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I believe in them but I would like to know your opinions. I think they are spirits that are stuck in-between the life an death.

2007-06-21 14:52:39 · 15 answers · asked by czubl 3 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

15 answers

Yes, I am a firm believer in ghosts. I have been around them since I was 5 years old and it has not stopped yet as an adult.
I belong to a Paranormal Investigative Group an I believe that some are here by choice for some kind of unfinished business. Then there are those I believe are making a choice to hang around. Some have died in very horrific ways and do not even know they are dead and we need to let them know that they are dead and not of this plain anymore and we tell them that it is okay to go to the light now and that there will be family & some friends who miss you and would like you to cross over now.
The hardest ones for me to do this with is the children. I want them to pass over and so I do it. Our group will leave little toys for a childs stone especially on the old graves just so they know that someone cares for them.
I had a scary thing happen to me late this afternoon. Our group adopted a County Rd. to keep clean for 2 years and the county supplies us with the light flouresnt vests and gloves and and the bags. Thank- God they pick-up the garbage along the road for us. Anyways, my best-friend and I did almost the 2 miles of garbage pick-up along the side of the road today. We had to move the van so I went with her to cool off and then I and her were standing at the Passenger side sliding door and I was standing up right as she was getting another bag out and a male spirit took what felt like his pointer finger and dug so deep into my shoulder by the middle of my back that it actually had struck a nerve going to my shoulder and neck. I was in so much pain and we both looked around real quick and there was no one in sight. I had my camera with me but, it scared me so bad I forgot about it. This was done on a small paved road of beautiful homes and I had no where to stand but on this person's lawn and this is where it all happened. Kathy said she wished she could have gotten a picture of my face when this happened and we have to go and finish off the other side of the road. I have already addressed as to we are not going to park tomorrow.
I have had so many truelife experiences I am afraid I would put the lot of you asleep!
So, very much so I do believe in ghosts and this one from today showed me first hand they are amongst us on a daily basis. Some good and some evil and hurtful.
Today I met a ghost
that was quite cruel and felt like he was mad! I have seen a little girl around 4 in our house. We had bought a haunted house without knowing what was here. There has been alot of paranormal things going here in the past week and no matter what I do or our group they will not leave.
I hope that I have answered your question somewhat. Yes, I have seen a ghost, I have had some nasty things happen to me and yes some are stuck here and that is why I joined an excellent Paranormal Group was to understand more fully what was going on and to try to send them back to the light. I have several pictures that I have taken that have Spirits in them that one can see. So, with that I liked your question and do hope you got a better and honest idea of ghosts, Spirits and so on.

2007-06-22 01:50:43 · answer #1 · answered by sherry 5 · 1 0

Yes, they are real. As a Master Tarot Reader and a medium, I work with them often. Most often, they are associated with a specific location (ie, where they died or lived) and are usually harmless. When you get into those that 'can' harm you, you are usually dealing with either an entity or some other form of negative energy. From my experience, Most ghosts are NOT demons or evil spirits. (Though I do have some experience with demons and evil spirits)

Hope this helps

Phoenix Stormwolf
Chief Priestess Clan Stormwolf

2007-06-21 16:02:57 · answer #2 · answered by Phoenix S 1 · 0 0

I have to say first of I am a steadfast Christian. But I also believe in "Ghosts". I however believe that they are a concentration of energy rather than spirits. This is my theory but anyone who says they know has no idea. So all I can do is tell you I think "Ghosts" feed off energy and are created from it.

2007-06-21 19:13:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, I definitely believe in ghosts. I think a better question would be, why is it that people who think they are so intelligent/well educated scoff at people who do believe in them? Have you ever been called "insane" for believing in ghosts?
To me believing in ghosts is as natural as believing in life. Let's face it, as far as I know, every culture has "ghost" stories; the Bible mentions ghosts on several occasions; Saul saught out a necromancer so he could speak to Samuel!
But, on two occasions, someone I loved died; right after that, I felt the person's "presence". The second person was my son, who died just a week before his 18th birthday; I felt his presence for weeks after his death, especially coming back after his funeral (held about 500 miles away).

2007-06-21 16:05:50 · answer #4 · answered by Nothingusefullearnedinschool 7 · 1 0

A ghost is usually defined as the apparition of a deceased person, frequently similar in appearance to that person, and encountered in places he or she frequented, or in association with the person's former belongings. The word "ghost" may also refer to the spirit or soul of a deceased person, or to any spirit or demon.[1][2] Ghosts are often associated with haunting, which is, according to the Parapsychological Association, "the more or less regular occurrence of paranormal phenomena associated with a particular locality (especially a building) and usually attributed to the activities of a discarnate entity; the phenomena may include apparitions, poltergeist disturbances, cold drafts, sounds of steps and voices, and various odours."[1]

Ghosts are controversial phenomena. According to a poll conducted in 2005 by the Gallup Organization, about 32% of Americans believe in the existence of ghosts.[3] The term ghost has been replaced by apparition in parapsychology, because the word ghost is deemed insufficiently precise.

Ghosts , who needs them ? my opinion ; they arenot real, but sometimes people let their imagination get the better of them...

2007-06-21 14:56:46 · answer #5 · answered by Allie ツ 2 · 0 1

ghosts r very real and yes i have seen a few and i no that people dont want to beleave that they r but i have come to realize that it is because if they start beleaveing in ghosts then they might see one and that scares the hell out of some people but what people dont seem to relise is that some ghosts r just as scared of people as people r of them

2007-06-21 18:55:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes there are ghosts, These are demons pretending to be people that once lived.

Keep this in mind.

Most often these spirits cause emotional and mental turmoil.

2007-06-21 14:57:22 · answer #7 · answered by cordsoforion 5 · 1 1

They do exist.

Actually yes. When I was younger my parents rented a farm in Maryland, there was an old farmhouse there in which we lived in. The original owner died and our whole family knew him. My Uncle asked my Mom if she would clip the obituary out of the paper because he wanted to keep it, he didn't get the paper that day. My Mom clipped it and put it on the side of the refrigerator for when the next time she was my Uncle she knew where it was. The owner, Larry died on a Saturday. That following Saturday, Saturday Night Live was about to come on and I went out into the kitchen for a drink and a bowl of chips, and was stopped in my tracks in amazement of what I saw. This smoky looking figure was coming into the kitchen from the laundry room area, walked around the kitchen along the countertop, I could make out legs, arms, and body movements. When it got to the stove, he leaned down and rested his head on his hand, looking straight up at the refrigerator, where the obitusry was magneted to the fridge, like he was reading his own obituary. For several weeks and months, he appeared on Saturday nights at 11:30 pm, after a while I actually looked for him, being freaked out wore off after a while. One Saturday night he made his ws into the livingroom where I was sitting on the couch, it walked on it and appeared to sit down on a chair there in the livingroom, I turned to it and said "Hi Larry, gonna watch tv with me tonight?" That was the last time I saw him. He didn't mean any harm, later I wished I'd never called him by name, cause he left after that. After all, it was his families home to begin with. I actually missed his presense after that. There were other ghosts in the house as well, one appeared to be a teenage boy, blonde hair, ice blue eyes, bright yellow t shirt, that one looked totally real. There were others there too, some I never saw but heard things, like kids singing. Other people who lived there after us even commented about these sightings in the house. My mother also seen a few of them. None of them ever tried to harm us though, I was really scared at first because before I ever lived there, I always made fun of people who said they witnesses these kinds of things, after I lived in that house for 12 years though, I never made fun of it anymore because I saw alot there. There was times when I was there alone, but I never felt alone, always felt like someone was there with me, really there was a housefull there with me. Some may find this strange, but when I think back on it, I really miss that house.

4 years ago my cousin lost her husband to a motorcycle wreck, oldest son was on the bike with him. Son was only hurt, but when the paramedics arrived, her husband was dead on arrival and the son was still holding onto him. They had 2 boys together. About 6 months aftre his untimely death, they walked into they're house one evening and the boys busted out laughing and crying at the same time. She asked them what was wrong and they both pointed to the rocking chair and said "Daddy is so funny, he's making faces at us! Daddy, please come back." She was stunned, but when they boys went off like that, she burst into tears (she was suicidal for a long time, very emotional), when she turned around she didn't see him, BUT the chair was still rocking.

there was some other instances with the death of her husband as well, but I wrote a book already.

Personal experiences. This house is in Carroll County, Maryland. I also believe some people can see this and other's can't, it's a supernatural gift.

2007-06-21 14:57:17 · answer #8 · answered by Wutz it worth 2 ya? 6 · 3 0

I believe in them. After all if I was dead I would LOVE the chance to come back and try and communicate..

2007-06-21 15:20:03 · answer #9 · answered by The Helper 5 · 0 0

actually i have spent alot of time devoted to finding this question out.And to tell you the truth even if i thought i saw something i would talk myself out of thinking i didnt.But i have heard disembodied footsteps.as far as where they come from i think alot of ghosts are here cause they were maybe killed tragic and they dont know there dead

2007-06-21 14:56:46 · answer #10 · answered by miz 2 · 1 1

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