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I have noticed that here and other places as well that Israel is an unpopular subject! Some say that we should not be allied to them! Others say they should not even have a state to call their own! Still others say that Palestine has first claim to the land that they both share or used to share! Is it so wrong for Israel to defend the country that they have fought to keep since 1947? I simply do not understand All of the antagonism toward them!! Please explain!

2007-06-21 14:00:00 · 15 answers · asked by jaded 4 in Politics & Government Politics

15 answers

Israel was created by a decision of the United Nations. If you believe in international law, you have to recognise the right of Israel to exist.
As for the occupied territories, in 1967 the Arabs started a war which they then lost. If they hadn't started that war they would have had the land they now want back. When they had it, they didn't call it Palestine; the west bank was part of Jordan and Gaza was part of Egypt. They only started calling it Palestine after they lost it. So Israel gained land because they won a war. That has been normal everywhere throughout history. Most borders mark where the fighting stopped last time.
Israel has made many mistakes during the occupation of those territories but the Arabs have made mistakes too. Many people are virulently against Israel who overlook the mistakes of the Arabs or the horrific events going on in other parts of the world, such as China,Zimbabwe,Dafur, Burma etc. The exclusive focus of blame on the Israelis is a consequence of anti-semitism, which is deeply rooted in christian culture.

2007-06-22 01:05:04 · answer #1 · answered by Tewks 2 · 0 0

There are so many legitimate reasons why a neutral person should feel unhappy against Israel- one of them being how the Israelis killed US soldiers by opening fore on the USS Liberty to provoke a war between the US and Egypt.
It machine gunned the life rafts too.

It will not return the land it stole in 1968-69 and return to its UN mandated borders.
It has the most UN censures of any nation bar none.
It has a shocking human rights record- as bad as Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti.

The Israeli Defence Force uses tanks against stone-throwing children, runs over disabled people and has killed more women and children than childbirth in the 3rd World (in that region of the world)

It is a racist Zionist nation that uses political lobbying in the US to extract over $USD 98 billion of aid- which is more per head of population, at least double the welfare a US citizen in the US would receive.
Israel receives more aid than any other nation- and almost as much as all total US aid to the 3rd world.

Israel routinely violates US patents and clones US technology- only to sell it back to the US.

What's to like about it?
Palestine is the Holy Land- not Israel. Israel began as a nation of thieves in 1948 and has acted like one ever since.

PS the 1967 war was provoked by Israel and there is 3rd party massive documentary evidence to prove so.

Good Ally? Christ! For $USD 98 billions it should be its wife!

2007-06-22 05:31:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Depends. Israeli's and many Jews state that they were in Israel first. But if you read the bible, they were not. The promised land was occupied by others before they got there.

Even ignoring that, Palestinians have lived in the land that is now called Israel for generations. Jewish and Israeli extremists refuse to aknowledge that, and that in part is one of the reasons that Israel is acting in the way they are.

But this is not just the fault of Israeli/Jewish extremists. Palestinian extremists have made things worse for themselves as well.

First, Israel took land by conquest. True, the wars it fought were for its own survival, but in the land it took by force, it has refused to allow the civilians who lived on that land, proper rights. Remember, these civilians were not responsible for the actions of the leaders who started or were about to start the wars against Israel, and it is these civilians who have suffered.

Then to make matters worse, it started to build on the land, i.e. creating a situation where it had conquered living space. It aslo allows the use of torture, prevents Palestinians from having an economy, and literally treats the Palestinian people like at best, third class citizens (I say this, as the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are not even citizens but are subject to the actions and whims of Israel anyway.) It refuses to allow Palestinians displaced by the war to return to Israel, but allows anyone who can claim to be Jewish the right to return.

But Palestinian extremists have not been without blame either. They kill Israeli civilians, and the two main political parties are ridden with corruption (Fatah) or want to impose an Islamic state (Hamas).

The sad thing is that it is civilians who suffer, civilans who die on both sides.

The answer here is not a matter of who is right, or who is wrong, both sides are wrong. But rather, who is more in the wrong.

At the moment, I think the decision is tight, with both Palestinian and Israeli extremists being very, very wrong. But overall, I think the actions of Israel are worse than that of Palestinian extremists.

To answer your question, I think we should be supporting an Israel that acts in a humane manner, and also helping the Palestinians to get rid of Israeli settlements and to live in a just peace with Israel.

2007-06-22 00:40:24 · answer #3 · answered by The Patriot 7 · 1 0

Something to do with the illegal occupation of territory since 1967, the treatment of the people in those areas, the building on those lands, and the ignoring of no fewer than 65 UN resolution.

Most recently, they've been instrumental in cutting off vital funding to the Palestinians - along with the States and the EU - and also the abduction of two democratically elected ministers of their government. This has prompted something of a coup which is decidely undemocratic (contrary to the stated aims of Western powers), virutal civil war in what's left of Palestine.

2007-06-22 04:48:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes Israelies and Jews in general do seem to be unpopular, this is because in part of their religion, which lacks the "love thy neighbour", and "Turn the other cheek" of Christianity,
Perhaps these dislikers of Israel could form a society, the New Abolition of Zionist Israeli society (NAZIs) and plot the destruction of Israel. A Austrian architect who was refused a job by a Jewish firm once formed an anti Jewish organisation which had some considerable sucess in reducing the Jewish population in europe, I think he was some kind of National Socialist.

2007-06-22 03:31:44 · answer #5 · answered by "Call me Dave" 5 · 0 0

Im not really sure im not much into politcal things but people in general are against any country that is not their own even though they shouldn't be. I feel that if a person has not lived in that county and experinced first hand what it is like there they do not have a right to dislike a whole country. it dosent matter what country we talk about people will find problems,, there is also religion to consider some ppl belive that palestine is a special place but again im not into that either talk to someone who is

2007-06-22 00:15:09 · answer #6 · answered by lost 1 · 0 0

okay bit of defining to do first so people dont misread my statements bear the following in mind

Seperate the terms Jew and Israel, Jews are not all Israel and Israel is The government and prevailing attiudes not the average people though they may support the government and expouse the attitudes

Additionally i do not find any party in the whole sorry middle eastern situation with Israel Palestine and the west et al innocent or guilt free, EVERYONE has done stupid/nasty/wrong deeds and has a portion of the blame, but the question is about Israel so i will focus on them if people want my view of all the guilty parties and their involvements feel free to start another question

Right now to answer
From my mind it comes down to a few things

1)the Pot and Kettle effect
2)Not learning from your own history
3)Guilt tripping people about something done to you and then going and doing it youself

1)according to israel the palestinians are criminals, terrorists etc etc etc blah blah rehtoric, yet there is documentary evidence of israel using tanks and helicopters against people who were NOT armed with guns, so thats terrorism and crimes against humanity making them hypocrites at best as they do unto others as they get back,

2)Also israel through war of conquest (even if it was only 7days) aquired lands not originally given to them and proceeded to colonise them and displace the inhabitants, the retreat recently was only because the areas where indefensible, Given their history and the old testament its quite clear what happens when you displace and oppress another people, sooner or later bad things happen to you and they go on, it happened to them enough times historically youd think theyd learned the lesson not to be a repressing tyrant,
3)back in the early eighties or late seventies about that era anyway there was a interview with an intelligent well to do israeli on the BBC in which the quote that for me kills all sympathy and good feeling came out about the treatment of palestinians
'It dosnt matter, they are only palestinians'
Now correct me if im wrong but i believe that a Facist state party called Nazi's USED THE SAME WORDS to describe their treatment of jews, which led to the Holocaust, which led to the forming of a jewish homeland of their own, and them using the Holocaust as a guilt trip for the western world for not doing more/sooner when at the same time they are in the first stage of their own vs the palestinians (social exclusion and oppression)

Thats why i personally am not a supporter of Israel land claims aside, they are as guilty as their opponent but play the innocent act

2007-06-22 06:33:41 · answer #7 · answered by andrew r 2 · 0 0

If you can not negotiate with anyone in Palestinian government, because there isn't a government to negotiate with. As a result Israel government makes it as hard as possible for the ordinary Palestinian who are already suffering to suffer even more. What do you think the outcome will be!
Israel government do not take any notice of United Nations rulings and as long they have the support of USA ,they will continue to ignore the international demands on Palestinians situation.

2007-06-22 02:52:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jew have been persecuted for thousands of years, mainly because they are good at making money, and other race's are jealous of this. I'd rather have a jew as a neighbour than an Arab or Muslim, Jew are law abiding and hard working, take care of their families and their homes, unlike a lot of other race's who drag an area down and cause racial unrest. OK i know that's not the answer to your question, but in my little world where there are a lot of Jews living around me, i find them a much nicer type of people than the others, who lie, break the laws and expect to the country to change to suit them.

2007-06-22 02:32:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because whether the international community interferred or not, there would still be a problem. People don't like loosing land, and those who gain think they deserve more. The answer is greed. Let them sort it out themselves. I swear, half the middle east needs a good civil war or something to sort themselves out.

2007-06-22 03:20:33 · answer #10 · answered by Kit Fang 7 · 1 0

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