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I need the basics behind the game or a good website to go to look up what the heck to do.

2007-06-21 11:01:34 · 7 answers · asked by Mozes 2 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

7 answers

Nice post - "Akamaru's Owner" - but a little long for the poor guy to read all at once ;););)

For this information - plus a LOT more - go to gamefaqs.com (the link to the site is below - if it wasn't blocked by the firewall at work, I'd give the direct link to the Oblivion page).

You can find FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions) and walkthroughs/cheats for just about EVERY game ever created - on ANY system - at this site. This should be an essential bookmark for every gamer :)

2007-06-21 12:37:22 · answer #1 · answered by kr_toronto 7 · 0 0

i would say that i play oblivion, and i beat it, and i just luv the game, it fun, and the inercative with other npc is fun, but the quest are fun to, where u can do quest for the guilds, like the black botherhood, or the mage guild(not sure if thats the name), and one more which i cant get my hand into. the game it pretty big i can tell u that, took me like 3-4 weeks to beat it (without cheats). however i also played fable 2, in my cuz house, like for 2-3 hr and i did enjoy playing it, but i haven't taped the main story since it was for hours. the graphic and the gameplay where good, but i don't know if u want take my word on fable 2, even though i am still unsure on fable2(i have played fable one tho) but in the end i LUVed oblivion so i think u should get that.....keep in mind in oblivion when u ride the horse for pc, has bad camera view. hope this help

2016-03-14 04:54:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Okay here are the basics to Oblivion. You have to close the Oblivion gates (I think there supposed to represent hell). It is really long game, but there is an immense amount of stuff you can to in it. If you want to find some game play help, try www.uhs-hints.com

2007-06-21 11:12:58 · answer #3 · answered by evil conscience *spit squadron* 4 · 0 0

If you are planning to start on your woodworking project, this isn't something you should use, it's something that you would be insane not to. Go here https://tr.im/T0OSg
Truth is, I've been a carpenter for almost 36 years, and I haven't found anything like this for less than 10's of thousands of dollars.

2016-05-02 00:04:10 · answer #4 · answered by lan 3 · 0 0

I dont like the game. When you level, so do the creatures, so, you cant run to a different part of the game and kill lowbies. Also, it takes a lot of time, and a game where i need to spend that much time and have NO online capability at all is pointless. Like stated above, 300+ hrs easy, not even including the new expansion pack. The gameplay is to slow also. Dont get me wrong, the game is a visual masterpiece, but i just dont like how everything levels with you. You work on your character but all the demons and things that you fight stay hard to kill. Kinda pointless if ya ask me. The game is like any other basic rpg. Make a dude, get some traits, run around questing, geting items, and making your gear cooler and better, but you cant even show it off cause the things lvl with you..

2007-06-21 11:15:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

uh...if u arent willing to spend 300+ hours on a game, then oblivion is not for you.

2007-06-21 11:04:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Here is the walkthrough.


These Controls are for the Xbox 360 Version of the game. Since this
FAQ is made for the 360 Version I'm not going to list the PC Controls

Left Thumbstick: Move Your Character

Click Left Thumbstick: Sneak Mode

Right Thumbstick: Move Your Character

Click Right Thumbstick: Change from 1'rst Person View to 3'rd Person
View and back

Y: Jump

B: Journal

X: Take Out Weapon/Put Away Weapon

A: Activate

LB: Grab

RB: Cast Magic

RT: Attack

LT: Block


The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion offers one of the best character
customizations for any RPG I have ever played. With Oblivion's
Character Creation you can get right down to the basics and get in
every single detail that matters. When creating your character you go
through three things to get your character to best fit your style. The
Three Things that most matter is your Race, Birthsign, and Class.

=============== RACE ===============

When you begin a new game in Oblivion at the start you get to choose
your race and gender. You also get to customize other little things
like Complexion, Eye Color, and other things. If you are going to
create a Race to maximize your benefits for your style of play then
that is the best thing to do. Each Race as Bonuses to different
skills. They also have special powers they can use only once every 24
Hours Game Time. The exception is the Khajiit Night-Eye which has
unlimited uses.

Race Special Powers Skill Bonuses
Argonian 1. Resist Disease (75%) 1. Alchemy +5
2. Resist Poison (100%) 2. Athletics +10
3. Water Breathing (Constant) 3. Blade +5
4. Hand-to-Hand +5
5. Illusion +5
6. Mysticism +5
7. Security +10

Breton 1. Magicka +50 1. Alchemy +5
2. Resist Magicka (50%) 2. Alteration +5
3. Shield (50% for 60 Seconds) 3. Conjuration +10
4. Illusion +5
5. Mysticism +10
6. Restoration +10

Dark Elf 1. Summon Ghost (60 Seconds) 1. Athletics +5
2. Resist Fire (75%) 2. Blade +10
3. Blunt +5
4. Destruction +10
5. Light Armor +5
6. Marksman +5
7. Mysticism +5

High Elf 1. Magicka +100 1. Alchemy +5
2. Weakness to Fire (25%) 2. Alteration +10
3. Weakness to Frost (25%) 3. Conjuration +5
4. Weakness to Shock (25%) 4. Destruction +10
5. Resist Disease (75%) 5. Illusion +5
6. Mysticism +10

Imperial 1. Absorb Fatigue (100 Points) 1. Blade +5
2. Charm (30 Points) 2. Blunt +5
3. Hand-to-Hand +5
4. Heavy Armor +5
5. Mercantile +10
6. Speechcraft +10

Khajiit 1. Demoralize (100%)
2. Night-Eye (30 Seconds) 1. Acrobatics +10
2. Athletics +5
3. Blade +5
4. Hand-to-Hand +10
5. Light Armor +5
6. Sneak +5
7. Security +5

Nord 1. Frost Damage (50 Points on Touch) 1. Armorer +5
2. Shield (30% for 60 Seconds) 2. Blade +10
3. Resist Frost (50%) 3. Block +5
4. Blunt +10
5. Heavy Armor +10
6. Restoration +5

Orc 1. Berserk (60 Seconds) 1. Armorer +10
2. Resist Magicka (25%) 2. Block +10
3. Blunt +10
4. Hand-to-Hand +5
5. Heavy Armor +10

Redguard 1. Adrenaline Rush 1. Athletics +10
2. Resist Poison (75%) 2. Blade +10
3. Resist Disease (75%) 3. Blunt +10
4. Light Armor +5
5. Heavy Armor +5
6. Mercantile +5

Wood Elf 1. Command Creature (60 Seconds) 1. Acrobatics +5
2. Resist Disease (75%) 2. Alchemy +10
3. Alteration +5
4. Light Armor +5
5. Marksman +10
6. Sneak +10

=============== EXTRA NOTES ON RACES ===============

Here are some extra notes on Tamriel's Races that may help you decide
what race you want to be.

Argonian: These Reptile Creatures from Black Marsh make good Mages and
good Thieves. The Resist Poison and Resist Disease is very useful, but
the Water Breathing Skill is the most useful because of it is constant
and is useful for many quests in Oblivion. The Argonian's Skill
Bonuses are good, but not great.

Breton: Bretons in my opinion make the best Mages in the game. Their
Magicka +50 is fantastic and the Resist Magicka is good to counter with
the Apprentice's 100% Weakness to Magicka. Dragon Skin (The Shield) is
useful because a Breton often will loose a lot of HP if fighting more
then one enemy at a time. However the Conjuration +10 will let Bretons
summon allies to help them in battle.

Dark Elf: The Dark Elf makes a Fantastic Role for a Battlemage.
Playing as a Dark Elf you will succeed very well in the Fighters Guild
and the Mages Guild. The Destruction +10 and Blade +10 are great for
the Battlemage role and the Blunt +5 is a good back up for those hard
hitting attacks. Although you won't use the Summon Ghost a lot because
it is weak, but the Resist Fire is good because of all the Wizards and
Battlemages that use Destruction Magic.

High Elf: The High Elf is a fantastic role for an aggressive Mage. The
High Elf has a Magicka +100 Race Bonus which is even better then the
Breton's. However the Weakness to Fire, Frost, and Shock will kill you
when fighting powerful Wizards. Since the High Elf comes with an
Alchemy +5 you should use that to your advantage and be ready to make a
lot of Healing Potions.

Imperial: Imperials are the Natives of Cyrodiil and are everywhere.
Although I hate to say it but the Imperial has the worst special powers
in the game. Absorb Fatigue is useless and the Charm is only useful
once in a while. If you want to be an Imperial they make great
Fighters/Thieves because of the bonuses in Combat Skills (although they
are weak), but the Mercantile +10 and Speechcraft +10 is fantastic and
is good for the Thieves Guild Quests.

Khajiit: Khajiits make fantastic thieves and assassins and are perfect
for the Thieves Guild Quests and Dark Brotherhood Quests. Although
keep in mind a Khajiit Thief is usually conservative. They do have +5
Bonuses in Sneak and Security, but get no bonuses in Marksman which is
a must for an Assassin and Thief. Although the Blade +5 is good for
stealthy daggers. Plus the Acrobatics +10 is fantastic for getting
away from Combat.

Nord: The Tall People of Skyrim who usually live in the Snowy City of
Bruma make exceptional Warriors. Although the Skill Bonuses are only
+5 for most the Nord is a very powerful Warrior and a very conservative
as well. The Nord gets a +5 Bonus in Restoration which is great to
heal after those tough battles. Not only that but they have a Shield
(not as strong as a Breton's but still good). Nords get +10 in Blade
and Blunt so which ever one you choose as a major skill, you'll start
out at 40 which makes choosing not hard.

Orc: Orcs are very strong Warriors and can take on several Trolls and
Ogres at once without breaking a sweat. They have the best Skill
Bonuses for any Warrior as mostly all of them are +10 and Berserk is a
useful problem solver. Although keep in mind an Orc is designed for a
Warrior ONLY! They make terrible Thieves, Assassins, and Mages and if
you choose an Orc you'll probably find that you can only get good
success in doing only the Fighters Guild Quests.

Redguard: The Redguards are also great Warriors. The Skill Bonuses
aren't Great, but they're not horrible either. Adrenaline Rush is
always useful and the Redguard has Resist Poison and Resist Disease
which will keep it strong and healthy. Plus Redguards could also make
exceptional Thieves and Assassins because of the Light Armor +5 and
Mercantile +5, although staying away from being a Mage is probably a
good idea. (My brother was a Redguard and had great success in the
Fighters Guild and the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, but did
terrible in the Mages Guild).

Wood Elf: If you kind of want to be a Mage, but also a Warrior too, oh
wait! A Thief and an Assassin! Then this is the race for you. The
short Wood Elves also known as Bosmer do great in any category and are
for the player that wants to be all three. The Alchemy +10 is
fantastic for making potions and lets your rake in the profits from
making powerful potions early on. The Alteration +5 is good for a Mage
while the Marksman +10 and Sneak +10 are fantastic for any Thief. Plus
the Light Armor +5 is good for a Warrior that wants to wear Light Armor
and the Acrobatics +5 can help you make a speedy get away from powerful
monsters like Trolls and Ogres.

=============== BIRTHSIGN ===============

Once you get out of the Natural Caverns in the Imperial Prison you will
meet up with Emperor Uriel Septim VII and two of his Blades. At this
point Septim will talk to you and you will get to choose your
Birthsign. This is almost as important as your Race. Birthsigns
either give you Attribute Bonuses or Very Useful Powers. While some
give you more Magicka.

Birthsign Features
Apprentice Magicka +100, Weakness to Magicka 100%

Atronach Magicka +150, Spell Absorption 50%, No Magicka Regeneration

Lady Willpower +10, Endurance +10

Lover Paralyze on Touch for 10 Sec at cost of 120 Fatigue Pts

Lord Restore Health (6 Pts for 15 Sec), Weakness to Fire (25%)

Mage Magicka +50

Ritual Restore Health (200 Pts), Turn Undead (100% for 30 Sec)

Serpent Damage Health, Dispel, Cure Poison, Damage Fatigue

Shadow Invisibility for 60 Sec

Steed Speed +20

Thief Agility +10, Speed +10, Luck +10

Tower Open Average Lock, Reflect Damage (5% for 120 Sec)

Warrior Strength +10, Endurance +10

=============== EXTRA NOTES ON BIRTHSIGNS ===============

Apprentice: This is a great choice for an Aggressive Mage. The Magicka
+100 is fantastic, but the 100% Weakness to it sucks. The Apprentice
is great for a Battlemage who will be wearing Heavy Armor. Although a
Defensive Mage like a Breton can use his Resist Magicka to counter
this. Although Bretons should still consider another Birthsign because
of their low health.

Atronach: Those born under the sign of the Atronach have a Magicka +150
which is phenomenal. Not only that but they have a 50% Chance of
absorbing an enemies magical attacks. Which is great when fighting
those annoying Wizards. However they can not regenerate Magicka which
sucks. You will find it to be a full time hobby to fill up your
Magicka Meter. I don't recommend this Birthsign at all to anybody.

Lady: This is another great choice for a Battlemage. Although the
Apprentice's Magicka +100 is useful, the Lady's Willpower +10 is
essential for casting a lot of Destruction Spells at one time. The
Endurance +10 will give you higher health and allow you to carry around
more Armor and Weapons. I highly recommend this one.

Lover: This Birthsign is kinda useless. The Paralyze is useful
sometimes, but it is only for 10 Seconds and it costs you 120 Points of
Fatigue, plus you have to Touch them which means you will have to get
close. I don't recommend this Birthsign at all.

Lord: The Lord's Restore Health is fantastic. 6 Points of Health times
15 seconds of it being active is 90 Points of Health restored! There
is a downside though, the Weakness to Fire. This may not sound like a
big deal, but it will kill you, especially if your going to become a

Mage: The Mage Birthsign is a perfect Birthsign for a Defensive Mage.
The Magicka +50 is always a Safe Bet. If you want to be a Mage and you
would rather be safe then sorry then this is your Birthsign.

Ritual: The Ritual has a highly useful Restore Health Power and is a
lot better then the Lord's Birthsign Power. Unlike the Lord's Weakness
to Fire the Ritual comes with a Turn Undead Power. Although anybody
with a Conjuration Skill of 5 can use this Spell so it really isn't
that useful.

Serpent: When you first look at all the Serpent's Powers you think this
is a great Birthsign right? Well, no. All of these Powers happen at
once when you Touch somebody. All of these affects happen on the
enemies so some are good for you and some are bad for you. The
Serpent's Powers are rarely useful.

Shadow: This is a Fantastic Birthsign for a Thief. Although you don't
get Attribute Bonuses like you do with the Thief's Powers you do get
Invisibility for 60 Seconds once a day. This is extremely useful for
the Dark Brotherhood Quests and Thieves Guild Quests. You can already
buy an Invisibility Spell, but if your in the Dark Brotherhood you need
an Illusion Skill of 50, and if your not you need an Illusion Skill of
75 so this is very useful.

Steed: This is another good Birthsign for a Thief. The Speed +20 is
the best of any Attribute Bonus. Although it is in only one Attribute
so all of your other Attributes will be low early on. Besides that
this is an ok birthsign.

Thief: The Agility +10, Speed +10, and Luck +10 are the best any
Thief/Assassin can get. These Bonuses provide easy thefts early on and
can get you some serious cash once you start selling stolen goods in
the Thieves Guild.

Tower: The Tower has two very useful powers. The Open Average Lock is
highly useful and works on Easy and Very Easy Locks as well. The
Reflect Damage is fantastic for those tough enemies like Trolls or

Warrior: Hands down the best Birthsign for any Combat Specialist. The
Strength +10 and Endurance +10 will make you very strong early on.
This will let you carry around some strong Blunt and Blade Weapons,
plus all the great Heavy Armor that you can get.

=============== CLASS ===============

Near the end of the Prologue Baurus (A Blade) will let you create a
Class. You can choose from a pre-made class, but the real cool thing
is creating your own. So lets start with the basics. When you first
begin your class you have to choose to be a Combat Specialist, Magic
Specialist, or Stealth Specialist. Whichever one you choose will get
+5 in 7 Skills.

Combat: Armorer, Athletics, Blade, Block, Blunt, Hand-to-Hand, and
Heavy Armor.

Magic: Alchemy, Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion,
Mysticism, and Restoration.

Stealth: Acrobatics, Light Armor, Marksman, Mercantile, Security,
Sneak, and Speechcraft.

Once you do that you will choose your two Favored Attributes. You will
get a +5 in each. Each Attribute governs a Skill. If your going to be
a Combat Specialist for example you might want to choose Strength and
Endurance because those two Attributes alone govern 6 or the Seven
Combat Skills.

Strength: Governs Blade, Blunt, and Hand-to-Hand.

Intelligence: Governs Alchemy, Conjuration, and Mysticism.

Willpower: Governs Alteration, Destruction, and Restoration.

Agility: Governs Security, Marksman, and Sneak.

Speed: Governs Acrobatics, Athletics, and Light Armor.

Endurance: Governs Armorer, Block, and Heavy Armor.

Personality: Governs Illusion, Mercantile, and Speechcraft.

Luck: Governs no skills but affects all of them.

Once you choose your two Favored Attributes it is time to get your
Seven Major Skills. If you increase these at any combination of 10
times you will gain a level. Your seven major skills will start out at
25 (Apprentice Level as opposed to Novice Level). If you include the
Specialization they will start out at 30 and then add on any Race
Bonuses (maximum is 40). I recommend you choose the Seven Skills that
come from your specialization, but it is always good to customize.
Once you do that you get to name your new class and your done!


While playing Oblivion your bound to come across a situation where you
have to fight someone or something. Fortunately I can prepare you! I
will split this section into two sections, Pure Melee and Ranged

=============== PURE MELEE ===============

This is for Warriors that want a Bloody Battle till the end. This is
for a Warrior who wants to take an Ogre on no matter what the costs.
Well I have some strategies for you. If your going to do Pure Melee
I'm guessing you're a Combat Specialist and you have High Strength and
High Endurance which means High HP. So what equipment should you use?
Well, I recommend Heavy Armor all the way. Since your going to be
fighting Powerful Enemies your going to have to protect yourself. Not
only does Heavy Armor look Cool but it also protects you.

Next lets talk about weapons. Blunt weapons are a great option as are
swords. So what type of Blunt and Blade Weapon? Well there are Four
types of Blade Weapons: Daggers, Shortswords, Longswords, and
Claymores. Daggers are very quick and let you wield a shield, but
don't do a lot of damage and are more aimed at Stealth Specialists.
Shortswords are a good alternative for Daggers. They are a bit slower,
but also a good deal stronger.

Next are Longswords and Claymores. Longswords are fantastic as they
still as a pretty fast swing and are very powerful. Not only that but
you can also carry a shield. Next are Claymores. Claymores are two-
handed powerhouse swords. Although they are slow and you can't carry a
shield, they are extremely powerful and handle many enemies at once and
have a very long reach.

So what Blunt Weapons are there? Well, there are Maces, War Axes,
Battle Axes, and Warhammers. Maces and War Axes and One handed Blunt
Weapons so you can carry a shield. All Blunt Weapons are designed for
Combat Specialists so Blunts are usually more useful then a Sword
(although that is my opinion). Maces and War Axes and very powerful,
but don't have a very long reach. They are still great weapons.

Next are Battle Axes and Warhammers. Both are extremely powerful and
you can cause serious damage. Battle Axes aren't as strong as
Warhammers, but they do weigh less so you can carry more. Battle Axes
and Warhammers do not have a very long reach. If you do want a
Powerful Two handed weapon I would go with a Claymore because of their
long reach.

=============== RANGED COMBAT ===============

Although many people think of Bows and Arrows as being child's play and
not nearly as powerful as running in with a Big Sword and killing
everybody within sight. However Marksman Players can be just as deadly
if played right. Not all Marksman Players are Stealth Specialists. A
lot of Combat Specialists use Bows and Arrows and it is a good reason
to. So as far as equipment goes, the more powerful the Bow and Arrows,
the more damage. There is an arrow that match every bow except for
Fine Iron Bows and Fine Steel Bows (there are no Fine Iron or Fine
Steel Arrows).

When you get ready to shoot aim carefully. Shooting your target in the
foot does just as must damage as shooting the target in the head so
don't aim for a specific area as much as the target itself. A Good
idea would be to coat your arrows with Poison and get a good Stealth
Shot. This can mean the difference between a long battle and a short
battle. The Stealth Shot is especially crucial when fighting Ogres.
Making Alchemy a Major Skill would be a great idea if your really going
to get good with Bows.


Magic in Oblivion is much more alive then it was in Morrowind. There
are many Spells in Oblivion from casting a Powerful Lightning Bolt to
simply opening a lock. In Magic there are Six Types of Magic. They
are Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion, Mysticism, and
Restoration. If your going to be a Mage I'm guessing your going to
join the Mages Guild. If not you should! Each Guild Hall sells you
spells based on the Guild's specialization. Six of the Seven Cities in
Cyrodiil sell spells based on the specialization. The Bruma Mages
Guild is a sampling of all spells.

=============== ALTERATION ===============

Alteration is a highly useful magic. It can be used to change the
fundamentals of Biology. You can pop open a lock without a key which
is useful for Players with a low security skill and provide a Shield
which is fantastic for players with low HP. It can also let you
increase your maximum weight and decrease your opponent's maximum
weight. The Cheydinhal Mages Guild specializes in Alteration Magic.

=============== CONJURATION ===============

Conjuration is probably the most useful Magic in the game. It allows
you to summon Powerful Undead Creatures and Deadric Creatures. While
an Apprentice may only be able to summon a simple Skeleton, a Master of
the Craft can summon ultra powerful Storm Atronachs! You can also
summon Deadric Armor and Weapons that weigh nothing! Conjuration is my
favorite craft. The Chorrol Mages Guild specializes in Conjuration

=============== DESTRUCTION ===============

Destruction Magic is a Powerful Tool indeed. It is widely used by
Battlemages. Powerful Wizards can also cast amazing destruction
spells. Destruction Magic is the most widely used Magic in the game.
When you first start playing Oblivion you will have access to a Simple
Fire Spell called Flare. If your like me you will find it amazing.
Well, there is a lot more to come! Destruction Spells also have Spells
that drain attributes and skills which is very useful. The Skingrad
Mages Guild specializes in Destruction Magic.

=============== ILLUSION ===============

Illusion Magic is very useful to Thieves and Assassins. A fan
favorite, Illusion Magic gives you Spells that let you become Invisible
and make NPC's like you more. Illusion Magic is one of my favorites
and any Thief should make it a Major Skill. The Bravil Mages Guild
specializes in Illusion Magic.

=============== MYSTICISM ===============

Mysticism has spells that include Telekinesis this is a very useful
spell. Mysticism also has a very useful Soul Trap Spell. To be honest
other then that Mysticism really isn't all that great. I rarely use it
and I have a lot of friends who play Oblivion who are Powerful Wizards
and regret making Mysticism a Major Skill because they rarely use it.
The Leyawiin Mages Guild specializes in Mysticism Magic.

=============== RESTORATION ===============

This is the handiest Magic Type in the game. Any Wizard/Thief/Warrior
should have Restoration Magic as a Major Skill. It has spells that of
course heal you. While this only starts out at a Heal Minor Wounds
Spell, which a lot of healing it can increase to Heal Legendary Wounds.
Also there are spells that can cure you of disease and poison which is
fantastic. Not only that but you can heal your allies! How cool is
that? The Anvil Mages Guild specializes in Restoration Magic.


Stealth involves the ability to remain undetected, pickpockets, pick
locks, and much more. Any Thief knows that to do well in the Thieves
Guild and Dark Brotherhood you need to be good at all these skills.
The skills are: Sneaking, Picking Pockets, Picking Locks, and

=============== SNEAKING ===============

Sneaking is of course what Thieves do to remain undetected. So lets
start. Once you enter Sneak Mode you will notice the crosshair changes
to an eye. While sneaking keep your eyes on the eye (lol) at all
times. When the Eye lights up it means you can be easily detected or
already detected. If you enter Sneak Mode while in the Shadows it and
the Eye is basically Black then that means you are almost invisible.
While sneaking try to move slow, don't rush. Slow and Steady wins the

Also do not worry about what Armor you are wearing while sneaking. You
can sneak around just as good in Heavy Armor as you can in Light Armor.
What really gets you is the weight of your boots. Unless you are a
Journeyman of Sneak (the bonus for Journeyman Level makes the weight of
your boots not matter) try not to where any boots while sneaking. Just
unequip them and then if someone spots you and attacks you put them
back on.

If you see an enemy that doesn't see you immediately go into Sneak
Mode. Next Sneak Up on them and take out your Weapon. If you attack
them without them detecting you will do Critical Damage and most likely
kill the person (depending how strong) on the first try or inflict a
significant amount of damage.

=============== PICKING POCKETS ===============

When you enter Sneak Mode and go up to someone instead of getting the
option Talk (Person's Name) you will get the option to Pick Pocket
them. You can take anything they have except for Clothes/Armor or
Weapons. The higher your sneak skill the better chance you have of
them not detecting you. Also the Heavier the Item the greater chance
you will have of being detected. Also if you just enter the pick
pocket menu and exit out you will still be fined for stealing if you
are caught. Even a Thief with a Sneak Skill of 100 still has a chance
of getting caught for just entering the Pick Pocket Menu and not taking

=============== PICKING LOCKS ===============

Not all doors in Cyrodiil are going to be unlocked and let you just
waltz in. No, some are locked and you can either open the door/chest
etc with the appropriate key or you can pick the lock. When you want
to pick a lock you enter the Lockpicking menu in which you find some
Tumblers that are not pushed into place. The Difficulty will determine
the number of Tumblers. Push up onto the Tumbler and wait till it gets
to the top if you think the time is right press "A" to push it into

If you are too slow you your lockpick will break and you will have to
start again. What I like to do is push the tumbler into place on the
second try. The First Try is usually very fast so the second try is
usually slow. If the first try is slow then wait till the third time
to tray again. Locks have different difficulty. Very Easy has One
Tumbler, Easy has Two, Average has Three, Hard has 4, and Very Hard has
5. Some can't be picked. The Door/Chest etc will say "Needs a Key."

=============== PERSUASION ===============

Sometimes when you talk to someone they won't tell you everything they
know because they don't like you or will say "I don't trust you
enough." This is because the NPC's Disposition is too low. To raise
it you can Persuade them. This can be done two ways the easy way or
the hard way. The Easy way is well easier, but it is more expensive.
All you have to do is Bribe them Money to increase their disposition,
but this will cost you a lot of gold.

The Hard Way is well, Hard, but it is free. Press "A." A Wedge Wheel
will appear. Highlight the section and the NPC will make a face if it
is good then press "A." This will increase their disposition. The
higher the wedge the higher the disposition will rise. This works the
same for lowering the disposition. The higher your Speechcraft Skill,
the bigger the Wedges and the higher the NPC original disposition will


In The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion it is possible to become a Vampire.
Vampires have many advantages as well as disadvantages. For example
they have special powers and get stat bonuses. However they also
take damage from the sun so that can prove a problem.

=============== BECOMING A VAMPIRE ===============

Becoming a Vampire is quite simple actually. Becoming a Vampire is the
same as contracting a disease. When fighting Vampires there is a small
chance becoming one yourself. While fighting it if the screen says
"You have contracted Porphyric Hemophilia" then you have completed Step
number 1 to becoming a Vampire. Porphyric Hemophilia is known as "The
Vampire's Disease." All Porphyric Hemophilia will do is drain your
Fatigue a bit, but it isn't that bad. After three days have passed
sleep in a bed. You emerge a Vampire. If your in the Dark Brotherhood
you could simply ask someone to become a Vampire (Please See The "Dark
Brotherhood Quests" section).

=============== THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT BEING A VAMPIRE ===============

Well, you may think being a Vampire is a bad thing, but it really
isn't. At its basic level Vampirism gives you +5 Bonuses to Strength,
Willpower, and Speed. It also gives +5 to Acrobatics, Athletics,
Destruction, Hand-to-Hand, Illusion, Mysticism, and Sneak. Also you
have a small Resist Disease and Resist Paralysis as well as a Resist
Normal Weapons Power.

=============== THE BAD NEWS ABOUT BEING A VAMPIRE ===============

Of course there is Bad News about being a Vampire. At its Basic Stage
Vampirism isn't so bad. You get lots of Skill Bonuses and Attribute
Bonuses as well as some extra added effects. The bad news is, you have
a Weakness to Fire. Fighting Wizards and Battlemages could prove
deadly to you. However you will not take damage in the sun which is
good. As long as you feed every 24 Hours you will always remain at the
Basic Stage of Vampirism. If you become a full-fledged Vampire most
Merchants will not talk to you so you will have to increase their
Disposition a lot or use the Vampire's Seduction Power.

=============== FEEDING AS A VAMPIRE ===============

While being a Vampire you can now feed on NPC's. If you want to remain
at the Basic Stage of Vampirism and want to avoid Sun Damage your going
to have to feed every 24 Hours. Doing this is easy. Find a sleeping
person and when you can normally wake them up to talk to them it will
give you the option Talk or Feed, or if your sneaking Pickpocket or
Feed. Select Feed and your done for the next 24 Hours. Feeding is
easy if your in a Guild. Guildmates will also sleep at a specific hour
so it is pretty easy to find a target. However don't let another NPC
see you. Their disposition with you will drop and you will be charged
with Assault.

=============== VAMPIRE POWERS ===============

You already know that you get +5 Bonuses to several Attributes and
Skills but you also special powers. For every four days you go without
feeding the +5 goes to +10 and so on with a maximum of +20. For every
four days the Sun Damage is also increased. The first power you get is
Hunter's Sight. This gives you 30 Seconds of Night-Eye as well as 30
Seconds of Detect Life over a large area. Plus it is only at a small
Magicka Cost.

The Next Power you get is Vampire's Seduction. This Power while only
once a day is very useful. For 20 Seconds the Player increases another
player Disposition to Maximum this is very useful for being a Full-
fledged Vampire.

Next up is Reign of Terror which gives you the ability to Silence and
Demoralize opponents. This is great against Wizards so they can't cast
Fire Magic at you.

Finally the most useful power is Embrace of Shadows. This gives you a
full three minutes of Invisibility as well as 90 Seconds of Night-Eye!
Probably the coolest Vampire Power.


=============== SPELLMAKING ===============

With Spellmaking you can do what else? Make your own spells! To do
this you either need the Frostcraig Spire Download from Xbox Live or
need to be at least Apprentice Rank or higher in the Mages Guild so you
can have access to the Arcane University. Once you get to the Altar of
Spellmaking its pretty simple from there. Choose your effects for the
spell then set them to the way you want. Note that the More Powerful
the Spell the higher the Cost. Once you've chosen your effects name
your spell and your done.

=============== ENCHANTING ===============

With Enchanting you can enchant Swords, Armor, and Clothes. To do this
you need a Soul Gem. You can either make one yourself with the
Mysticism Spell or you can buy one. There are 5 types of Soul Gems.
The Stronger the Gem the better the enchantment. Starting from the
weakest they are: Petty, Lesser, Common, Greater, Grand. When your
ready to enchant select an item and a soul gem. Next choose an effect
and name your item!


In Oblivion you can commit crimes, but remember if you can't pay the
fine then don't do the crime. That's how it is in Oblivion because
everything has a fine even Murder! If you don't have the money then
you can either Resist Arrest and kill every guard in the city then get
arrested in another city or you can go to jail. Depending on the crime
you will get a decrease in skills not attributes. While in Jail you
can always escape, but it will increase your bounty if your caught.
Here are the fines for the crimes.

Trespassing: 5 Gold

Pickpocketing: 25 Gold or value of item

Assault: 40 Gold per level of Target

Steal a Horse: 250 Gold

Theft: Value of Item

Murder: 1,000 Gold


=============== TUTORIAL ===============

Begin your game and choose your Race, Name, Hair etc to your liking.
Once your done you will find your in the Imperial Prison on the
Province of Cyrodiil. As you walk forward a Dark Elf named Valen
Dreth, in the cell across from you, will begin to taunt you. He has
different taunts for the Races and Genders as well. No matter which
race or gender you are he will end his taunting with "The Guards are
coming for you!"

When this happens the Emperor of Tamriel himself will approach your
cell along Captain Renault, Glenroy, and Baurus, three members of the
Blades (The Emperor's Bodyguards). Apparently all of the Emperor's
Sons have been assassinated and are now coming for him. When Captain
Renault tells you to stand back, do so and stand by the window. You
won't be able to move as Uriel Septim moves down. Septim will talk to
you and after that the Blades and Septim will move down a passageway.

You will be able to follow the Blades, but Glenroy will tell you to
back down. Do what he says and Assassins will attack. The Blades will
kill them, but Captain Renault will be killed. Search her body and
take her Torch, Akaviri Katana, and Steel Shortsword. Also if you
don't like the Prison Clothes search the Assassins for a Mythic Dawn
Robe and Hood. You'll find out what Mythic Dawn is later.

The Party heads through the door, but you can't. Don't worry sooner or
later the wall will crumble and rats will attack. Dispatch them and
head through. Search the bodies for goods you can either keep or sell
when you get out of the Prison. Search the goblin in the back of the
room for Lockpicks and an Iron Key. Either Pick the Lock or use the
Iron Key and enter the Imperial Substructure.

Here the best thing I can do is to follow the path. Along the way
practice with some different ideas. Use some Stealth Shots on some
Rats and the one Zombie you encounter. Also try Pure Melee and Ranged
Combat with the bow you found on the body near the Goblin with the Iron
Key. Finally try casting Flare at some enemies and when your hurt cast
Heal Minor Wounds to get a little practice there so you know what type
of Character you want to be. Once your at the door head through to The
Natural Caverns.

In The Natural Caverns you will face a new enemy, a Goblin. These are
much different then Zombies and Rats. Goblins often have weapons and
shields. They can block your attacks, so I mostly suggest Stealth
Shots as does the game. The Natural Caverns can get a bit confusing.
After you dispatch the first Goblin continue till you get to the large
encampment. Kill the first Goblin and then take out the Goblin in the
pit and another Goblin near it. Finally do a Stealth Shot on the
Goblin Shaman. This is crucial because the Goblin Shaman will probably
kill you. Near the gate head through the path and through the door to
get to The Imperial Subterrane.

At first glance the Imperial Subterrane looks like another Cave, but it
isn't. Shortly after you follow the path there is a hole in the wall
where you can jump out and meet up with Uriel Septim and the Blades.
Here Glenroy wants to kill you. Don't worry Septim stops him. Here
you'll get to choose your Birthsign. After that follow the Blades and
Assassins will attack again, and once again failing. Keep on going and
Glenroy will unlock the door to The Sanctum.

Here the party moves a bit forward and Glenroy tells them to stop.
Now, you can either follow him down or wait with the Emperor and
Baurus. Either way Glenroy will tell them to come down. He gets mad
because the gate is jammed so they take another passage. Here the
Blades will tell you to stick with the Emperor. Wait a bit and Septim
will give you the Amulet of Kings. Next you won't be able to move and
an Assassin will appear and kill Septim. Next he attacks you can fight
back or Block and wait for Baurus to appear and kill him. Now Baurus
will let you choose your Class and give you the key to the sewers. Go
to where the Assassin came out and follow it to the Sewers.

Your almost out of The Imperial Prison. You must escape the sewers
which is not a hard task. Head forward and cross the bridge to the
right, head forward, up the stairs and keep on heading straight till
you get to the final gate. Along the way you might encounter a Goblin
or two, but nothing too bad. While your at the exit the game will ask
you to edit anything from your Race, Name, and anything else. If your
satisfied then exit, if not then change any options. Once your out
you've completed the Tutorial!

=============== DELIVERING THE AMULET ===============

Now that you've got the Amulet of Kings its time to deliver it to
Jauffre Grandmaster of the Blades at Weynon Priory southeast of the
City or Chorrol. You can walk and enjoy the scenery of The Great
Forest and a bit of The Heartlands. So if not fast travel to Weynon
Priory. If it is night time Jauffre will be sleeping, but if not he
will probably be working at his desk, just follow the map marker.

Once you talk to him he will talk on and on and on and finally you will
complete this Segment of the Main Quest. Although you can still get
additional aid from Weynon Priory. While you're here talk to Prior
Maborel to get his Paint Horse. Although the Paint Horse is the
slowest Horse in the game it does make traveling the roads a lot
faster. Plus Paint Horses are normally 500 Gold so this saves you A
LOT of money.

Next talk to Brother Piner he gives you the book The Warp in the West
which increases your Block Skill. Ask Eronor, the Shepherd for a
Repair Hammer. Although it won't last you very long even if Armorer is
a Major Skill, it can be useful. Finally talk to Jauffre himself to
get some Iron Armor, Leather Armor, and some Weapons that you can use
or Sell in a City for some extra cash.

=============== FIND THE HEIR Part 1 ===============

Next is Find the Heir. Although it is one quest about half-way through
it you have to move on to another segment and then back to finish off
Find the Heir. It's time to find Martin Septim son of Emperor Uriel
Septim VII himself. If you fast travel to Kvatch you don't appear in
the city itself, but in a Refugee Camp south of Kvatch. It turns out
that Daedra from Oblivion have attacked the city and destroyed it.

When you arrive a man named Hirtel explains what happens. You'll find
him later at The Flowing Bowl (A Tavern) in Anvil. There is actually a
two "shops." Batul gra-Sharob, an Orc Smithy. She will sell Iron
Weapons all the time no matter what level you are. It is good for a
quick weapon if you need one. Also the Nord Sigrid will sell you
Alchemy Supplies. Once your done shopping and if you want sleep to
level up, head north up the hill.

Once your at the top speak to Savlian Matius, Captain of the Kvatch
Guard. Talk to him about Martin and he will tell you that he is in the
Chapel of Akatosh. First though offer him to help close the Oblivion
Gate. He will disagree, but will ultimately let you go in. He will
also mention that he say the Daedra closed a gate earlier so it must be
possible. Get ready and brace yourself and run and enter the Oblivion

=============== BREAKING THE SIEGE OF KVATCH ===============

In Oblivion you notice a scene that looks like Hell. A Huge Island on
a sea of Lava. The Plane of Oblivion can be very confusing, so refer
to your map at all times. First from the start head left and start
going and you'll find a Kvatch Soldier named Ilend Vonius. He will ask
you if he should stay to help you or return to Savlian Matius. If you
send him back he will be available for a Big Battle later. Although
keep him since you'll probably need some extra help.

Head to the left as far as you can and then start heading North. Check
your map frequently. Eventually you will find a large Citadel. This
is where the Sigil Stone is. If you remove it you can close the gate.
If this is your Active Quest the Map Marker should lead you to the
front entrance, just follow the path to get inside to the Blood Feast.
The Citadel can be very confusing. The easiest way is to head up.
Head into the Rending Halls and then head up while defeating enemies.

Once your as high up as you can go there should be a door back into the
Blood Feast. Take it and your another level up. Head up the stairs
and into the Corridors of Dark Salvation. Climb up and there should be
a door to "A Plane to Oblivion." Take this door to be outside on a
bridge. Cross it and enter the next tower. Climb up the stairs to
encounter a Dremora. He will give a speech and then attack you.
Search his body for the key and talk to Menien in the cage.

He will tell you to find the Sigil Stone and remove it to close the
gate. Return to the Corridors of Dark Salvation and use the north door
and head up and watch for the spear trap on the way. At the top enter
the Blood Feast again. Finally climb the stairs now that your another
level up. This time there is a door to a place called the Sigillum
Sanguis. No matter what Oblivion Gate your in this place will also
have the Sigil Stone.

Here there is a lot of fighting. If you're a Warrior then you can
probably take them. If not and you have low strength then continue on
to the top. Climb a bit and finally you find the Sigil Stone. Remove
it and Fire will start to appear. Don't worry your safe. Eventually
you will be transported out of the Gate and back near the actual city
of Kvatch. Now talk to Matius.

=============== FIND THE HEIR PART 2 ===============

Now Matius suggests it is time to get to the Chapel to rescue the
citizens. He will ask you if your ready. If your not don't worry
nothing will change if you do this right now or next year. When your
ready run into the city. Destroy all the Daedra and Matius will tell
you that he "Wiped the Bastards out!" Now head into the chapel and a
Soldier will begin bringing the members out.

To complete Breaking the Siege of Kvatch you have to talk to Matius.
This will also add a Quest called "The Battle for Castle Kvatch." This
isn't part of the Main Quest so it listed in the Side Quests Chapter.
Once Martin is out go talk to him in the Refugee Camp (he won't talk to
you on his way out). Tell him that he is the Uriel Septim's son. He
will eventually believe you and agree to come with you to Weynon

=============== WEYNON PRIORY ===============

When you and Martin arrive in Weynon Priory you find it is under
attack. Eronor tells you that Prior Maborel is dead. Mythic Dawn
Assassins have attacked. Kill them and head to the chapel. Inside is
Jauffre and another Assassin. Kill the Mythic Dawn Assassin and talk
to Jauffre. He will tell you about Martin, but he worries about the
Amulet of Kings. Go to the secret room and you'll find the Mythic Dawn
have taken it. Jauffre is worried about Martin so he decides to take
him to Cloud Ruler Temple.

Cloud Ruler Temple is a Fortress to the North of Bruma. Once you,
Jauffre, and Martin arrive a Blade named Cyrus greets you. Once
everybody is in Jauffre gives a short speech and then the Blades hail
Martin as Martin Septim. Martin also gives a Speech and then talks to
you. Martin is going to stay at Cloud Ruler Temple and Jauffre will
put on his Blades Armor. He will also offer you to join the Blades.

The Blades is a Faction and an Icon of the Blades will appear under
your Factions Section of your Journal, but you won't get unique quests.
Also there is only one section so it isn't possible to ever be
Grandmaster of the Blades. Joining though does allow you to live at
Cloud Ruler Temple and is a great home because it is close to Bruma so
you can get supplies there.

Also you can get the Blades Armor and their awesome Swords. The Armor
is great and the Sword while weighs a lot and does less damage then a
Claymore is a one-hander so you can carry a Shield or a Torch. Martin
also settles in and you'll usually find him in the Great Hall. Talk to
Jauffre about your next move and he tells you to find Baurus (One of
the Blades from the Tutorial. He lives at Luther Broad's Boarding
House in Imperial City in the Elven Gardens District. This completes
the Weynon Priory Segment of the Main Quest.

=============== THE PATH OF DAWN ===============

Everyone of course agrees that the first step to end the Oblivion
Crisis is to recover the Amulet of Kings. So Fast Travel to the Elven
Gardens District and head over to Luther Broad's Boarding House.
Inside is Baurus sitting down having a drink. You may not recognize
him because he doesn't have his armor on. Take a seat next to him and
Baurus will tell you that he will get up and the guy over on the stool
on the other end will follow him. When that happens you follow him.

Baurus will get up and the guy (Astav Wirich) will follow him down into
the Basement. Follow him and Baurus will get out his Katana. Astav
Wirich will put his Mythic Dawn Armor on and fight. Help Baurus defeat
him. Search his body and you'll find a Book called Mankar Camoran's
Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes Volume 1. Now Baurus points out
the obvious that the Mythic Dawn Assassins are a Daedric Cult who
worship the Daedric Lord Mehrunes Dagon.

Read the Book to get a Skill Increase to either Conjuration,
Destruction, Illusion, or Mysticism. Baurus tells you to find
Tar-Meena to help you in your search. Tar-Meena is a Mage at the
Arcane University. If you're an Associate of the Mages Guild or not in
it at all she will be in the Arch-Mage's Lobby. If your Apprentice
Rank or Higher she will be in the Mystic Archives.

She will tell you the Commentaries come in Four Volumes. She gives you
the Second Volume and tells you to head to Phintias the owner of the
Book Store First Edition in the Market District. Remember to read the
Second Volume to get a Magic Skill Increase. Phintias says he has
Volume 3 but it has already been ordered by a Wood Elf named Gwinas who
has come from the Wood Elf Homeland of Valenwood.

You can handle this several ways. You can raise Phintias's Disposition
to 70 and buy the book from him. When Gwinas comes you can raise
disposition a bit and inform him of the Mythic Dawn and he will give
you it. Finally you can just pickpocket him or kill him for it.
Gwinas will tell you the only way to get Volume 4 is to get from a
Member of the Cult. He will give you a note to meet the Member. Head
back to Baurus and talk to him about "Mythic Dawn Meeting" and "Sewers"
and you'll have to follow him into the Elven Gardens District Sewers.

Once you get to the place you can either do the meeting itself or spy
on it. Either way a man named Raven Camoran (Mankar's son) comes in.
Baurus will attack, so follow his lead and attack as well. Search
Raven's Body for Volume 4 and kill the remaining Mythic Dawn Members.
If Baurus dies exit via Fathis Ules's Basement or if he does survive
then follow him out.

Now you can either go back to Tar-Meena on what to do or you can just
let me tell you what to do. Wait until Noon and head to the Imperial
Palace. Outside if you fast traveled head to the right in the
Graveyard and find the large tomb. It should say it is the tomb of
Prince Camarril. If it's noon activate it and you will get a Map
Marker of what to do and the Path of Dawn segment will be completed.

=============== DAGON SHRINE ===============

The Mythic Dawn's Secret Shrine is located in the Lake Arrius Caverns
south of the City of Cheydinhal. When you arrive at the Caverns your
greeted by the doorman. Cooperate and he will open the door. If you
kill him every member in the Caverns will attack you. Now that he's
opened the door drop everything you have. Trust me just do it. As you
head forward Harrow, the Warden will greet you and ask you for
everything you have.

Although you will have to give up your gold you can get it back from
killing him (Sometimes some of my stuff that I gave him disappeared,
but the Gold has never). Put on the Mythic Dawn Robe and proceed.
When you enter the Shrine you will hear Mankar Camoran's Speech and he
will proceed into a portal to Paradise (The Mythic Dawn's Heaven). He
does take the Amulet of Kings with him so you will have to find a way
to open a portal into his Paradise to retrieve it.

Next Ruma Camoran will tell you to take the Dagger and kill the victim
to become a Member of the Mythic Dawn. This is a tough choice.
Killing the Victim makes your way out a bit easier, but not much. Not
killing him will let you see him in the Temple of the One and he will
praise you for rescuing him. The real prize though is the Mysterium
Xarxes. This is the Secret to open a Portal to Paradise. Take it and
run like hell.

Every Member will attack you. The can't exit the way you came in (it's
locked). Although another exit on the north side of the shrine's upper
tier is open. Follow the path through the living quarters and then
back out. Kill Harrow for your Gold and take the things that you
dropped. After you have that exit and report to Cloud Ruler Temple to
give the Mysterium Xarxes to Martin Septim to complete the Dagon Shrine
segment of the Main Quest.

=============== SPIES ===============

Jauffre reports seeing spies near Bruma. Your to eliminate the spies
to get rid of any threat they may pose. This Segment is actually quite
simple. That is if you know who the spies are already. The Spies are
Jearl and her Friend. Don't worry killing them without "actually doing
the way the quest is supposed to" is not going to skip any part of the
Story so you won't miss any part of the Story.

Jearl has a house in Bruma. So head to the Lower Class Homes and
search for hers. Without a guard seeing you pick the lock to her house
and eliminate her and her friend. They transform into Mythic Dawn
Warriors, but there is only two (a lot less then from Lake Arrius
Caverns). Kill them and head into the Basement. Search the desk for
"Jearl's Orders" and report to Jauffre. Give him the orders to
complete Spies.

=============== BLOOD OF THE DAEDRA ===============

Just as Mankar Camoran can use the Mysterium Xarxes to open a Portal to
Paradise, Martin can too. He needs Four Items for the Ritual, but he
only knows one. The Blood of a Daedric God. Martin mentions that they
can be find in Daedric Artifacts. These are given as rewards for
completing a Daedric Quest. To get the Location of Azura's Shrine read
Modern Heretics located at Cloud Ruler Temple. This also gives the
option of Daedric Shrine when you talk to other Characters.

There are 15 Daedric Artifacts, but which one to choose? It is very
tough to choose this because really all the Artifacts you get are
extremely useful. The easiest Daedric Quests are Nocturnal and
Hircine. Although both of these Quests give very useful Daedric
Artifacts. I don't have the Daedric Quests on this FAQ yet. Actually
it will be a little while. If your looking for an easy quest then do
Nocturnal. You should be able to figure it out on your own. Plus the
Artifact is useful, but when you get the Security +40, it makes doing
Lockpicking without rarely breaking a lockpick, so do you really need

I'm sorry I don't have the Daedric Quests on this FAQ, but Nocturnal is
very simple you should be able to do it with no trouble at all. If you
want to do another really all I can say is to look at another FAQ.
Once you have the Daedric Artifact give it to Martin to complete Blood
of the Daedra. Note, I will tell you when at least one of the Daedric
Quests are posted. Also talk to the Dark Elf in the Leyawiin Mages
Guild to get the location for Nocturnal's Shrine.

=============== BLOOD OF THE DIVINES ===============

After Blood of the Daedra you can either get the second item required
for Martin's Ritual or do the Segment of the Main Quest called Bruma
Gate. I'm going to do Blood of the Divines first because it is pretty
tough, so I'm going to get the hard segment out of the way. Plus the
third item for martin's ritual quest follows this so it is best to do
this one first. However you can do it in any order you like.

The Second item required is the Blood of one of the Nine Divines.
Martin has an idea, the Armor of Tiber Septim. Tiber Septim was the
Fist Emperor of Cyrodiil and when he died he became the God Talos. Ask
Jauffre about The Armor of Tiber Septim and he will direct you to
Sancre Tor. Sancre Tor used to be holy until the Underking killed
Tiber Septim's four Strongest Blades.

When you arrive at Sancre Tor you will encounter Ghosts and Wraiths so
bring a Magic, Silver, or Daedric Weapon. The Dremora Weapons from
Oblivion also work. On the way you will encounter an Undead Blade.
Once you kill him he will give you info on what happended. Once your
in the Entry Hall this is a hub to all the places where the Undead
Blades are. You must kill all Four Undead Blades to release the
Barrier to Tiber Septim's Armor.

The Four Undead Blades are Alain, Valdemar, Rielus, and Casnar. The
Four are in the Hall of Judgment, Prison, and initial section of Sancre
Tor, and the Catacombs. Once you have killed them all go to the Tomb
of the Reman Emperors (The four undead blades are easy to find, the map
markers show where they are). Once the Blades remove the barrier grab
the Armor (it looks awesome!). Give the Armor to
Martin and he removes Talos's Blood and puts on the Armor (I think it
is Ebony Armor but I could be wrong). He also gives you the third Item
Quest for the Portal to Paradise.

=============== MISCARCAND =============

The third item for Martin's Ritual is a Great Welkynd Stone. You may
have seen a normal one found in Ayleid Ruins. Those don't have enough
power, you need a Great one and the last known location is at
Miscarcand, an Ayleid Capital City. Just like any Ayleid Ruin figuring
it out can be a bit tough. Miscarcand is a huge Ayleid Ruin as it is a
Capital City. Although the enemies are pretty easy. They are mostly
Ghosts, Skeletons, and Zombies.

As you make your way through Sel Vanua and Morimath save often. In
Ayleid Ruins always stick to the path and usually the entrance to the
next area is on the top path. That way just in case you fall off you
can have a back up save to load. In the Morimath Level grab the
Welkynd Stone and The King of Miscarcand attacks along with some Pals.
The King is a Lich so you could have some trouble. Take him out and
exit Miscarcand and back to Martin for a Progress Report on the
Mysterium Xarxes.

=============== BRUMA GATE ===============

An Oblivion Gate has opened before Bruma and your to help Captain Burd
and his men close it. The Gate is southeast of Bruma. Talk to one of
the men to enlist the help of Burd and two of his men. The two men are
not very much help, but Captain Burd is 15 Levels above you and can not
die making him very formidable. When you arrive your at the bottom of
a U Shaped Island. As you move counterclockwise around the Island you
will encounter leveled Daedra and you will eventually see the view of
the Citadel.

Once your at the top move south and enter the Fury Spike. The Fury
Spike is basically the same as the Blood Feast from the Kvatch Oblivion
Gate. Enter the Rending Halls and head up and usual this time head to
the third level instead of just up one level. The Second level is a
dead end, but does have some loot. On the third level exit to the Fury
Spike and go to the next door to enter the Corridors of Dark Salvation.
This is pretty simple. On the upper level of the Corridors exit back
to the Fury Spike.

Finally once there head towards the next doors to enter the Sigillum
Sanguis. You know what to do here. Climb up to the top and activate
the Sigil Stone to close the Oblivion Gate and appear back outside with
the rest of Captain Burd's men. Now Captain Burd thanks you and tells
you that he and his men can handle any remaining daedra and oblivion
gates. Now your done with the Ritual Item Quests and the Oblivion Gate
Quests. The Final Ritual Item and Oblivion Gate are rolled into one.

=============== ALLIES FOR BRUMA ===============

Martin mentions that the final item for the ritual is a Great Sigil
Stone only obtainable from a Great Gate. To do this Martin plans to
let Mankar Camoran open the gate outside of Bruma. Right now you get
two quests Allies for Bruma and Defense of Bruma. Allies for Bruma is
actually optional. You must go to the city's Count or Countess and
enlist the aid for Bruma. To get aid you have to close an Oblivion
Gate. Anvil and Chorrol give you two Soldiers, Kvatch, Leyawiin, and
Skingrad provide one. If you're a Warrior and you think you don't need
help then just talk to Martin and say your ready to complete this quest
and start Defense of Bruma.

However I do recommend you close two Oblivion Gates. Bravil gives you
Viera Lerus, a Guard Captain 15 Levels above you and can not die.
Cheydinhal gives you Ulrich Leland a Captain also. Cheydinhal's gate
is described in the Cheydinhal Side Quest A Wayward Knight. The
Oblivion gates aren't very hard and since you've got past experience
with Bruma and Kvatch this should pretty simple. Once you've gotten
your aid speak to Martin he will start Defense of Bruma and take off to

=============== DEFENSE OF BRUMA ===============

First head to Castle Bruma and talk to Countess Narina Carvain. Tell
her Martin is waiting for her in the Chapel of Talos for a Council of
War. Outside the Chapel you will find Bruma's Soldiers along with any
other Allies you got with their City's Guard Armor. Martin tells you
that to open a Great Gate you need three regular gates open first so
your to let Mankar open three gates. Say Let the Battle Begin to begin
the battle!

When your ready you will have the help of Jauffre as well who will help
you a lot. However Jauffre can die in this battle so be warned. Hold
off the Daedra as best as you can. Their leveled so no matter which
level you are this will prove dificult to stay alive for three gates to
open and then wait for the Great Gate to open. If you are a Thief or
Mage then I suggest you wear Heavy Armor because you will need the
Protection. Once the Great Oblivion Gate is open charge in!

=============== GREAT GATE ===============

You only have 15 Minutes to close this gate so try to be quick. When
you arrive you see the Daedric Siege Engine (The Machine used to
destroy Kvatch). First you have two options. The Tower to the right
will end up with a long jump over Lava, but less Daedra and the Left
Tower will end up with a shorter jump, but more Daedra. The Choice is
yours. Once you've gotten across the Bridge at the end of the Tower
then go into the Citadel.

This Citadel is called World Breaker. Enter the Vaults of End Times.
Go to the Upper level and exit back to the World Breaker. Repeat this
process and go as high as you can. When your at the top enter the
Sigillum Sanguis. Just like any other Oblivion Gate climb to the top
and grab the Great Sigil Stone! That wasn't so hard was it?

=============== PARADISE ===============

Now your are the Savior of Bruma and the Hero of Kvatch, how cool is
that? Back at Cloud Ruler Temple talk to Martin Septim. Give him the
Great Sigil Stone and he will create a portal. When your ready enter
Paradise. When your in Paradise it is a lush, green, and pretty place.
You will soon hear Mankar Camoran's voice taunt you. Follow the path
killing any Daedra in your way. Eventually you will meet a Dremora
named Kathutet.

This guy is actually nice. Well, for the time being. To get to the
Palace you need to go through the Forbidden Grotto and to get in the
Grotto you need the Bands of the Chosen which Kathutet has. He will
let you have them if you free an Xivilai named Anaxes or you can kill
him for the Bands. The easiest way is to kill him, but if you don't
want to Anaxes is Northwest of Kathutet's Location in the Cave known as
the Lair of Anaxes. Once you've got the Bands enter the Forbidden

Inside the Forbidden Grotto you will find Mankar Camoran's favored
being caged and tortured by being lowered in cages into Lava. Not much
fun there. Inside you will meet Eldamill who will actually want to
help you. But watch out for Ranyu, Amkaos, and Orthe all three
Dremoras will kill you on the spot, but Eldamill will distract them.
Once your almost out meet up with Eldamill so he can remove the Bands
of the Chosen.

Once your out follow the path to the Palace. Raven and Ruma (Mankar's
Children) will greet you and tell you to go inside. Mankar Camoran
will talk with you and then attack you. Don't bother killing Ruma and
Raven, they will respawn. Focus your attacks on Camoran. Once it's
over take the Amulet of Kings from his body and Paradise will be
destroyed. Now talk to Martin to complete Paradise.

=============== LIGHT THE DRAGONFIRES! ===============

This is the last Segment of the Main Quest. Fast Travel to the
Imperial Palace and if Jauffre is still alive he will come too.
Outside you will meet up with Baurus if he is alive, if not then
Captain Steffan will be there and if he died then nobody will be there.
Enter and talk to Chancellor Ocato, head of the Elder Council. The
Elder Council already recognizes Martin Septim as Emperor of Tamriel.
As they are talking an Imperial Soldier will say Oblivion Gates have
opened and Daedra are attacking the city!

Now you must escort Emperor Martin Septim to the Temple of the One in
the Temple District to light the dragonfires to close the Oblivion
Gates once and for all. As you escort Emperor Martin guard him with
your life. Martin CAN die and if he does it is Game Over. Since the
Palace District has an entrance to every district in the City take the
one to Temple District. There you will find Mehrunes Dagon himself.
You can't kill him so don't bother. Once Martin is in the Temple of
the One he will transform into Akatosh and kill Mehrunes Dagon.

Once Dagon is dead Martin who transformed into Akatosh will become a
Statue to guard Tamriel from Oblivion forever. Now Ocato will make you
by Order of the Dragon Champion of Cyrodiil the highest rank of the
order! Also you will get a Quest called Imperial Dragon Armor. Wait
Two Weeks and you will find the Armor in the Armory. It is either
Heavy Armor or Light Armor depending on which Skill is higher. They
look the same and have the same enchantments so it doesn't matter which
one you get. Now your done with the Main Quest! Congratulations!

However the game is far from done. You still have the Guild Quests and
plenty of Side Quests and more fun stuff. So get to it!


The Fighters Guild is a Guild that mainly deals with Contracts for the
good of people. This can go from simple things like helping kill a
Live Animal to killing a Band of Thieves. Joining is simple. As long
as you don't have a Bounty and your Infamy is under 100 then either
talk to Guildmaster Vilena Donton in the Chorrol Fighters Guild, Burz
gro-Khash at the Cheydinhal Fighters Guild, or Azzan at the Anvil
Fighters Guild.

Once your in you can be as bad as you want just as long as your crimes
don't affect other Guild Members. If they do you will have to talk to
Vilena Donton to get back in. First she will make you get 20 Bear
Pelts. You can buy these at any Trade Store. After that you have to
get 20 Minotaur Horns which you can find by killing Minotaurs. After
that your gone for good. As you complete quests you can get promoted
and get a cash reward. Here are the ranks starting from lowest to


In the Fighters Guild you will get your Contracts from Azzan and Burz
gro-Khash at first then from Modryn Oreyn. Then you will rotate back
and forth. When you do Azzan and Burz gro-Khash's Contracts you can do
them in any order. I write them with Azzan's Quests first, and write
promotions like your doing it in the order I wrote it, but you can do
them in any order you like.


=============== A RAT PROBLEM ===============

This is Azzan's First Quest for you. Arvena Thelas has some problems
with some rats in her cellar. Go to her house near Moravyn's
Peacemakers and enter and talk to her. She says that the rats are her
pets and that a Mountain Lion got into her basement and ate one of her
rats. Go down into the basement and you'll find a mountain lion. Kill
it and report back to Arvena. She worries that more will come and
tells you to find a hunter (Pinarus Inventius). Report to the Advanced
Marksman Trainer and he will note it is odd, but knows an area where
they live.

Follow him out of Anvil for a little ways and kill the Mountain Lions.
Return to Arvena Thelas's House and she is still worried. She fears
there is still another Lion. Go down to the Basement to find she is
right. Kill the Mountain Lion and return and she has a theory of the
attacks. The thinks that Quill-Weave, one of her neighbors, has made
the Lions come. Arvena even tells you that she has seen Quill-Weave
around her house at night. Between 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm hide in a bush
and pretty soon Quill-Weave (An Argonian) will come creeping around and
deposit a piece of meat behind Arvena's House.

You'll get a Journal Entry about it. Confront Quill-Weave and she will
say that she only meant to drive the rats out, not bring Mountain Lions
in. However she will make you a deal. If you tell Thelas that it
wasn't her then she will increase your Acrobatics skill for free and
you will still get the Fame Bump and the reward from Arvena. If you be
honest you'll get everything except instead of Acrobatics you'll get a
free Speechcraft Increase. Acrobatics is probably the better choice
but you can choose whichever you want. After you get the reward the
quest is completed. After you get your reward go back to Azzan for a
promotion to Apprentice.

=============== THE UNFORTUNATE SHOPKEEPER ===============

This is Azzan's second Contract for you. Norbert Lelles who runs
Lelles's Quality Merchandise on the Dock in Anvil has had some break-
ins. Report to Norbert in his Shop and he will tell you to stay
overnight and he will be in the Flowing Bowl Tavern right next to
Lelles's Quality Merchandise. Shortly before 11:00 pm stand in front
of the front door three Thieves dressed in Light Armor will come in

The Three Thieves aren't very hard, but if they attack you in a pack
which they most likely will do then you may be in for a rough time.
Retreat to the stairs and take them on one by one. When they are dead
go to The Flowing Bowl and talk to Norbert to get your Reward.

=============== THE DESOLATE MINE ===============

This is Burz gro-Khash's First Contract for you and is the only one in
this round. In Cheydinhal Burz gro-Khash wants you to deliver a Weapon
Shipment to Desolate Mine Northwest of the city. He gives you a Steel
Bow, Steel Warhammer, and Steel Longsword, sends you on your way, and
tells you not to "Muck it up." When you get to Desolate Mine you may
see a Goblin or two outside the Mine. Eliminate them and enter the

Head forward and speak to Rienna. She will take the Steel Bow and tell
you to give the two weapons to the other men. Each has a weapon
preference. If you give the right one to the right Warrior then your
chances of survival will increase for this quest and your disposition
with them will increase as well. Give the Steel Warhammer to the Orc
and the Steel Longsword to the High Elf. Now your to help the Guild
Members clear the mine of goblins. Follow them around the Mine and kill
any goblins in your way The Warriors are a big help.

Go back to Burz gro-Khash for your reward. If any of the Guild Members
died then your reward will be knocked off 20%. Also whenever you fast
travel to a Castle or the Imperial Prison the surviving Guild Members
will be there. When you head back to Burz gro-Khash you get a
promotion to Journeyman and when you say "Contract" he will refer you
to Vilena Donton.


=============== UNFINISHED BUSINESS ===============

You'll hear from either Azzan or Burz gro-Khash that Vilena Donton
needs to see you at the Chorrol Fighters Guild. She will tell you that
you need to perform some Duties for the Guild. Vilena Donton will tell
you to speak to Modryn Oreyn, who is of Champion Rank. Speak to him
about Duties and he will tell you to find Maglir. Maglir was assigned
for a Contract in Skingrad, but defaulted. Oreyn sends you off to find
what's wrong.

When you get to Skingrad head to the West Weald Inn to find him. The
Wood Elf tells you that the Contract was to find Brenus Astis's Journal
in Fallen Rock Cave. He tells you the dangers are too great and that
he has to think about his Family. What a loser. Maglir says that if
it is that important you are to get the Journal. Technically you have
performed your Duty of finding Maglir, but if you report to Oreyn he
will just tell you to go get the Journal so don't waste your time.

Before you head to Fallen Rock Cave get a Silver, Daedric, or Magic
Weapon because Fallen Rock Cave is infested with Ghosts and Wraiths
depending on your level. If you're a Battlemage equip a Strong
Destruction Spell. The Cave is actually simple. If you head straight
you will end up at the Journal in no time. However there are fallen
rocks that block your path, thankfully there are side passages you can
take to get to the next room. In the cave's innermost room you'll find
the journal; grab it.

Once you've got it go back to Chorrol. You can either tell Modryn
Oreyn that you got the Journal or that Maglir didn't default and that
he did the Contract. If you tell him you did you get the Fame Bump
plus the Reward. Or you can tell him Maglir did it to get the Reward,
but not the Fame Bump. Telling him you did is the better choice. If
you do tell him Maglir did it will make a Future quest a little bit
easier, but not by much. You will also hear Rumors that you covered up
for Maglir and your Journal even says that Oreyn won't buy it.

=============== DRUNK AND DISORDERLY ===============

Modryn Oreyn tells you that Three Fighters Guild Members down in
Leyawiin have been causing trouble at a Tavern. Go down to Leyawiin
and talk to a Citizen about "Causing Trouble" and you will learn that
the three are drinking at the Five Claws Lodge near the West Gate. The
trio are Dubok gro-Shagk, Rellian, and Vantus Prelius. The trio are
having an argument with Witseidutsei, the Lodge's Owner.

Talk to them and you will learn that they aren't drunk at all. They
are angry at the Blackwood Company. The Blackwood Company is similar
to the Fighters Guild. They do similar jobs as the Guild, but some are
too outrageous. They tell you that they were Mercenaries sent to
reclaim territory in the Argonian Homeland Black Marsh, east of
Leyawiin. When they failed they set up shop in Leyawiin and have been
stealing contracts ever since.

The trio say that they will get out of Five Claws Lodge if you can find
them some work. It's easy to find work for them. Talk to any Leyawiin
Resident with a Disposition over 40 to learn Margarte is looking for
work. If your lucky Margarte will be in her home which is close to the
Lodge, if your not she will be out in the Wilderness looking for
Alchemy Ingredients. Margarte is an Advanced Mercantile Trainer and a
Trade Consultant by profession but says her real passion is Alchemy.

She needs help finding Ogre Teeth and Minotaur Horns. She doesn't
trust the Blackwood Company, but doesn't trust the Fighters Guild
either. She says if you find five portions of ectoplasm that then she
will give the job to the Fighters Guild and any future jobs. Ectoplasm
is easy to find. You can buy it at any Alchemy Store or from any Mages
Guild Alchemy Shop and you don't have to be a member of the Mages Guild
to purchase Ingredients from the Shops.

Also you can find it from Ghosts and Wraiths when you kill them. The
easiest place to find Ghosts and Wraiths is in a Chapel Undercroft.
Once you have the Ingredients report to Margarte to ensure the job.
Return to the Trio and tell them and they will head off to the
Wilderness to find the Ingredients. If you want to make some cash you
can give Margarte Ogre Teeth or Minotaur Horns in groups of five for
500 Gold Each. Report to Modryn Oreyn for your usual Gold Reward and a
Promotion to Swordsman.


=============== DEN OF THIEVES ===============

This first contract comes from Azzan. If you stop by in the Anvil
Fighters Guild you will see a familiar face; Maglir from Unfinished
Business. Azzan says that thefts have been occurring and to ask around
town where the Thieves are located. He also sends you off with Maglir
for a partner for this quest. The person to talk to is Newheim the
Portly who hangs around on the Harborside from 8:00 am to 10:00 am.
Talk to him and he will tell you that his Flagon was stolen and that
the Thieves are located Hrota Cave.

If you talk to Newheim the Portly abound his Flagon you will get a
Fighters Guild Side Quest that is associated with this quest. When you
get to the cave you must clear it out with the Thieves. This should be
easy since the Thieves are weak and you have a partner helping you out.
If your doing the side quest the flagon is on top of a barrel in the
northeast corner of the central pit in the last large room. Now report
back to Newheim for Three Bottles of his special brew of beer and talk
to Azzan for you usual Gold Reward.

=============== AMELION'S DEBT ===============

Burz gro-Khash wants you to seek out Biene Amelion in Water's Edge
which is a Village south of Leyawiin. Amelion's Father was a Gambler
and a bad one. She owes them 1000 Gold so she wants you to retrieve
her Grandfather's Cuirass and Sword to pay the debt off and wants you
to retrieve it. This actually can be quick. If you have a spare 1000
Gold around you can just pay off the debt for her. You probably should
have that much unless you have been spending off the gold rewards from
the previous Fighters Guild Contracts. If not go to the tomb and
retrieve the items (the tomb is pretty simple). Once your back to Burz
gro-Khash you get a promotion to Protector.


=============== THE MASTER'S SON ===============

It's back to Modryn Oreyn in the Chorrol Fighters Guild for Quests.
This time your going on a Mission with the Guildmaster's Son, Viranus
Donton. Ever since Vitellus Donton died in a Mission the Guildmaster
has been holding back the other Donton. Your to make sure that Viranus
succeeds. Viranus can't die so don't worry about that. Also Vilena
Donton isn't to know about it. The mission is to find Galtus Previa
who was last seen in Nonwyll Cavern searching for gems.

First step though is to pick up Viranus. He is at the Donton House in
the Main Plaza right next to the Fighters Guild. Now get over to
Nonwyll Cavern. Oreyn is kind of being harsh because Nonwyll Cavern
not only will give Viranus some bad moments, but you as well. The cave
is full of Trolls, Ogres and a Minotaur. Bring lots of Potions and
have a good healing spell at the ready. Galtus Previa is no longer
living though. You'll find his body in the innermost room of the inner
cave. Once you find the body and get a Journal Entry return to Oreyn.

When you get back you tell Oreyn "There were creatures inside."
Viranus Donton gets a Gold Reward and a spot for future contracts. You
get a Magic Blade adjusted to your character's level.

=============== MORE UNFINISHED BUSINESS ===============

Maglir has screwed up again. Maglir has defaulted on a Contract, but
this time didn't even show up at all. It was with a Mage in Bravil.
You'll find Maglir at the Lonely Suitor Lodge in Bravil. Maglir says
that he quit the Fighters Guild and has joined the Blackwood Company.
If you gave him credit he will tell you who the client is and it will
give you a map marker. If not the client is Aryarie at the Mages
Guild. The Guild shouldn't be too hard to find. If for some reason it
is, go back to Modryn Oreyn for a name of the client and a map marker.

Aryarie wants you to find 10 Portions of Imp Gall. She says that they
are easy to find at Robber's Glen Cave. You can't buy Imp Gall and
give it to her because she prefers "fresh." Head to Robber's Glen Cave
and you will find 13 Imps and more importantly 14 Chests full of loot.
Once you have the Imp Gall return to Aryarie for the Ring of Shielding.
Next return to Modryn Oreyn for a Promotion to Defender. Also Oreyn
will tell you that he has another Quest for you and your to meet him at
his house after 8:00 pm.

=============== AZANI BLACKHEART ===============

If it's after 8:00 pm meet Modryn Oreyn at his humble shack in the
southwest corner of Chorrol. He is going to talk to you about Azani
Blackheart. Oreyn tells you that a Wizard hired the Fighters Guild to
get an artifact from Azani Blackheart, who is a Powerful Warrior.
Oreyn sent in 20 Men and 15 died including Vitellus Donton, Viranus's
Older Brother. Apparently the Blackwood Company did the same mission
successfully with fewer men and Oreyn is suspicious.

The Guildmaster doesn't want to get into a fight with the Blackwood
Company because she loves the Guild and doesn't want to risk killing
any guild members. Agree to help and Modryn Oreyn wants you to meet
him at the Leyawiin Fighters Guild. Travel there and you'll find Oreyn
there. Modryn wants to go to Arpenia which is an Ayleid Ruin that used
to be Blackheart's Stronghold. When you get there you will notice it
is kind of bare. There are no Undead Creatures or Daedra or anything

The only thing inside is maybe a Rat or two. In the middle of the
first big room Modryn is convinced that Blackheart and the Blackwood
Company struck a deal. Azani Blackheart let the Blackwood Company take
the artifact and give it to Argoth (The Wizard). Then the Blackwood
Company told Blackheart where Argoth was so he could kill him and take
back the artifact. Modryn Oreyn knows another Ayleid Ruin, Atatar.
Follow him there and enter. Atatar is huge. It has traps and more
then 20 Bandits plus Creatures.

As with all Ayleid Ruins stick to the main path and stay on the high
path and you should reach Azani Blackheart fine. Azani is a Redguard
Warrior Several Levels above your own and has Elven Armor and an
enchanted Daedric Claymore. This could prove tough. However with the
Fighters Guild Champion helping you it should prove a little easier.
When Blackheart dies search his body and take his ring to give to Oreyn
as proof for who really killed Azani Blackheart. Modryn promotes you
to Warder and sends you off to Azzan and Burz gro-Khash for more


=============== THE WANDERING SCHOLAR ===============

This Contract is from Azzan. You'll learn that Elante of Alinor is
researching Daedra Worship. She has found a Daedra Shrine at
Brittlerock Cave and needs your help getting to the Shrine. Elante of
Alinor awaits you at the Cave Entrance. She says that it shouldn't be
too hard and that your just to handle any "difficulties" along the way.
The difficulties Elante is talking about are numerous Daedra adjusted
to your level.

Follow Elante and take care of anything along the way. Once you get to
the bottom of the cave Elante decides to stay to study. Once you get
out report back to Azzan to get your usual Gold Reward. If Elante died
then you don't get the Gold Reward or the Fame Bump but the Quest is
still Completed.

=============== THE FUGITIVES ===============

Burz gro-Khash tells you that there has been a Prison Break in Bravil.
He says that instead of being smart and hiding, they are tormenting the
Citizens of Bravil. Get yourself down to Bravil. The first step is
finding the Thieves. Talk to any Bravil Resident with a Disposition of
60 or higher to learn the four are living in Bloodmayne Cave. The Cave
isn't too far from Bravil just a small Walk. The Four aren't hanging
out together. Ashanta and Hlofgar are in the initial section of
Bloodmayne Cave and Dreet-Lai and Enrion are in the Inner One. The
First three are one level above you and Enrion is three above. Back to
Burz gro-Khash for your usual Leveled Gold Reward and a promotion to
Guardian which is one rank below Modryn Oreyn's Rank of Champion.


=============== TROLLS OF FORSAKEN MINE ===============

Modryn Oreyn only has one quest for you in this round. Modryn Oreyn
dispatched a group of Guild Members including Viranus Donton to clear
Forsaken Mine of Trolls. He hasn't heard from them since and your to
investigate. Fast Travel to Leyawiin and move Southwest up into the
hills. There are two Mine Entrances, but follow the one the Map Marker
points you to. By the time you reach the bottom of the entry passage
you find three bodies. As you make your way farther into the Mine you
find bodies from Fighters Guild Members and Blackwood Company Members.

You won't know what happended in here till you find the Body of Viranus
Donton. You can read his Journal if you like too. Once you find his
body clear the Mine of the remaining Trolls and return to Chorrol to
speak to Oreyn. Modryn says that you should go to Azzan and Burz gro-
Khash for Contracts and that "You still have a Career ahead of you."
This was Modryn Oreyn's only Quest this go-round so go back to your
pals, Azzan and Burz gro-Khash.


=============== THE STONE OF ST. ALESSIA ===============

This is Azzan's Last Contract for you. When you return to him you
learn that Oreyn's little chat with the Guildmaster didn't go so well.
He has been expelled and you have been demoted two ranks to Defender.
This is a recovery quest. The Stone of St. Aleesia has been stolen
from The Chapel of Talos in Bruma. Get yourself up there and speak to
Cirroc inside the Chapel. He says that the day the Stone was stolen a
group of four to five men came into the Chapel and back out very

Follow your map marker a little ways outside of Bruma and it will lead
you to a Khajiit named K'Sharr. He confesses to participating in the
theft, but that Ogres jumped them and killed the rest of his men along
with taking the Stone to an Ayleid Ruin called Sedor. Once your inside
the Ruin it is pretty easy to find the Stone, but equip yourself with a
good weapon and good armor because there is a lot of Ogres down there.
Go up the stairs around a curving hallway, down another flight of
stairs, and finally across a large chamber and a short hall.

Step onto the Pressure Plate to open a side entrance and follow it
around to the Stone and back out. Return the Stone to Cirroc to get
Three Restore Health Potions. Next return to Azzan and to get your
leveled Gold Reward, and you have now completed all of Azzan's
Contracts! Now go to Burz gro-Khash for his final Contracts.

=============== THE NOBLE'S DAUGHTER ===============

This is a very short Quest. Lady Rogbut, the Daughter of an Orc
Nobleman named Lord Rugdumph, has gone missing. He lives at a Manor
near Lake Arrius which is a short walking distance from Cheydinhal.
Rugdumph thinks that Ogres took her daughter and suggests you search
the area around his Estate. Go directly east of the front door and
you'll spot Ogres along with Lady Rogbut. Kill them and escort Rogbut
back to the estate. Lord Rugdumph gives you Rugdumph's Sword which has
a Silence enchantment which is very useful against Mages. Back to Burz
gro-Khash in Cheydinhal for you Gold Reward and he restores your old
rank of Guardian.

=============== MYSTERY AT HARLUN'S WATCH ===============

This is Burz gro-Khash's final Contract for you. He says that
residents of the Small Town of Harlun's Watch which is a little ways
south of Cheydinhal have been mysteriously disappearing. Speak to
Drarana Thelis who lives in the Southernmost of the Houses. She tells
you that flickering lights appeared several nights earlier near Swampy
Cave. Go to Swampy cave to find the source of the lights, Will-o-the
Wisps. However Will-o-the Wisps aren't killers. Go inside Swampy Cave
to find Trolls and lots of them.

There are more then 20 of them in the initial section and the inner one
(Swampy Cavern). When you find the body of Eduard Denile you'll get a
Journal Entry to clear out the Cave of Trolls if you already haven't.
Once you clear out the Cave return to Drarana Thelis for an enchanted
Ring and to Burz gro-Khash for your leveled gold reward and a promotion
to Champion, Oreyn's old Rank in the Fighters Guild. Congratulations!
You've completed all of Azzan and Burz gro-Khash's Contracts so what
now? However speak to either one to learn Modryn Oreyn wants to speak
with you.


=============== INFORMATION GATHERING ===============

Expelled or not Modryn Oreyn is still determined to take down the
Blackwood Company. Meet Modryn Oreyn at his house at any hour. Oreyn
wants you to kidnap Ajum Kajin, a Blackwood Company General. You'll
find him at Glademist Cave, East of Chorrol. Although Kajin is a
General, he has no armor and no weapon, so all you must do is kill his
seven bodyguards and he will accompany you to Oreyn's House.

Once your back at Oreyn's House he says he needs three pieces of
information. The first is the Blackwood Company's Size, who the Leader
is, and the secret of the group's strength. To get the info you can
either sweet talk him or torture him. If your Speechcraft Skill is
high then you can probably sweet talk him pretty easily. You have to
raise his disposition to 90 which is pretty tough. I recommend
unequiping you weapon and beat him till he is ready to talk.

If you use a Sword you will risk killing him. First he will tell you
their size which is 100 Members and will tell you their leader,
Ri'Zakar. Finally for the third piece of info he says he chooses death
and commits suicide with an Amulet he has on. Once you tell Oreyn the
info he will give you the Amulet of Interrogation and you will complete
the quest.

=============== INFILTRATION ===============

Oreyn now says you must go to Leyawiin and join the Blackwood Company
to find out their secret. Enter and speak to Jeetum-Zee. He is
suspicious, but says that a lot of Fighters Guild Members have been
switching so he is not surprised. He leads you down to the Training
Hall and says they have been contracted to clear Water's Edge (The Town
where Amelion lives from Amelion's Debt) of Goblins. Before you leave
he gives you the secret to their success, Hist Tree Sap.

After you drink the Sap you will automatically be transported to
Water's Edge. Outside you will find Goblins. Kill them and your
Blackwood Comrades will say to check the houses. Check and you will
find Goblins just walking around as if they live there. Kill them
anyway and you will transported back to Oreyn's House in Chorrol. You
have been expelled from the Blackwood Company and that your fellow
Fighters Guild Brothers found laying on the streets in Leyawiin.

Tell Oreyn about the Hist Sap and he says that it is outrageous and
must be destroyed, but first your to check on Water's Edge just in
case. When you get there in place of the Goblin's Bodies you find the
citizens of Water's Edge. Biene Amelion is dead and her husband is
laying over her mourning. Now get back to Oreyn to complete the quest
and says this must be stopped.

=============== THE HIST ===============

Well, this is your last Fighters Guild Quest. Modryn Oreyn says your
to journey to Leyawiin and destroy the Hist Tree. Oreyn says that
Ri'Zakar probably has the key to the cellar. First kill Ja'Fazir and
take his key for and go upstairs to Jeetum-Zee's Room and kill him and
then take his key. Finally go to the final room and kill Ri'Zakar and
take his key to the Cellar.

In the Cellar you find the Hist Tree with two Argonian Mages. Kill the
two Mages which should be easy because they have little room to fire
their spells. Take the two pipes, one is on the south side of the room
and the other is on the floor nearby. Next activate the pumps to
destroy the Hist Tree. On your way out your greeted by Maglir who
gives you a speech on how you ruined his life. He attacks you and you
get to kill him. Hooray!

Once you kill him return to Modryn Oreyn for the Helmet of Oreyn
Bearclaw. He then tells you to return to Guildmaster Donton to explain
everything that has happended. She despises you for working with Oreyn
and says she should expel you. But, then she admits that you did a
great service and that she should have tried to start a war between the
Blackwood Company and the Fighters Guild. She says she is tired of
working and promotes you to Guildmaster and recommends you to restore
Oreyn's old rank of Champion to make him your second-in-command.

Return to Oreyn and he fusses about getting used to return, but
ultimately accepts. Congratulations you are now the Guildmaster of
the Fighters Guild!


Now that you're the Guildmaster of the Fighters Guild, you have a job
to do don't you? First off you won't be able to do any more Contracts,
but you do receive of a stipend of the Guild's monthly intake. Vilena
Donton gives you the Guildmaster's Key which unlocks the Chest upstairs
behind her desk in the Chorrol Fighters Guild. You either receive Gold
or some enchanted Armor, Jewelry, Weapons, and things like that. For
the gold the game does 1 to 100 and multiplies by 10 so you can either
get 10-1,000 Gold a month. Not bad huh?

Finally you get to control how the Fighters Guild operates. Modryn
Oreyn will now ask you to whether to Pursue for Contracts which means
more Gold, Increase Recruitment which means more Items, and to focus on
both equally to get a little bit of both. Modryn Oreyn still resides
in his Home most of the day so you'll probably have to go to his house
to give the orders, but sometimes he is at the Fighters Guild. Finally
if you don't give the new orders of the Month he will do the same
orders as last month.


The Mages Guild is an organization that will be very useful for any
Wizard. Like the Fighters Guild, The Mages Guild has a Guild Hall in
every City. Although they don't have one in Imperial City, they do
have the Arcane University, but you can't enter it till you get a
Recommendation from every Local Guild Hall. Although you won't get
rich from the Mages Guild Quests (you don't get paid for any of the
quests), you do get access to the Arcane University if your Apprentice
Rank or higher and you get lots of enchanted items and you learn new

Plus the ultimate pay off is the free Room you get at the top of the
Arch-Mage's Tower which is a great place to live if you want to live in
Imperial City. Joining is simple. If you don't have a Bounty on your
head and your Infamy is under 100, then you can join. Unlike the
Fighters Guild you can join at any Guild Hall. See Carahil in Anvil,
Kud-Ei in Bravil, Jeanne Frasoric in Bruma, Falcar in Cheydinhal,
Teekeeus in Chorrol, Dagail in Leyawiin, and Adrienne Berene in
Skingrad. These Mages Guild Members are ArchMagisters of their Guild
Halls, meaning they are the Branch Leader of their City's Mages Guild.
No, ArchMagister is not an obtainable rank. It is between the rank of
Wizard and Master-Wizard.

In the Mages Guild you can not steal of kill another member. If you do
your Mages Guild Key will be taken away and you will have to go to
Raminus Polus in the Arch-Mage's Lobby to get readmission. There are
different punishments for different crimes. If you steal you need to
get 20 Dragon's Tongue Flowers and 20 Redwort Flowers. Dragon's Tongue
Flowers are easy to find in the Blackwood Region, down by Leyawiin.
For Redwort Flowers try along the Black Marsh Border, and if not try
the West Weald Region. Like the Fighters Guild, the Mages Guild has
ranks. Here they are going from lowest to highest.


At first in the Mages Guild you will have to go to a Guild Hall and
find the ArchMagister and get a Recommendation. Pretty much all of
them are simple tasks and are very easy. After that you move on to
Raminus Polus, one of the Master-Wizards of the Mages Guild. Finally
you go to Arch-Mage Hannibal Traven.


When you first join The Mages Guild and become an Associate you have to
do get a Recommendation from each Guild Hall to be able to enter the
Arcane University which is located south of the Arboretum in Imperial
City and is accessed by a bridge. The Recommendations aren't very
dificult; usually they are a simple task the ArchMagister wants you to
perform. I will list them Alphabetically, but you can do them in any
order you like.

=============== ANVIL RECOMMENDATION ===============

Carahil of the Anvil Mages Guild tells you that Merchants traveling
along the Gold Road east to Kvatch and Skingrad are being killed by a
Rogue Mage. The Council of Mages has entrusted Carahil with the task
of bringing it to an end. She sends you to Brina Cross Inn, the only
common link between the victims. If you follow the Gold Road east out
of Anvil you will get to the Inn quickly. When you get there talk to
Arielle Jurard, who is a Battlemage in disguise. She tells you to
speak to Christophe Marane, and if anyone asks, you're a traveling

When you speak to Marane he does ask if you're a Traveling Merchant.
Say Traveling Merchant of course and rent your room. Immediately after
that you are approached by Caminalda who asks if you're a traveling
merchant. Say, "yes", and then you worries for you about the murders.
Go to your room and Jurard will meet you there. She tells you to rest
for the night and then in the morning she and another Battlemage will
be waiting to follow you behind. In the morning head out and don't
talk to the Battlemages. Follow the Gold Road east.

Eventually Caminalda will come out and reveal herself as the Rogue
Mage. Now you can run and let the Battlemages kill her. Although you
don't have to run. She is unarmored and is only a level above your own
so she shouldn't be too dificult. Keep in mind the Battlemage in Iron
Armor might get into a fight with the Imperial Legion Trooper who rides
by. Do not interfere because you will be fined if you kill the guard,
or if you kill the Battlemage you will be fined and kicked out of the
Mages Guild. Once Caminalda is dead speak to Carahil to get your

=============== BRAVIL RECOMMENDATION ===============

Speak to ArchMagister Kud-Ei to learn the situation in Bravil. The
Alchemy Shopkeeper in the Bravil Mages Guild has had her Staff stolen.
Kud-Ei says that she suspects Varon Vamori stole the staff from
Ardaline. If your in the Thieves Guild and you approach Varon Vamori
and talk to him you'll find out he is also in the Thieves Guild. A
likely candidate for the theft. Use the Beguile Scroll Kud-Ei gave you
to learn he did in fact steal the staff. He admits to liking Ardaline
and says he sold it to Soris Arenim who lives in The Talos Plaza
District in Imperial City.

Before you run off speak to Kud-Ei to get 3 more Beguile Scrolls.
Speak to Soris Arenim with a disposition of 70 and he will sell it back
for 200 Gold. If you don't have the gold go out and loot old caves and
ruins and come back and sell the stuff to get it. Once you have the
staff hand it to Kud-Ei and she will teach you the Captivate Spell and
you will earn your Recommendation.

=============== BRUMA RECOMMENDATION ===============

This, in my opinion is the easiest Recommendation Quest. ArchMagister
Jeanne Frasoric says that a Mages Guild Member named J'skar has
literally disappeared. She tells you to talk to Volanaro. If you
raise Volanaro's disposition to 70 he will tell you a plan. If you
steal Frasoric's Manual of Spellcraft from her desk in her room then he
will help you find J'skar. He will also teach you Minor Latch Creak
which opens an Easy Lock. Go upstairs and steal the Book and report to
Volanaro. He says to meet him at 10:00 pm in the Living Quarters. Do
so and he will make J'skar reappear. Talk to Jeanne to get your

=============== CHEYDINHAL RECOMMENDATION ===============

Talk to ArchMagister Falcar to get the Quest. An Associate who was
also doing a Recommendation from Falcar dropped a Ring of Burden down
the well behind the Guild Hall. He asks you to retrieve it and that
Deetsan has the Key. Talk to Deetsan and she will talk if Falcar is
out of range. Another Associate named Vidkun was sent down the hall to
retrieve it, but was never seen again. She gives you the Key and
teaches you Buoyancy which is a Water Breathing Spell and is a Feather
Spell that increases your maximum weight by 5. Hey, the 5 extra points
will help you.

Before you go down the well make sure you can carry the Ring. It
weighs 150 Pounds so remove any Armor or Possessions to get the space.
Go down the Well and cast Buoyancy and then search Vidkun's Body. Grab
the ring and return to the Guild Hall. Back in the Guild, Falcar has
vanished. Guild Members direct you to Deetsan. She says Falcar wasn't
so happy about her helping you and he stormed off. She also tells you
to drop the ring anywhere. She tells you to search his Room in the
Basement to see if he wrote a Recommendation. In the Dresser near his
Bed you don't find a Recommendation, but two Black Soul Gems.

Take them to Deetsan and she is outraged. She tells you that she will
send in a Report to the Council of Mages. Note, that as of this point
Deetsan is the new ArchMagister of the Cheydinhal Mages Guild. She
says she will write your Recommendation.

=============== CHORROL RECOMMENDATION ===============

This quest is actually called Fingers of the Mountain, but to make it
easier I just wrote Chorrol Recommendation. Talk to ArchMagister
Teekeeus of the Chorrol Guild Hall to learn about a Small Matter. He
asks you to talk to Earana who hangs around The Grey Mare which is a
Tavern or around the Great Oak which is just outside the Guild Hall.
Talk to her and she will ask you to retrieve a book called Fingers of
the Mountain. Talk to Teekeeus and he says to ignore her request and
give the book to her. Head to Cloud Top in the Mountains North of

Once there search the charred remains for the book. Now you have two
options. You can either give the book to Teekeeus to get your
Recommendation or give it to Earana. Either way you get your
Recommendation. If you do give it to Earana you will learn a powerful
new Shock Spell. She asks you to let her translate the book. When she
does she tells you get a Welkynd Stone and cast a Shock Spell on the
Ruin of Cloud Top. The Welkynd Stone is easy to find. They are in
almost every Ayleid Ruin. The closest one is Lipsand Tarn which is
North of Cloud Top. Once you have one cast a Shock Spell on the Ruin
to learn Fingers of the Mountain.

=============== LEYAWIIN RECOMMENDATION ===============

Dagail, ArchMagister of the Leyawiin Mages Guild, is crazy as hell.
Talk to her and she will tell you to seek out Agata who is a Guild
Member in Leyawiin. Agata says that Dagail has visions. At first they
were useful for the Council of Mages, but now they are useless. Speak
to Kalthar and then back to Agata, and finally Dagail and she will tell
you to get her Amulet back in Fort Blueblood. Head down there (it is
near Topal Bay). Inside follow the Map Marker to the Amulet in the
Coffin. Next Kalthar will approach you and won't let you leave; kill
him. Return to Dagail to get your Recommendation.

=============== SKINGRAD RECOMMENDATION ===============

Adrienne Berene of Skingrad says you need to talk to the Mage Erthor to
get some notes he borrowed. Erthor isn't a Guild Member anymore. From
Sulinus Vassinus you learn he was Expelled after the Scamp Incident
last year. He now lives at Bleak Flats Cave. However Vassinus doesn't
know where it is. Talk to Druja and she will mark in on your map. Go
there and kill all the Zombies (Erthor won't leave if you don't).
Escort him back to Skingrad and you will get your final Recommendation.


=============== A MAGE'S STAFF ===============

Once you obtain your final destination travel to the Arcane University
in Imperial City and talk to Raminus Polus in the Arch-Mage's Lobby.
Raminus Polus, Arch-Mage Traven's most trusted Master-Wizard, will
congratulate you and after seven quests in a row you will finally get a
promotion to Apprentice. Along with it you get full access to the
Arcane University except the Council Chambers which is accessed through
a portal in the Arch-Mage's Lobby and the Arch-Mage's Quarters which is
accessed through a portal in the Council Chambers.

You also get the Robe of the Apprentice which is an enchanted Green
Robe that has a Fortify Willpower enchantment. Talk to Polus about
"Tasks" to get your first quest has a full-fledged Mages Guild Member.
Every new Apprentice gets to make a Mage's Staff. Your to travel to
Wellspring Cave and talk to Zahrasha and Eletta to get the wood for the
staff. The cave is bordering Lake Rumare east of Imperial City. Once
you arrive enter the cave to find a Necromancer. Kill him and you will
find Zahrasha's Body. Check her body for the Wellspring Cave Key.

Once you exit the cave through the second entrance you will be
encountered by a Necromancer named Noveni Othran. After a disturbing
speech she and other Necromancers will attack. Kill them all and you
will get a Journal Entry. Take the Unfinished Staff from the Chest in
the middle of the groove. Report to Raminus Polus and he is appalled
by this and tells you to talk to Delmar in the Chironasium. He will
give you many choices for a Staff. First off there is three Schools
you can choose from. They are Destruction, Illusion, and Mysticism.

The Destruction effects are Fire, Frost, or Shock. The Illusion
effects are Charm, Paralyze, and Silence, and the Mysticism Effects are
Soul Trap, Telekinesis, and Dispel. Once you've made your choice wait
24 Hours and your Staff will be done. Talk to Delmar to learn it is in
the Cupboard in the downstairs area of the Chironasium. Take your new
Staff and either keep it or sell it. Then run over to Polus for a
promotion to Journeyman.

=============== ULTERIOR MOTIVES ===============

The Mages Guild is doing a follow-up investigation on the Necromancer
Attack on Wellspring Cave. The Guild is going to send you to Skingrad
to speak to Count Janus Hassildor to get back a book the Guild loaned
to him. Castle Skingrad is different then any other Castle in the
game. Instead of the main room just having a Throne and doors to other
rooms to the castle, there is no room. The Throne is actually in the
Private Areas of the Castle and you can only speak to him with an

When you enter Castle Skingrad speak to Mercator Hosidus, the Steward.
He says the Count won't see you, but he will try to change his mind.
Wait for 24 Hours and speak to Hosidus. He says the Count will meet
with you, but not here. He will speak to you at 2:00 am outside
Skingrad near Cursed Mine, West of Skingrad. When you arrive Mercator
is waiting with two Necromancers. Mercator talks to you and then
attacks. Kill him and his two associates and then Count Hassildor

Hassildor scolds you for being well, basically stupid. It turns out,
you weren't here for a book, but to spy on Hassildor. If don't know,
The Count of Skingrad is a Vampire. That is why he is so private.
There have been rumors that because of his condition, which the Council
of Mages is knows of, the Necromancers may be involved with Hassildor.
Return to Polus with this information and he awards you by promoting
you to Evoker and giving you a Spelldrinker Amulet that is adjusted to
your character's level.

=============== VAHTACEN'S SECRET ===============

Polus has a new task for you. Your to speak to Irlav Jarol who is one
floor up in the Arch-Mage's Tower. He needs help with his project on
the Ayleid Ruin Vahtacen. He gives you the Key to the ruins and sends
you off. Once you arrive at Vahtacen, it first looks like a Normal
Cave. However the farther in you get, it looks more like an Ayleid
Ruin. The Researchers from the Guild have a problem. There is a
pillar that won't allow the Mages to get to the Second Level of the

They have tried casting spells at it, but it only casts them back at
them. Once you arrive at the pillar make sure you grab the scrolls,
Severe Magicka and Elevate Magicka. Also make sure you have a Fire
Spell or Frost Spell. It doesn't matter if it is Touch or Ranged. You
have to cast a spell at the pillar from one of the four corners. Going
clockwise from the southwest corner cast: Fire, Frost, Severe Magicka,
and Elevate Magicka. This should open the pillar. Now go to the
second level.

Follow the main path until you get to a large room. Go up the stairs
and push the button to make stairs to the large raised platform appear.
Then push the button on the raised platform to make the cage rise.
Grab the Ancient Elven Helmet and exit. But there will be Zombies and
Skeletons, so kill them. Once you exit bring the Helmet to Jarol.
Then speak to Polus to complete the quest. Also talk to Polus again to
be offered a new task. Before you accept talk to him about Promotion
to be promoted to Conjurer and get a new enchanted Mages Robe which has
a number of handy enchantments.

=============== NECROMANCER'S MOON ===============

The Council of Mages is gathering information on the Necromancers.
They have looked into the Mystic Archives which is the Mages Guild
Library. Your to speak to Tar-Meena who runs the Mystic Archives for
additional information on the Necromancers. Go to the Mystic Archives
and talk to Tar-Meena. Apparently a lot of Mages have been asking her
for information and she is overwhelmed. But, she says you can get a
lot of information from the book called Necromancer's Moon. It's on a
small table to the right of the door you entered. If you can't find it
then the Map Marker will show you where it is.

Read it then talk to Tar-Meena. Ask her about "The Shade of the
Revenant." Then bring it to Polus who tells you to talk to Bothiel,
who is usually in the Arch-Mage's Lobby. She says that Falcar had
asked about this and says that he left behind a note about it. The
Note mentions five sites where the Necromancers can make Black Soul
Gems. They are, Dark Fissure, Fort Istirus, Linchal, Pothole Caverns,
and Wendelbek. Raminus Polus recognizes Dark Fissure and marks it on
your map. Go to Dark Fissure which is near Vahtacen. Stand outside of
the altar at night. If a strange light is shinning on the altar then a
Necromancer will come out and do the ritual.

Then you will get a Journal Entry. If not then use the Wait Command
and wait till the next night. Repeat this till you see the
Necromancer. If not then head into the cave and kill a Necromancer;
take a note from his body telling how to perform the ritual. Now go
back to Raminus and tell him. This will complete the quest. Polus
will promote you to Magician! Congrats! Now you are down with Raminus
Polus's Quests. Although Raminus Polus is still the only person who
can promote you, you now go to Arch-Mage Traven for Tasks. Talk to
Polus about Tasks and he tells you to talk to Arch-Mage Traven.


=============== LIBERATION OR APPREHENSION? ===============

You can find Arch-Mage Traven in either the Arch-Mage's Quarters at the
top of the Arch-Mage's Tower or in the Council Chamber also in the
Arch-Mage's Tower. Talk to him about Tasks and you will learn that the
Mages Guild has had someone working undercover in the Necromancers'
Organization. The Mage is named Mucianus Allias and Traven hasn't
heard from him in a while. He asks you to investigate. Allias's last
known location is the Ayleid Ruin Nenyond Twyll which is southeast of
Imperial City.

Traven has sent Battlemages to Nenyond Twyll, but fears that possibly
the Battlemages could have mistaken Allias for a Necromancer. When you
get to the Ayleid Ruin it is pretty quiet and there is no sign of any
battle going on. Enter and you will meet Fithragaer, one of the
Battlemages sent by the Guild. He says that "The Traitor" must have
told them that they were coming. Fithragaer says to follow him, but
don't! Shortly he will step on a trap and die. Now you are on your
own. As with all Ayleid Ruins stick to the main path while battling
Necromancers and Undead on the way.

Eventually you will meet up with a Necromancer named Mariette Rielle
who says that Allias has been punished and has been turned into a Worm
Thrall which is a Zombie Slave that works for the Necromancers. She
talks a bit before attacking you. Of course Rielle has made a costly
mistake. She got too close to you. Now she has no room to cast
spells. Take her out with a Melee Weapon for any easy kill or if you
have a Staff quickly cast a Destruction Spell. Return to Traven who is
sad about Allias, but it does complete the quest. Go to Polus for a
promotion to Warlock which means you can now access the Council
Chambers without the other Mages Guild Members bothering you.

=============== INFORMATION AT A PRICE ===============

Arch-Mage Traven says that Count Skingrad would like to see you to give
you some valuable information on the Necromancers. Go to Castle
Skingrad and speak to Hal-Liurz in the Lobby. When she brings you to
Hassildor he says that he will give the Mages Guild some info if you
take care of a small problem for him. Vampires have taken residence in
Bloodcrust Cavern which is near Skingrad. Since Hassildor is a Vampire
he really can't help especially if the citizens found out about his

In Skingrad there are Vampire Hunters. They are staying at The Two
Sisters inn which is on the West Side of Skingrad. The Owner tells you
their schedule. Meet up with them in their rooms and tell them where
the Vampires are and they set off towards Bloodcrust Cavern. Now wait
a day or two and if you don't get the Journal Entry that the Vampires
have been killed then go to the Cavern and kill the remaining ones.
Now go back to Hassildor for some valuable information. The Count says
that Mannimarco, The King of the Necromancers, has returned to

Also he plans on destroying the Mages Guild. Return to Arch-Mage
Traven to complete this quest. Actually if you talk to Traven he won't
give you another quest. He says that he and the Council of Mages must
talk about their plan of action. Wait for 72 Hours exactly and then
return to Arch-Mage Traven to get another quest.

=============== A PLOT REVEALED ===============

After waiting for 72 Hours after the last quest Traven offers you
another quest. Arch-Mage Traven is concerned about the return of the
King of Worms. The Arch-Mage sends you to Bruma because of his
concerns and having not heard from Arch-Magister Frasoric. When you
arrive in Bruma, the Mages Guild looks perfectly normal. Enter the
guild for an unpleasant surprise. The Guild is on fire! Mannimarco
and his summoned undead monsters have killed Jeanne Frasoric, Volanaro,
and Selena Orania, however there is no sign of J'Skar.

Go downstairs to the living quarters and fight your way through and
then you will emerge where Jeanne's Quarters once where. There you
will find Camilla Lollia who is a Necromancer one level above your own.
Kill her and then J'Skar will reveal himself from his invisibility
spell. He said that he watched The King of Worms suck out Volanaro's
soul and even though he was invisible, Mannimarco grinned directly at
him. Mannimarco said something about Echo Cave and destroying the
Mages Guild. Take this information back to Hannibal.

When you arrive Hannibal Traven is deeply troubled about the attack
from The King of Necromancers. Like the last time you'll need to wait
72 Hours before Arch-Mage Traven will offer you another quest. While
you wait go to Raminus to get a promotion to Wizard which is just one
level below his. You'll also learn the powerful spell Wizard's Fury
which is a combination of Frost, Fire, and Shock effects. That way any
enemy will go down without a challenge. Also this is a great spell for
all you Battlemages out there.

=============== THE BLOODWORM HELMET ===============

Hannibal Traven as well as many other members of the Council of Mages
want to fight fire with fire. That means they want to use Necromancy
against Necromancy. Therefore Hannibal wants you to retrieve two
items, The Bloodworm Helmet and The Necromancer's Amulet. Some Members
have taken the artifacts to kill Mannimarco and the Necromancers.

One group led by Irlav Jarol headed to Fort Teleman to kill Mannimarco.
Head to the fort which is near the Black Marsh Border. When you arrive
at Fort Teleman there are no Mages from the Mages Guild. All there is
are Daedra and Necromancers. Head through two sections and at the
bottom you will find Irlav Jarol's Body who fell victim to the
Necromancers. Take the Helmet from his body and you can either return
it to Traven or just skip that and head straight for the Amulet.

=============== THE NECROMANCER'S AMULET ===============

The next stop for the next artifact is Fort Ontus in the Colovian
Highlands near Hammerfell. The only enemies there are Mages Guild
Traitors that aren't hostile at all. No matter which one you talk to
they will all tell you to talk to Caranya who is in the second section
of the fort. When you get to her you find that she and her rather
large group of Mages Guild Mages are all traitors. They weren't going
to kill Mannimarco, they were going to help him.

It is time to kill this traitor. Being a Master-Wizard in the Mages
Guild, Caranya is very tough. However she is in very close which is a
mistake that will cost her. Use a melee weapon or a very powerful
Destruction spell and take her out. Grab the amulet from her body and
return to Arch-Mage Traven who is upset about Caranya. Return to
Raminus Polus for a promotion to Master-Wizard which means you are the
highest rank possible besides Arch-Mage. Polus now recognizes you as
his equal.

=============== AMBUSH ===============

Now Hannibal has another task for you. Mannimarco has ordered his
Necromancers to make him a Grand Black Soul Gem to destroy the Hannibal
Traven. You have to meet up with some Battlemages down by the Ayleid
Ruin of Silorn. As you and Polus are the only two Master-Wizards left
in the Mages Guild you would think you get some power right? Well,
here is your chance. You can command the Battlemages to different
battle positions to your liking.

Now the best plan to this is to cast an invisibility spell and then you
can go up to the ruin and find Falcar, another traitor, with the Grand
Black Soul Gem. Now take him out and grab the gem and take it back to
Arch-Mage Traven. If not try to cast a paralyzing spell on him and
take it from him. If not you'll have to go into Silorn and track
Falcar down which is not an easy task. Once you have the Gem take it
back to Arch-Mage Traven to complete the quest.

=============== CONFRONT THE KING ===============

Now you have saved Arch-Mage Traven, but he will sacrifice himself and
name you the Arch-Mage. Although it doesn't appear under the Faction
Rank in your Journal, it will once you complete this quest. As you may
have guessed this is the final Mages Guild Quest. You can loot
Traven's body, but there is nothing special except for the robes which
you get at the end of the quest anyway. Now head over to Echo Cave
where Mannimarco is hiding which is near Bruma. The Cave Door is
locked and you can't pick it. So how do you get in? Well, there is a
Necromancer (Bolor Savel) who is waiting to kill you. Savel is an easy
kill. The key and enter Echo Cave.

Echo Cave is a huge cave with three section and with Necromancers
everywhere. Naturally Mannimarco is in the third section. Fight your
way through Necromancers and get to Mannimarco. Before you fight him,
you have a quick talk and then the fighting begins. Sadly, Mannimarco
has made a costly mistake; he is too close. Shoot him with a barrage
of Destruction Spells and down goes the King of Worms. Take the robes
from his body (they look cool!). Now return to Polus to be recognized
as Arch-Mage and you get the robes and Traven's Old Room.


You are the Arch-Mage, now what? Well, to start off you get the very
cool Arch-Mage Robe and Hood. The Hood looks really cool with Armor if
you're a Battlemage. The top room is cool and it is nice to have a
house in Imperial City that isn't on the Waterfront, but there isn't
much storage plus the Thieves Guild House is much better for a house in
Imperial City. The best part is the Enchanted Chest. If you're a
serious alchemist then it is for you. If you put say 1 Flower in.

Put it in and then open the chest and then that 1 flower will turn into
like 7 or 8. Also as Arch-Mage you can take a Mages Guild Apprentice
into battle with you. Although they may not be very powerful, they
will serve you well as a distraction or something else. Now that
you've killed all the Main Necromancers, take out some lesser ones.
The note from Necromancer's Moon has some sites where you can go kill
Necromancers. Anyways Congratulations, Arch-Mage!


The Thieves Guild is a lot different then the Mages Guild and Fighters
Guild. First of, the Thieves Guild doesn't technically have a branches
in every city. The only "branch" is in the Waterfront of Imperial City
and even that isn't really a headquarters. You won't get a
headquarters till you beat the Thieves Guild Questline. Joining the
Thieves Guild gives you access to a fence who will buy your stolen
goods. In fact to advance in the Questline you must fence a certain
amount of gold.

At first you will only get access to one fence but then you move on to
higher ones with a better Mercantile Skill. To find houses to fence,
go to the upper class homes in each city. The fences are:

Ongar The World Weary, Mercantile: 60, City: Bruma

Dar Jee, Mercantile: 70, City: Leyawiin

Luciana Galena, Mercantile: 80, City: Bravil

Orrin, Mercantile: 90, City: Anvil

Fathis Ules, Mercantile: 100, City: Imperial City

Finding the Thieves Guild is a challenge itself actually. There are
two ways. First you can read a Gray Fox Wanted Poster which are all
over the Market District and then bribe a beggar to learn to meet
Armand Christophe in the Waterfront at Midnight. Next get sent to Jail
and wait for Myvryna Arano to talk to you and give you a note. Then
once you meet Armand Christophe he will give you an initiation quest
and once you complete it you are in the guild. Here are the ranks of
the Thieves Guild:

Cat Burglar
Master Thief

At first you will get your quests from Armand Christophe in Imperial
City and after that you will get them from S'Krivva in Bravil and
finally the Gray Fox who meets you in various places. To get quests
from Armand you must visit him at Midnight, S'Krivva is anytime but it
is best to visit her from 6:00 am to 8:00 am. Finally you meet the
Gray Fox at various houses from Thieves Guild Members. Armand
Christophe and S'Krivva are both Doyens which is a rank higher then
Master Thief, but lower then Guildmaster. The Doyens give you info on
the Thieves Guild, give you jobs, and finally remove bounties for half
the price.


=============== MAY THE BEST THIEF WIN ===============

This is actually a quest to get into the Thieves Guild. Armand tells
you that you must steal the diary of Amantius Allectus and that whoever
brings him the diary first will join the Thieves Guild. He says that
the beggars will help you out for a price. So first if you need some
buy Lockpicks from Armand Christophe and then fast travel to the temple
district and check your map for his house. Break in and check his desk
for the diary and return it to Christophe to get into the Thieves Guild
and obtain the rank of Pickpocket.

=============== UNTAXING THE POOR ===============

Once you fence at least 50 Gold, Armand will give you the first
official Thieves Guild Quest. Imperial City doesn't usually collect
taxes from the Waterfront District because of all the poor people and
pirates that live and dock there. However and Imperial Captain named
Hieronymus Lex has decided to collect taxes and since the Gray Fox
placed the people under his protection, your to steal the tax money
back to give him a message.

First as always in any Thieves Guild Quest I recommend you talk to a
bribe a beggar (it's usually only like 10 Gold Coins) to get
information about Lex and to get a map marker for the guard captain's
quarters. The compass leads you to the Temple District and his office
is near Amantius Allectus's house. Enter the Guard Tower and go
upstairs two flights and enter Lex's Quarters. Don't worry Lex is
never there except to sleep but it is still trespassing so make sure no
one sees you. Unlock his desk and grab the tax records and get the
gold (it isn't much) and get back to Armand Christophe.

Return to Armand at Midnight in the Waterfront District of Imperial
City as usual. As a reward Armand says that he will return the gold to
the residents and allow you to keep the tax money (the only thing that
sucks is that it is like 50 Gold). Don't worry, the rewards will get
better! Also the real reward though is he promotes you to Footpad.

=============== THE ELVEN MAIDEN ===============

If you have fenced at least 100 Gold then Christophe offers you this
very ordinary looking mission. You to go to Cheydinhal and steal the
bust of Llathasa Indarys, the Countess of Cheydinhal before she died.
Fast Travel to the West Gate and seek out a beggar to get a map marker.
Now head to the Chapel of Arkay. Now sneak down into the undercroft.
You should see a guard. When she is far to the eastern side of the
undercroft, make your move and run while still sneaking and head to the
western side and grab the bust. Now wait again and get back out.

Once your out, fast travel back to Imperial City Waterfront. When you
arrive you find the place full of guards! Plus they will come up to
you and ask if you've seen Armand Christophe. If you stay a little
while Methredhel will approach you and it turns out that no one hired
the guild to steal the bust. It turns out the person who framed
Christophe is none other then Myvrynra Arano who seeked you out to give
you the Mysterious Note if you that was the option you chose to get
into the Thieves Guild.

Methredhel will tell you to put the bust in her cupboard and then get
Hieronymus Lex to bust her for the bust (lol). Put the bust in her
cupboard (she lives in the waterfront) and boost Lex's disposition up
to 70 to get him to follow you to her house. Once she is busted she
tries to tell Lex you're the Thieves Guild member who was hired to do
the job, but he won't believe her and he hauls her off to jail. Now
wait till midnight and go to the Garden of Dareloth and speak with

As a reward Christophe will give you 100 Gold along with a promotion to
Bandit. You'll also get to use the second fence. That is Dar Jee in
Leyawiin with a Mercantile Skill of 70 and 400 Barter Gold. Finally
your to high of a rank to work for Christophe. He sends you to get
jobs from S'krivva in Bravil.


=============== AHDARJI'S HEIRLOOM ===============

You can find S'krivva right by the gate into Bravil. I will remind you
again to check in with her in the morning between 6 and 8. She is a
Drug Dealer on the side and will get pissed at her if you break in. If
you've fenced 200 Gold then S'krivva will offer you a job. Ahdarji in
Leyawiin has lost her ring to a freelance thief which the Guild frowns
upon. Those who get Medium Light Armor Training from her should know
where to find her. For those who don't, Fast Travel to the Leyawiin
Castle and head through the gate and you'll find her house on the
right. Pretty much all day she is in her house.

If you can't find her then bribe a beggar to get a map marker. The
Thief responsible is none other then Amusei, the Argonian from "May The
Best Thief Win." Ahdarji wants him dead but then remembers the rules
about no blood drawn and settles to let you make him suffer. Bribe a
beggar to learn Amusei has been thrown in jail for trying to Blackmail
the Countess. You'll also get a map marker to his cell. In Leyawiin,
Argonians are not allowed visitor to bribe the guard with 20 Gold and
he will let you visit him. Offer him a lock and he explains that
Ahdarji stole the ring from the Countess and Amusei stole if from her
and tried to sell it to a fence but he told him it was too hot.

So he tried to sell it back to the Countess and he got busted and she
now has the ring. Talk to Ahdarji and she will explain that the ring
allows her to read the Count's Private Messages and she will now pay
double. Now the Countess takes the ring off and puts it in her jewelry
box every night before bed. Since a just walking into her room will
end with failure seek out Hlidara Mothril. She eats dinner at the
castle every night at 8. Raise her disposition to 60 to learn the
Countess's schedule. She goes to bed at 11:00 and goes to visit
Chorrol on the 15th and 17th every month. Raise the disposition to 70
to learn that she takes the ring off every night before she goes to

Finally raise it to 80 to learn about a secret passage that goes from
the Cellars to the Royal Quarters. So head to the Castle Lobby's
Southwest Corner to reach the cellar. In the hall's end in the storage
area on the west wall you'll find an open barrel with a switch. Pop it
to open a secret door. Follow it through the Torture Chamber and then
to the Royal Quarters. Now wait till about Midnight to make sure she
and the Count are in bed and so the theft is easy. Pick the Jewelry
Box and grab the ring. Then head to Ahdarji for your 200 Gold and then
back S'krivva for your other Gold Reward and a promotion to Prowler.

=============== MISDIRECTION ===============

If you've fenced 300 Gold S'krivva will give you this quest. Lex is
now trying to capture the Gray Fox which is what S'krivva tells you.
S'krivva assures you that the Gray Fox is safe, but with guards all
over the Waterfront, Armand Christophe and other Thieves Guild Members
either living or operating down there can't get their work done. Visit
the Waterfront and you'll find guards all over not only that but Armand
Christophe is under house arrest and there is a curfew.

Talk to a beggar to get Methredhel's location, Dynari Amnis's house in
the Talos Plaza. If you notice that in all the other districts, there
is a usually only one to two guards in each district. This is because
of Lex's plan to get all the other guards in the Waterfront.
Methredhel has a plan to get Lex to gets his guards out. You and four
other guild members are going to steal something from a certain
location around the city to get Lex's attention. Your job is to steal
Hrormir's Staff from the Arch-Mage's Quarters in the Arch-Mage's Tower
which is in front of you if you fast travel to the Arcane University.

This theft is surprisingly easy. Since there are much fewer guards
just go into the tower around 2:00 am and go up to Hannibal Traven's
Room (The Arch-Mage) and steal the staff. The theft is even easier if
you're the Arch-Mage since he won't be up there. Give the staff to
Methredhel and she will send you to spy on Hieronymus Lex in the
Waterfront. Head up and a Dremora will appear and give Lex a letter.
Lex reads it then heads off, but drops the note. Read it and you'll
discover that it was from Raminus Polus, one of the three Master-
Wizards at the Mages Guild.

Raminus is pissed. He says that something very important was stolen
and to call off the stupid search for the Gray Fox and says that he
will never find him. Well, Lex listens and calls off the guards.
Return to Dynari's house and she will tell you to return the staff but
giving it to the guild is too dangerous and instead to put it in a safe
chest in the home of Ontus Vanin, a former Arcane University Member.
Look in the Southwest corner of the Talos Plaza to find his home. Go
when it says the time then p.m. If it is something p.m. then he won't
be home.

When you activate the chest, the staff is automatically put into the
chest. It's too bad. The staff looked pretty cool. Plus if your part
mage then it would be useful. Oh well. Head back to S'krivva in
Bravil for a reward of 300 Gold, promotion to Cat Burglar, and your
able to use the third fence. The third one is Luciana Galena in Bravil
who is at the Lonely Suitor Lodge from Noon to 2:00 am and has a
Mercantile Skill of 80.

=============== LOST HISTORIES ===============

If you've fenced 400 Gold then S'krivva will offer another job. A
thief by the name of Theranis was sent to Skingrad to retrieve a book
called The Lost Histories of Tamriel which was a job from the Gray Fox.
Fast Travel to Skingrad and find a beggar and bribe to learn that
Theranis was bragging at The Two Sisters Lodge about stealing something
from Castle Skingrad. It turns out that the person he was talking to
was Watch Captain Dion. Thus Theranis was imprisoned.

To find Theranis your going to have to get arrested. When you get
there Theranis isn't there. Instead talk to your inmate Larthjar the
Laggard and tell him your hear to rescue Theranis and his disposition
will rise 20 points. Larthjar does tell you that the Pale Lady has
taken Theranis from jail three times already. But, this time he has
not returned. So who is the "Pale Lady?" Well, Theranis had an
Argonian Cellmate who put up a good fight but lost.

Now, open the cell door (hopefully you brought some lockpicks). Follow
the blood trail from the cell nearby to the wall. Activate the candle
on the right and a secret door will open. Enter the Wine Cellar at the
end. When the hall ends again use the handle on the left to open
another secret door. Next you'll be in the Butler's Quarters.
Continue following the blood stain and you'll arrive in the cask room.
Activate the rightmost sconces and you'll open the front of the middle

Continue and you'll be attacked by the Pale Lady who turns out to be a
Vampire. As always while fighting a vampire, be careful and if you
contract Porphyllic Hemophilia get a cure or you'll become a vampire.
Activate Theranis's body to get a Journal Entry and the Argonian turns
out to be Amusei. He got caught for stealing a fish. Wow, what a
loser. He has a message but will only tell you if you help him escape.
Head back through the jail and out. When you get outside the castle
and are about halfway down, you'll get a Journal Entry.

When you talk to Amusei to get the message it turns out to be, "Look
under the bush near the well, behind Nerastarel's house." After this
Amusei will run off to join the Thieves Guild. Head to South Skingrad
to find Nerastarel's House. Check the well, and what to do you know?
The book is there! Return it to S'krivva to get a payment of 400 Gold.

=============== TAKING CARE OF LEX ===============

Sorry, it's been a while since I've worked on this FAQ. Anyway... in
this quest you are going to get rid of Hieronymus Lex once and for all!
No, your not going to kill him since that goes against guild rules, you
have to do something else. Your going to get him transferred from
Imperial City. The perfect place is Anvil as the Countess is looking
for a guard captain. The commander sent a list of candidates but Lex
isn't highly recommended. The letter is in the desk of Dairihill, the
steward. First you need to steal the letter so you can forge a new

The letter is in the steward's office and Dairihill is not usually
there in the private quarters. You can sneak into there and steal it
or you can do it another way. First you need to find Castle Anvil's
Blacksmith. His name is Orrin and he happens to be a member of the
Thieves Guild and by the way is a future fence. He will show you a
secret door by activating the right-hand column. Inside at the top of
the stairs press the left-hand column. Next the steward's office is
off to the west a little ways. Pick the door and once inside pick the
desk lock and grab the letter and get out.

Now who is the forger and where can I find him? Well, you can bribe a
beggar for a map marker or I can just tell you. His name is "The
Stranger" or "A Stranger." He lives in the falling down house right
next to the Mages Guild in Anvil. Give him 500 Gold and wait 24 Hours
and the forgery will be complete. Finally you need to seal it to make
it look real. The seal is in the Imperial Legion Commander's Office in
the Imperial City Prison. Enter via the bridge and turn left and the
office is there.

The area has lots of guards so use your best sneaking skills. An
invisibility spell would be best if you’re a Mage Thief or just have a
high Illusion magic level. Pick the lock on the left-hand outside
door, the door inside to the right, and finally the lock on the trunk
to the left of the desk. You automatically take the seal when you
select it. Now return to Anvil and visit the Countess and give her the
letter in the audience hours.

She was about to give the job to Dairihill's Cousin, but now Hieronymus
Lex gets the job and she tells you to deliver the letter to him
personally. Talk to the steward to get your 20 Gold tip for the
delivery. To find Lex just check around Imperial City. If you can't
find him check the South Watchtower in the Temple District or the
Bloated Float Inn in the Waterfront.

When you give him the letter he knows the Gray Fox is behind it but he
goes anyway. Now your done with the quest and Lex is done with and
jobs in Imperial City will be much easier for the Thieves Guild thanks
to you! Head to Bravil to see S'krivva for your 500 Gold reward and a
500 Gold reimbursement reward for the forgery. Also you get promoted
to Shadowfoot! Which is just one level below Master Thief, Nice! Also
you have access to Orrin which is great if you live down in Anvil or
somewhere close like Skingrad.

That was your last mission for S'krivva and your last mission from the
Doyens. Now your missions come from the one and only Gray Fox!
Guildmaster of the Thieves Guild. Although he doesn't come personally
to give you your job. He sends a messenger to tell you where to meet
him which is a different messenger each time and a different location
each time. The messenger and location is revealed in each quest.

2007-06-21 11:13:22 · answer #7 · answered by Charlie T. Unicorn 3 · 1 3

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