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who used to be a member of the Ku Klux Klan?

2007-06-21 12:46:53 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

19 answers

Well judging the entire Democratic party by one member is as stupid as judging the Republican party by George Bush only.

2007-06-21 13:00:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Hey guys, he's the senator from WEST Virginia, which is a separate state from Virginia.

Why isn't the past tense significant?

Not only did he leave the Klan, which was part of the social structure of his town and day - the way a young white man succeeded - but he wrote a lot about his eventual shame at being in the Klan and about breaking with them.

Think about what it would be like, how courageous he had to be, how, like an immigrant, he had to abandon the old and familiar ways, the friends and family, to say publicly, "You know, we're a bunch of dorks in these sheets."

Byrd was one of the only Senators to stand up to Bush's rush to his lying, stealing, torturing to death, mass murdering, all for the benefit of halliburton war. He read the constitution tho his hands shook and his voice was barely audible.

What did you do, comrade, to try to stop your country's rush to that horrific stain on our image and conscience? You'll be held to account for that one day, as Byrd must be for being in the Klan. Will you be able to say you woke up and did the right thing?

Hope so.

2007-06-21 19:59:26 · answer #2 · answered by cassandra 6 · 0 1

Because you should extend to him the same forgiveness for youthful indescrestions as you gave to George W. Bush who abused drugs and alcohol for years. Also, since the republican party gladly accepted Strom Thurmond and other Dixiecrat racists into the their party, and counts millions of racist as part of their base, by your reasoning you shouldn't take them seriuosly either

Joeschmo, your history is correct if you distort and exaggerate it and conveniently leave out the last 50 years of it. For you and Mark here is the republican southern strategy, developed under Nixon breifly stated:

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the ***** vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."[2]

2007-06-21 20:05:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Now, you ticked me off! Senator Byrd is one of our history's greatest 'orators.' He has done some wonderful work as a Senator from VA., I am only saddened that age is creeping up on him. If, you will take the time to hear what he has to say, I believe you will understand more about his transitions and greatness. I do not even live in Va., but, love the man, dearly.
And, how many families brought up their children in the kkk, if you will be honest... It was a mistake then, it is a mistake, now!

2007-06-21 19:59:00 · answer #4 · answered by Ro40rd 3 · 1 2

With Bush as the leader of your party, I would suggest you not throw stones. Byrd is indeed not a good senator, but not for the issue you raise. He is a poor senator because he puts his state ahead of the good of the country.

And what do you think about Repubic party people like Delay the dethroned, Newt the neanderthal womanizer, Foley the boy -ucker?

2007-06-21 19:58:55 · answer #5 · answered by joker_32605 7 · 1 3

For the same reason you support Republicans, who once had (Grand Wizard of the KKK) David Duke as a representative in congress. For the same reason you have Trent (America should have remained segregated) Lott as Senator. For the same reason that you listen to Druggie Limbaugh and back the Party of Mark Foley, pedophile.

Because you get the government you deserve.

2007-06-21 19:54:25 · answer #6 · answered by Jason 4 · 4 2

You better take Democrats seriously or Sheets will have his old friends burn a cross in your yard and then they will make you take a ride with Ted Kennedy. I hope you can swim.

2007-06-21 20:14:48 · answer #7 · answered by jesuscuresislam 3 · 2 1

why is it when you bring up Bush being an alcoholic 20 or so years ago... Repubicans say "he's not anymore and you shouldn't judge people on their past"

yet then they constantly bring up Byrd's past from 60 YEARS AGO...

how can I take the Republcian party seriously when they are so full of so many hypocrites?

2007-06-21 19:55:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

If you note most of the politicians in the South now have turned to the Republican Party to get away from their racist democratic brethren in the 60s, who almost got the civil rights act of 1965 denied. Ah, Bird, the number one pork barrel king of all time, gets his tiny state of W Virginia 40% of the federal highway budget every year.

2007-06-21 19:52:53 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

about the same way you take anyone seriously who made mistakes as a child, and learned better, and became an adult.
Obviously Mark H, hasn't studied his political history very well, you might want to pick him as the best answer, since it supports the untruthful premise you are trying to imply.

2007-06-21 19:52:50 · answer #10 · answered by avail_skillz 7 · 5 2

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