins until 1979, when case reports began to appear in Europe. 5

Latex allergy erupted in the United States shortly after the Centers for Disease Control introduced universal precautions in 1987. By late 1992, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) received 1133 reports of serious allergic reactions and anaphylaxis occurring to patients and health care staff associated with 30 classes of latex medical devices. There were 15 patient deaths associated with latex barium enema catheters.5,6

The FDA estimated that the reports represented only 1% of actual occurrences.6


Recent reports in the literature indicate that from about 1 percent to 6 percent of the general population and about 8 percent to 12 percent of regularly exposed health care workers are sensitized to latex.

An estimated 17 million Americans are now sensitive to latex ( up from not one recorded case twenty years ago).



2007-06-22 16:43:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How would you feel if your doctor walked in a told you, that you could never have children? Today in the United States an estimated of 900,000 Americans have been diagnosed with a STD. Although AIDS have had the most devastating impact worldwide, there are other exposures of STDs, such as Gonorrhea, Clymedia, and Herpes. Three of the most important reasons that contribute to STDs is multiple sexual partners, no protection, and lack of education.
STDs is often caused by multiple sexual partners. Having sex with more than one person will put you in a higher risk of contracting STDs. When you have sex with someone, you are having sex with everyone the person has ever had sex with! If only one of them has an STD, you may become infected too. If the person you choose to have an intimate relationship with has not talked about STDs and what are the causes of STD, then most likely that person is only in to having sex for the heat of the moment. Those individual have a stigma, or a mark of shame attached to them. Often times it is the more the marrier. However, in this situation if you get yourself involve with more people then you're in higher states. Have you ever heard the saying,"You're playing with fire."
Having no protection can cause you to have an STD because it is considered not taking care of yourself. It's almost like if you recieve a cut on your upper left elbow and you dont take care of it, then this open wound becomes infected. Not having a condom before having sexual activities, means not having sex at all. Condoms perform functions that prevent the exchange of bodily fluids and diseases during sexual intercourse. Some people feel ashamed and embarrassed that they have contracted a disease through sexual activity, so they choose not to visit a doctor. Being careless about your own body and contracting a disease through the females reproductive system is more likely to occur without proper protection. It is a serious problem

I corrected a few mistakes. I hope it helps. You also need a better conclusion.

2007-06-21 15:56:35 · answer #2 · answered by tlc_teach 1 · 0 0

I'll re-write it with suggested corrections for you:

How would you feel if your doctor walked in and told you that you could never have children? Today, in the United States, an estimated 900,000 Americans have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Although AIDS has had the most devastating impact worldwide, other STDs, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, and herpes, have quite an impact, as well.

Three of the most important causes of STD exposure include multiple sexual partners, not using protection, and a lack of education. STDs are often caused by multiple sexual partners. Having sex with more than one person will put you at a greater risk of contracting an STD. When you have sex with someone, you are essentially having sex with everyone that person has had sex with! Even if only one of them has an STD, you can become infected, too. If the person you choose to have an intimate relationship with is not comfortable talking to you about STDs, how to protect against them, and why it is important to wear protection, then they are most likely someone you should not be having sex with anyway. Many times, infected individuals have a stigma,or a mark of shame, attached to them. They think "the more the merrier," and pass the STD on to other unsuspecting victims. Those people go on to have sex with other people, continuing to pass on the STD. As the saying goes, "You're playing with fire!"

Failure to use protection contributes to the incidence of STDs. Looking at it another way, not using protection is like not taking care of a cut on your elbow. You ignore it, don't cover it with a bandaid, and it gets infected. It is important to wear condoms because they prevent the exchange of body fluids and disease during sexual intercourse. Being careless about your own body and contracting a disease through the female reproductive system is more likely to occur without proper protection. It is a serious problem.

There are some other things you need to mention in this paper... why do STDs keep you from having children? You start out with that statement but don't connect it anywhere else in the paper. Also, it might be helpful to mention the symptoms of some STDs... herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc. That will help with the "education" aspect of the paper. Finally, I think this is a good sentence to open a final paragraph:

Some people feel ashamed and embarrassed that they have contracted a disease through sexual activity, so they choose not to visit a doctor.

But you need to add some stuff to it. Maybe mention that it is respectable to go to the dr with such a problem and important to take care of yourself and inform any sexual partners BEFORE having sexual relations with them. Maybe mention that you can get some of these STDs through oral sex as well.

2007-06-21 15:57:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I took out most of the errors you had, and changed them. Not trying to be mean but try to figure out something better to say at the ending, something more interesting. Goodluck! =]

How would you feel if your doctor walked in and told you that you could never have children? Today in the United States an estimated of 900,000 Americans have been diagnosed with an STD. Although, AIDS have had the most devastating impact worldwide there are other exposures of STDs such as Gonorrhea, Clymedia, and Herpes. Three of the most important reasons that contribute to STDs is multiple sexual partners, no protection, and lack of education.
STDs are often caused by multiple sexual partners. Having sex with more than one person will put you in a higher risk of contracting STDs. When you have sex with someone, you are having sex with everyone the person has ever had sex with! If only one of them has an STD, you may become infected too. The person you choose to have an intimate relationship who has not talked about STDs and what are the causes of an STD, then most likely that person is only in to having sex for the heat of the moment. Those individuals have a stigma, or a mark of shame attached to them. Most of the time it is the more the marrier, but in this situation, if you get yourself involve with more people then the rate tends to be higher states. Have you ever heard the saying,"you're playing with fire."?
Having no protection can cause you to get an STD and is considered as not taking care of yourself. It is almost like if you happen to recieve a cut on the upper left elbow of your arm and you dont take care of it then the open wound most likely will become infected. Not having a condom before having sexual activities, means not having sex at all. Condoms perform functions that prevent the exchange of bodily fluids and diseases during sexual intercourse. Some people feel ashamed and embarrassed that they have contracted a disease through sexual activity, so they choose not to visit a doctor. Being careless about your own body and contracting a disease through the females reproductive system is more likely to occur without proper protection. It is a serious problem.

2007-06-21 15:44:39 · answer #4 · answered by ♠lAUGhTERZ 5 · 0 0

Three of the most important reasons that contribute to STDs is multiple sexual partners, no protection, and lack of education.

I would use a word other than important...probably something like "The three primary causes of STDs would be blah", that and a little comma usage is all I found.

2007-06-21 15:38:56 · answer #5 · answered by Rising Rocker 2 · 0 0

My Mom & Dad were both born in El Salvador. My dad was born in 1958 in San Salvador which is the capital of El Salvador, and has an ever increasing population. From the age of 10 my Dad has been cultivating my grandfather's crop. Because he spent so much time working on the farm he was only able to graduate from elementary school and now has terrible English. Everyday he would go to work with my grandfather before sunrise. My mom was born in 1951 in Solluton, El Salvador. My mom is always referring me as, mijo. It seems like she always prepares frijoles with tortilla most of the time which we eat twice a day for breakfast and dinner. I find it like a Salvadorian tradition that only women were able to serve pupusas with tamales because there is a specific way to serve that plate. My mother was raised by both of her parents and she was always active in church activities. The types of shows my mother usually likes to watch are called, "Novellas" which is a Spanish soap opera. My mother was a secretary in El Salvador but when she moved to California she lost her job. My mom said it is different over in El Salvador than it is in California. Finally, they still carry flags and root for El Salvador when they're playing futbol (soccer) as they are still proud to be from El Salvador.

2016-05-17 07:08:09 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0


2017-02-19 16:03:45 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0


2017-02-17 16:08:38 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

It needs to be edited for usage errors and better syntax too.

2007-06-21 15:36:29 · answer #9 · answered by treebird 6 · 1 0

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