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Looking for some real answers other than simple one-liners, such as "Becuause he's an idiot", or "Becuase all the politicians are greedy SOB's.".

If some of you have some legitimate answers relating to the intricacies of the foreign policy, or the specifics of the events, let's hear it and enlighten the rest of the Yahoo7 crowd.

2007-06-21 11:00:11 · 15 answers · asked by Thomas B 1 in Politics & Government Politics

OK...These are some great responses. But can anyone further illuminate the reasons behind change in focus, from Bin Laden to Sadam? Why did suddenly and abrubtly become the target?(to be honest, I bought the logic of going after Bin Laden, ...until Sadaam came along.)

2007-06-22 13:14:11 · update #1

15 answers

The Iraq War was planned for at least a year in advance, it was not a war of "last resort", nor was it a "just war".

"I was sitting yesterday with Karl Rove, Bush's top advisor, at the NCAA basketball game, discussing Israel when this email came in. I showed it to him. It seems that the President was very sad to have to come out negatively regarding Israel, but that they needed to mollify the Arabs for the upcoming war on Iraq. That did not seem to work anyway. Bush seems to love Sharon and Israel, and thinks Arabfat , is nothing but a liar. I thought I'd pass that on."
- Jack Abramoff, March 18, *2002*

We do not know the whole story.

2007-06-21 11:04:22 · answer #1 · answered by ck4829 7 · 6 4

When the towers imploded on 9/11, I found it somewhat strange that both towers fell in such a uniform manner. Still, I had no reason to suspect our government may have been involved. Nearly five years later, I found out WTC7 also fell in the same manner that afternoon. I thought it very strange that the national media had not informed the public.

After completing my own internet research on the 9/11 attack, I was convinced that it was an inside job. I was impressed at how our government was able to control the story. This lead me to believe those involved have great power. I set out to find out who was responsible for the job.

What I found thus far, I have found most interesting. I don't scare easy, but if anything could scare me, it is what I have discovered.

It would seem that the families of those "Money Changers" that Christ scolded for conducting business, in the "House of the Lord", as he put it, continue to do business as usual even to this day (thousands of years later).

They are known today as "International Bankers". Some people still refer to them as the "Illuminati", which means "The Illuminated Ones", they went underground after a spat and following persecution. Today, they operate in the shadows of organizations they infiltrate, including world governments and government institutions such as the CIA and the U.S. Military. They recruit and incubate their followers in secret satanic societies such as the German Thule Society and the American Skull and Bones Society. Their top leaders include family members from the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, DuPonts and Mellons to name a few.

In 1913, These bankers accomplished an incredible feat. They managed to take control of the U.S. Monetary system. Somehow they were able to railroad the Congress and the President to pass the "Federal Reserve Act" and the "Income Tax Act" (Revenue Act). With the passage of these acts, our government is now required to pay interest, to the bankers, on money that is printed by their privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. Before the government would just pay the printing cost for the money. Also, the people are now taxed for their labor, where as before, only capital gains was taxed. These two "Acts" put billions of dollars into the control of the "World Bankers": Money which they ("these enlightened people") could use to direct our country and its people as they see fit. Imagine that, they have control of the most powerful nation in the world, including control of its military.

If the Illuminati were respectable people there wouldn't be cause for concern, but they are the Satanic Elite, with an agenda that does not cater to the needs of most people.

Their next target seems to be control of the world. If they can get control of the Middle East and its Oil reserves they can pretty much grab control of the worlds energy reserves and thus hold the world at their mercy. Enter the New World Order (NWO); a world controlled by a one world government; their government; their rule. The NWO Conspiracy is a bit more complex, but the agenda is quite simple: Divide and Conquer !

Need proof 9/11 was an inside Job, just follow the links:

Additional Information

Learn more about the NWO in these short videos. You decide which version is the one that the Illuminati will set up.

Pres. Bush on the New World Order

Illuminati and New World Order

The New World Order (nasty)

2007-06-22 05:08:51 · answer #2 · answered by Joe_Pardy 5 · 0 0

From 9/11 to bin Laden to Iraq to anywhere where there can be chaos with gargantuan catastrophic killings, refugee flights, death. rape, pillage, theft, invasion, endless occupation, lies and more lies- inhuman bombings, unreasonable suicidal gestures due to magnanimous injustices internationally- what are you asking???
hello!!! try to wake up!! Don't you ever heard of the words "Democracy, weapons of mass destruction, terrorisms"? Are these words NOT enought to Justify the events that has been happening around you? Where is your sense of awareness?
Or if you like, add these explanations- delusion of grandeur, money, power, slave to the dictates of other people, lameduck, god-like superiority feeling, then lies again-
Now do you have enough picture?
Try this-speak in front of world leaders, tell them you have evidences to prove your allegations, create or invent your evidences, who cares?, then let a military-gentleman do the talking. Mention the possible consequences, then the next is destruction of a sovereign country.
So, who cares? As long as you have everything you like in one order, will you still worry about the consequencesand the flights of other people?
The explanation, therefore is simple- when we think that we can lie and lie without shame, where then is the sense of decency of this world? Are we not aware that everything will be accounted for in the last judgement, so to speak?

2007-06-21 11:34:30 · answer #3 · answered by nomar 2 · 0 1

In a few short days after the attack on the Twin Towers, Americans were angry, our President was in NYC telling us if you ain't with us you are against us in the hunt for Bin Laden. His approval rating was astronomical, Americans want Bin Laden captured or killed, preferably killed. We can't find him, Americans have been fed a steady dose of fear, we can't find Bin Laden. Saddam is then demonized, said to be involved with Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, has weapons of mass destruction, is a threat to America and do you want the smoking gun to be in the form of a mushroom cloud? Well, do you punk? Some Americans are thrilled to death, the death of our troops in a hell-hole called Iraq, liberating the Iraqi people from evil Saddam. The Iraqis are so elated they start looting everything, we dismiss the police and the army, chaos results. Fighting from different factions start, the religious nuts start their hate filled rhetoric, old scars are opened and civil war results, everyone is fighting everyone and we are stuck in the middle being nothing more than targets for their craziness. I think the original intentions were to "get" Saddam in any way possible because our President made it personal, secondly, to get their oil. This is a worse fiasco than Vietnam, the objective is unclear and always has been, terrorism is an excuse our government uses to divide us. We lost the day we invaded. Our kids are being killed for an unattainable goal and our image is being hurt badly. We need to just get out.

2007-06-21 11:17:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Because ousting Saddam (while not related to OBL at all) was necessary in the global war on terrorism. Why you ask? Because Saddam was a dictator in the middle of the Middle East that had a history of using WMD, supporting terrorism, and defying UN resolutions among other fact such as 'he hated America'. In a post 9/11 world, we just couldn't take the risk of NOT doing something about him.

As far as occupying Iraq. Well, it is also an imperative milestone in the War on Terror to make sure that Iraq maintains a stable democracy in order to minimize the chances of that country getting into future conflicts with us. We need to stay there at least long enough to leave behing a strong stable government.

2007-06-21 11:09:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

conflict is prohibited. Saddam, Milosevic, Mubarak and Bin Ladden elect to not comprehend the writ of the worldwide community. there's a clean marshal on the city. They shall beat thier swords into plowshares, and each knee shall bend.

2016-12-08 15:50:33 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

this is called politics. Goerge Bush wants to be remebered. i do not beileve there is such thing as Osama Bin Laden hiding in the mountains of AFGHANISTAN.WHERE is the technology, do you think that if this whole lie was true, they would not have hunted him down by now? the 9/11 was a conspiracy. i am iraqi, and what Goerge Bush has done to my country is not tolerable. he did not declare the war on Saddam, where was he all those years when saddam was killing thousands of people, yet he suddenly decided, because of the OIL. GB can F*** off FOREVER, he is the biggest terrorist in this world, yet no one can see it

2007-06-21 11:09:11 · answer #7 · answered by sugar 2 · 3 3

Oppressive governments create desperate people that can be swayed by extreme ideologies. People with agendas like Osama know this and are experts at furthering their agendas by propagandizing their extreme ideologies. Remove the oppressive governments, allow the people to elect representative governments, and the desperation necessary for extreme ideologies to take root is lifted.

So Saddam was not directly connected to 911, but dictatorships like his and our previous enabling of him and others like him, definitely provide fuel for the international jihadists.

Saddam did however support Palestinian jihadists, but more to give Israel trouble than any real ideological agreement. If Arab countries really "feel" for the Palestinian people, how come they still force them to live in refugee camps (internment camps?) after all these years?

2007-06-21 11:29:32 · answer #8 · answered by floatingbloatedcorpse 4 · 0 2

Honestly, I have to give alot of the blame to the media.
9/11 was one thing, but after that, it just seemed like
most of the media was too afraid to ask questions.
Bush & his cronies knew this & just continued on their
mission of destruction at our expense of dollars & lives.

I don't think alot of people know that Phil Donahue
started asking questions almost from the beginnning.
MSNBC cancelled him before one his shows could air.
I'm sure that's regretable.

2007-06-21 12:51:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Saddam alone wasn't worth going after. Being that we were in Afghanistan, it wasn't to much of a move to go to Iraq so that's what we did.

2007-06-21 12:47:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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