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Im 24 and this is my first child. I went with a doctor that a lot of my friends had went too. So far I have been REALLY unsatisfied with the office.
First appointment, I had to wait 3 hrs just to get in to see the doctor. Then yesturday, at 14 weeks, I FINALLY got my first ultrasound. Well my bladder was too full. After fixing that, she tried again. Turns out I was having a contraction that was holding the baby in place, so I couldnt see the baby real good. The pictures she took were CRAPPY.

Could I have asked her to wait for the contraction to ease up? I felt like it was an "ultrasound drive thru", very rushed. The office just seems really impersonal. Like they have too many patients. This being my first baby its a big deal to me, and I was really hurt by yesturday.

Is this type of experience normal? Or should I consider going somewhere else? Should the doctor have considered the contraction as not being normal at 14 wks?

2007-06-21 10:12:31 · 11 answers · asked by Flames 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

11 answers

As for your compaint about the u/s, I have this to say. You should really have your u/s studies done at an imaging center or imaging department within a hospital. Most OB scans done within an OB's office are not the same experience and not as detailed or lengthy as a scan done in an imaging center. (And I am not talking about a 3D or 4D facility where a scan is just done for entertainment). You really do want a radiologist who is specifically trained to read the images from your ultrasound. A radiologist doesn't deliver babies and a OB/GYN shouldn't be doing ultrasound! That is why doctor's have specialties and they should stick to them!

As to the contraction question, I have never had trouble imaging a fetus due to a contraction of the uterus. Even if the uterus contracts, it does not contract enough to hinder the scan. I would say (without knowing both sides of the story) that your doctor used that as an excuse because she is not very experienced doing ultrasound. It sounds as if she was looking for an excuse to get her off the hook......

As to the wait for your appt, many OB offices have unexpected waits due to another of their patients being in labor. I was very lucky with my OB because their office was located in the same medical complex as the imaging facility where I worked. So, when I checked in for my OB appt, and the doctor was at the hospital in delivery, I would go back to work and the OB's office would call me when the OB was back! And that happened a few times.......

If you are unhappy with ANY doctor, you should find another. It is very hard to be comfortable with someone who you are upset with and that could interfer with your ability to ask questions or follow directions......Best wishes.....

2007-06-22 09:06:19 · answer #1 · answered by Lissacal 7 · 0 0

Ohhhh, I COMPLETELY understand your situation. I have been having the same sort of problem with my current doctor. I feel my visits are very impersonal, and that he's really not taking the time to make me feel comfortable and happy with this pregnancy. I'm also particularly worried that when the time comes for me to have the baby, he won't be patient enough and I'll end up with a C-section. I really want to give birth naturally, as drug-free as possible. BTW, I'm also 24 years old and pregnant with my first (due October 23, 2007).

Anway, so I decided to "shop around" for doctors; it's been a little more difficult for me because I'm already 21-22 weeks pregnant, but you shouldn't have any problems, since 14 weeks is still fairly early. As long as you have your medical records in order, you should have no problem at all. But really, if you don't feel comfortable, try seeing other doctors and feel them out. Maybe you'll find your ideal one.

2007-06-21 10:40:53 · answer #2 · answered by FunnyValentine 2 · 0 0

First of all, having a baby is a joint experience with you, your hubby and your doctor. I'm sorry, but if you are already having problems at 14 weeks, what are they going to be like when you are having a problem? or a concern?
The contractions should have been something they discussed with you, not something they used as an excuse to not spend time with you doing your very first ultrasound.
I spent an hour with my ultrasound technician. You should call up the office, ask to speak to the practice manager and in a very clear, concise, non-emotional way, let them know that you are completely dissatisfied with your treatment. You would like to have a new ultrasound, free of charge, or you are taking your business elsewhere.
(before you make this phone call, please research where your insurance is accepted, and make another appointment somewhere else, check them out. )
Can I recommend a midwife. Nobody will take better care of you than a one on one midwife. You should use this forum to find one in your area... (I can help you if you are in NE/SE Pa or N/NJ.
You need to trust, like and be comfortable with your doctor. That way if something goes haywire, you know where your advice is coming from.
Good luck, I hope you find someone who understands this time is about you, your baby (and I guess your hubby too) and not about what their day looks like.

2007-06-21 10:23:52 · answer #3 · answered by Katie C 6 · 0 0

Were you happy with the doctors performance? If you feel comfortable, tell him how unhappy you are with the performance of the staff. If the office is part of a corporation, say a hospital owned clinic, report you experience to them. Don't let the staff or the doctor play on your sympathies. Unless they are the only OB/GYN clinic within a hundred mile radius, there is absolutely no acceptable reason they should be so busy as to forget how to be prompt, careful, and compassionate.

2007-06-21 10:28:54 · answer #4 · answered by jat_terbox1 2 · 0 0

Yes and Yes go to a different doctor, for the sake of you and the baby, this is YOUR pregnancy not a : i want a pay check theres your U/S have a nice day. Check online or even go to a welfare office they usually have lists of doctors in your area. Congrats and good luck

2007-06-21 10:17:08 · answer #5 · answered by squuishee 3 · 2 0

if you are going to change doctors you need to do it soon. i usually wait about 45 min to an hour to see the doctor and my doctor take time to ask you EVERY THING and ask if you have any questions. i know how it is to be pregnant with your first child. i am due 12-12 with #3. if you aren't happy or feel uncomfortable find a new doctor.

2007-06-21 10:18:05 · answer #6 · answered by dixiedarlin 3 · 2 0

in my view, i think of the quantity of education, rigidity, and accountability which you get for transforming into a doctor isn't properly worth it in any respect. all human beings relies upon on you, all human beings desires you, its all as much as you. Its annoying! Are docs happy with their occupation? id say maximum are, they probable do it because of the fact they like helping human beings out. in the event that they weren't they might have found out it for the period of their 8+ years of med college and drop out. Plus, their annual earnings is a extensive earnings of turning right into a doctor. So confident, docs are happy with their occupation. might I do it myself? No

2016-10-18 07:08:35 · answer #7 · answered by aubrette 4 · 0 0

I say get another doctor. If you are unsatisfied you definitely need to find another one. You want someone you can feel comfortable with and not feel like your just another patient.

2007-06-21 10:18:07 · answer #8 · answered by MP04 2 · 1 0

get a new dr if you are not satisfied, you are still very early into this pregnancy and you haveplenty of time to find a dr you are comfortable with.

oh, and the contractions are normal, when your uterus gets bigger you will feel them all the time!

2007-06-21 10:16:17 · answer #9 · answered by parental unit 7 · 2 0

I would find a different doctor, if your not satisfied. I never experienced what you just explained.

2007-06-21 10:16:56 · answer #10 · answered by JUICY 6 · 2 0

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