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every child conceived is born? In a way doesn't this perpetrate the cycle republicans say you hate? The generational welfare family? Saying it's a moral issue imposes your morals on me, saying it's a religious issue imposes your religious beliefs on me. Shouldn't it be a woman's choice?

2007-06-21 11:40:06 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

15 answers

I am generally classified as a conservative republican and I am very vocal about being pro-choice. Part of the core republican belief is the gov't should have limited control and interference in our lives. I also believe in civil unions for same sex relationships since it should not be a gov't issue but a personal and religious issue.

It is funny, too conservative for the libs and feminists and to liberal for many conservatives. Ahhh, it ain't so bad by myself.

2007-06-21 11:45:07 · answer #1 · answered by halestrm 6 · 5 1

Some things are malum in se. Abortion is, quite simply, the state sanctioned killing of an innocent human being. To hide this fact, proponents of abortion engage in semantics - - calling abortion a "woman's choice."

I assume that you would agree that a woman should not be legally able to kill a child who is 6 months old - - - so, why a child 6 months after conception? Is there really a difference morally or ethically? How can you then suggest a woman should morally have this choice?

This isn't a "religious" belief, and yes, the State can impose the morals of a rational society. That's why rape is a crime. One can be certain that an animal in the wild doesn't ask for consent before copulation - so why should human animals? The answer is simple - society suggests forced sex with a woman is immoral and hence illegal. Do you suggest that society should not be able to legislate that morality? Of course not, such a proposition would be ludicrious. If you suggest that "imposing morals" is an improper function of the State- then do you support those who believe in sex with children? Or do you think that such conduct is immoral and should be illegal? If so, your argument about imposing morals is specious.

Abortion is not a solution to the welfare state - are you a proponent of abortion so that poor people don't reproduce? To suggest that conservatives should be in favor of abortion to eliminate welfare families is, well, elitist at best and racist at worst.

I suggest that our society is better off by not cheapening life.

To the previous poster who suggests "ABORTION IS THE LAW" - - I might suggest that you study the legal history of abortion. For the majority of the history of this country, abortion was illegal. The Roe decision took away the State's right to legislate on the issue (pro or con) and essentially destroys the concept of Federalism. Leaving the moral issue aside completely, true conservatives are in favor of a less powerful federal government in favor of State's rights.

So, while it is "possible" to be both a conservative republican and pro-abortion, I suggest that the two are - in truth - incompatible.

2007-06-21 22:40:14 · answer #2 · answered by MeinOH 3 · 1 0

My husband is a conservative republican and he is pro-choice. He is fiscally conservative, supports *much* smaller government, but he believes the government should stay out of social issues because it's none of their business.

The current government under Bush is not fiscally conservative in the least, but they are eager to push their idea of morals upon the rest of us. They cannot in the truest sense be called conservative republicans. More like religious democrats, if you ask me.
And that's not a compliment.

2007-06-21 18:51:40 · answer #3 · answered by grrluknow 5 · 1 0

You cannot consider yourself a conservative if you don't support conservative values. In the US we have the right to life, liberty... Our number one right is life. Abortion takes life away. Who knows what will become of a child after it is delivered. There is no reason to believe only welfare mothers are getting abortions. Women from all walks of life get abortions. Life begins at conception is a conservative and a religious belief.
No one is telling you what to believe. Your morals and your religion are your own business.
No, it should not be a woman's choice. There is also a man involved and the child who cannot speak for himself.
Tell me how you would get around the Constitutional right to life.

2007-06-21 18:50:43 · answer #4 · answered by regerugged 7 · 0 1

I guess so, well definately...As a conservative, what really bugs me is the use of Abortion as a means of Post Pregnancy Birth Control. Can't folks use a condom.
Spare me the educatin non-sense. I am 47 years old, and knew where Babies came from by age 6, and what a Condom was for by age 11.
Couldn't Pro-choice also be Pro-Condom???
No, it's not religious with me, but dang I see Commercials everyday on how to get and use birth control.....

P.S. Good Question....

2007-06-21 18:50:51 · answer #5 · answered by Ken C 6 · 0 1

You are right, it is a women's choice. It is her body and mind that have to go through with it. As far as being republican and pro-choice, there is nothing wrong with that. You will find over time that you end up voting for the best person to do the job. Sometimes that is not always the person that your party has nominated. Be your own man vote with your head and your heart and don't worry with party someone is in. Remember the most important thing to do is vote!

2007-06-21 18:53:11 · answer #6 · answered by rick b 1 · 0 1

Sure. I truly never understand why in the world the abortion issue continues to be brought up. It's a LAW. We've had almost 8 years of a republican administration and guess what? It's STILL a LAW.

I wish that people would simply drop in and move on.

2007-06-21 19:02:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

i think so , I am a conservative who is pro choice just because I live in reality and know if there is no abortions there is a huge welfare bill . I would rather people be responsible for their own actions but that was the old America and I accepted that but still hope we can train liberals to be responsible

2007-06-21 18:43:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Is it possible to be a conservative republican and pro-choice?

...some call that "Independent". If more people would think with their brain and not their partisanship, our nation and world would be much better off

2007-06-22 08:36:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i am republican and pro choice ...to a point. it should be a womans choice in the 1st trimester. after that there should be a medical reason. partial birth abortion is murder.

it should not be used as birth controll

2007-06-21 18:48:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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